blob: 6fc670ac72bbe4e0e30248108f39d356e20bf041 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library")
package(default_visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"])
name = "libpng",
srcs = [
# TODO(kjlubick) arm/x86 support
hdrs = ["libpng/pnglibconf.h"] + glob([
copts = [
includes = [
# This adds -isystem "third_party/externals/libpng" to any dependent
# compilation steps. This allows #include <png.h> to work
# png.h attempts to #include "pnglibconf.h" , which we store in //third_party/libpng/
# This rule adds -isystem "third_party/externals/libpng" to any dependent
# rule on this, which avoids having to add "-Ithird_party/libpng/" to copts for
# those dependent rules.
textual_hdrs = ["externals/libpng/scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt"],
deps = [":zlib"],
name = "zlib",
srcs = [
] + glob([
hdrs = glob([
copts = [
strip_include_prefix = "externals/zlib/",
# This library is used to fix linking errors when trying to statically link in some symbols
# The symbols defined here:
# are defined to be inlined, however they are missing during the final linking of a static
# executable. By re-defining them in our own .a file, this makes the linker happy.
name = "musl_compat",
srcs = [