blob: 050374e57bf1a5580d1c21fae89d83c54017460e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/QueueManager.h"
#include "include/gpu/graphite/Recording.h"
#include "src/gpu/RefCntedCallback.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/GpuWorkSubmission.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Log.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/RecordingPriv.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
// This constant determines how many OutstandingSubmissions are allocated together as a block in
// the deque. As such it needs to balance allocating too much memory vs. incurring
// allocation/deallocation thrashing. It should roughly correspond to the max number of outstanding
// submissions we expect to see.
static constexpr int kDefaultOutstandingAllocCnt = 8;
QueueManager::QueueManager(const SharedContext* sharedContext)
: fSharedContext(sharedContext)
, fOutstandingSubmissions(sizeof(OutstandingSubmission), kDefaultOutstandingAllocCnt) {
QueueManager::~QueueManager() {
void QueueManager::addRecording(const InsertRecordingInfo& info,
ResourceProvider* resourceProvider) {
sk_sp<RefCntedCallback> callback;
if (info.fFinishedProc) {
callback = RefCntedCallback::Make(info.fFinishedProc, info.fFinishedContext);
if (!info.fRecording) {
if (callback) {
SKGPU_LOG_W("No valid Recording passed into addRecording call");
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer) {
if (fAvailableCommandBuffers.size()) {
fCurrentCommandBuffer = std::move(fAvailableCommandBuffers.back());
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer->setNewCommandBufferResources()) {
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer) {
fCurrentCommandBuffer = this->getNewCommandBuffer(resourceProvider);
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer) {
if (callback) {
if (!info.fRecording->priv().addCommands(resourceProvider, fCurrentCommandBuffer.get())) {
if (callback) {
if (callback) {
bool QueueManager::submitToGpu() {
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer) {
SKGPU_LOG_W("Submit called with no active command buffer!");
return false;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
if (!fCurrentCommandBuffer->hasWork()) {
SKGPU_LOG_W("Submitting empty command buffer!");
auto submission = this->onSubmitToGpu();
if (!submission) {
return false;
new (fOutstandingSubmissions.push_back()) OutstandingSubmission(std::move(submission));
return true;
void QueueManager::checkForFinishedWork(SyncToCpu sync) {
if (sync == SyncToCpu::kYes) {
// wait for the last submission to finish
OutstandingSubmission* back = (OutstandingSubmission*)fOutstandingSubmissions.back();
if (back) {
// Iterate over all the outstanding submissions to see if any have finished. The work
// submissions are in order from oldest to newest, so we start at the front to check if they
// have finished. If so we pop it off and move onto the next.
// Repeat till we find a submission that has not finished yet (and all others afterwards are
// also guaranteed to not have finished).
OutstandingSubmission* front = (OutstandingSubmission*)fOutstandingSubmissions.front();
while (front && (*front)->isFinished()) {
// Make sure we remove before deleting as deletion might try to kick off another submit
// (though hopefully *not* in Graphite).
// Since we used placement new we are responsible for calling the destructor manually.
front = (OutstandingSubmission*)fOutstandingSubmissions.front();
SkASSERT(sync == SyncToCpu::kNo || fOutstandingSubmissions.empty());
void QueueManager::returnCommandBuffer(std::unique_ptr<CommandBuffer> commandBuffer) {
} // namespace skgpu::graphite