| # This file will be copied into //third_party/externals/dng_sdk via the new_local_repository |
| # rule in WORKSPACE.bazel, so all files should be relative to that path. |
| load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects") |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "dng_sdk", |
| srcs = [ |
| "source/dng_1d_function.cpp", |
| "source/dng_1d_table.cpp", |
| "source/dng_abort_sniffer.cpp", |
| "source/dng_area_task.cpp", |
| "source/dng_bad_pixels.cpp", |
| "source/dng_bottlenecks.cpp", |
| "source/dng_camera_profile.cpp", |
| "source/dng_color_space.cpp", |
| "source/dng_color_spec.cpp", |
| "source/dng_date_time.cpp", |
| "source/dng_exceptions.cpp", |
| "source/dng_exif.cpp", |
| "source/dng_file_stream.cpp", |
| "source/dng_filter_task.cpp", |
| "source/dng_fingerprint.cpp", |
| "source/dng_gain_map.cpp", |
| "source/dng_globals.cpp", |
| "source/dng_host.cpp", |
| "source/dng_hue_sat_map.cpp", |
| "source/dng_ifd.cpp", |
| "source/dng_image.cpp", |
| "source/dng_image_writer.cpp", |
| "source/dng_info.cpp", |
| "source/dng_iptc.cpp", |
| "source/dng_jpeg_image.cpp", |
| "source/dng_jpeg_memory_source.cpp", |
| "source/dng_lens_correction.cpp", |
| "source/dng_linearization_info.cpp", |
| "source/dng_lossless_jpeg.cpp", |
| "source/dng_matrix.cpp", |
| "source/dng_memory.cpp", |
| "source/dng_memory_stream.cpp", |
| "source/dng_misc_opcodes.cpp", |
| "source/dng_mosaic_info.cpp", |
| "source/dng_mutex.cpp", |
| "source/dng_negative.cpp", |
| "source/dng_opcode_list.cpp", |
| "source/dng_opcodes.cpp", |
| "source/dng_orientation.cpp", |
| "source/dng_parse_utils.cpp", |
| "source/dng_pixel_buffer.cpp", |
| "source/dng_point.cpp", |
| "source/dng_preview.cpp", |
| "source/dng_pthread.cpp", |
| "source/dng_rational.cpp", |
| "source/dng_read_image.cpp", |
| "source/dng_rect.cpp", |
| "source/dng_ref_counted_block.cpp", |
| "source/dng_reference.cpp", |
| "source/dng_render.cpp", |
| "source/dng_resample.cpp", |
| "source/dng_safe_arithmetic.cpp", |
| "source/dng_shared.cpp", |
| "source/dng_simple_image.cpp", |
| "source/dng_spline.cpp", |
| "source/dng_stream.cpp", |
| "source/dng_string.cpp", |
| "source/dng_string_list.cpp", |
| "source/dng_tag_types.cpp", |
| "source/dng_temperature.cpp", |
| "source/dng_tile_iterator.cpp", |
| "source/dng_tone_curve.cpp", |
| "source/dng_utils.cpp", |
| "source/dng_xy_coord.cpp", |
| ], |
| hdrs = [ |
| "source/RawEnvironment.h", |
| "source/dng_1d_function.h", |
| "source/dng_1d_table.h", |
| "source/dng_abort_sniffer.h", |
| "source/dng_area_task.h", |
| "source/dng_assertions.h", |
| "source/dng_auto_ptr.h", |
| "source/dng_bad_pixels.h", |
| "source/dng_bottlenecks.h", |
| "source/dng_camera_profile.h", |
| "source/dng_classes.h", |
| "source/dng_color_space.h", |
| "source/dng_color_spec.h", |
| "source/dng_date_time.h", |
| "source/dng_errors.h", |
| "source/dng_exceptions.h", |
| "source/dng_exif.h", |
| "source/dng_fast_module.h", |
| "source/dng_file_stream.h", |
| "source/dng_filter_task.h", |
| "source/dng_fingerprint.h", |
| "source/dng_flags.h", |
| "source/dng_gain_map.h", |
| "source/dng_globals.h", |
| "source/dng_host.h", |
| "source/dng_hue_sat_map.h", |
| "source/dng_ifd.h", |
| "source/dng_image.h", |
| "source/dng_image_writer.h", |
| "source/dng_info.h", |
| "source/dng_iptc.h", |
| "source/dng_jpeg_image.h", |
| "source/dng_jpeg_memory_source.h", |
| "source/dng_jpeglib.h", |
| "source/dng_lens_correction.h", |
| "source/dng_linearization_info.h", |
| "source/dng_lossless_jpeg.h", |
| "source/dng_matrix.h", |
| "source/dng_memory.h", |
| "source/dng_memory_stream.h", |
| "source/dng_misc_opcodes.h", |
| "source/dng_mosaic_info.h", |
| "source/dng_mutex.h", |
| "source/dng_negative.h", |
| "source/dng_opcode_list.h", |
| "source/dng_opcodes.h", |
| "source/dng_orientation.h", |
| "source/dng_parse_utils.h", |
| "source/dng_pixel_buffer.h", |
| "source/dng_point.h", |
| "source/dng_preview.h", |
| "source/dng_pthread.h", |
| "source/dng_rational.h", |
| "source/dng_read_image.h", |
| "source/dng_rect.h", |
| "source/dng_ref_counted_block.h", |
| "source/dng_reference.h", |
| "source/dng_render.h", |
| "source/dng_resample.h", |
| "source/dng_safe_arithmetic.h", |
| "source/dng_sdk_limits.h", |
| "source/dng_shared.h", |
| "source/dng_simple_image.h", |
| "source/dng_spline.h", |
| "source/dng_stream.h", |
| "source/dng_string.h", |
| "source/dng_string_list.h", |
| "source/dng_tag_codes.h", |
| "source/dng_tag_types.h", |
| "source/dng_tag_values.h", |
| "source/dng_temperature.h", |
| "source/dng_tile_iterator.h", |
| "source/dng_tone_curve.h", |
| "source/dng_types.h", |
| "source/dng_uncopyable.h", |
| "source/dng_utils.h", |
| "source/dng_xy_coord.h", |
| ], |
| defines = [ |
| "qDNGBigEndian=0", # The GN rules had this defined publicly |
| ] + selects.with_or({ |
| ("@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//cpu:arm"): [ |
| # DNG SDK uses __builtin_smulll_overflow() to detect 64x64 bit multiply overflow. |
| # On some platforms, the compiler implements this with __mulodi4(). |
| # I can't quite figure out how to link that here, so instead here's a shim for |
| # __builtin_smulll_overflow() that multiplies normally assuming no overflow. |
| # Previously tracked in b/29412086. |
| # Currently, without this define, we see: |
| # Error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'long long *' with an rvalue of type 'std::int64_t *' (aka 'long *') |
| "__builtin_smulll_overflow(x,y,p)=(*(p)=(x)*(y),false)", |
| ], |
| "//conditions:default": [], |
| }), |
| local_defines = [ |
| "qDNGReportErrors=0", |
| "qDNGThreadSafe=1", |
| "qDNGUseLibJPEG=1", |
| "qDNGUseXMP=0", |
| "qDNGValidate=0", |
| "qDNGValidateTarget=1", |
| "UNIX_ENV=1", |
| ], |
| strip_include_prefix = "source/", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| deps = [ |
| "@libjpeg_turbo", |
| "@zlib_skia//:zlib", |
| ], |
| ) |