blob: ad988885a49608a5c396f5e9ba27a47596257392 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sksl/SkSLDefines.h"
namespace SkSL {
* SkSL supports several different program kinds.
enum class ProgramKind : int8_t {
* Holds the compiler settings for a program.
struct ProgramSettings {
// if false, sk_FragCoord is exactly the same as gl_FragCoord. If true, the y coordinate
// must be flipped.
bool fFlipY = false;
// If true the destination fragment color is read sk_FragColor. It must be declared inout.
bool fFragColorIsInOut = false;
// if true, Setting objects (e.g. sk_Caps.fbFetchSupport) should be replaced with their
// constant equivalents during compilation
bool fReplaceSettings = true;
// if true, all halfs are forced to be floats
bool fForceHighPrecision = false;
// if true, add -0.5 bias to LOD of all texture lookups
bool fSharpenTextures = false;
// if the program needs to create an RTHeight uniform, this is its offset in the uniform
// buffer
int fRTHeightOffset = -1;
// if the program needs to create an RTHeight uniform and is creating spriv, this is the
// binding and set number of the uniform buffer.
int fRTHeightBinding = -1;
int fRTHeightSet = -1;
// If layout(set=S, binding=B) is not specified for a uniform, these values will be used.
// At present, zero is always used by our backends.
int fDefaultUniformSet = 0;
int fDefaultUniformBinding = 0;
// If true, remove any uncalled functions other than main(). Note that a function which
// starts out being used may end up being uncalled after optimization.
bool fRemoveDeadFunctions = true;
// Sets an upper limit on the acceptable amount of code growth from inlining.
// A value of zero will disable the inliner entirely.
int fInlineThreshold = SkSL::kDefaultInlineThreshold;
// true to enable optimization passes
bool fOptimize = true;
// If true, implicit conversions to lower precision numeric types are allowed
// (eg, float to half)
bool fAllowNarrowingConversions = false;
// If true, then Debug code will run SPIR-V output through the validator to ensure its
// correctness
bool fValidateSPIRV = true;
// If true, any synthetic uniforms must use push constant syntax
bool fUsePushConstants = false;
// Permits static if/switch statements to be used with non-constant tests. This is used when
// producing H and CPP code; the static tests don't have to have constant values *yet*, but
// the generated code will contain a static test which then does have to be a constant.
bool fPermitInvalidStaticTests = false;
* All the configuration data for a given program.
struct ProgramConfig {
ProgramKind fKind;
ProgramSettings fSettings;
} // namespace SkSL