blob: 3454dd13409337d0953170da18479107f5ccd908 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "experimental/skrive/src/reader/StreamReader.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "src/utils/SkJSON.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
namespace skrive::internal {
namespace {
StreamReader::BlockType block_type(const char* type_name) {
static constexpr struct TypeMapEntry {
const char* name;
StreamReader::BlockType block_type;
} gTypeMap[] = {
{"artboard" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorArtboard },
{"artboards" , StreamReader::BlockType::kArtboards },
{"colorFill" , StreamReader::BlockType::kColorFill },
{"colorStroke" , StreamReader::BlockType::kColorStroke },
{"ellipse" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorEllipse },
{"gradientFill" , StreamReader::BlockType::kGradientFill },
{"gradientStroke" , StreamReader::BlockType::kGradientStroke },
{"node" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorNode },
{"nodes" , StreamReader::BlockType::kComponents },
{"path" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorPath },
{"polygon" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorPolygon },
{"radialGradientFill" , StreamReader::BlockType::kRadialGradientFill },
{"radialGradientStroke", StreamReader::BlockType::kRadialGradientStroke },
{"rectangle" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorRectangle },
{"shape" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorShape },
{"star" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorStar },
{"triangle" , StreamReader::BlockType::kActorTriangle },
const TypeMapEntry key = { type_name, StreamReader::BlockType::kUnknown };
const auto* map_entry = std::lower_bound(std::begin(gTypeMap),
std::end (gTypeMap),
[](const TypeMapEntry& a, const TypeMapEntry& b) {
return strcmp(, < 0;
return (map_entry != std::end(gTypeMap) && !strcmp(map_entry->name,
? map_entry->block_type
: StreamReader::BlockType::kUnknown;
class JsonReader final : public StreamReader {
explicit JsonReader(std::unique_ptr<skjson::DOM> dom)
: fDom(std::move(dom)) {
fContextStack.push_back({&fDom->root(), 0});
~JsonReader() override {
SkASSERT(fContextStack.size() == 1);
template <typename T>
const T* readProp(const char label[]) {
auto& ctx = fContextStack.back();
if (ctx.fContainer->is<skjson::ObjectValue>()) {
return static_cast<const T*>(ctx.fContainer->as<skjson::ObjectValue>()[label]);
const skjson::ArrayValue* jarr = *ctx.fContainer;
return ctx.fMemberIndex < jarr->size()
? static_cast<const T*>((*jarr)[ctx.fMemberIndex++])
: nullptr;
uint16_t readId(const char label[]) override {
// unlike binary, json IDs are 0-based
return this->readUInt16(label) + 1;
bool readBool(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jbool = this->readProp<skjson::BoolValue>(label);
return jbool ? **jbool : false;
float readFloat(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jnum = this->readProp<skjson::NumberValue>(label);
return jnum ? static_cast<float>(**jnum) : 0.0f;
uint8_t readUInt8(const char label[]) override {
return static_cast<uint8_t>(this->readUInt32(label));
uint16_t readUInt16(const char label[]) override {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(this->readUInt32(label));
uint32_t readUInt32(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jnum = this->readProp<skjson::NumberValue>(label);
return jnum ? static_cast<uint32_t>(**jnum) : 0;
SkString readString(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jstr = this->readProp<skjson::StringValue>(label);
return SkString(jstr ? jstr->begin() : nullptr);
size_t readFloatArray(const char label[], float dst[], size_t count) override {
const auto* jarr = this->readProp<skjson::ArrayValue>(label);
if (!jarr) {
return 0;
count = std::min(count, jarr->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const skjson::NumberValue* jnum = (*jarr)[i];
dst[i] = jnum ? static_cast<float>(**jnum) : 0.0f;
return count;
uint8_t readLength8() override {
return SkToU8(this->currentLength());
uint16_t readLength16() override {
return SkToU16(this->currentLength());
size_t currentLength() const {
const auto& ctx = fContextStack.back();
return ctx.fContainer->is<skjson::ObjectValue>()
? ctx.fContainer->as<skjson::ObjectValue>().size()
: ctx.fContainer->as<skjson:: ArrayValue>().size();
bool openArray(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jarr = this->readProp<skjson::ArrayValue>(label);
if (!jarr) {
return false;
fContextStack.push_back({jarr, 0});
return true;
void closeArray() override {
bool openObject(const char label[]) override {
const auto* jobj = this->readProp<skjson::ObjectValue>(label);
if (!jobj) {
return false;
fContextStack.push_back({jobj, 0});
return true;
void closeObject() override {
// "Blocks" map to either objects or arrays. For object containers, the block type is encoded
// as the key; for array containers, the type is an explicit "type" property *inside* the block
// entry - which must be an object in this case.
BlockType openBlock() override {
switch (fContextStack.back().fContainer->getType()) {
case skjson::Value::Type::kObject: return this->openObjectBlock();
case skjson::Value::Type::kArray: return this->openArrayBlock();
default: break;
BlockType openObjectBlock() {
auto& ctx = fContextStack.back();
const auto& container = ctx.fContainer->as<skjson::ObjectValue>();
while (ctx.fMemberIndex < container.size()) {
const auto& m = container[ctx.fMemberIndex];
if (<skjson::ObjectValue>() ||<skjson::ArrayValue>()) {
const auto btype = block_type(m.fKey.begin());
if (btype != BlockType::kUnknown) {
fContextStack.push_back({&m.fValue, 0});
return btype;
return BlockType::kEoB;
BlockType openArrayBlock() {
auto& ctx = fContextStack.back();
const auto& container = ctx.fContainer->as<skjson::ArrayValue>();
while (ctx.fMemberIndex < container.size()) {
const auto& m = container[ctx.fMemberIndex];
if (<skjson::ObjectValue>()) {
if (const skjson::StringValue* jtype =<skjson::ObjectValue>()["type"]) {
fContextStack.push_back({&m, 0});
return block_type(jtype->begin());
return BlockType::kEoB;
void closeBlock() override {
SkASSERT(fContextStack.size() > 1);
struct ContextRec {
const skjson::Value* fContainer;
size_t fMemberIndex;
const std::unique_ptr<skjson::DOM> fDom;
std::vector<ContextRec> fContextStack;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<StreamReader> MakeJsonStreamReader(const char json[], size_t len) {
auto dom = std::make_unique<skjson::DOM>(json, len);
return dom->root().is<skjson::ObjectValue>() ? std::make_unique<JsonReader>(std::move(dom))
: nullptr;
} // namespace skrive::internal