blob: 3d030f6275ce6553703e91c47fac319bc03e6d93 [file] [log] [blame]
void a1() { float[-2]; }
void b1() { float[-1]; }
void c1() { float[0]; }
void d1() { float[1.5]; }
void e1() { float[4000000000]; }
void f1() { float[true]; }
void g1() { float[false]; }
void h1() { float[int2(2, 2)]; }
void i1() { float[]; }
void j1() { float[int3(4000000000)]; }
void k1() { float[int(1e20)]; }
void a2() { float x[-2]; }
void b2() { float x[-1]; }
void c2() { float x[0]; }
void d2() { float x[1.5]; }
void e2() { float x[4000000000]; }
void f2() { float x[true]; }
void g2() { float x[false]; }
void h2() { float x[int2(2, 2)]; }
void i2() { float x[]; }
void j2() { float x[int3(4000000000)]; }
void k2() { float x[int(1e20)]; }
array size must be positive
array size must be positive
array size must be positive
expected 'int', but found 'float'
integer is out of range for type 'int': 4000000000
array size must be positive
expected 'int', but found 'bool'
expected 'int', but found 'bool'
expected 'int', but found 'int2'
missing index in '[]'
integer is out of range for type 'int': 4000000000
integer is out of range for type 'int': 100000002004087734272
array size must be positive
array size must be positive
array size must be positive
array size must be an integer
array size out of bounds
array size must be an integer
array size must be an integer
array size must be an integer
unsized arrays are not permitted here
integer is out of range for type 'int': 4000000000
integer is out of range for type 'int': 100000002004087734272