blob: 9ef187bf8707f019d7e27f9114979b2670a7fb5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vk/GrVkVulkan.h"
#include "GrBackendSurface.h"
#include "gl/GrGLUtil.h"
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
#include "vk/GrVkImageLayout.h"
#include "vk/GrVkTypes.h"
#include "vk/GrVkUtil.h"
#ifdef SK_METAL
#include "mtl/GrMtlTypes.h"
GrBackendFormat::GrBackendFormat(GrGLenum format, GrGLenum target)
: fBackend(GrBackendApi::kOpenGL)
, fValid(true)
, fGLFormat(format) {
switch (target) {
fTextureType = GrTextureType::k2D;
fTextureType = GrTextureType::kRectangle;
fTextureType = GrTextureType::kExternal;
SK_ABORT("Unexpected texture target");
const GrGLenum* GrBackendFormat::getGLFormat() const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kOpenGL == fBackend) {
return &fGLFormat;
return nullptr;
const GrGLenum* GrBackendFormat::getGLTarget() const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kOpenGL == fBackend) {
static constexpr GrGLenum k2D = GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D;
static constexpr GrGLenum kRect = GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE;
static constexpr GrGLenum kExternal = GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL;
switch (fTextureType) {
case GrTextureType::k2D:
return &k2D;
case GrTextureType::kRectangle:
return &kRect;
case GrTextureType::kExternal:
return &kExternal;
return nullptr;
GrBackendFormat::GrBackendFormat(VkFormat vkFormat)
: fBackend(GrBackendApi::kVulkan)
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
, fValid(true)
, fValid(false)
, fVkFormat(vkFormat)
, fTextureType(GrTextureType::k2D) {
const VkFormat* GrBackendFormat::getVkFormat() const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
return &fVkFormat;
return nullptr;
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendFormat::GrBackendFormat(GrMTLPixelFormat mtlFormat)
: fBackend(GrBackendApi::kMetal)
, fValid(true)
, fMtlFormat(mtlFormat)
, fTextureType(GrTextureType::k2D) {
const GrMTLPixelFormat* GrBackendFormat::getMtlFormat() const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMetal == fBackend) {
return &fMtlFormat;
return nullptr;
GrBackendFormat::GrBackendFormat(GrPixelConfig config)
: fBackend(GrBackendApi::kMock)
, fValid(true)
, fMockFormat(config)
, fTextureType(GrTextureType::k2D) {
const GrPixelConfig* GrBackendFormat::getMockFormat() const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMock == fBackend) {
return &fMockFormat;
return nullptr;
GrBackendFormat GrBackendFormat::makeTexture2D() const {
// TODO: once we support ycbcr conversions in Vulkan we need to check if we are using an
// external format since they will not be able to be made into a Texture2D.
GrBackendFormat copy = *this;
copy.fTextureType = GrTextureType::k2D;
return copy;
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo)
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
: GrBackendTexture(width, height, vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout>(new GrVkImageLayout(vkInfo.fImageLayout))) {}
: fIsValid(false) {}
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fConfig(kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fMipMapped(GrMipMapped(vkInfo.fLevelCount > 1))
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kVulkan)
, fVkInfo(vkInfo, layout.release()) {
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
GrMipMapped mipMapped,
const GrMtlTextureInfo& mtlInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fConfig(GrPixelConfig::kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fMipMapped(mipMapped)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kMetal)
, fMtlInfo(mtlInfo) {}
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
GrMipMapped mipMapped,
const GrGLTextureInfo& glInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fConfig(kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fMipMapped(mipMapped)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kOpenGL)
, fGLInfo(glInfo) {}
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(int width,
int height,
GrMipMapped mipMapped,
const GrMockTextureInfo& mockInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fConfig(mockInfo.fConfig)
, fMipMapped(mipMapped)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kMock)
, fMockInfo(mockInfo) {}
GrBackendTexture::~GrBackendTexture() {
void GrBackendTexture::cleanup() {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
GrBackendTexture::GrBackendTexture(const GrBackendTexture& that) : fIsValid(false) {
*this = that;
GrBackendTexture& GrBackendTexture::operator=(const GrBackendTexture& that) {
if (!that.isValid()) {
fIsValid = false;
return *this;
fWidth = that.fWidth;
fHeight = that.fHeight;
fConfig = that.fConfig;
fMipMapped = that.fMipMapped;
fBackend = that.fBackend;
switch (that.fBackend) {
case GrBackendApi::kOpenGL:
fGLInfo = that.fGLInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
fVkInfo.assign(that.fVkInfo, this->isValid());
#ifdef SK_METAL
case GrBackendApi::kMetal:
fMtlInfo = that.fMtlInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kMock:
fMockInfo = that.fMockInfo;
SK_ABORT("Unknown GrBackend");
fIsValid = that.fIsValid;
return *this;
bool GrBackendTexture::getVkImageInfo(GrVkImageInfo* outInfo) const {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fVkInfo.snapImageInfo();
return true;
return false;
void GrBackendTexture::setVkImageLayout(VkImageLayout layout) {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
// We need a stubbed version of GrVkImageLayout for non vulkan builds
#ifndef SK_VULKAN
class GrVkImageLayout : public SkRefCnt {
GrVkImageLayout(VkImageLayout layout) {}
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> GrBackendTexture::getGrVkImageLayout() const {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
return fVkInfo.getGrVkImageLayout();
return nullptr;
#ifdef SK_METAL
bool GrBackendTexture::getMtlTextureInfo(GrMtlTextureInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMetal == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fMtlInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendTexture::getGLTextureInfo(GrGLTextureInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kOpenGL == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fGLInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendTexture::getMockTextureInfo(GrMockTextureInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMock == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fMockInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendTexture::TestingOnly_Equals(const GrBackendTexture& t0, const GrBackendTexture& t1) {
if (!t0.isValid() || !t1.isValid()) {
return false; // two invalid backend textures are not considered equal
if (t0.fWidth != t1.fWidth ||
t0.fHeight != t1.fHeight ||
t0.fConfig != t1.fConfig ||
t0.fMipMapped != t1.fMipMapped ||
t0.fBackend != t1.fBackend) {
return false;
switch (t0.fBackend) {
case GrBackendApi::kOpenGL:
return t0.fGLInfo == t1.fGLInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kMock:
return t0.fMockInfo == t1.fMockInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
return t0.fVkInfo == t1.fVkInfo;
// fall through
case GrBackendApi::kMetal:
#ifdef SK_METAL
return t0.fMtlInfo == t1.fMtlInfo;
// fall through
return false;
return false;
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo)
: GrBackendRenderTarget(width, height, sampleCnt, vkInfo) {
// This is a deprecated constructor that takes a bogus stencil bits.
SkASSERT(0 == stencilBits);
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo)
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
: GrBackendRenderTarget(width, height, sampleCnt, vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout>(new GrVkImageLayout(vkInfo.fImageLayout))) {}
: fIsValid(false) {}
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
const GrVkImageInfo& vkInfo,
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> layout)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fSampleCnt(SkTMax(1, sampleCnt))
, fStencilBits(0) // We always create stencil buffers internally for vulkan
, fConfig(kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kVulkan)
, fVkInfo(vkInfo, layout.release()) {}
#ifdef SK_METAL
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
const GrMtlTextureInfo& mtlInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fSampleCnt(SkTMax(1, sampleCnt))
, fStencilBits(0)
, fConfig(GrPixelConfig::kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kMetal)
, fMtlInfo(mtlInfo) {}
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrGLFramebufferInfo& glInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fSampleCnt(SkTMax(1, sampleCnt))
, fStencilBits(stencilBits)
, fConfig(kUnknown_GrPixelConfig)
, fBackend(GrBackendApi::kOpenGL)
, fGLInfo(glInfo) {}
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(int width,
int height,
int sampleCnt,
int stencilBits,
const GrMockRenderTargetInfo& mockInfo)
: fIsValid(true)
, fWidth(width)
, fHeight(height)
, fSampleCnt(SkTMax(1, sampleCnt))
, fStencilBits(stencilBits)
, fConfig(mockInfo.fConfig)
, fMockInfo(mockInfo) {}
GrBackendRenderTarget::~GrBackendRenderTarget() {
void GrBackendRenderTarget::cleanup() {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
GrBackendRenderTarget::GrBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTarget& that) : fIsValid(false) {
*this = that;
GrBackendRenderTarget& GrBackendRenderTarget::operator=(const GrBackendRenderTarget& that) {
if (!that.isValid()) {
fIsValid = false;
return *this;
fWidth = that.fWidth;
fHeight = that.fHeight;
fSampleCnt = that.fSampleCnt;
fStencilBits = that.fStencilBits;
fConfig = that.fConfig;
fBackend = that.fBackend;
switch (that.fBackend) {
case GrBackendApi::kOpenGL:
fGLInfo = that.fGLInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
fVkInfo.assign(that.fVkInfo, this->isValid());
#ifdef SK_METAL
case GrBackendApi::kMetal:
fMtlInfo = that.fMtlInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kMock:
fMockInfo = that.fMockInfo;
SK_ABORT("Unknown GrBackend");
fIsValid = that.fIsValid;
return *this;
bool GrBackendRenderTarget::getVkImageInfo(GrVkImageInfo* outInfo) const {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fVkInfo.snapImageInfo();
return true;
return false;
void GrBackendRenderTarget::setVkImageLayout(VkImageLayout layout) {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
sk_sp<GrVkImageLayout> GrBackendRenderTarget::getGrVkImageLayout() const {
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kVulkan == fBackend) {
return fVkInfo.getGrVkImageLayout();
return nullptr;
#ifdef SK_METAL
bool GrBackendRenderTarget::getMtlTextureInfo(GrMtlTextureInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMetal == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fMtlInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendRenderTarget::getGLFramebufferInfo(GrGLFramebufferInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kOpenGL == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fGLInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendRenderTarget::getMockRenderTargetInfo(GrMockRenderTargetInfo* outInfo) const {
if (this->isValid() && GrBackendApi::kMock == fBackend) {
*outInfo = fMockInfo;
return true;
return false;
bool GrBackendRenderTarget::TestingOnly_Equals(const GrBackendRenderTarget& r0,
const GrBackendRenderTarget& r1) {
if (!r0.isValid() || !r1.isValid()) {
return false; // two invalid backend rendertargets are not considered equal
if (r0.fWidth != r1.fWidth ||
r0.fHeight != r1.fHeight ||
r0.fSampleCnt != r1.fSampleCnt ||
r0.fStencilBits != r1.fStencilBits ||
r0.fConfig != r1.fConfig ||
r0.fBackend != r1.fBackend) {
return false;
switch (r0.fBackend) {
case GrBackendApi::kOpenGL:
return r0.fGLInfo == r1.fGLInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kMock:
return r0.fMockInfo == r1.fMockInfo;
case GrBackendApi::kVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
return r0.fVkInfo == r1.fVkInfo;
// fall through
case GrBackendApi::kMetal:
#ifdef SK_METAL
return r0.fMtlInfo == r1.fMtlInfo;
// fall through
return false;
return false;