blob: 7cdbcd0efc173917652f533c695b208ca910104b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gl/builders/GrGLProgramBuilder.h"
#include "GrGLProgramDesc.h"
#include "GrBackendEffectFactory.h"
#include "GrDrawEffect.h"
#include "GrEffect.h"
#include "GrGpuGL.h"
#include "SkChecksum.h"
bool GrGLProgramDesc::GetEffectKeyAndUpdateStats(const GrEffectStage& stage,
const GrGLCaps& caps,
bool useExplicitLocalCoords,
GrEffectKeyBuilder* b,
uint16_t* effectKeySize,
bool* setTrueIfReadsDst,
bool* setTrueIfReadsPos,
bool* setTrueIfHasVertexCode) {
const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory = stage.getEffect()->getFactory();
GrDrawEffect drawEffect(stage, useExplicitLocalCoords);
if (stage.getEffect()->willReadDstColor()) {
*setTrueIfReadsDst = true;
if (stage.getEffect()->willReadFragmentPosition()) {
*setTrueIfReadsPos = true;
if (stage.getEffect()->hasVertexCode()) {
*setTrueIfHasVertexCode = true;
factory.getGLEffectKey(drawEffect, caps, b);
size_t size = b->size();
if (size > SK_MaxU16) {
*effectKeySize = 0; // suppresses a warning.
return false;
*effectKeySize = SkToU16(size);
if (!GrGLProgramEffects::GenEffectMetaKey(drawEffect, caps, b)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GrGLProgramDesc::Build(const GrDrawState& drawState,
GrGpu::DrawType drawType,
GrDrawState::BlendOptFlags blendOpts,
GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff,
const GrGpuGL* gpu,
const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* colorStages,
SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* coverageStages,
GrGLProgramDesc* desc) {
// This should already have been caught
SkASSERT(!(GrDrawState::kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag & blendOpts));
bool skipCoverage = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);
bool skipColor = SkToBool(blendOpts & (GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag |
int firstEffectiveColorStage = 0;
bool inputColorIsUsed = true;
if (!skipColor) {
firstEffectiveColorStage = drawState.numColorStages();
while (firstEffectiveColorStage > 0 && inputColorIsUsed) {
const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getColorStage(firstEffectiveColorStage).getEffect();
inputColorIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();
int firstEffectiveCoverageStage = 0;
bool inputCoverageIsUsed = true;
if (!skipCoverage) {
firstEffectiveCoverageStage = drawState.numCoverageStages();
while (firstEffectiveCoverageStage > 0 && inputCoverageIsUsed) {
const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getCoverageStage(firstEffectiveCoverageStage).getEffect();
inputCoverageIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();
// The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
// descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
// bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
// to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.
bool requiresColorAttrib = !skipColor && drawState.hasColorVertexAttribute();
bool requiresCoverageAttrib = !skipCoverage && drawState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute();
// we only need the local coords if we're actually going to generate effect code
bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib = !(skipCoverage && skipColor) &&
bool readsDst = false;
bool readFragPosition = false;
// We use vertexshader-less shader programs only when drawing paths.
bool hasVertexCode = !(GrGpu::kDrawPath_DrawType == drawType ||
GrGpu::kDrawPaths_DrawType == drawType);
int numStages = 0;
if (!skipColor) {
numStages += drawState.numColorStages() - firstEffectiveColorStage;
if (!skipCoverage) {
numStages += drawState.numCoverageStages() - firstEffectiveCoverageStage;
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset % sizeof(uint32_t));
// Make room for everything up to and including the array of offsets to effect keys.
desc->fKey.push_back_n(kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) * numStages);
int offsetAndSizeIndex = 0;
bool effectKeySuccess = true;
if (!skipColor) {
for (int s = firstEffectiveColorStage; s < drawState.numColorStages(); ++s) {
uint16_t* offsetAndSize =
reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(desc->fKey.begin() + kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset +
offsetAndSizeIndex * 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));
GrEffectKeyBuilder b(&desc->fKey);
uint16_t effectKeySize;
uint32_t effectOffset = desc->fKey.count();
effectKeySuccess |= GetEffectKeyAndUpdateStats(
drawState.getColorStage(s), gpu->glCaps(),
requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &b,
&effectKeySize, &readsDst,
&readFragPosition, &hasVertexCode);
effectKeySuccess |= (effectOffset <= SK_MaxU16);
offsetAndSize[0] = SkToU16(effectOffset);
offsetAndSize[1] = effectKeySize;
if (!skipCoverage) {
for (int s = firstEffectiveCoverageStage; s < drawState.numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
uint16_t* offsetAndSize =
reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(desc->fKey.begin() + kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset +
offsetAndSizeIndex * 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));
GrEffectKeyBuilder b(&desc->fKey);
uint16_t effectKeySize;
uint32_t effectOffset = desc->fKey.count();
effectKeySuccess |= GetEffectKeyAndUpdateStats(
drawState.getCoverageStage(s), gpu->glCaps(),
requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &b,
&effectKeySize, &readsDst,
&readFragPosition, &hasVertexCode);
effectKeySuccess |= (effectOffset <= SK_MaxU16);
offsetAndSize[0] = SkToU16(effectOffset);
offsetAndSize[1] = effectKeySize;
if (!effectKeySuccess) {
return false;
KeyHeader* header = desc->header();
// make sure any padding in the header is zeroed.
memset(desc->header(), 0, kHeaderSize);
// Because header is a pointer into the dynamic array, we can't push any new data into the key
// below here.
header->fHasVertexCode = hasVertexCode || requiresLocalCoordAttrib;
header->fEmitsPointSize = GrGpu::kDrawPoints_DrawType == drawType;
// Currently the experimental GS will only work with triangle prims (and it doesn't do anything
// other than pass through values from the VS to the FS anyway).
#if 0
header->fExperimentalGS = gpu->caps().geometryShaderSupport();
header->fExperimentalGS = false;
bool defaultToUniformInputs = GR_GL_NO_CONSTANT_ATTRIBUTES || gpu->caps()->pathRenderingSupport();
if (defaultToUniformInputs && !requiresColorAttrib && inputColorIsUsed) {
header->fColorInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
} else {
header->fColorInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;
header->fHasVertexCode = true;
bool covIsSolidWhite = !requiresCoverageAttrib && 0xffffffff == drawState.getCoverageColor();
if ((covIsSolidWhite || !inputCoverageIsUsed) && !skipCoverage) {
header->fCoverageInput = kSolidWhite_ColorInput;
} else if (defaultToUniformInputs && !requiresCoverageAttrib && inputCoverageIsUsed) {
header->fCoverageInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
} else {
header->fCoverageInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;
header->fHasVertexCode = true;
if (readsDst) {
SkASSERT(NULL != dstCopy || gpu->caps()->dstReadInShaderSupport());
const GrTexture* dstCopyTexture = NULL;
if (NULL != dstCopy) {
dstCopyTexture = dstCopy->texture();
header->fDstReadKey = GrGLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForDstRead(dstCopyTexture,
SkASSERT(0 != header->fDstReadKey);
} else {
header->fDstReadKey = 0;
if (readFragPosition) {
header->fFragPosKey = GrGLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForFragmentPosition(
drawState.getRenderTarget(), gpu->glCaps());
} else {
header->fFragPosKey = 0;
// Record attribute indices
header->fPositionAttributeIndex = drawState.positionAttributeIndex();
header->fLocalCoordAttributeIndex = drawState.localCoordAttributeIndex();
// For constant color and coverage we need an attribute with an index beyond those already set
int availableAttributeIndex = drawState.getVertexAttribCount();
if (requiresColorAttrib) {
header->fColorAttributeIndex = drawState.colorVertexAttributeIndex();
} else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fColorInput) {
SkASSERT(availableAttributeIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt);
header->fColorAttributeIndex = availableAttributeIndex;
} else {
header->fColorAttributeIndex = -1;
if (requiresCoverageAttrib) {
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = drawState.coverageVertexAttributeIndex();
} else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kAttribute_ColorInput == header->fCoverageInput) {
SkASSERT(availableAttributeIndex < GrDrawState::kMaxVertexAttribCnt);
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = availableAttributeIndex;
} else {
header->fCoverageAttributeIndex = -1;
// Here we deal with whether/how we handle color and coverage separately.
// Set this default and then possibly change our mind if there is coverage.
header->fCoverageOutput = kModulate_CoverageOutput;
// If we do have coverage determine whether it matters.
bool separateCoverageFromColor = false;
if (!drawState.isCoverageDrawing() && !skipCoverage &&
(drawState.numCoverageStages() > 0 || requiresCoverageAttrib)) {
if (gpu->caps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() &&
!(blendOpts & (GrDrawState::kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag |
GrDrawState::kCoverageAsAlpha_BlendOptFlag))) {
if (kZero_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff) {
// write the coverage value to second color
header->fCoverageOutput = kSecondaryCoverage_CoverageOutput;
separateCoverageFromColor = true;
} else if (kSA_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff) {
// SA dst coeff becomes 1-(1-SA)*coverage when dst is partially covered.
header->fCoverageOutput = kSecondaryCoverageISA_CoverageOutput;
separateCoverageFromColor = true;
} else if (kSC_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff) {
// SA dst coeff becomes 1-(1-SA)*coverage when dst is partially covered.
header->fCoverageOutput = kSecondaryCoverageISC_CoverageOutput;
separateCoverageFromColor = true;
} else if (readsDst &&
kOne_GrBlendCoeff == srcCoeff &&
kZero_GrBlendCoeff == dstCoeff) {
header->fCoverageOutput = kCombineWithDst_CoverageOutput;
separateCoverageFromColor = true;
if (!skipColor) {
for (int s = firstEffectiveColorStage; s < drawState.numColorStages(); ++s) {
if (!skipCoverage) {
SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* array;
if (separateCoverageFromColor) {
array = coverageStages;
} else {
array = colorStages;
for (int s = firstEffectiveCoverageStage; s < drawState.numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
header->fColorEffectCnt = colorStages->count();
header->fCoverageEffectCnt = coverageStages->count();
return true;
void GrGLProgramDesc::finalize() {
int keyLength = fKey.count();
SkASSERT(0 == (keyLength % 4));
*this->atOffset<uint32_t, kLengthOffset>() = SkToU32(keyLength);
uint32_t* checksum = this->atOffset<uint32_t, kChecksumOffset>();
*checksum = 0;
*checksum = SkChecksum::Compute(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fKey.begin()), keyLength);
GrGLProgramDesc& GrGLProgramDesc::operator= (const GrGLProgramDesc& other) {
size_t keyLength = other.keyLength();
memcpy(fKey.begin(), other.fKey.begin(), keyLength);
return *this;