blob: 294b4a632241256c0b20ad709bf71590059d1422 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkMaskBlurFilter.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
#include "SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "SkSafeMath.h"
static const double kPi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
static constexpr double kSmallSigma = 0.0;
static constexpr double kSmallSigma = 2.0;
class BlurScanInterface {
virtual ~BlurScanInterface() = default;
virtual void blur(const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, const uint8_t* srcEnd,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride, uint8_t* dstEnd) const = 0;
class PlanningInterface {
virtual ~PlanningInterface() = default;
virtual size_t bufferSize() const = 0;
virtual size_t border() const = 0;
virtual bool needsBlur() const = 0;
virtual BlurScanInterface* makeBlurScan(
SkArenaAlloc* alloc, size_t width, uint32_t* buffer) const = 0;
class None final : public PlanningInterface {
None() = default;
size_t bufferSize() const override { return 0; }
size_t border() const override { return 0; }
bool needsBlur() const override { return false; }
BlurScanInterface* makeBlurScan(
SkArenaAlloc* alloc, size_t width, uint32_t* buffer) const override {
SK_ABORT("Should never be called.");
return nullptr;
// This class is deprecated, and will be replaced by Box.
class PlanBoxInteger final : public PlanningInterface {
explicit PlanBoxInteger(double sigma) {
// Calculate the radius from sigma. Taken from the old code until something better is
// figured out.
auto possibleRadius = 1.5 * sigma - 0.5;
auto radius = std::max(1.0, std::ceil(possibleRadius));
auto window = 2 * radius + 1;
fWindow = static_cast<size_t>(window);
size_t bufferSize() const override { return fWindow - 1; }
size_t border() const override { return (fWindow - 1) / 2; }
bool needsBlur() const override { return true; }
BlurScanInterface* makeBlurScan(
SkArenaAlloc* alloc, size_t width, uint32_t* buffer) const override
auto weight = static_cast<uint64_t>(round(1.0 / fWindow * (1ull << 32)));
auto bufferEnd = buffer + this->bufferSize();
size_t noChangeCount = fWindow > width ? fWindow - width : 0;
return alloc->make<BoxInteger>(weight, buffer, bufferEnd, noChangeCount);
class BoxInteger final : public BlurScanInterface {
BoxInteger(uint64_t weight, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t* bufferEnd, size_t noChangeCount)
: fWeight{weight}
, fBuffer0{buffer}
, fBuffer0End{bufferEnd}
, fNoChangeCount{noChangeCount} { }
void blur(const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, const uint8_t* srcEnd,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride, uint8_t* dstEnd) const override {
auto buffer0Cursor = fBuffer0;
std::memset(&fBuffer0[0], 0, (fBuffer0End - fBuffer0) * sizeof(*fBuffer0));
uint32_t sum0 = 0;
// Consume the source generating pixels.
for (auto srcCursor = src;
srcCursor < srcEnd; dst += dstStride, srcCursor += srcStride) {
uint32_t s = *srcCursor;
sum0 += s;
*dst = this->finalScale(sum0);
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor =
(buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : &fBuffer0[0];
// This handles the case when both ends of the box are not between [src, srcEnd), and
// both are zero at that point.
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNoChangeCount; i++) {
uint32_t s = 0;
sum0 += s;
*dst = this->finalScale(sum0);
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor =
(buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : &fBuffer0[0];
dst += dstStride;
// Starting from the right, fill in the rest of the buffer.
std::memset(&fBuffer0[0], 0, (fBuffer0End - &fBuffer0[0]) * sizeof(fBuffer0[0]));
sum0 = 0;
uint8_t* dstCursor = dstEnd;
const uint8_t* srcCursor = srcEnd;
do {
dstCursor -= dstStride;
srcCursor -= srcStride;
uint32_t s = *srcCursor;
sum0 += s;
*dstCursor = this->finalScale(sum0);
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor =
(buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : &fBuffer0[0];
} while (dstCursor > dst);
static constexpr uint64_t kHalf = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 31;
uint8_t finalScale(uint32_t sum) const {
return SkTo<uint8_t>((fWeight * sum + kHalf) >> 32);
const uint64_t fWeight;
uint32_t* const fBuffer0;
uint32_t* const fBuffer0End;
const size_t fNoChangeCount;
size_t fWindow;
class PlanBox final : public PlanningInterface {
explicit PlanBox(double sigma) {
// Calculate the radius from sigma. Taken from the old code until something better is
// figured out.
auto possibleRadius = 1.5 * sigma - 0.5;
auto radius = std::max(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), possibleRadius);
auto outerRadius = std::ceil(radius);
auto outerWindow = 2 * outerRadius + 1;
auto outerFactor = (1 - (outerRadius - radius)) / outerWindow;
fOuterWeight = static_cast<uint64_t>(round(outerFactor * (1ull << 32)));
auto innerRadius = outerRadius - 1;
auto innerWindow = 2 * innerRadius + 1;
auto innerFactor = (1 - (radius - innerRadius)) / innerWindow;
fInnerWeight = static_cast<uint64_t>(round(innerFactor * (1ull << 32)));
// Sliding window is defined by the relationship between the outer and inner widows.
// In the single window case, you add the element on the right, and subtract the element on
// the left. But, because two windows are used, this relationship is more complicated; an
// element is added from the right of the outer window, and subtracted from the left of the
// inner window. Because innerWindow = outerWindow - 2, the distance between
// the left and right in the two window case is outerWindow - 1.
fSlidingWindow = static_cast<size_t>(outerWindow - 1);
size_t bufferSize() const override { return 0; }
// Remember that sliding window = window - 1. Therefore, radius = sliding window / 2.
size_t border() const override { return fSlidingWindow / 2; }
bool needsBlur() const override { return true; }
BlurScanInterface* makeBlurScan(
SkArenaAlloc* alloc, size_t width, uint32_t* buffer) const override
size_t noChangeCount;
size_t trailingEdgeZeroCount;
// The relation between the slidingWindow and the width dictates two operating modes.
// * width >= slidingWindow - both sides of the window are contained in the image while
// scanning. Therefore, we assume that slidingWindow zeros are consumed on the trailing
// edge of the window. After this count, then both edges are traversing the image.
// * slidingWindow > width - both sides of the window are off the image while scanning
// the middle. The front edge of the window can only travel width until it falls off the
// image. At this point, both edges of the window are off the image consuming zeros
// and therefore, the destination value does not change. The scan produces unchanged
// values until the trailing edge of the window enters the image. This count is
// slidingWindow - width.
if (width >= fSlidingWindow) {
noChangeCount = 0;
trailingEdgeZeroCount = fSlidingWindow;
} else {
noChangeCount = fSlidingWindow - width;
trailingEdgeZeroCount = width;
return alloc->make<Box>(fOuterWeight, fInnerWeight, noChangeCount, trailingEdgeZeroCount);
class Box final : public BlurScanInterface {
Box(uint64_t outerWeight, uint64_t innerWeight,
size_t noChangeCount, size_t trailingEdgeZeroCount)
: fOuterWeight{outerWeight}
, fInnerWeight{innerWeight}
, fNoChangeCount{noChangeCount}
, fTrailingEdgeZeroCount{trailingEdgeZeroCount} { }
void blur(const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, const uint8_t* srcEnd,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride, uint8_t* dstEnd) const override {
auto rightOuter = src;
auto dstCursor = dst;
uint32_t outerSum = 0;
uint32_t innerSum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fTrailingEdgeZeroCount; i++) {
innerSum = outerSum;
outerSum += *rightOuter;
*dstCursor = this->interpolateSums(outerSum, innerSum);
rightOuter += srcStride;
dstCursor += dstStride;
// slidingWindow > width
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNoChangeCount; i++) {
*dstCursor = this->interpolateSums(outerSum, innerSum);;
dstCursor += dstStride;
// width > slidingWindow
auto leftInner = src;
while (rightOuter < srcEnd) {
innerSum = outerSum - *leftInner;
outerSum += *rightOuter;
*dstCursor = this->interpolateSums(outerSum, innerSum);
outerSum -= *leftInner;
rightOuter += srcStride;
leftInner += srcStride;
dstCursor += dstStride;
auto leftOuter = srcEnd;
dstCursor = dstEnd;
outerSum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fTrailingEdgeZeroCount; i++) {
leftOuter -= srcStride;
dstCursor -= dstStride;
innerSum = outerSum;
outerSum += *leftOuter;
*dstCursor = this->interpolateSums(outerSum, innerSum);
static constexpr uint64_t kHalf = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 31;
uint8_t interpolateSums(uint32_t outerSum, uint32_t innerSum) const {
return SkTo<uint8_t>((fOuterWeight * outerSum + fInnerWeight * innerSum + kHalf) >> 32);
uint64_t fOuterWeight;
uint64_t fInnerWeight;
size_t fNoChangeCount;
size_t fTrailingEdgeZeroCount;
uint64_t fOuterWeight;
uint64_t fInnerWeight;
size_t fSlidingWindow;
class PlanGauss final : public PlanningInterface {
explicit PlanGauss(double sigma) {
auto possibleWindow = static_cast<size_t>(floor(sigma * 3 * sqrt(2 * kPi) / 4 + 0.5));
auto window = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(1), possibleWindow);
fPass0Size = window - 1;
fPass1Size = window - 1;
fPass2Size = (window & 1) == 1 ? window - 1 : window;
// Calculating the border is tricky. I will go through the odd case which is simpler, and
// then through the even case. Given a stack of filters seven wide for the odd case of
// three passes.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The furthest changed pixel is when the filters are in the following configuration.
// S
// aaaAaaa
// bbbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The A pixel is calculated using the value S, the B uses A, and the C uses B, and
// finally D is C. So, with a window size of seven the border is nine. In general, the
// border is 3*((window - 1)/2).
// For even cases the filter stack is more complicated. The spec specifies two passes
// of even filters and a final pass of odd filters. A stack for a width of six looks like
// this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// The furthest pixel looks like this.
// S
// aaaAaa
// bbBbbb
// cccCccc
// D
// For a window of size, the border value is seven. In general the border is 3 *
// (window/2) -1.
fBorder = (window & 1) == 1 ? 3 * ((window - 1) / 2) : 3 * (window / 2) - 1;
fSlidingWindow = 2 * fBorder + 1;
// If the window is odd then the divisor is just window ^ 3 otherwise,
// it is window * window * (window + 1) = window ^ 2 + window ^ 3;
auto window2 = window * window;
auto window3 = window2 * window;
auto divisor = (window & 1) == 1 ? window3 : window3 + window2;
fWeight = (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32) / divisor;
fWeight = static_cast<uint64_t>(round(1.0 / divisor * (1ull << 32)));
size_t bufferSize() const override { return fPass0Size + fPass1Size + fPass2Size; }
size_t border() const override { return fBorder; }
bool needsBlur() const override { return true; }
BlurScanInterface* makeBlurScan(
SkArenaAlloc* alloc, size_t width, uint32_t* buffer) const override
uint32_t* buffer0, *buffer0End, *buffer1, *buffer1End, *buffer2, *buffer2End;
buffer0 = buffer;
buffer0End = buffer1 = buffer0 + fPass0Size;
buffer1End = buffer2 = buffer1 + fPass1Size;
buffer2End = buffer2 + fPass2Size;
size_t noChangeCount = fSlidingWindow > width ? fSlidingWindow - width : 0;
return alloc->make<Gauss>(
fWeight, noChangeCount,
buffer0, buffer0End,
buffer1, buffer1End,
buffer2, buffer2End);
class Gauss final : public BlurScanInterface {
Gauss(uint64_t weight, size_t noChangeCount,
uint32_t* buffer0, uint32_t* buffer0End,
uint32_t* buffer1, uint32_t* buffer1End,
uint32_t* buffer2, uint32_t* buffer2End)
: fWeight{weight}
, fNoChangeCount{noChangeCount}
, fBuffer0{buffer0}
, fBuffer0End{buffer0End}
, fBuffer1{buffer1}
, fBuffer1End{buffer1End}
, fBuffer2{buffer2}
, fBuffer2End{buffer2End}
{ }
void blur(const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, const uint8_t* srcEnd,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride, uint8_t* dstEnd) const override {
auto buffer0Cursor = fBuffer0;
auto buffer1Cursor = fBuffer1;
auto buffer2Cursor = fBuffer2;
std::memset(fBuffer0, 0x00, (fBuffer2End - fBuffer0) * sizeof(*fBuffer0));
uint32_t sum0 = 0;
uint32_t sum1 = 0;
uint32_t sum2 = 0;
// Consume the source generating pixels.
for (auto srcCursor = src;
srcCursor < srcEnd; dst += dstStride, srcCursor += srcStride) {
uint32_t s = *srcCursor;
sum0 += s;
sum1 += sum0;
sum2 += sum1;
*dst = this->finalScale(sum2);
sum2 -= *buffer2Cursor;
*buffer2Cursor = sum1;
buffer2Cursor = (buffer2Cursor + 1) < fBuffer2End ? buffer2Cursor + 1 : fBuffer2;
sum1 -= *buffer1Cursor;
*buffer1Cursor = sum0;
buffer1Cursor = (buffer1Cursor + 1) < fBuffer1End ? buffer1Cursor + 1 : fBuffer1;
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor = (buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : fBuffer0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fNoChangeCount; i++) {
uint32_t s = 0;
sum0 += s;
sum1 += sum0;
sum2 += sum1;
*dst = this->finalScale(sum2);
sum2 -= *buffer2Cursor;
*buffer2Cursor = sum1;
buffer2Cursor = (buffer2Cursor + 1) < fBuffer2End ? buffer2Cursor + 1 : fBuffer2;
sum1 -= *buffer1Cursor;
*buffer1Cursor = sum0;
buffer1Cursor = (buffer1Cursor + 1) < fBuffer1End ? buffer1Cursor + 1 : fBuffer1;
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor = (buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : fBuffer0;
dst += dstStride;
// Starting from the right, fill in the rest of the buffer.
std::memset(fBuffer0, 0, (fBuffer2End - fBuffer0) * sizeof(*fBuffer0));
sum0 = sum1 = sum2 = 0;
uint8_t* dstCursor = dstEnd;
const uint8_t* srcCursor = srcEnd;
while (dstCursor > dst) {
dstCursor -= dstStride;
srcCursor -= srcStride;
uint32_t s = *srcCursor;
sum0 += s;
sum1 += sum0;
sum2 += sum1;
*dstCursor = this->finalScale(sum2);
sum2 -= *buffer2Cursor;
*buffer2Cursor = sum1;
buffer2Cursor = (buffer2Cursor + 1) < fBuffer2End ? buffer2Cursor + 1 : fBuffer2;
sum1 -= *buffer1Cursor;
*buffer1Cursor = sum0;
buffer1Cursor = (buffer1Cursor + 1) < fBuffer1End ? buffer1Cursor + 1 : fBuffer1;
sum0 -= *buffer0Cursor;
*buffer0Cursor = s;
buffer0Cursor = (buffer0Cursor + 1) < fBuffer0End ? buffer0Cursor + 1 : fBuffer0;
static constexpr uint64_t kHalf = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 31;
uint8_t finalScale(uint32_t sum) const {
return SkTo<uint8_t>((fWeight * sum + kHalf) >> 32);
uint64_t fWeight;
size_t fNoChangeCount;
uint32_t* fBuffer0;
uint32_t* fBuffer0End;
uint32_t* fBuffer1;
uint32_t* fBuffer1End;
uint32_t* fBuffer2;
uint32_t* fBuffer2End;
uint64_t fWeight;
size_t fBorder;
size_t fSlidingWindow;
size_t fPass0Size;
size_t fPass1Size;
size_t fPass2Size;
static PlanningInterface* make_plan(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, double sigma) {
PlanningInterface* plan = nullptr;
if (3 * sigma <= 1) {
plan = alloc->make<None>();
} else if (sigma < kSmallSigma) {
plan = alloc->make<PlanBoxInteger>(sigma);
plan = alloc->make<PlanBox>(sigma);
} else {
plan = alloc->make<PlanGauss>(sigma);
return plan;
SkMaskBlurFilter::SkMaskBlurFilter(double sigmaW, double sigmaH)
: fSigmaW{std::max(sigmaW, 0.0)}
, fSigmaH{std::max(sigmaH, 0.0)}
SkASSERT(sigmaW >= 0);
SkASSERT(sigmaH >= 0);
bool SkMaskBlurFilter::hasNoBlur() const {
return (3 * fSigmaW <= 1) && (3 * fSigmaH <= 1);
SkIPoint SkMaskBlurFilter::blur(const SkMask& src, SkMask* dst) const {
// 1024 is a place holder guess until more analysis can be done.
SkSTArenaAlloc<1024> alloc;
PlanningInterface* planW = make_plan(&alloc, fSigmaW);
PlanningInterface* planH = make_plan(&alloc, fSigmaH);
size_t borderW = planW->border();
size_t borderH = planH->border();
auto srcW = SkTo<size_t>(src.fBounds.width());
auto srcH = SkTo<size_t>(src.fBounds.height());
SkSafeMath safe;
// size_t dstW = srcW + 2 * borderW;
size_t dstW = safe.add(srcW, safe.add(borderW, borderW));
//size_t dstH = srcH + 2 * borderH;
size_t dstH = safe.add(srcH, safe.add(borderH, borderH));
dst->fBounds.set(0, 0, dstW, dstH);
dst->fBounds.offset(src.fBounds.x(), src.fBounds.y());
dst->fBounds.offset(-SkTo<int32_t>(borderW), -SkTo<int32_t>(borderH));
dst->fImage = nullptr;
dst->fRowBytes = SkTo<uint32_t>(dstW);
dst->fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
if (src.fImage == nullptr) {
return {SkTo<int32_t>(borderW), SkTo<int32_t>(borderH)};
size_t toAlloc = safe.mul(dstW, dstH);
if (!safe) {
dst->fBounds = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
// There is no border offset because we are not drawing.
return {0, 0};
dst->fImage = SkMask::AllocImage(toAlloc);
auto bufferSize = std::max(planW->bufferSize(), planH->bufferSize());
auto buffer = alloc.makeArrayDefault<uint32_t>(bufferSize);
if (planW->needsBlur() && planH->needsBlur()) {
// Blur both directions.
size_t tmpW = srcH;
size_t tmpH = dstW;
auto tmp = alloc.makeArrayDefault<uint8_t>(tmpW * tmpH);
// Blur horizontally, and transpose.
auto scanW = planW->makeBlurScan(&alloc, srcW, buffer);
for (size_t y = 0; y < srcH; y++) {
auto srcStart = &src.fImage[y * src.fRowBytes];
auto tmpStart = &tmp[y];
scanW->blur(srcStart, 1, srcStart + srcW,
tmpStart, tmpW, tmpStart + tmpW * tmpH);
// Blur vertically (scan in memory order because of the transposition),
// and transpose back to the original orientation.
auto scanH = planH->makeBlurScan(&alloc, tmpW, buffer);
for (size_t y = 0; y < tmpH; y++) {
auto tmpStart = &tmp[y * tmpW];
auto dstStart = &dst->fImage[y];
scanH->blur(tmpStart, 1, tmpStart + tmpW,
dstStart, dst->fRowBytes, dstStart + dst->fRowBytes * dstH);
} else if (planW->needsBlur()) {
// Blur only horizontally.
auto scanW = planW->makeBlurScan(&alloc, srcW, buffer);
for (size_t y = 0; y < srcH; y++) {
auto srcStart = &src.fImage[y * src.fRowBytes];
auto dstStart = &dst->fImage[y * dst->fRowBytes];
scanW->blur(srcStart, 1, srcStart + srcW,
dstStart, 1, dstStart + dstW);
} else if (planH->needsBlur()) {
// Blur only vertically.
auto srcEnd = &src.fImage[src.fRowBytes * srcH];
auto dstEnd = &dst->fImage[dst->fRowBytes * dstH];
auto scanH = planH->makeBlurScan(&alloc, srcH, buffer);
for (size_t x = 0; x < srcW; x++) {
auto srcStart = &src.fImage[x];
auto dstStart = &dst->fImage[x];
scanH->blur(srcStart, src.fRowBytes, srcEnd,
dstStart, dst->fRowBytes, dstEnd);
} else {
// Copy to dst. No Blur.
SkASSERT(false); // should not get here
for (size_t y = 0; y < srcH; y++) {
std::memcpy(&dst->fImage[y * dst->fRowBytes], &src.fImage[y * src.fRowBytes], dstW);
return {SkTo<int32_t>(borderW), SkTo<int32_t>(borderH)};