blob: 1a30487d5996b533862f0284ffbf6db2ed84ca22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// This restricted SkJumper backend works on 8-bit per channel pixels stored in
// 16-bit channels. This is a last attempt to write a performant low-precision
// backend with stage definitions that can be shared by x86 and ARM.
#include "SkJumper.h"
#include "SkJumper_misc.h"
#if defined(__clang__) // This file is empty when not compiled by Clang.
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#if defined(__arm__)
#define ABI __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp")))
#define ABI
#elif defined(__SSE2__)
#include <immintrin.h>
#define ABI
#include <math.h>
#define ABI
#if !defined(JUMPER_IS_OFFLINE)
#define WRAP(name) sk_##name##_lowp
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
#define WRAP(name) sk_##name##_hsw_lowp
#elif defined(__SSE4_1__)
#define WRAP(name) sk_##name##_sse41_lowp
#elif defined(__SSE2__)
#define WRAP(name) sk_##name##_sse2_lowp
#if defined(__AVX2__)
using U8 = uint8_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using U16 = uint16_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using I16 = int16_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using I32 = int32_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using U32 = uint32_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using F = float __attribute__((ext_vector_type(16)));
using U8 = uint8_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
using U16 = uint16_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
using I16 = int16_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
using I32 = int32_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
using U32 = uint32_t __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
using F = float __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
static const size_t N = sizeof(U16) / sizeof(uint16_t);
// We pass program as the second argument so that load_and_inc() will find it in %rsi on x86-64.
using Stage = void (ABI*)(size_t tail, void** program, size_t dx, size_t dy,
U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a,
U16 dr, U16 dg, U16 db, U16 da);
ABI extern "C" void WRAP(start_pipeline)(const size_t x0,
const size_t y0,
const size_t xlimit,
const size_t ylimit,
void** program) {
auto start = (Stage)load_and_inc(program);
for (size_t dy = y0; dy < ylimit; dy++) {
size_t dx = x0;
for (; dx + N <= xlimit; dx += N) {
start( 0,program,dx,dy, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
if (size_t tail = xlimit - dx) {
start(tail,program,dx,dy, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
ABI extern "C" void WRAP(just_return)(size_t,void**,size_t,size_t,
U16,U16,U16,U16, U16,U16,U16,U16) {}
// All stages use the same function call ABI to chain into each other, but there are three types:
// GG: geometry in, geometry out -- think, a matrix
// GP: geometry in, pixels out. -- think, a memory gather
// PP: pixels in, pixels out. -- think, a blend mode
// (Some stages ignore their inputs or produce no logical output. That's perfectly fine.)
// These three STAGE_ macros let you define each type of stage,
// and will have (x,y) geometry and/or (r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da) pixel arguments as appropriate.
#define STAGE_GG(name, ...) \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, F& x, F& y); \
ABI extern "C" void WRAP(name)(size_t tail, void** program, size_t dx, size_t dy, \
U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a, \
U16 dr, U16 dg, U16 db, U16 da) { \
auto x = join<F>(r,g), \
y = join<F>(b,a); \
name##_k(Ctx{program}, dx,dy,tail, x,y); \
split(x, &r,&g); \
split(y, &b,&a); \
auto next = (Stage)load_and_inc(program); \
next(tail,program,dx,dy, r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da); \
} \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, F& x, F& y)
#define STAGE_GP(name, ...) \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, F x, F y, \
U16& r, U16& g, U16& b, U16& a, \
U16& dr, U16& dg, U16& db, U16& da); \
ABI extern "C" void WRAP(name)(size_t tail, void** program, size_t dx, size_t dy, \
U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a, \
U16 dr, U16 dg, U16 db, U16 da) { \
auto x = join<F>(r,g), \
y = join<F>(b,a); \
name##_k(Ctx{program}, dx,dy,tail, x,y, r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da); \
auto next = (Stage)load_and_inc(program); \
next(tail,program,dx,dy, r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da); \
} \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, F x, F y, \
U16& r, U16& g, U16& b, U16& a, \
U16& dr, U16& dg, U16& db, U16& da)
#define STAGE_PP(name, ...) \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, \
U16& r, U16& g, U16& b, U16& a, \
U16& dr, U16& dg, U16& db, U16& da); \
ABI extern "C" void WRAP(name)(size_t tail, void** program, size_t dx, size_t dy, \
U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a, \
U16 dr, U16 dg, U16 db, U16 da) { \
name##_k(Ctx{program}, dx,dy,tail, r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da); \
auto next = (Stage)load_and_inc(program); \
next(tail,program,dx,dy, r,g,b,a, dr,dg,db,da); \
} \
SI void name##_k(__VA_ARGS__, size_t dx, size_t dy, size_t tail, \
U16& r, U16& g, U16& b, U16& a, \
U16& dr, U16& dg, U16& db, U16& da)
// ~~~~~~ Commonly used helper functions ~~~~~~ //
SI U16 div255(U16 v) {
#if 0
return (v+127)/255; // The ideal rounding divide by 255.
return (v+255)/256; // A good approximation of (v+127)/255.
SI U16 inv(U16 v) { return 255-v; }
SI U16 if_then_else(I16 c, U16 t, U16 e) { return (t & c) | (e & ~c); }
SI U32 if_then_else(I32 c, U32 t, U32 e) { return (t & c) | (e & ~c); }
SI U16 max(U16 x, U16 y) { return if_then_else(x < y, y, x); }
SI U16 min(U16 x, U16 y) { return if_then_else(x < y, x, y); }
SI U16 max(U16 x, U16 y, U16 z) { return max(x, max(y, z)); }
SI U16 min(U16 x, U16 y, U16 z) { return min(x, min(y, z)); }
SI U16 from_float(float f) { return f * 255.0f + 0.5f; }
SI U16 lerp(U16 from, U16 to, U16 t) { return div255( from*inv(t) + to*t ); }
template <typename D, typename S>
SI D cast(S src) {
return __builtin_convertvector(src, D);
template <typename D, typename S>
SI void split(S v, D* lo, D* hi) {
static_assert(2*sizeof(D) == sizeof(S), "");
memcpy(lo, (const char*)&v + 0*sizeof(D), sizeof(D));
memcpy(hi, (const char*)&v + 1*sizeof(D), sizeof(D));
template <typename D, typename S>
SI D join(S lo, S hi) {
static_assert(sizeof(D) == 2*sizeof(S), "");
D v;
memcpy((char*)&v + 0*sizeof(S), &lo, sizeof(S));
memcpy((char*)&v + 1*sizeof(S), &hi, sizeof(S));
return v;
template <typename V, typename H>
SI V map(V v, H (*fn)(H)) {
H lo,hi;
split(v, &lo,&hi);
lo = fn(lo);
hi = fn(hi);
return join<V>(lo,hi);
// TODO: do we need platform-specific intrinsics for any of these?
SI F if_then_else(I32 c, F t, F e) {
return bit_cast<F>( (bit_cast<I32>(t) & c) | (bit_cast<I32>(e) & ~c) );
SI F max(F x, F y) { return if_then_else(x < y, y, x); }
SI F min(F x, F y) { return if_then_else(x < y, x, y); }
SI F mad(F f, F m, F a) { return f*m+a; }
SI U32 trunc_(F x) { return (U32)cast<I32>(x); }
SI F rcp(F x) {
#if defined(__AVX2__)
return map(x, _mm256_rcp_ps);
#elif defined(__SSE__)
return map(x, _mm_rcp_ps);
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
return map(x, +[](float32x4_t v) {
auto est = vrecpeq_f32(v);
return vrecpsq_f32(v,est)*est;
return 1.0f / x;
SI F sqrt_(F x) {
#if defined(__AVX2__)
return map(x, _mm256_sqrt_ps);
#elif defined(__SSE__)
return map(x, _mm_sqrt_ps);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
return map(x, vsqrtq_f32);
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
return map(x, +[](float32x4_t v) {
auto est = vrsqrteq_f32(v); // Estimate and two refinement steps for est = rsqrt(v).
est *= vrsqrtsq_f32(v,est*est);
est *= vrsqrtsq_f32(v,est*est);
return v*est; // sqrt(v) == v*rsqrt(v).
return F{
sqrtf(x[0]), sqrtf(x[1]), sqrtf(x[2]), sqrtf(x[3]),
sqrtf(x[4]), sqrtf(x[5]), sqrtf(x[6]), sqrtf(x[7]),
SI F floor_(F x) {
#if defined(__aarch64__)
return map(x, vrndmq_f32);
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
return map(x, +[](__m256 v){ return _mm256_floor_ps(v); }); // _mm256_floor_ps is a macro...
#elif defined(__SSE4_1__)
return map(x, +[](__m128 v){ return _mm_floor_ps(v); }); // _mm_floor_ps() is a macro too.
F roundtrip = cast<F>(cast<I32>(x));
return roundtrip - if_then_else(roundtrip > x, F(1), F(0));
SI F abs_(F x) { return bit_cast<F>( bit_cast<I32>(x) & 0x7fffffff ); }
// ~~~~~~ Basic / misc. stages ~~~~~~ //
STAGE_GG(seed_shader, const float* iota) {
x = cast<F>(I32(dx)) + unaligned_load<F>(iota);
y = cast<F>(I32(dy)) + 0.5f;
STAGE_GG(matrix_translate, const float* m) {
x += m[0];
y += m[1];
STAGE_GG(matrix_scale_translate, const float* m) {
x = mad(x,m[0], m[2]);
y = mad(y,m[1], m[3]);
STAGE_GG(matrix_2x3, const float* m) {
auto X = mad(x,m[0], mad(y,m[2], m[4])),
Y = mad(x,m[1], mad(y,m[3], m[5]));
x = X;
y = Y;
STAGE_GG(matrix_perspective, const float* m) {
// N.B. Unlike the other matrix_ stages, this matrix is row-major.
auto X = mad(x,m[0], mad(y,m[1], m[2])),
Y = mad(x,m[3], mad(y,m[4], m[5])),
Z = mad(x,m[6], mad(y,m[7], m[8]));
x = X * rcp(Z);
y = Y * rcp(Z);
STAGE_PP(uniform_color, const SkJumper_UniformColorCtx* c) {
r = c->rgba[0];
g = c->rgba[1];
b = c->rgba[2];
a = c->rgba[3];
STAGE_PP(black_color, Ctx::None) { r = g = b = 0; a = 255; }
STAGE_PP(white_color, Ctx::None) { r = g = b = 255; a = 255; }
STAGE_PP(set_rgb, const float rgb[3]) {
r = from_float(rgb[0]);
g = from_float(rgb[1]);
b = from_float(rgb[2]);
STAGE_PP(clamp_a, Ctx::None) {
r = min(r, a);
g = min(g, a);
b = min(b, a);
STAGE_PP(clamp_a_dst, Ctx::None) {
dr = min(dr, da);
dg = min(dg, da);
db = min(db, da);
STAGE_PP(premul, Ctx::None) {
r = div255(r * a);
g = div255(g * a);
b = div255(b * a);
STAGE_PP(premul_dst, Ctx::None) {
dr = div255(dr * da);
dg = div255(dg * da);
db = div255(db * da);
STAGE_PP(swap_rb, Ctx::None) {
auto tmp = r;
r = b;
b = tmp;
STAGE_PP(move_src_dst, Ctx::None) {
dr = r;
dg = g;
db = b;
da = a;
STAGE_PP(move_dst_src, Ctx::None) {
r = dr;
g = dg;
b = db;
a = da;
STAGE_PP(invert, Ctx::None) {
r = inv(r);
g = inv(g);
b = inv(b);
a = inv(a);
// ~~~~~~ Blend modes ~~~~~~ //
// The same logic applied to all 4 channels.
#define BLEND_MODE(name) \
SI U16 name##_channel(U16 s, U16 d, U16 sa, U16 da); \
STAGE_PP(name, Ctx::None) { \
r = name##_channel(r,dr,a,da); \
g = name##_channel(g,dg,a,da); \
b = name##_channel(b,db,a,da); \
a = name##_channel(a,da,a,da); \
} \
SI U16 name##_channel(U16 s, U16 d, U16 sa, U16 da)
BLEND_MODE(clear) { return 0; }
BLEND_MODE(srcatop) { return div255( s*da + d*inv(sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(dstatop) { return div255( d*sa + s*inv(da) ); }
BLEND_MODE(srcin) { return div255( s*da ); }
BLEND_MODE(dstin) { return div255( d*sa ); }
BLEND_MODE(srcout) { return div255( s*inv(da) ); }
BLEND_MODE(dstout) { return div255( d*inv(sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(srcover) { return s + div255( d*inv(sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(dstover) { return d + div255( s*inv(da) ); }
BLEND_MODE(modulate) { return div255( s*d ); }
BLEND_MODE(multiply) { return div255( s*inv(da) + d*inv(sa) + s*d ); }
BLEND_MODE(plus_) { return min(s+d, 255); }
BLEND_MODE(screen) { return s + d - div255( s*d ); }
BLEND_MODE(xor_) { return div255( s*inv(da) + d*inv(sa) ); }
// The same logic applied to color, and srcover for alpha.
#define BLEND_MODE(name) \
SI U16 name##_channel(U16 s, U16 d, U16 sa, U16 da); \
STAGE_PP(name, Ctx::None) { \
r = name##_channel(r,dr,a,da); \
g = name##_channel(g,dg,a,da); \
b = name##_channel(b,db,a,da); \
a = a + div255( da*inv(a) ); \
} \
SI U16 name##_channel(U16 s, U16 d, U16 sa, U16 da)
BLEND_MODE(darken) { return s + d - div255( max(s*da, d*sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(lighten) { return s + d - div255( min(s*da, d*sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(difference) { return s + d - 2*div255( min(s*da, d*sa) ); }
BLEND_MODE(exclusion) { return s + d - 2*div255( s*d ); }
BLEND_MODE(hardlight) {
return div255( s*inv(da) + d*inv(sa) +
if_then_else(2*s <= sa, 2*s*d, sa*da - 2*(sa-s)*(da-d)) );
BLEND_MODE(overlay) {
return div255( s*inv(da) + d*inv(sa) +
if_then_else(2*d <= da, 2*s*d, sa*da - 2*(sa-s)*(da-d)) );
// ~~~~~~ Helpers for interacting with memory ~~~~~~ //
template <typename T>
SI T* ptr_at_xy(const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx, size_t dx, size_t dy) {
return (T*)ctx->pixels + dy*ctx->stride + dx;
template <typename T>
SI U32 ix_and_ptr(T** ptr, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx, F x, F y) {
auto clamp = [](F v, F limit) {
limit = bit_cast<F>( bit_cast<U32>(limit) - 1 ); // Exclusive -> inclusive.
return min(max(0, v), limit);
x = clamp(x, ctx->width);
y = clamp(y, ctx->height);
*ptr = (const T*)ctx->pixels;
return trunc_(y)*ctx->stride + trunc_(x);
template <typename V, typename T>
SI V load(const T* ptr, size_t tail) {
V v = 0;
switch (tail & (N-1)) {
case 0: memcpy(&v, ptr, sizeof(v)); break;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
case 15: v[14] = ptr[14];
case 14: v[13] = ptr[13];
case 13: v[12] = ptr[12];
case 12: memcpy(&v, ptr, 12*sizeof(T)); break;
case 11: v[10] = ptr[10];
case 10: v[ 9] = ptr[ 9];
case 9: v[ 8] = ptr[ 8];
case 8: memcpy(&v, ptr, 8*sizeof(T)); break;
case 7: v[ 6] = ptr[ 6];
case 6: v[ 5] = ptr[ 5];
case 5: v[ 4] = ptr[ 4];
case 4: memcpy(&v, ptr, 4*sizeof(T)); break;
case 3: v[ 2] = ptr[ 2];
case 2: memcpy(&v, ptr, 2*sizeof(T)); break;
case 1: v[ 0] = ptr[ 0];
return v;
template <typename V, typename T>
SI void store(T* ptr, size_t tail, V v) {
switch (tail & (N-1)) {
case 0: memcpy(ptr, &v, sizeof(v)); break;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
case 15: ptr[14] = v[14];
case 14: ptr[13] = v[13];
case 13: ptr[12] = v[12];
case 12: memcpy(ptr, &v, 12*sizeof(T)); break;
case 11: ptr[10] = v[10];
case 10: ptr[ 9] = v[ 9];
case 9: ptr[ 8] = v[ 8];
case 8: memcpy(ptr, &v, 8*sizeof(T)); break;
case 7: ptr[ 6] = v[ 6];
case 6: ptr[ 5] = v[ 5];
case 5: ptr[ 4] = v[ 4];
case 4: memcpy(ptr, &v, 4*sizeof(T)); break;
case 3: ptr[ 2] = v[ 2];
case 2: memcpy(ptr, &v, 2*sizeof(T)); break;
case 1: ptr[ 0] = v[ 0];
#if defined(__AVX2__)
template <typename V, typename T>
SI V gather(const T* ptr, U32 ix) {
return V{ ptr[ix[ 0]], ptr[ix[ 1]], ptr[ix[ 2]], ptr[ix[ 3]],
ptr[ix[ 4]], ptr[ix[ 5]], ptr[ix[ 6]], ptr[ix[ 7]],
ptr[ix[ 8]], ptr[ix[ 9]], ptr[ix[10]], ptr[ix[11]],
ptr[ix[12]], ptr[ix[13]], ptr[ix[14]], ptr[ix[15]], };
F gather(const float* p, U32 ix) {
__m256i lo, hi;
split(ix, &lo, &hi);
return join<F>(_mm256_i32gather_ps(p, lo, 4),
_mm256_i32gather_ps(p, hi, 4));
U32 gather(const uint32_t* p, U32 ix) {
__m256i lo, hi;
split(ix, &lo, &hi);
return join<U32>(_mm256_i32gather_epi32(p, lo, 4),
_mm256_i32gather_epi32(p, hi, 4));
template <typename V, typename T>
SI V gather(const T* ptr, U32 ix) {
return V{ ptr[ix[ 0]], ptr[ix[ 1]], ptr[ix[ 2]], ptr[ix[ 3]],
ptr[ix[ 4]], ptr[ix[ 5]], ptr[ix[ 6]], ptr[ix[ 7]], };
// ~~~~~~ 32-bit memory loads and stores ~~~~~~ //
SI void from_8888(U32 rgba, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b, U16* a) {
#if 1 && defined(__AVX2__)
// Swap the middle 128-bit lanes to make _mm256_packus_epi32() in cast_U16() work out nicely.
__m256i _01,_23;
split(rgba, &_01, &_23);
__m256i _02 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(_01,_23, 0x20),
_13 = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(_01,_23, 0x31);
rgba = join<U32>(_02, _13);
auto cast_U16 = [](U32 v) -> U16 {
__m256i _02,_13;
split(v, &_02,&_13);
return _mm256_packus_epi32(_02,_13);
auto cast_U16 = [](U32 v) -> U16 {
return cast<U16>(v);
*r = cast_U16(rgba & 65535) & 255;
*g = cast_U16(rgba & 65535) >> 8;
*b = cast_U16(rgba >> 16) & 255;
*a = cast_U16(rgba >> 16) >> 8;
SI void load_8888(const uint32_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b, U16* a) {
#if 1 && defined(__ARM_NEON)
uint8x8x4_t rgba;
switch (tail & (N-1)) {
case 0: rgba = vld4_u8 ((const uint8_t*)(ptr+0) ); break;
case 7: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+6), rgba, 6);
case 6: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+5), rgba, 5);
case 5: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+4), rgba, 4);
case 4: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+3), rgba, 3);
case 3: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+2), rgba, 2);
case 2: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+1), rgba, 1);
case 1: rgba = vld4_lane_u8((const uint8_t*)(ptr+0), rgba, 0);
*r = cast<U16>(rgba.val[0]);
*g = cast<U16>(rgba.val[1]);
*b = cast<U16>(rgba.val[2]);
*a = cast<U16>(rgba.val[3]);
from_8888(load<U32>(ptr, tail), r,g,b,a);
SI void store_8888(uint32_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a) {
#if 1 && defined(__ARM_NEON)
uint8x8x4_t rgba = {{
switch (tail & (N-1)) {
case 0: vst4_u8 ((uint8_t*)(ptr+0), rgba ); break;
case 7: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+6), rgba, 6);
case 6: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+5), rgba, 5);
case 5: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+4), rgba, 4);
case 4: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+3), rgba, 3);
case 3: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+2), rgba, 2);
case 2: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+1), rgba, 1);
case 1: vst4_lane_u8((uint8_t*)(ptr+0), rgba, 0);
store(ptr, tail, cast<U32>(r | (g<<8)) << 0
| cast<U32>(b | (a<<8)) << 16);
STAGE_PP(load_8888, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_8888(ptr_at_xy<const uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &r,&g,&b,&a);
STAGE_PP(load_8888_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_8888(ptr_at_xy<const uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &dr,&dg,&db,&da);
STAGE_PP(store_8888, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
store_8888(ptr_at_xy<uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, r,g,b,a);
STAGE_PP(load_bgra, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_8888(ptr_at_xy<const uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &b,&g,&r,&a);
STAGE_PP(load_bgra_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_8888(ptr_at_xy<const uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &db,&dg,&dr,&da);
STAGE_PP(store_bgra, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
store_8888(ptr_at_xy<uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, b,g,r,a);
STAGE_GP(gather_8888, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint32_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
from_8888(gather<U32>(ptr, ix), &r, &g, &b, &a);
STAGE_GP(gather_bgra, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint32_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
from_8888(gather<U32>(ptr, ix), &b, &g, &r, &a);
// ~~~~~~ 16-bit memory loads and stores ~~~~~~ //
SI void from_565(U16 rgb, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b) {
// Format for 565 buffers: 15|rrrrr gggggg bbbbb|0
U16 R = (rgb >> 11) & 31,
G = (rgb >> 5) & 63,
B = (rgb >> 0) & 31;
// These bit replications are the same as multiplying by 255/31 or 255/63 to scale to 8-bit.
*r = (R << 3) | (R >> 2);
*g = (G << 2) | (G >> 4);
*b = (B << 3) | (B >> 2);
SI void load_565(const uint16_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b) {
from_565(load<U16>(ptr, tail), r,g,b);
SI void store_565(uint16_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16 r, U16 g, U16 b) {
// Select the top 5,6,5 bits.
U16 R = r >> 3,
G = g >> 2,
B = b >> 3;
// Pack them back into 15|rrrrr gggggg bbbbb|0.
store(ptr, tail, R << 11
| G << 5
| B << 0);
STAGE_PP(load_565, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_565(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &r,&g,&b);
a = 255;
STAGE_PP(load_565_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_565(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &dr,&dg,&db);
da = 255;
STAGE_PP(store_565, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
store_565(ptr_at_xy<uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, r,g,b);
STAGE_GP(gather_565, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint16_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
from_565(gather<U16>(ptr, ix), &r, &g, &b);
a = 255;
SI void from_4444(U16 rgba, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b, U16* a) {
// Format for 4444 buffers: 15|rrrr gggg bbbb aaaa|0.
U16 R = (rgba >> 12) & 15,
G = (rgba >> 8) & 15,
B = (rgba >> 4) & 15,
A = (rgba >> 0) & 15;
// Scale [0,15] to [0,255].
*r = (R << 4) | R;
*g = (G << 4) | G;
*b = (B << 4) | B;
*a = (A << 4) | A;
SI void load_4444(const uint16_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16* r, U16* g, U16* b, U16* a) {
from_4444(load<U16>(ptr, tail), r,g,b,a);
SI void store_4444(uint16_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16 r, U16 g, U16 b, U16 a) {
// Select the top 4 bits of each.
U16 R = r >> 4,
G = g >> 4,
B = b >> 4,
A = a >> 4;
// Pack them back into 15|rrrr gggg bbbb aaaa|0.
store(ptr, tail, R << 12
| G << 8
| B << 4
| A << 0);
STAGE_PP(load_4444, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_4444(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &r,&g,&b,&a);
STAGE_PP(load_4444_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
load_4444(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &dr,&dg,&db,&da);
STAGE_PP(store_4444, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
store_4444(ptr_at_xy<uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, r,g,b,a);
STAGE_GP(gather_4444, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint16_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
from_4444(gather<U16>(ptr, ix), &r,&g,&b,&a);
// ~~~~~~ 8-bit memory loads and stores ~~~~~~ //
SI U16 load_8(const uint8_t* ptr, size_t tail) {
return cast<U16>(load<U8>(ptr, tail));
SI void store_8(uint8_t* ptr, size_t tail, U16 v) {
store(ptr, tail, cast<U8>(v));
STAGE_PP(load_a8, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
r = g = b = 0;
a = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
STAGE_PP(load_a8_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
dr = dg = db = 0;
da = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
STAGE_PP(store_a8, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
store_8(ptr_at_xy<uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, a);
STAGE_GP(gather_a8, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint8_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
r = g = b = 0;
a = cast<U16>(gather<U8>(ptr, ix));
STAGE_PP(load_g8, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
r = g = b = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
a = 255;
STAGE_PP(load_g8_dst, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
dr = dg = db = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
da = 255;
STAGE_PP(luminance_to_alpha, Ctx::None) {
a = (r*54 + g*183 + b*19)/256; // 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722 with 256 denominator.
r = g = b = 0;
STAGE_GP(gather_g8, const SkJumper_GatherCtx* ctx) {
const uint8_t* ptr;
U32 ix = ix_and_ptr(&ptr, ctx, x,y);
r = g = b = cast<U16>(gather<U8>(ptr, ix));
a = 255;
// ~~~~~~ Coverage scales / lerps ~~~~~~ //
STAGE_PP(scale_1_float, const float* f) {
U16 c = from_float(*f);
r = div255( r * c );
g = div255( g * c );
b = div255( b * c );
a = div255( a * c );
STAGE_PP(lerp_1_float, const float* f) {
U16 c = from_float(*f);
r = lerp(dr, r, c);
g = lerp(dg, g, c);
b = lerp(db, b, c);
a = lerp(da, a, c);
STAGE_PP(scale_u8, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
U16 c = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
r = div255( r * c );
g = div255( g * c );
b = div255( b * c );
a = div255( a * c );
STAGE_PP(lerp_u8, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
U16 c = load_8(ptr_at_xy<const uint8_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail);
r = lerp(dr, r, c);
g = lerp(dg, g, c);
b = lerp(db, b, c);
a = lerp(da, a, c);
// Derive alpha's coverage from rgb coverage and the values of src and dst alpha.
SI U16 alpha_coverage_from_rgb_coverage(U16 a, U16 da, U16 cr, U16 cg, U16 cb) {
return if_then_else(a < da, min(cr,cg,cb)
, max(cr,cg,cb));
STAGE_PP(scale_565, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
U16 cr,cg,cb;
load_565(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &cr,&cg,&cb);
U16 ca = alpha_coverage_from_rgb_coverage(a,da, cr,cg,cb);
r = div255( r * cr );
g = div255( g * cg );
b = div255( b * cb );
a = div255( a * ca );
STAGE_PP(lerp_565, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
U16 cr,cg,cb;
load_565(ptr_at_xy<const uint16_t>(ctx, dx,dy), tail, &cr,&cg,&cb);
U16 ca = alpha_coverage_from_rgb_coverage(a,da, cr,cg,cb);
r = lerp(dr, r, cr);
g = lerp(dg, g, cg);
b = lerp(db, b, cb);
a = lerp(da, a, ca);
// ~~~~~~ Gradient stages ~~~~~~ //
// Clamp x to [0,1], both sides inclusive (think, gradients).
// Even repeat and mirror funnel through a clamp to handle bad inputs like +Inf, NaN.
SI F clamp_01(F v) { return min(max(0, v), 1); }
STAGE_GG(clamp_x_1 , Ctx::None) { x = clamp_01(x); }
STAGE_GG(repeat_x_1, Ctx::None) { x = clamp_01(x - floor_(x)); }
STAGE_GG(mirror_x_1, Ctx::None) {
auto two = [](F x){ return x+x; };
x = clamp_01(abs_( (x-1.0f) - two(floor_((x-1.0f)*0.5f)) - 1.0f ));
SI U16 round_F_to_U16(F x) { return cast<U16>(x * 255.0f + 0.5f); }
SI void gradient_lookup(const SkJumper_GradientCtx* c, U32 idx, F t,
U16* r, U16* g, U16* b, U16* a) {
F fr, fg, fb, fa, br, bg, bb, ba;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
if (c->stopCount <=8) {
__m256i lo, hi;
split(idx, &lo, &hi);
fr = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[0]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[0]), hi));
br = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[0]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[0]), hi));
fg = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[1]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[1]), hi));
bg = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[1]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[1]), hi));
fb = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[2]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[2]), hi));
bb = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[2]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[2]), hi));
fa = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[3]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->fs[3]), hi));
ba = join<F>(_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[3]), lo),
_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(_mm256_loadu_ps(c->bs[3]), hi));
} else
fr = gather<F>(c->fs[0], idx);
fg = gather<F>(c->fs[1], idx);
fb = gather<F>(c->fs[2], idx);
fa = gather<F>(c->fs[3], idx);
br = gather<F>(c->bs[0], idx);
bg = gather<F>(c->bs[1], idx);
bb = gather<F>(c->bs[2], idx);
ba = gather<F>(c->bs[3], idx);
*r = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, fr, br));
*g = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, fg, bg));
*b = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, fb, bb));
*a = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, fa, ba));
STAGE_GP(gradient, const SkJumper_GradientCtx* c) {
auto t = x;
U32 idx = 0;
// N.B. The loop starts at 1 because idx 0 is the color to use before the first stop.
for (size_t i = 1; i < c->stopCount; i++) {
idx += if_then_else(t >= c->ts[i], U32(1), U32(0));
gradient_lookup(c, idx, t, &r, &g, &b, &a);
STAGE_GP(evenly_spaced_gradient, const SkJumper_GradientCtx* c) {
auto t = x;
auto idx = trunc_(t * (c->stopCount-1));
gradient_lookup(c, idx, t, &r, &g, &b, &a);
STAGE_GP(evenly_spaced_2_stop_gradient, const void* ctx) {
// TODO: Rename Ctx SkJumper_EvenlySpaced2StopGradientCtx.
struct Ctx { float f[4], b[4]; };
auto c = (const Ctx*)ctx;
auto t = x;
r = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, c->f[0], c->b[0]));
g = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, c->f[1], c->b[1]));
b = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, c->f[2], c->b[2]));
a = round_F_to_U16(mad(t, c->f[3], c->b[3]));
STAGE_GG(xy_to_unit_angle, Ctx::None) {
F xabs = abs_(x),
yabs = abs_(y);
F slope = min(xabs, yabs)/max(xabs, yabs);
F s = slope * slope;
// Use a 7th degree polynomial to approximate atan.
// This was generated using
// A float optimized polynomial was generated using the following command.
// P1 = fpminimax((1/(2*Pi))*atan(x),[|1,3,5,7|],[|24...|],[2^(-40),1],relative);
F phi = slope
* (0.15912117063999176025390625f + s
* (-5.185396969318389892578125e-2f + s
* (2.476101927459239959716796875e-2f + s
* (-7.0547382347285747528076171875e-3f))));
phi = if_then_else(xabs < yabs, 1.0f/4.0f - phi, phi);
phi = if_then_else(x < 0.0f , 1.0f/2.0f - phi, phi);
phi = if_then_else(y < 0.0f , 1.0f - phi , phi);
phi = if_then_else(phi != phi , 0 , phi); // Check for NaN.
x = phi;
STAGE_GG(xy_to_radius, Ctx::None) {
x = sqrt_(x*x + y*y);
// ~~~~~~ Compound stages ~~~~~~ //
STAGE_PP(srcover_rgba_8888, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
auto ptr = ptr_at_xy<uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy);
load_8888(ptr, tail, &dr,&dg,&db,&da);
r = r + div255( dr*inv(a) );
g = g + div255( dg*inv(a) );
b = b + div255( db*inv(a) );
a = a + div255( da*inv(a) );
store_8888(ptr, tail, r,g,b,a);
STAGE_PP(srcover_bgra_8888, const SkJumper_MemoryCtx* ctx) {
auto ptr = ptr_at_xy<uint32_t>(ctx, dx,dy);
load_8888(ptr, tail, &db,&dg,&dr,&da);
r = r + div255( dr*inv(a) );
g = g + div255( dg*inv(a) );
b = b + div255( db*inv(a) );
a = a + div255( da*inv(a) );
store_8888(ptr, tail, b,g,r,a);