blob: 382c2aa95fbabda9ddb91fbc9ee0f387f4efdef2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Script to setup a GCE instance to run the webtry server.
# For full instructions see the README file.
function banner {
echo ""
echo "******************************************"
echo "*"
echo "* $1"
echo "*"
echo "******************************************"
echo ""
banner "Installing debian packages needed for the server"
sudo apt-get install schroot debootstrap monit squid3
# although aufs is being replaced by overlayfs, it's not clear
# to me if overlayfs is completely supported by schroot yet.
sudo apt-get install aufs-tools
banner "Setting up the webtry user account"
sudo adduser webtry
sudo mkdir /home/webtry/cache
sudo mkdir /home/webtry/cache/src
sudo mkdir /home/webtry/inout
sudo chmod 777 /home/webtry/inout
sudo chmod 777 /home/webtry/cache
sudo chmod 777 /home/webtry/cache/src
sudo cp sys/webtry_schroot /etc/schroot/chroot.d/webtry
# Build the chroot environment.
if [ ! -d ${CHROOT_JAIL} ]; then
banner "Building the chroot jail"
sudo mkdir -p ${CHROOT_JAIL}
sudo debootstrap --variant=minbase wheezy ${CHROOT_JAIL}
sudo cp ${CHROOT_JAIL}/bin
sudo chmod 755 ${CHROOT_JAIL}/bin/
sudo chroot ${CHROOT_JAIL} /bin/
sudo sh -c "echo 'none /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 0' >> ${CHROOT_JAIL}/etc/fstab"
# The continue_install_jail script will update and build up the skia library
# inside the jail.
banner "Installing and updating software on the chroot jail"
sudo cp ${CHROOT_JAIL}/bin/
sudo chmod 755 ${CHROOT_JAIL}/bin/
sudo chroot ${CHROOT_JAIL} /bin/
sudo chown -R webtry:webtry ${CHROOT_JAIL}/skia_build/skia
# The continue_install script will fetch the latest versions of
# skia and depot_tools. We split up the installation process into
# two pieces like this so that the continue_install script can
# be run independently of this one to fetch and build the latest skia.
banner "Building the webtry server outside the jail"
sudo cp /home/webtry
sudo chown webtry:webtry /home/webtry/
sudo su - webtry -c /home/webtry/
banner "Setting up system initialization scripts"
sudo cp sys/webtry_init /etc/init.d/webtry
sudo cp sys/logserver_init /etc/init.d/logserver
sudo cp sys/webtry_monit /etc/monit/conf.d/webtry
sudo cp sys/webtry_squid /etc/squid3/squid.conf
sudo chmod 744 /etc/init.d/webtry
sudo chmod 744 /etc/init.d/logserver
# Confirm that monit is happy.
sudo monit -t
sudo monit reload
banner "Restarting webtry server"
sudo /etc/init.d/webtry restart
sudo /etc/init.d/logserver restart
banner "All done!"