blob: 1b15557ee1d5c52925a7acd32579e60f05338ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/TiledTextureUtils.h"
#include "include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkSamplingOptions.h"
#include "include/core/SkSize.h"
#include "src/base/SkSafeMath.h"
#include "src/core/SkImagePriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkSamplingPriv.h"
std::atomic<int> gNumTilesDrawn{0};
// Helper functions for tiling a large SkBitmap
namespace {
static const int kBmpSmallTileSize = 1 << 10;
size_t get_tile_count(const SkIRect& srcRect, int tileSize) {
int tilesX = (srcRect.fRight / tileSize) - (srcRect.fLeft / tileSize) + 1;
int tilesY = (srcRect.fBottom / tileSize) - (srcRect.fTop / tileSize) + 1;
// We calculate expected tile count before we read the bitmap's pixels, so hypothetically we can
// have lazy images with excessive dimensions that would cause (tilesX*tilesY) to overflow int.
// In these situations we also later fail to allocate a bitmap to store the lazy image, so there
// isn't really a performance concern around one image turning into millions of tiles.
return SkSafeMath::Mul(tilesX, tilesY);
int determine_tile_size(const SkIRect& src, int maxTileSize) {
if (maxTileSize <= kBmpSmallTileSize) {
return maxTileSize;
size_t maxTileTotalTileSize = get_tile_count(src, maxTileSize);
size_t smallTotalTileSize = get_tile_count(src, kBmpSmallTileSize);
maxTileTotalTileSize *= maxTileSize * maxTileSize;
smallTotalTileSize *= kBmpSmallTileSize * kBmpSmallTileSize;
if (maxTileTotalTileSize > 2 * smallTotalTileSize) {
return kBmpSmallTileSize;
} else {
return maxTileSize;
// Given a bitmap, an optional src rect, and a context with a clip and matrix determine what
// pixels from the bitmap are necessary.
SkIRect determine_clipped_src_rect(SkIRect clippedSrcIRect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
const SkMatrix& srcToDstRect,
const SkISize& imageDimensions,
const SkRect* srcRectPtr) {
SkMatrix inv = SkMatrix::Concat(viewMatrix, srcToDstRect);
if (!inv.invert(&inv)) {
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
SkRect clippedSrcRect = SkRect::Make(clippedSrcIRect);
if (srcRectPtr) {
if (!clippedSrcRect.intersect(*srcRectPtr)) {
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
SkIRect bmpBounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(imageDimensions);
if (!clippedSrcIRect.intersect(bmpBounds)) {
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
return clippedSrcIRect;
// This method outsets 'iRect' by 'outset' all around and then clamps its extents to
// 'clamp'. 'offset' is adjusted to remain positioned over the top-left corner
// of 'iRect' for all possible outsets/clamps.
void clamped_outset_with_offset(SkIRect* iRect, int outset, SkPoint* offset,
const SkIRect& clamp) {
iRect->outset(outset, outset);
int leftClampDelta = clamp.fLeft - iRect->fLeft;
if (leftClampDelta > 0) {
offset->fX -= outset - leftClampDelta;
iRect->fLeft = clamp.fLeft;
} else {
offset->fX -= outset;
int topClampDelta = clamp.fTop - iRect->fTop;
if (topClampDelta > 0) {
offset->fY -= outset - topClampDelta;
iRect->fTop = clamp.fTop;
} else {
offset->fY -= outset;
if (iRect->fRight > clamp.fRight) {
iRect->fRight = clamp.fRight;
if (iRect->fBottom > clamp.fBottom) {
iRect->fBottom = clamp.fBottom;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace skgpu {
// tileSize and clippedSubset are valid if true is returned
bool ShouldTileImage(SkIRect conservativeClipBounds,
const SkISize& imageSize,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
const SkMatrix& srcToDst,
const SkRect* src,
int maxTileSize,
size_t cacheSize,
int* tileSize,
SkIRect* clippedSubset) {
// if it's larger than the max tile size, then we have no choice but tiling.
if (imageSize.width() > maxTileSize || imageSize.height() > maxTileSize) {
*clippedSubset = determine_clipped_src_rect(conservativeClipBounds, ctm,
srcToDst, imageSize, src);
*tileSize = determine_tile_size(*clippedSubset, maxTileSize);
return true;
// If the image would only produce 4 tiles of the smaller size, don't bother tiling it.
const size_t area = imageSize.width() * imageSize.height();
if (area < 4 * kBmpSmallTileSize * kBmpSmallTileSize) {
return false;
// At this point we know we could do the draw by uploading the entire bitmap as a texture.
// However, if the texture would be large compared to the cache size and we don't require most
// of it for this draw then tile to reduce the amount of upload and cache spill.
if (!cacheSize) {
// We don't have access to the cacheSize so we will just upload the entire image
// to be on the safe side and not tile.
return false;
// An assumption here is that sw bitmap size is a good proxy for its size as a texture
size_t bmpSize = area * sizeof(SkPMColor); // assume 32bit pixels
if (bmpSize < cacheSize / 2) {
return false;
// Figure out how much of the src we will need based on the src rect and clipping. Reject if
// tiling memory savings would be < 50%.
*clippedSubset = determine_clipped_src_rect(conservativeClipBounds, ctm,
srcToDst, imageSize, src);
*tileSize = kBmpSmallTileSize; // already know whole bitmap fits in one max sized tile.
size_t usedTileBytes = get_tile_count(*clippedSubset, kBmpSmallTileSize) *
kBmpSmallTileSize * kBmpSmallTileSize *
sizeof(SkPMColor); // assume 32bit pixels;
return usedTileBytes * 2 < bmpSize;
void DrawTiledBitmap(GrRecordingContext* rContext,
skgpu::ganesh::SurfaceDrawContext* sdc,
const GrClip* clip,
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
int tileSize,
const SkMatrixProvider& matrixProvider,
const SkMatrix& srcToDst,
const SkRect& srcRect,
const SkIRect& clippedSrcIRect,
const SkPaint& paint,
SkCanvas::QuadAAFlags origAAFlags,
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint,
SkSamplingOptions sampling,
SkTileMode tileMode,
DrawImageProc drawImage) {
if (sampling.isAniso()) {
sampling = SkSamplingPriv::AnisoFallback(/* imageIsMipped= */ false);
SkRect clippedSrcRect = SkRect::Make(clippedSrcIRect);
int nx = bitmap.width() / tileSize;
int ny = bitmap.height() / tileSize;
#if GR_TEST_UTILS, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for (int x = 0; x <= nx; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= ny; y++) {
SkRect tileR;
tileR.setLTRB(SkIntToScalar(x * tileSize), SkIntToScalar(y * tileSize),
SkIntToScalar((x + 1) * tileSize), SkIntToScalar((y + 1) * tileSize));
if (!SkRect::Intersects(tileR, clippedSrcRect)) {
if (!tileR.intersect(srcRect)) {
SkIRect iTileR;
SkVector offset = SkPoint::Make(SkIntToScalar(iTileR.fLeft),
SkRect rectToDraw = tileR;
if (sampling.filter != SkFilterMode::kNearest || sampling.useCubic) {
SkIRect iClampRect;
if (SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint == constraint) {
// In bleed mode we want to always expand the tile on all edges
// but stay within the bitmap bounds
iClampRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
} else {
// In texture-domain/clamp mode we only want to expand the
// tile on edges interior to "srcRect" (i.e., we want to
// not bleed across the original clamped edges)
int outset = sampling.useCubic ? kBicubicFilterTexelPad : 1;
clamped_outset_with_offset(&iTileR, outset, &offset, iClampRect);
// We must subset as a bitmap and then turn it into an SkImage if we want caching to
// work. Image subsets always make a copy of the pixels and lose the association with
// the original's SkPixelRef.
if (SkBitmap subsetBmp; bitmap.extractSubset(&subsetBmp, iTileR)) {
auto image = SkMakeImageFromRasterBitmap(subsetBmp, kNever_SkCopyPixelsMode);
unsigned aaFlags = SkCanvas::kNone_QuadAAFlags;
// Preserve the original edge AA flags for the exterior tile edges.
if (tileR.fLeft <= srcRect.fLeft && (origAAFlags & SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag)) {
aaFlags |= SkCanvas::kLeft_QuadAAFlag;
if (tileR.fRight >= srcRect.fRight && (origAAFlags & SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag)) {
aaFlags |= SkCanvas::kRight_QuadAAFlag;
if (tileR.fTop <= srcRect.fTop && (origAAFlags & SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag)) {
aaFlags |= SkCanvas::kTop_QuadAAFlag;
if (tileR.fBottom >= srcRect.fBottom &&
(origAAFlags & SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag)) {
aaFlags |= SkCanvas::kBottom_QuadAAFlag;
// now offset it to make it "local" to our tmp bitmap
tileR.offset(-offset.fX, -offset.fY);
SkMatrix offsetSrcToDst = srcToDst;
offsetSrcToDst.preTranslate(offset.fX, offset.fY);
(void)gNumTilesDrawn.fetch_add(+1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
} // namespace skgpu