Remove GrProgramDesc::KeyHeader structure

Instead, just fold all of this information into the key, like everything
else. The only value that was accessed elsewhere is the initial key
length. That doesn't need to be part of the key, so store it separately
in the GrProgramDesc.

Removing this special case logic is just the first step in revising how
we assemble keys.

Bug: skia:11372
Change-Id: I52eb76812045e1906797cb37e809cfd0b3332ef0
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
diff --git a/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.cpp b/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.cpp
index c8b266f..ebb3a7f 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.cpp
@@ -175,11 +175,7 @@
     // bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
     // to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.
-    static_assert(0 == kProcessorKeysOffset % sizeof(uint32_t));
-    // Make room for everything up to the effect keys.
-    desc->key().push_back_n(kProcessorKeysOffset);
     GrProcessorKeyBuilder b(&desc->key());
     const GrPrimitiveProcessor& primitiveProcessor = programInfo.primProc();
@@ -223,36 +219,29 @@
-    // --------DO NOT MOVE HEADER ABOVE THIS LINE--------------------------------------------------
-    // Because header is a pointer into the dynamic array, we can't push any new data into the key
-    // below here.
-    KeyHeader* header = desc->atOffset<KeyHeader, kHeaderOffset>();
-    // make sure any padding in the header is zeroed.
-    memset(header, 0, kHeaderSize);
-    header->fWriteSwizzle = pipeline.writeSwizzle().asKey();
-    header->fColorFragmentProcessorCnt = numColorFPs;
-    header->fCoverageFragmentProcessorCnt = numCoverageFPs;
-    SkASSERT(header->fColorFragmentProcessorCnt == numColorFPs);
-    SkASSERT(header->fCoverageFragmentProcessorCnt == numCoverageFPs);
+    // Add "header" metadata
+    uint32_t header = 0;
+    SkDEBUGCODE(uint32_t header_bits = 0);
+    auto add_bits = [&](uint32_t nbits, uint32_t val) {
+        SkASSERT(val < (1 << nbits));
+        SkASSERT((header_bits += nbits) <= 32);
+        header = (header << nbits) | val;
+    };
+    add_bits(16, pipeline.writeSwizzle().asKey());
+    add_bits( 1, numColorFPs);
+    add_bits( 2, numCoverageFPs);
     // If we knew the shader won't depend on origin, we could skip this (and use the same program
     // for both origins). Instrumenting all fragment processors would be difficult and error prone.
-    header->fSurfaceOriginKey =
-                    GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForSurfaceOrigin(programInfo.origin());
-    header->fProcessorFeatures = (uint8_t)programInfo.requestedFeatures();
-    // Ensure enough bits.
-    SkASSERT(header->fProcessorFeatures == (int) programInfo.requestedFeatures());
-    header->fSnapVerticesToPixelCenters = pipeline.snapVerticesToPixelCenters();
+    add_bits( 2, GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForSurfaceOrigin(programInfo.origin()));
+    add_bits( 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(programInfo.requestedFeatures()));
+    add_bits( 1, pipeline.snapVerticesToPixelCenters());
     // The base descriptor only stores whether or not the primitiveType is kPoints. Backend-
     // specific versions (e.g., Vulkan) require more detail
-    header->fHasPointSize = (programInfo.primitiveType() == GrPrimitiveType::kPoints);
+    add_bits( 1, (programInfo.primitiveType() == GrPrimitiveType::kPoints));
-    header->fInitialKeyLength = desc->keyLength();
-    // Fail if the initial key length won't fit in 27 bits.
-    if (header->fInitialKeyLength != desc->keyLength()) {
-        desc->key().reset();
-        return false;
-    }
+    b.add32(header);
+    desc->fInitialKeyLength = desc->keyLength();
     return true;
diff --git a/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.h b/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.h
index 011edfd..4cee0ef 100644
--- a/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.h
+++ b/src/gpu/GrProgramDesc.h
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
         return !(*this == other);
-    uint32_t initialKeyLength() const { return this->header().fInitialKeyLength; }
+    uint32_t initialKeyLength() const { return fInitialKeyLength; }
     friend class GrDawnCaps;
@@ -100,48 +100,11 @@
         return true;
-    // TODO: this should be removed and converted to just data added to the key
-    struct KeyHeader {
-        // Set to uniquely identify any swizzling of the shader's output color(s).
-        uint16_t fWriteSwizzle;
-        uint8_t fColorFragmentProcessorCnt; // Can be packed into 4 bits if required.
-        uint8_t fCoverageFragmentProcessorCnt;
-        // Set to uniquely identify the rt's origin, or 0 if the shader does not require this info.
-        uint32_t fSurfaceOriginKey : 2;
-        uint32_t fProcessorFeatures : 1;
-        uint32_t fSnapVerticesToPixelCenters : 1;
-        uint32_t fHasPointSize : 1;
-        // This is the key size (in bytes) after core key construction. It doesn't include any
-        // portions added by the platform-specific backends.
-        uint32_t fInitialKeyLength : 27;
-    };
-    static_assert(sizeof(KeyHeader) == 8);
-    const KeyHeader& header() const { return *this->atOffset<KeyHeader, kHeaderOffset>(); }
-    template<typename T, size_t OFFSET> T* atOffset() {
-        return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fKey.begin()) + OFFSET);
-    }
-    template<typename T, size_t OFFSET> const T* atOffset() const {
-        return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fKey.begin()) + OFFSET);
-    }
-    // The key, stored in fKey, is composed of two parts:
-    // 1. Header struct defined above.
-    // 2. A Backend specific payload which includes the per-processor keys.
-    enum KeyOffsets {
-        kHeaderOffset = 0,
-        kHeaderSize = SkAlign4(sizeof(KeyHeader)),
-        // This is the offset into the backend-specific part of the key, which includes
-        // per-processor keys.
-        kProcessorKeysOffset = kHeaderOffset + kHeaderSize,
-    };
     enum {
+        kHeaderSize            = 4,    // "header" in ::Build
         kMaxPreallocProcessors = 8,
         kIntsPerProcessor      = 4,    // This is an overestimate of the average effect key size.
-        kPreAllocSize = kHeaderOffset + kHeaderSize +
+        kPreAllocSize = kHeaderSize +
                         kMaxPreallocProcessors * sizeof(uint32_t) * kIntsPerProcessor,
@@ -149,6 +112,7 @@
     SkSTArray<kPreAllocSize, uint8_t, true> fKey;
+    uint32_t fInitialKeyLength = 0;