blob: e82f6ae038b7b1780ae8f29fca04751474c935c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/skottie/src/effects/Effects.h"
#include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
#include "include/effects/SkShaderMaskFilter.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "modules/skottie/src/SkottieValue.h"
#include "modules/sksg/include/SkSGRenderEffect.h"
#include "src/utils/SkJSON.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
namespace skottie {
namespace internal {
namespace {
class LinearWipeAdapter final : public MaskShaderEffectBase {
static sk_sp<LinearWipeAdapter> Make(const skjson::ArrayValue& jprops,
sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> layer,
const SkSize& layer_size,
const AnimationBuilder* abuilder) {
return sk_sp<LinearWipeAdapter>(new LinearWipeAdapter(jprops,
LinearWipeAdapter(const skjson::ArrayValue& jprops,
sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> layer,
const SkSize& layer_size,
const AnimationBuilder* abuilder)
: INHERITED(std::move(layer), layer_size) {
enum : size_t {
kCompletion_Index = 0,
kAngle_Index = 1,
kFeather_Index = 2,
EffectBinder(jprops, *abuilder, this)
.bind(kCompletion_Index, fCompletion)
.bind( kAngle_Index, fAngle )
.bind( kFeather_Index, fFeather );
MaskInfo onMakeMask() const override {
if (fCompletion >= 100) {
// The layer is fully disabled.
// TODO: fix layer controller visibility clash and pass a null shader instead.
return { SkShaders::Color(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT), false };
if (fCompletion <= 0) {
// The layer is fully visible (no mask).
return { nullptr, true };
const auto t = SkTPin(fCompletion * 0.01f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
feather = std::max(fFeather, 0.0f),
angle = SkDegreesToRadians(90 - fAngle),
cos_ = std::cos(angle),
sin_ = std::sin(angle);
// Select the correct diagonal vector depending on quadrant.
const SkVector angle_v = {cos_, sin_},
diag_v = {std::copysign(this->layerSize().width() , cos_),
std::copysign(this->layerSize().height(), sin_)};
// The transition length is the projection of the diagonal onto the angle vector.
const auto len = SkVector::DotProduct(diag_v, angle_v);
// Pad the gradient segment to accommodate optional feather ramps at both extremities.
const auto grad_len = len + feather * 2;
const SkVector grad_v = angle_v * grad_len,
adjusted_grad_v = { grad_v.fX, -grad_v.fY }, // Y flipped for drawing space.
center_v = {0.5f * this->layerSize().width(),
0.5f * this->layerSize().height()};
// Gradient start/end points:
const SkPoint pts[] = {
center_v - adjusted_grad_v * 0.5f,
center_v + adjusted_grad_v * 0.5f,
static constexpr SkColor colors[] = { 0x00000000,
0xffffffff };
// To emulate the feather effect, we distance the color stops to generate
// a linear transition/ramp. For t == 0 the ramp should be completely outside/before
// the transition domain, and for t == 1 it should be completely outside/after.
// [0 ................... |len|]
// [0 <feather_ramp> [ ] <feather_ramp> |grad_len|]
const auto adjusted_t = t * (len + feather) / grad_len;
const SkScalar pos[] = { adjusted_t,
adjusted_t + feather / grad_len };
return { SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, pos, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp), true };
ScalarValue fCompletion = 0,
fAngle = 0,
fFeather = 0;
using INHERITED = MaskShaderEffectBase;
} // namespace
sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> EffectBuilder::attachLinearWipeEffect(const skjson::ArrayValue& jprops,
sk_sp<sksg::RenderNode> layer) const {
return fBuilder->attachDiscardableAdapter<LinearWipeAdapter>(jprops,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace skottie