blob: 2838f10b0dc5d44981b9fe91341a3a97ca3b17e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef skgpu_graphite_ContextOptions_DEFINED
#define skgpu_graphite_ContextOptions_DEFINED
namespace skgpu { class ShaderErrorHandler; }
namespace skgpu::graphite {
struct SK_API ContextOptions {
ContextOptions() {}
* Disables correctness workarounds that are enabled for particular GPUs, OSes, or drivers.
* This does not affect code path choices that are made for perfomance reasons nor does it
* override other ContextOption settings.
bool fDisableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds = false;
* If present, use this object to report shader compilation failures. If not, report failures
* via SkDebugf and assert.
skgpu::ShaderErrorHandler* fShaderErrorHandler = nullptr;
* Will the client make sure to only ever be executing one thread that uses the Context and all
* derived classes (e.g. Recorders, Recordings, etc.) at a time. If so we can possibly make some
* objects (e.g. VulkanMemoryAllocator) not thread safe to improve single thread performance.
bool fClientWillExternallySynchronizeAllThreads = false;
* The maximum size of cache textures used for Skia's Glyph cache.
size_t fGlyphCacheTextureMaximumBytes = 2048 * 1024 * 4;
* Below this threshold size in device space distance field fonts won't be used. Distance field
* fonts don't support hinting which is more important at smaller sizes.
float fMinDistanceFieldFontSize = 18;
* Above this threshold size in device space glyphs are drawn as individual paths.
float fGlyphsAsPathsFontSize = 384;
#elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC)
float fGlyphsAsPathsFontSize = 256;
float fGlyphsAsPathsFontSize = 324;
* Can the glyph atlas use multiple textures. If allowed, the each texture's size is bound by
* fGlypheCacheTextureMaximumBytes.
bool fAllowMultipleGlyphCacheTextures = true;
bool fSupportBilerpFromGlyphAtlas = false;
* Private options that are only meant for testing within Skia's tools.
* Maximum width and height of internal texture atlases.
int fMaxTextureAtlasSize = 2048;
* If true, will store a pointer in Recorder that points back to the Context
* that created it. Used by readPixels() and other methods that normally require a Context.
bool fStoreContextRefInRecorder = false;
} // namespace skgpu::graphite
#endif // skgpu_graphite_ContextOptions