blob: 45d081bec5ff92ac4599462ceb2effcaba58617f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkRasterPipeline.h"
SkRasterPipeline::SkRasterPipeline(SkArenaAlloc* alloc) : fAlloc(alloc) {
void SkRasterPipeline::reset() {
fStages = nullptr;
fNumStages = 0;
fSlotsNeeded = 1; // We always need one extra slot for just_return().
void SkRasterPipeline::append(StockStage stage, void* ctx) {
SkASSERT(stage != from_srgb);
this->unchecked_append(stage, ctx);
void SkRasterPipeline::unchecked_append(StockStage stage, void* ctx) {
fStages = fAlloc->make<StageList>( StageList{fStages, stage, ctx} );
fNumStages += 1;
fSlotsNeeded += ctx ? 2 : 1;
void SkRasterPipeline::extend(const SkRasterPipeline& src) {
if (src.empty()) {
auto stages = fAlloc->makeArrayDefault<StageList>(src.fNumStages);
int n = src.fNumStages;
const StageList* st = src.fStages;
while (n --> 1) {
stages[n] = *st;
stages[n].prev = &stages[n-1];
st = st->prev;
stages[0] = *st;
stages[0].prev = fStages;
fStages = &stages[src.fNumStages - 1];
fNumStages += src.fNumStages;
fSlotsNeeded += src.fSlotsNeeded - 1; // Don't double count just_returns().
void SkRasterPipeline::dump() const {
SkDebugf("SkRasterPipeline, %d stages (in reverse)\n", fNumStages);
for (auto st = fStages; st; st = st->prev) {
const char* name = "";
switch (st->stage) {
#define M(x) case x: name = #x; break;
#undef M
SkDebugf("\t%s\n", name);
// It's pretty easy to start with sound premultiplied linear floats, pack those
// to sRGB encoded bytes, then read them back to linear floats and find them not
// quite premultiplied, with a color channel just a smidge greater than the alpha
// channel. This can happen basically any time we have different transfer
// functions for alpha and colors... sRGB being the only one we draw into.
// This is an annoying problem with no known good solution. So apply the clamp hammer.
void SkRasterPipeline::append_from_srgb(SkAlphaType at) {
this->unchecked_append(from_srgb, nullptr);
if (at == kPremul_SkAlphaType) {
void SkRasterPipeline::append_from_srgb_dst(SkAlphaType at) {
this->unchecked_append(from_srgb_dst, nullptr);
if (at == kPremul_SkAlphaType) {