blob: e264c954205af7db0cd2273fd8ba0aaab69564f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLDefines.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLIRNode.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLProgramKind.h"
#include "include/private/SkSLSymbol.h"
#include "include/sksl/DSLCore.h"
#include "include/sksl/DSLModifiers.h"
#include "include/sksl/DSLType.h"
#include "src/core/SkTraceEvent.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLAnalysis.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLContext.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLInliner.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLModuleLoader.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLOutputStream.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLParser.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLProgramSettings.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLStringStream.h"
#include "src/sksl/analysis/SkSLProgramUsage.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExpression.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExternalFunction.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLExternalFunctionReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLField.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFieldAccess.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionDeclaration.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLFunctionReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLProgram.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLSymbolTable.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLTypeReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariable.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariableReference.h"
#include "src/sksl/transform/SkSLTransform.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#if defined(SKSL_STANDALONE)
#include <fstream>
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLGLSLCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLMetalCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLSPIRVCodeGenerator.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLSPIRVtoHLSL.h"
#include "src/sksl/codegen/SkSLWGSLCodeGenerator.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
#include "tint/tint.h"
namespace SkSL {
class ModifiersPool;
// These flags allow tools like Viewer or Nanobench to override the compiler's ProgramSettings.
Compiler::OverrideFlag Compiler::sOptimizer = OverrideFlag::kDefault;
Compiler::OverrideFlag Compiler::sInliner = OverrideFlag::kDefault;
using RefKind = VariableReference::RefKind;
class AutoSource {
AutoSource(Compiler* compiler, std::string_view source)
: fCompiler(compiler) {
~AutoSource() {
Compiler* fCompiler;
class AutoProgramConfig {
AutoProgramConfig(Context& context, ProgramConfig* config)
: fContext(context)
, fOldConfig(context.fConfig) {
fContext.fConfig = config;
~AutoProgramConfig() {
fContext.fConfig = fOldConfig;
Context& fContext;
ProgramConfig* fOldConfig;
class AutoShaderCaps {
AutoShaderCaps(std::shared_ptr<Context>& context, const ShaderCaps* caps)
: fContext(context.get())
, fOldCaps(fContext->fCaps) {
fContext->fCaps = caps;
~AutoShaderCaps() {
fContext->fCaps = fOldCaps;
Context* fContext;
const ShaderCaps* fOldCaps;
class AutoModifiersPool {
AutoModifiersPool(std::shared_ptr<Context>& context, ModifiersPool* modifiersPool)
: fContext(context.get()) {
fContext->fModifiersPool = modifiersPool;
~AutoModifiersPool() {
fContext->fModifiersPool = nullptr;
Context* fContext;
Compiler::Compiler(const ShaderCaps* caps) : fErrorReporter(this), fCaps(caps) {
auto moduleLoader = ModuleLoader::Get();
fContext = std::make_shared<Context>(moduleLoader.builtinTypes(), /*caps=*/nullptr,
Compiler::~Compiler() {}
const Module* Compiler::moduleForProgramKind(ProgramKind kind) {
auto m = ModuleLoader::Get();
switch (kind) {
case ProgramKind::kVertex: return m.loadVertexModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kFragment: return m.loadFragmentModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kCompute: return m.loadComputeModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kGraphiteVertex: return m.loadGraphiteVertexModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kGraphiteFragment: return m.loadGraphiteFragmentModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeShader: return m.loadPrivateRTShaderModule(this);
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeColorFilter:
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader:
case ProgramKind::kRuntimeBlender:
case ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeColorFilter:
case ProgramKind::kPrivateRuntimeBlender:
case ProgramKind::kMeshVertex:
case ProgramKind::kMeshFragment:
case ProgramKind::kGeneric: return m.loadPublicModule(this);
void Compiler::FinalizeSettings(ProgramSettings* settings, ProgramKind kind) {
// Honor our optimization-override flags.
switch (sOptimizer) {
case OverrideFlag::kDefault:
case OverrideFlag::kOff:
settings->fOptimize = false;
case OverrideFlag::kOn:
settings->fOptimize = true;
switch (sInliner) {
case OverrideFlag::kDefault:
case OverrideFlag::kOff:
settings->fInlineThreshold = 0;
case OverrideFlag::kOn:
if (settings->fInlineThreshold == 0) {
settings->fInlineThreshold = kDefaultInlineThreshold;
// Disable optimization settings that depend on a parent setting which has been disabled.
settings->fInlineThreshold *= (int)settings->fOptimize;
settings->fRemoveDeadFunctions &= settings->fOptimize;
settings->fRemoveDeadVariables &= settings->fOptimize;
if (kind == ProgramKind::kGeneric) {
// For "generic" interpreter programs, leave all functions intact. (The SkVM API supports
// calling any function, not just 'main').
settings->fRemoveDeadFunctions = false;
} else {
// Only generic programs (limited to CPU) are able to use external functions.
// Runtime effects always allow narrowing conversions.
if (ProgramConfig::IsRuntimeEffect(kind)) {
settings->fAllowNarrowingConversions = true;
std::unique_ptr<Module> Compiler::compileModule(ProgramKind kind,
const char* moduleName,
std::string moduleSource,
const Module* parent,
ModifiersPool& modifiersPool,
bool shouldInline) {
SkASSERT(this->errorCount() == 0);
// Modules are shared and cannot rely on shader caps.
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, nullptr);
AutoModifiersPool autoPool(fContext, &modifiersPool);
// Compile the module from source, using default program settings.
ProgramSettings settings;
FinalizeSettings(&settings, kind);
SkSL::Parser parser{this, settings, kind, std::move(moduleSource)};
std::unique_ptr<Module> module = parser.moduleInheritingFrom(parent);
if (this->errorCount() != 0) {
SkDebugf("Unexpected errors compiling %s:\n\n%s\n", moduleName, this->errorText().c_str());
return nullptr;
if (shouldInline) {
this->optimizeModuleAfterLoading(kind, *module);
return module;
std::unique_ptr<Program> Compiler::convertProgram(ProgramKind kind,
std::string text,
ProgramSettings settings) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::convertProgram");
// Make sure the passed-in settings are valid.
FinalizeSettings(&settings, kind);
// Put the ShaderCaps into the context while compiling a program.
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
return Parser(this, settings, kind, std::move(text)).program();
std::unique_ptr<Expression> Compiler::convertIdentifier(Position pos, std::string_view name) {
const Symbol* result = fSymbolTable->find(name);
if (!result) {
this->errorReporter().error(pos, "unknown identifier '" + std::string(name) + "'");
return nullptr;
switch (result->kind()) {
case Symbol::Kind::kFunctionDeclaration: {
return std::make_unique<FunctionReference>(*fContext, pos,
case Symbol::Kind::kVariable: {
const Variable* var = &result->as<Variable>();
// default to kRead_RefKind; this will be corrected later if the variable is written to
return VariableReference::Make(pos, var, VariableReference::RefKind::kRead);
case Symbol::Kind::kField: {
const Field* field = &result->as<Field>();
auto base = VariableReference::Make(pos, &field->owner(),
return FieldAccess::Make(*fContext, pos, std::move(base), field->fieldIndex(),
case Symbol::Kind::kType: {
// go through DSLType so we report errors on private types
dsl::DSLModifiers modifiers;
dsl::DSLType dslType(result->name(), &modifiers, pos);
return TypeReference::Convert(*fContext, pos, &dslType.skslType());
case Symbol::Kind::kExternal: {
const ExternalFunction* r = &result->as<ExternalFunction>();
return std::make_unique<ExternalFunctionReference>(pos, r);
SK_ABORT("unsupported symbol type %d\n", (int) result->kind());
bool Compiler::optimizeModuleBeforeMinifying(ProgramKind kind, Module& module) {
SkASSERT(this->errorCount() == 0);
auto m = SkSL::ModuleLoader::Get();
// Create a temporary program configuration with default settings.
ProgramConfig config;
config.fIsBuiltinCode = true;
config.fKind = kind;
AutoProgramConfig autoConfig(this->context(), &config);
AutoModifiersPool autoPool(fContext, &m.coreModifiers());
std::unique_ptr<ProgramUsage> usage = Analysis::GetUsage(module);
// Assign shorter names to symbols as long as it won't change the external meaning of the code.
Transform::RenamePrivateSymbols(this->context(), module, usage.get(), kind);
// Replace constant variables with their literal values to save space.
Transform::ReplaceConstVarsWithLiterals(module, usage.get());
// Remove any unreachable code.
Transform::EliminateUnreachableCode(module, usage.get());
// We can only remove dead functions from runtime shaders, since runtime-effect helper functions
// are isolated from other parts of the program. In a module, an unreferenced function is
// intended to be called by the code that includes the module.
if (kind == ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader) {
while (Transform::EliminateDeadFunctions(this->context(), module, usage.get())) {
// Removing dead functions may cause more functions to become unreferenced. Try again.
while (Transform::EliminateDeadLocalVariables(this->context(), module, usage.get())) {
// Removing dead variables may cause more variables to become unreferenced. Try again.
// Runtime shaders are isolated from other parts of the program via name mangling, so we can
// eliminate public globals if they aren't referenced. Otherwise, we only eliminate private
// globals (prefixed with `$`) to avoid changing the meaning of the module code.
bool onlyPrivateGlobals = !ProgramConfig::IsRuntimeEffect(kind);
while (Transform::EliminateDeadGlobalVariables(this->context(), module, usage.get(),
onlyPrivateGlobals)) {
// Repeat until no changes occur.
// We eliminate empty statements to avoid runs of `;;;;;;` caused by the previous passes.
// Make sure that program usage is still correct after the optimization pass is complete.
SkASSERT(*usage == *Analysis::GetUsage(module));
return this->errorCount() == 0;
bool Compiler::optimizeModuleAfterLoading(ProgramKind kind, Module& module) {
SkASSERT(this->errorCount() == 0);
// Create a temporary program configuration with default settings.
ProgramConfig config;
config.fIsBuiltinCode = true;
config.fKind = kind;
AutoProgramConfig autoConfig(this->context(), &config);
std::unique_ptr<ProgramUsage> usage = Analysis::GetUsage(module);
// Perform inline-candidate analysis and inline any functions deemed suitable.
Inliner inliner(fContext.get());
while (this->errorCount() == 0) {
if (!this->runInliner(&inliner, module.fElements, module.fSymbols, usage.get())) {
// Make sure that program usage is still correct after the optimization pass is complete.
SkASSERT(*usage == *Analysis::GetUsage(module));
return this->errorCount() == 0;
bool Compiler::optimize(Program& program) {
// The optimizer only needs to run when it is enabled.
if (!program.fConfig->fSettings.fOptimize) {
return true;
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
if (this->errorCount() == 0) {
// Run the inliner only once; it is expensive! Multiple passes can occasionally shake out
// more wins, but it's diminishing returns.
Inliner inliner(fContext.get());
this->runInliner(&inliner, program.fOwnedElements, program.fSymbols, program.fUsage.get());
// Unreachable code can confuse some drivers, so it's worth removing. (skia:12012)
while (Transform::EliminateDeadFunctions(program)) {
// Removing dead functions may cause more functions to become unreferenced. Try again.
while (Transform::EliminateDeadLocalVariables(program)) {
// Removing dead variables may cause more variables to become unreferenced. Try again.
while (Transform::EliminateDeadGlobalVariables(program)) {
// Repeat until no changes occur.
// Make sure that program usage is still correct after the optimization pass is complete.
SkASSERT(*program.usage() == *Analysis::GetUsage(program));
return this->errorCount() == 0;
bool Compiler::runInliner(Inliner* inliner,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>>& elements,
std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> symbols,
ProgramUsage* usage) {
return true;
// The program's SymbolTable was taken out of fSymbolTable when the program was bundled, but
// the inliner relies (indirectly) on having a valid SymbolTable.
// In particular, inlining can turn a non-optimizable expression like `normalize(myVec)` into
// `normalize(vec2(7))`, which is now optimizable. The optimizer can use DSL to simplify this
// expression--e.g., in the case of normalize, using DSL's Length(). The DSL relies on
// convertIdentifier() to look up `length`. convertIdentifier() needs a valid symbol table to
// find the declaration of `length`. To allow this chain of events to succeed, we re-insert the
// program's symbol table temporarily.
fSymbolTable = symbols;
bool result = inliner->analyze(elements, symbols, usage);
fSymbolTable = nullptr;
return result;
bool Compiler::finalize(Program& program) {
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
// Copy all referenced built-in functions into the Program.
// Variables defined in the pre-includes need their declaring elements added to the program.
// Do one last correctness-check pass. This looks for dangling FunctionReference/TypeReference
// expressions, and reports them as errors.
if (fContext->fConfig->strictES2Mode() && this->errorCount() == 0) {
// Enforce Appendix A, Section 5 of the GLSL ES 1.00 spec -- Indexing. This logic assumes
// that all loops meet the criteria of Section 4, and if they don't, could crash.
for (const auto& pe : program.fOwnedElements) {
Analysis::ValidateIndexingForES2(*pe, this->errorReporter());
if (this->errorCount() == 0) {
bool enforceSizeLimit = ProgramConfig::IsRuntimeEffect(program.fConfig->fKind);
Analysis::CheckProgramStructure(program, enforceSizeLimit);
// Make sure that program usage is still correct after finalization is complete.
SkASSERT(*program.usage() == *Analysis::GetUsage(program));
return this->errorCount() == 0;
static bool validate_spirv(ErrorReporter& reporter, std::string_view program) {
SkASSERT(0 == program.size() % 4);
const uint32_t* programData = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(;
size_t programSize = program.size() / 4;
spvtools::SpirvTools tools(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
std::string errors;
auto msgFn = [&errors](spv_message_level_t, const char*, const spv_position_t&, const char* m) {
errors += "SPIR-V validation error: ";
errors += m;
errors += '\n';
// Verify that the SPIR-V we produced is valid. At runtime, we will abort() with a message
// explaining the error. In standalone mode (skslc), we will send the message, plus the
// entire disassembled SPIR-V (for easier context & debugging) as *our* error message.
bool result = tools.Validate(programData, programSize);
if (!result) {
#if defined(SKSL_STANDALONE)
// Convert the string-stream to a SPIR-V disassembly.
std::string disassembly;
if (tools.Disassemble(programData, programSize, &disassembly)) {
reporter.error(Position(), errors);
SkDEBUGFAILF("%s", errors.c_str());
return result;
bool Compiler::toSPIRV(Program& program, OutputStream& out) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::toSPIRV");
AutoSource as(this, *program.fSource);
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
ProgramSettings settings;
settings.fUseMemoryPool = false;
dsl::Start(this, program.fConfig->fKind, settings);
fSymbolTable = program.fSymbols;
StringStream buffer;
SPIRVCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &buffer);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
if (result && program.fConfig->fSettings.fValidateSPIRV) {
std::string_view binary = buffer.str();
result = validate_spirv(this->errorReporter(), binary);
out.write(, binary.size());
SPIRVCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &out);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
return result;
bool Compiler::toSPIRV(Program& program, std::string* out) {
StringStream buffer;
bool result = this->toSPIRV(program, buffer);
if (result) {
*out = buffer.str();
return result;
bool Compiler::toGLSL(Program& program, OutputStream& out) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::toGLSL");
AutoSource as(this, *program.fSource);
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
GLSLCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &out);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
return result;
bool Compiler::toGLSL(Program& program, std::string* out) {
StringStream buffer;
bool result = this->toGLSL(program, buffer);
if (result) {
*out = buffer.str();
return result;
bool Compiler::toHLSL(Program& program, OutputStream& out) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::toHLSL");
std::string hlsl;
if (!this->toHLSL(program, &hlsl)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Compiler::toHLSL(Program& program, std::string* out) {
std::string spirv;
if (!this->toSPIRV(program, &spirv)) {
return false;
if (!SPIRVtoHLSL(spirv, out)) {
fErrorText += "HLSL cross-compilation not enabled";
return false;
return true;
bool Compiler::toMetal(Program& program, OutputStream& out) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::toMetal");
AutoSource as(this, *program.fSource);
AutoShaderCaps autoCaps(fContext, fCaps);
MetalCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &out);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
return result;
bool Compiler::toMetal(Program& program, std::string* out) {
StringStream buffer;
bool result = this->toMetal(program, buffer);
if (result) {
*out = buffer.str();
return result;
static bool validate_wgsl(ErrorReporter& reporter, const std::string& wgsl) {
tint::Source::File srcFile("", wgsl);
tint::Program program(tint::reader::wgsl::Parse(&srcFile));
if (program.Diagnostics().count() > 0) {
tint::diag::Formatter diagFormatter;
std::string diagOutput = diagFormatter.format(program.Diagnostics());
#if defined(SKSL_STANDALONE)
reporter.error(Position(), diagOutput);
SkDEBUGFAILF("%s", diagOutput.c_str());
return false;
return true;
#endif // defined(SK_ENABLE_WGSL_VALIDATION)
bool Compiler::toWGSL(Program& program, OutputStream& out) {
TRACE_EVENT0("skia.shaders", "SkSL::Compiler::toWGSL");
AutoSource as(this, *program.fSource);
StringStream wgsl;
WGSLCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &wgsl);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
if (result) {
std::string wgslString = wgsl.str();
result = validate_wgsl(this->errorReporter(), wgslString);
WGSLCodeGenerator cg(fContext.get(), &program, &out);
bool result = cg.generateCode();
return result;
void Compiler::handleError(std::string_view msg, Position pos) {
fErrorText += "error: ";
bool printLocation = false;
std::string_view src = this->errorReporter().source();
int line = -1;
if (pos.valid()) {
line = pos.line(src);
printLocation = pos.startOffset() < (int)src.length();
fErrorText += std::to_string(line) + ": ";
fErrorText += std::string(msg) + "\n";
if (printLocation) {
const int kMaxSurroundingChars = 100;
// Find the beginning of the line.
int lineStart = pos.startOffset();
while (lineStart > 0) {
if (src[lineStart - 1] == '\n') {
// We don't want to show more than 100 characters surrounding the error, so push the line
// start forward and add a leading ellipsis if there would be more than this.
std::string lineText;
std::string caretText;
if ((pos.startOffset() - lineStart) > kMaxSurroundingChars) {
lineStart = pos.startOffset() - kMaxSurroundingChars;
lineText = "...";
caretText = " ";
// Echo the line. Again, we don't want to show more than 100 characters after the end of the
// error, so truncate with a trailing ellipsis if needed.
const char* lineSuffix = "...\n";
int lineStop = pos.endOffset() + kMaxSurroundingChars;
if (lineStop >= (int)src.length()) {
lineStop = src.length() - 1;
lineSuffix = "\n"; // no ellipsis if we reach end-of-file
for (int i = lineStart; i < lineStop; ++i) {
char c = src[i];
if (c == '\n') {
lineSuffix = "\n"; // no ellipsis if we reach end-of-line
switch (c) {
case '\t': lineText += " "; break;
case '\0': lineText += " "; break;
default: lineText += src[i]; break;
fErrorText += lineText + lineSuffix;
// print the carets underneath it, pointing to the range in question
for (int i = lineStart; i < (int)src.length(); i++) {
if (i >= pos.endOffset()) {
switch (src[i]) {
case '\t':
caretText += (i >= pos.startOffset()) ? "^^^^" : " ";
case '\n':
SkASSERT(i >= pos.startOffset());
// use an ellipsis if the error continues past the end of the line
caretText += (pos.endOffset() > i + 1) ? "..." : "^";
i = src.length();
caretText += (i >= pos.startOffset()) ? '^' : ' ';
fErrorText += caretText + '\n';
std::string Compiler::errorText(bool showCount) {
if (showCount) {
std::string result = fErrorText;
return result;
void Compiler::writeErrorCount() {
int count = this->errorCount();
if (count) {
fErrorText += std::to_string(count) + " error";
if (count > 1) {
fErrorText += "s";
fErrorText += "\n";
} // namespace SkSL