blob: 0bc8d0229981eedb574817fbf14ef0e24d63aeab [file] [log] [blame]
### Compilation failed:
error: 13: expected 'int', but found 'float2'
void switch_test_float2() { switch (float2(1)) { case 1: break; } }
error: 14: expected 'int', but found 'float2'
void switch_case_float2() { switch (1) { case float2(1): break; } }
error: 15: expected 'int', but found 'float'
void switch_test_const_float_var() { switch (cf) { case 1: break; } }
error: 16: expected 'int', but found 'float'
void switch_case_float() { switch (1) { case 0.5: break; } }
error: 17: expected 'int', but found 'float'
void switch_case_integral_float() { switch (1) { case 1.0: break; } }
error: 18: expected 'int', but found 'float'
void switch_case_uniform_float() { switch (1) { case uf: break; } }
error: 19: case value must be a constant integer
void switch_case_uniform_int() { switch (1) { case ui: break; } }
error: 20: expected 'int', but found 'float'
void switch_case_const_float_var() { switch (1) { case cf: break; } }
error: 21: case value must be a constant integer
void switch_case_int_var() { switch (1) { case i: break; } }
9 errors