blob: b2f2c4213809481021ffe6c4a3675984355e54a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRegion.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkAssert.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMath.h"
#include "src/core/SkAAClip.h"
#include "src/core/SkBlitter.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterClip.h"
#include "src/core/SkScan.h"
#include "src/core/SkScanPriv.h"
#include <cstdint>
static SkIRect safeRoundOut(const SkRect& src) {
// roundOut will pin huge floats to max/min int
SkIRect dst = src.roundOut();
// intersect with a smaller huge rect, so the rect will not be considered empty for being
// too large. e.g. { -SK_MaxS32 ... SK_MaxS32 } is considered empty because its width
// exceeds signed 32bit.
const int32_t limit = SK_MaxS32 >> SK_SUPERSAMPLE_SHIFT;
(void)dst.intersect({ -limit, -limit, limit, limit});
return dst;
static int overflows_short_shift(int value, int shift) {
const int s = 16 + shift;
return (SkLeftShift(value, s) >> s) - value;
Would any of the coordinates of this rectangle not fit in a short,
when left-shifted by shift?
static int rect_overflows_short_shift(SkIRect rect, int shift) {
SkASSERT(!overflows_short_shift(8191, shift));
SkASSERT(overflows_short_shift(8192, shift));
SkASSERT(!overflows_short_shift(32767, 0));
SkASSERT(overflows_short_shift(32768, 0));
// Since we expect these to succeed, we bit-or together
// for a tiny extra bit of speed.
return overflows_short_shift(rect.fLeft, shift) |
overflows_short_shift(rect.fRight, shift) |
overflows_short_shift(rect.fTop, shift) |
overflows_short_shift(rect.fBottom, shift);
void SkScan::AntiFillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRegion& origClip,
SkBlitter* blitter, bool forceRLE) {
if (origClip.isEmpty()) {
const bool isInverse = path.isInverseFillType();
SkIRect ir = safeRoundOut(path.getBounds());
if (ir.isEmpty()) {
if (isInverse) {
// If the intersection of the path bounds and the clip bounds
// will overflow 32767 when << by SHIFT, we can't supersample,
// so draw without antialiasing.
SkIRect clippedIR;
if (isInverse) {
// If the path is an inverse fill, it's going to fill the entire
// clip, and we care whether the entire clip exceeds our limits.
clippedIR = origClip.getBounds();
} else {
if (!clippedIR.intersect(ir, origClip.getBounds())) {
if (rect_overflows_short_shift(clippedIR, SK_SUPERSAMPLE_SHIFT)) {
SkScan::FillPath(path, origClip, blitter);
// Our antialiasing can't handle a clip larger than 32767, so we restrict
// the clip to that limit here. (the runs[] uses int16_t for its index).
// A more general solution (one that could also eliminate the need to
// disable aa based on ir bounds (see overflows_short_shift) would be
// to tile the clip/target...
SkRegion tmpClipStorage;
const SkRegion* clipRgn = &origClip;
static const int32_t kMaxClipCoord = 32767;
const SkIRect& bounds = origClip.getBounds();
if (bounds.fRight > kMaxClipCoord || bounds.fBottom > kMaxClipCoord) {
SkIRect limit = { 0, 0, kMaxClipCoord, kMaxClipCoord };
tmpClipStorage.op(origClip, limit, SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
clipRgn = &tmpClipStorage;
// for here down, use clipRgn, not origClip
SkScanClipper clipper(blitter, clipRgn, ir);
if (clipper.getBlitter() == nullptr) { // clipped out
if (isInverse) {
SkASSERT(clipper.getClipRect() == nullptr ||
*clipper.getClipRect() == clipRgn->getBounds());
// now use the (possibly wrapped) blitter
blitter = clipper.getBlitter();
if (isInverse) {
sk_blit_above(blitter, ir, *clipRgn);
SkScan::AAAFillPath(path, blitter, ir, clipRgn->getBounds(), forceRLE);
if (isInverse) {
sk_blit_below(blitter, ir, *clipRgn);
void SkScan::FillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRasterClip& clip, SkBlitter* blitter) {
if (clip.isEmpty() || !path.isFinite()) {
if (clip.isBW()) {
FillPath(path, clip.bwRgn(), blitter);
} else {
SkRegion tmp;
SkAAClipBlitter aaBlitter;
aaBlitter.init(blitter, &clip.aaRgn());
SkScan::FillPath(path, tmp, &aaBlitter);
void SkScan::AntiFillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRasterClip& clip, SkBlitter* blitter) {
if (clip.isEmpty() || !path.isFinite()) {
if (clip.isBW()) {
AntiFillPath(path, clip.bwRgn(), blitter, false);
} else {
SkRegion tmp;
SkAAClipBlitter aaBlitter;
aaBlitter.init(blitter, &clip.aaRgn());
AntiFillPath(path, tmp, &aaBlitter, true); // SkAAClipBlitter can blitMask, why forceRLE?