blob: 4d91a471879af4adf3b81abd8a111adad7eb9714 [file] [log] [blame]
const int kConstant = 0;
const int kOtherConstant = 1;
const int kAnotherConstant = 2;
const float kFloatConstant = 2.14;
const float kFloatConstantAlias = kFloatConstant;
const half4 kConstVec = half4(1, 0.2, kFloatConstant, 1);
uniform half4 colorGreen;
half4 main(float2) {
const float kLocalFloatConstant = 1.0 + kFloatConstantAlias;
const float kLocalFloatConstantAlias = kLocalFloatConstant;
int integerInput = int(colorGreen.g);
if (integerInput == kConstant) {
return half4(kFloatConstant);
} else if (integerInput == kOtherConstant) {
return colorGreen; // the shader is expected to always take this path
} else if (integerInput == kAnotherConstant) {
return kConstVec;
} else if (kLocalFloatConstantAlias < colorGreen.r * kLocalFloatConstant) {
return half4(kLocalFloatConstantAlias);
} else if (kFloatConstantAlias >= colorGreen.r * kFloatConstantAlias) {
return half4(0);
} else {
return half4(1, 0, 0, 1);