blob: 1fe6475f513fb5fad998c42c80e59cef57cb025e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/render/CoverBoundsRenderStep.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawParams.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/DrawWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/render/CommonDepthStencilSettings.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
CoverBoundsRenderStep::CoverBoundsRenderStep(bool inverseFill)
: RenderStep("CoverBoundsRenderStep",
inverseFill ? "inverse" : "regular",
inverseFill ? kInverseCoverPass : kRegularCoverPass,
/*instanceAttrs=*/{{"bounds", VertexAttribType::kFloat4, SkSLType::kFloat4},
{"depth", VertexAttribType::kFloat, SkSLType::kFloat},
{"ssboIndex", VertexAttribType::kInt, SkSLType::kInt},
{"mat0", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat1", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3},
{"mat2", VertexAttribType::kFloat3, SkSLType::kFloat3}})
, fInverseFill(inverseFill) {}
CoverBoundsRenderStep::~CoverBoundsRenderStep() {}
const char* CoverBoundsRenderStep::vertexSkSL() const {
return R"(
float3x3 matrix = float3x3(mat0, mat1, mat2);
float2 corner = float2(float(sk_VertexID / 2), float(sk_VertexID % 2));
float4 devPosition;
if (bounds.L <= bounds.R && bounds.T <= bounds.B) {
// A regular fill
corner = (1.0 - corner) * bounds.LT + corner * bounds.RB;
float3 devCorner = matrix * corner.xy1;
devPosition = float4(devCorner.xy, depth, devCorner.z);
stepLocalCoords = corner;
} else {
// An inverse fill
corner = corner * bounds.LT + (1.0 - corner) * bounds.RB;
devPosition = float4(corner, depth, 1.0);
// TODO: Support float3 local coordinates if the matrix has perspective so that W
// is interpolated correctly to the fragment shader.
float3 localCoords = matrix * corner.xy1;
stepLocalCoords = localCoords.xy / localCoords.z;
void CoverBoundsRenderStep::writeVertices(DrawWriter* writer,
const DrawParams& params,
int ssboIndex) const {
// Each instance is 4 vertices, forming 2 triangles from a single triangle strip, so no indices
// are needed. sk_VertexID is used to place vertex positions, so no vertex buffer is needed.
DrawWriter::Instances instances{*writer, {}, {}, 4};
skvx::float4 bounds;
const SkM44* m;
if (fInverseFill) {
// Normally all bounding boxes are sorted such that l<r and t<b. We upload an inverted
// rectangle [r,b,l,t] when it's an inverse fill to encode that the bounds are already in
// device space and then use the inverse of the transform to compute local coordinates.
bounds = skvx::shuffle</*R*/2, /*B*/3, /*L*/0, /*T*/1>(
m = &params.transform().inverse();
} else {
bounds = params.geometry().bounds().ltrb();
m = &params.transform().matrix();
// Since the local coords always have Z=0, we can discard the 3rd row and column of the matrix.
instances.append(1) << bounds << params.order().depthAsFloat() << ssboIndex
<< m->rc(0,0) << m->rc(1,0) << m->rc(3,0)
<< m->rc(0,1) << m->rc(1,1) << m->rc(3,1)
<< m->rc(0,3) << m->rc(1,3) << m->rc(3,3);
void CoverBoundsRenderStep::writeUniformsAndTextures(const DrawParams&,
SkPipelineDataGatherer*) const {
// All data is uploaded as instance attributes, so no uniforms are needed.
} // namespace skgpu::graphite