blob: f92a2c42260c1e81ef45e1007fa91965c0a1f8e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
#include <stack>
#include "experimental/sktext/include/Processor.h"
#include "experimental/sktext/src/Formatter.h"
#include "experimental/sktext/src/Shaper.h"
#include "experimental/sktext/src/Wrapper.h"
namespace skia {
namespace text {
// The result of shaping is a set of Runs placed on one endless line
// It has all the glyph information
bool Processor::shape(TextFontStyle fontStyle, SkTArray<FontBlock, true> fontBlocks) {
if (fUnicode == nullptr) {
return false;
fFontBlocks = std::move(fontBlocks);
Shaper shaper(this, fontStyle);
if (!shaper.process()) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO: we can wrap to any shape, not just a rectangle
// The result of wrapping is a set of Lines that fit the required sizes and
// contain all the glyph information
bool Processor::wrap(SkScalar width, SkScalar height) {
Wrapper wrapper(this, width, height);
if (!wrapper.process()) {
return false;
return true;
// The result of formatting is a possible shift of glyphs as the format type requires
bool Processor::format(TextFormatStyle formatStyle) {
Formatter formatter(this, formatStyle);
if (!formatter.process()) {
return false;
return true;
// Once the text is decorated you can iterate it by segments (intersect of run, decor block and line)
bool Processor::decorate(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true> decorBlocks) {
[&](SkSize offset, SkScalar baseline, const TextRun* run, Range textRange, Range glyphRange, const DecorBlock& block) {
SkTextBlobBuilder builder;
const auto& blobBuffer = builder.allocRunPos(run->fFont, SkToInt(glyphRange.width()));
sk_careful_memcpy(blobBuffer.glyphs, run-> + glyphRange.fStart, glyphRange.width() * sizeof(SkGlyphID));
sk_careful_memcpy(blobBuffer.points(), run-> + glyphRange.fStart, glyphRange.width() * sizeof(SkPoint));
offset.fHeight += baseline;
fTextOutputs.emplace_back(builder.make(), *block.fForegroundColor, offset);
return true;
// All at once
bool Processor::drawText(const char* text, SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
return drawText(text, canvas, TextFormatStyle(TextAlign::kLeft, TextDirection::kLtr), SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, SkString("Roboto"), 14, SkFontStyle::Normal(), x, y);
bool Processor::drawText(const char* text, SkCanvas* canvas, TextFormatStyle textFormat, SkColor foreground, SkColor background, const SkString& fontFamily, SkScalar fontSize, SkFontStyle fontStyle, SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
SkString str(text);
Range textRange(0, str.size());
Processor processor(str);
if (!processor.computeCodeUnitProperties()) {
return false;
if (!processor.shape({ textFormat.fDefaultTextDirection, SkFontMgr::RefDefault()}, {{{ fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, textRange }}})) {
return false;
if (!processor.wrap(SK_ScalarInfinity, SK_ScalarInfinity)) {
return false;
if (!processor.format(textFormat)) {
return false;
SkTArray<DecorBlock, true> decor;
SkPaint backgroundPaint; backgroundPaint.setColor(background);
SkPaint foregroundPaint; foregroundPaint.setColor(foreground);
if (!processor.decorate({{{&foregroundPaint, &backgroundPaint, textRange}}})) {
return false;
for (auto& output : processor.fTextOutputs) {
canvas->drawTextBlob(output.fTextBlob, x + output.fOffset.fWidth, y + output.fOffset.fHeight, output.fPaint);
return true;
// Also adjust the decoration block edges to cluster edges while we at it
// to avoid an enormous amount of complications
void Processor::sortDecorBlocks(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true>& decorBlocks) {
// Soft the blocks
std::sort(decorBlocks.begin(), decorBlocks.end(),
[](const DecorBlock& a, const DecorBlock& b) {
return a.fRange.fStart < b.fRange.fStart;
// Walk through the blocks using the default when missing
SkPaint* foreground = new SkPaint();
std::stack<DecorBlock> defaultBlocks;
defaultBlocks.emplace(foreground, nullptr, Range(0, fText.size()));
size_t start = 0;
for (auto& block : decorBlocks) {
SkASSERT(start <= block.fRange.fStart);
if (start < block.fRange.fStart) {
auto defaultBlock =;
decorBlocks.emplace_back(defaultBlock.fForegroundColor, defaultBlock.fBackgroundColor, Range(start, block.fRange.fStart));
start = block.fRange.fEnd;
while (!defaultBlocks.empty()) {
auto defaultBlock =;
if (defaultBlock.fRange.fEnd <= block.fRange.fEnd) {
if (start < fText.size()) {
auto defaultBlock =;
decorBlocks.emplace_back(defaultBlock.fForegroundColor, defaultBlock.fBackgroundColor, Range(start, fText.size()));
bool Processor::computeCodeUnitProperties() {
fCodeUnitProperties.push_back_n(fText.size() + 1, CodeUnitFlags::kNoCodeUnitFlag);
fUnicode = std::move(SkUnicode::Make());
if (nullptr == fUnicode) {
return false;
// Get white spaces
fUnicode->forEachCodepoint(fText.c_str(), fText.size(),
[this](SkUnichar unichar, int32_t start, int32_t end) {
if (fUnicode->isWhitespace(unichar)) {
for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i) {
fCodeUnitProperties[i] |= CodeUnitFlags::kPartOfWhiteSpace;
// Get line breaks
std::vector<SkUnicode::LineBreakBefore> lineBreaks;
if (!fUnicode->getLineBreaks(fText.c_str(), fText.size(), &lineBreaks)) {
return false;
for (auto& lineBreak : lineBreaks) {
fCodeUnitProperties[lineBreak.pos] |= lineBreak.breakType == SkUnicode::LineBreakType::kHardLineBreak
? CodeUnitFlags::kHardLineBreakBefore
: CodeUnitFlags::kSoftLineBreakBefore;
// Get graphemes
std::vector<SkUnicode::Position> graphemes;
if (!fUnicode->getGraphemes(fText.c_str(), fText.size(), &graphemes)) {
return false;
for (auto pos : graphemes) {
fCodeUnitProperties[pos] |= CodeUnitFlags::kGraphemeStart;
return true;
void Processor::markGlyphs() {
for (auto& run : fRuns) {
for (auto index : run.fClusters) {
fCodeUnitProperties[index] |= CodeUnitFlags::kGlyphStart;
template<typename Visitor>
void Processor::iterateByLogicalOrder(CodeUnitFlags units, Visitor visitor) {
Range range(0, 0);
for (size_t index = 0; index < fCodeUnitProperties.size(); ++index) {
if (this->hasProperty(index, units)) {
range.fEnd = index;
visitor(range, this->fCodeUnitProperties[index]);
range.fStart = index;
template<typename Visitor>
void Processor::iterateByVisualOrder(CodeUnitFlags units, Visitor visitor) {
SkSize offset = SkSize::MakeEmpty();
for (auto& line : fLines) {
offset.fWidth = 0;
for (auto& runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
auto startGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextStart.fRunIndex == runIndex ? line.fTextStart.fGlyphIndex : 0;
auto endGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.fRunIndex ? line.fTextEnd.fGlyphIndex : run.fGlyphs.size();
Range textRange(run.fUtf8Range.begin(), run.fUtf8Range.end());
Range glyphRange(startGlyph, endGlyph);
for (auto glyphIndex = startGlyph; glyphIndex <= endGlyph; ++glyphIndex) {
auto textIndex = run.fClusters[glyphIndex];
if (glyphIndex < endGlyph && !this->hasProperty(textIndex, units)) {
textRange.fEnd = textIndex;
glyphRange.fEnd = glyphIndex;
visitor(offset, line.fTextMetrics.baseline(), &run, textRange, glyphRange, this->fCodeUnitProperties[textIndex]);
textRange.fStart = textIndex;
glyphRange.fStart = glyphIndex;
offset.fWidth += run.calculateWidth(glyphRange);
offset.fHeight += line.fTextMetrics.height();
template<typename Visitor>
void Processor::iterateByVisualOrder(SkTArray<DecorBlock, true>& decorBlocks, Visitor visitor) {
// Decor blocks have to be sorted by text cannot intersect but can skip some parts of the text
// (in which case we use default text style from paragraph style)
// The edges of the decor blocks don't have to match glyph, grapheme or even unicode code point edges
// It's out responsibility to adjust them to some reasonable values
// [a:b) -> [c:d) where
// c is closest GG cluster edge to a from the left and d is closest GG cluster edge to b from the left
DecorBlock* currentBlock = &decorBlocks[0];
SkSize offset = SkSize::MakeEmpty();
for (auto& line : fLines) {
offset.fWidth = 0;
for (auto& runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
// The run edges are good (aligned to GGC)
// "ABCdef" -> "defCBA"
// "AB": red
// "Cd": green
// "ef": blue
// green[d] blue[ef] green [C] red [BA]
auto startGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextStart.fRunIndex == runIndex ? line.fTextStart.fGlyphIndex : 0;
auto endGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.fRunIndex ? line.fTextEnd.fGlyphIndex : run.fGlyphs.size();
Range textRange(run.fUtf8Range.begin(), run.fUtf8Range.end());
Range glyphRange(startGlyph, endGlyph);
SkASSERT(currentBlock->fRange.fStart <= textRange.fStart);
for (auto glyphIndex = startGlyph; glyphIndex <= endGlyph; ++glyphIndex) {
auto textIndex = run.fClusters[glyphIndex];
if (run.leftToRight() && textIndex < currentBlock->fRange.fEnd) {
} else if (!run.leftToRight() && textIndex > currentBlock->fRange.fStart) {
if (run.leftToRight()) {
textRange.fEnd = textIndex;
} else {
textRange.fStart = textIndex;
glyphRange.fEnd = glyphIndex;
visitor(offset, line.fTextMetrics.baseline(), &run, textRange, glyphRange, *currentBlock);
if (run.leftToRight()) {
textRange.fStart = textIndex;
} else {
textRange.fEnd = textIndex;
glyphRange.fStart = glyphIndex;
offset.fWidth += run.calculateWidth(glyphRange);
offset.fHeight += line.fTextMetrics.height();
} // namespace text
} // namespace skia