blob: 86928250993c7e0fb17a53e7728f92c846189e74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
#include "experimental/sktext/include/Text.h"
#include <stack>
namespace skia {
namespace text {
std::unique_ptr<UnicodeText> Text::parse(SkSpan<uint16_t> utf16) {
auto unicodeText = std::unique_ptr<UnicodeText>(new UnicodeText());
unicodeText->fUnicode = std::move(SkUnicode::Make());
if (nullptr == unicodeText->fUnicode) {
return nullptr;
// Create utf8 -> utf16 conversion table
unicodeText->fText8 = unicodeText->fUnicode->convertUtf16ToUtf8(std::u16string((char16_t*), utf16.size()));
size_t utf16Index = 0;
unicodeText->fUTF16FromUTF8.push_back_n(unicodeText->fText8.size() + 1, utf16Index);
// Fill out all code unit properties
unicodeText->fCodeUnitProperties.push_back_n(utf16.size() + 1, CodeUnitFlags::kNoCodeUnitFlag);
unicodeText->fUnicode->forEachCodepoint(unicodeText->fText8.c_str(), unicodeText->fText8.size(),
[&unicodeText, &utf16Index](SkUnichar unichar, int32_t start, int32_t end) {
for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i) {
unicodeText->fUTF16FromUTF8[i] = utf16Index;
unicodeText->fUTF16FromUTF8[unicodeText->fText8.size()] = utf16Index;
// Get white spaces
unicodeText->fUnicode->forEachCodepoint(unicodeText->fText8.c_str(), unicodeText->fText8.size(),
[&unicodeText](SkUnichar unichar, int32_t start, int32_t end) {
if (unicodeText->fUnicode->isWhitespace(unichar)) {
for (auto i = start; i < end; ++i) {
unicodeText->fCodeUnitProperties[i] |= CodeUnitFlags::kPartOfWhiteSpace;
// Get line breaks
unicodeText->fUnicode->forEachBreak((char16_t*), utf16.size(), SkUnicode::BreakType::kLines,
[&unicodeText](SkBreakIterator::Position pos, SkBreakIterator::Status status){
unicodeText->fCodeUnitProperties[pos] |= (status == (SkBreakIterator::Status)SkUnicode::LineBreakType::kHardLineBreak
? CodeUnitFlags::kHardLineBreakBefore
: CodeUnitFlags::kSoftLineBreakBefore);
// Get graphemes
unicodeText->fUnicode->forEachBreak((char16_t*), utf16.size(), SkUnicode::BreakType::kGraphemes,
[&unicodeText](SkBreakIterator::Position pos, SkBreakIterator::Status){
unicodeText->fCodeUnitProperties[pos]|= CodeUnitFlags::kGraphemeStart;
return std::move(unicodeText);
std::unique_ptr<ShapedText> UnicodeText::shape(SkSpan<Block> blocks,
TextDirection textDirection) {
fShapedText = std::unique_ptr<ShapedText>(new ShapedText());
for (auto& block : blocks) {
SkFont font(this->createFont(block));
SkShaper::TrivialFontRunIterator fontIter(font, fText8.size());
SkShaper::TrivialLanguageRunIterator langIter(fText8.c_str(), fText8.size());
std::unique_ptr<SkShaper::BiDiRunIterator> bidiIter(
this->fUnicode.get(), fText8.c_str(), fText8.size(), textDirection == TextDirection::kLtr ? 0 : 1));
std::unique_ptr<SkShaper::ScriptRunIterator> scriptIter(
SkShaper::MakeSkUnicodeHbScriptRunIterator(this->fUnicode.get(), fText8.c_str(), fText8.size()));
auto shaper = SkShaper::MakeShapeDontWrapOrReorder();
if (shaper == nullptr) {
// For instance, loadICU does not work. We have to stop the process
return nullptr;
shaper->shape(fText8.c_str(), fText8.size(),
fontIter, *bidiIter, *scriptIter, langIter,
std::numeric_limits<SkScalar>::max(), this);
fShapedText->fGlyphUnitProperties.push_back_n(this->fCodeUnitProperties.size(), GlyphUnitFlags::kNoGlyphUnitFlag);
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->fCodeUnitProperties.size(); ++i) {
fShapedText->fGlyphUnitProperties[i] = (GlyphUnitFlags)this->fCodeUnitProperties[i];
for (auto& run : fShapedText->fRuns) {
for (auto index : run.fClusters) {
if (fShapedText->hasProperty(index, GlyphUnitFlags::kGraphemeStart)) {
fShapedText->fGlyphUnitProperties[index] |= GlyphUnitFlags::kGlyphClusterStart;
return std::move(fShapedText);
void UnicodeText::commitRunBuffer(const RunInfo&) {
// Convert all utf8 indexes into utf16 indexes
for (size_t i = 0; i < fCurrentRun->fClusters.size(); ++i) {
auto element = &fCurrentRun->fClusters[i];
*element = this->fUTF16FromUTF8[*element];
fCurrentRun->fUtf16Range =
TextRange(this->fUTF16FromUTF8[fCurrentRun->fUtf8Range.fBegin], this->fUTF16FromUTF8[fCurrentRun->fUtf8Range.end()]);
SkFont UnicodeText::createFont(const Block& block) {
if (block.chain->count() == 0) {
return SkFont();
sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface = block.chain->operator[](0);
SkFont font(std::move(typeface), block.chain->size());
return font;
std::unique_ptr<WrappedText> ShapedText::wrap(SkScalar width, SkScalar heightCurrentlyIgnored, SkUnicode* unicode) {
auto wrappedText = std::unique_ptr<WrappedText>(new WrappedText());
wrappedText->fRuns = this->fRuns;
wrappedText->fGlyphUnitProperties = this->fGlyphUnitProperties; // copy
// line : spaces : clusters
Stretch line;
Stretch spaces;
Stretch clusters;
for (size_t runIndex = 0; runIndex < this->fRuns.size(); ++runIndex ) {
auto& run = this->fRuns[runIndex];
TextMetrics runMetrics(run.fFont);
Stretch cluster;
if (!run.leftToRight()) {
cluster.setTextRange({ run.fUtf16Range.fStart, run.fUtf16Range.fEnd});
for (size_t glyphIndex = 0; glyphIndex < run.fPositions.size(); ++glyphIndex) {
auto textIndex = run.fClusters[glyphIndex];
if (cluster.isEmpty()) {
cluster = Stretch(GlyphPos(runIndex, glyphIndex), textIndex, runMetrics);
// The entire cluster belongs to a single run
SkASSERT(cluster.glyphStart().runIndex() == runIndex);
auto clusterWidth = run.fPositions[glyphIndex].fX - run.fPositions[cluster.glyphStartIndex()].fX;
cluster.finish(glyphIndex, textIndex, clusterWidth);
auto isHardLineBreak = this->isHardLineBreak(cluster.textStart());
auto isSoftLineBreak = this->isSoftLineBreak(cluster.textStart());
auto isWhitespaces = this->isWhitespaces(cluster.textRange());
auto isEndOfText = run.leftToRight() ? textIndex == run.fUtf16Range.fEnd : textIndex == run.fUtf16Range.fStart;
if (isSoftLineBreak || isWhitespaces || isHardLineBreak) {
// This is the end of the word
if (!clusters.isEmpty()) {
spaces = clusters;
// line + spaces + clusters + cluster
if (isWhitespaces) {
// Whitespaces do not extend the line width
clusters = cluster;
} else if (isHardLineBreak) {
// Hard line break ends the line but does not extend the width
// Same goes for the end of the text
wrappedText->addLine(line, spaces, unicode);
} else if (!SkScalarIsFinite(width)) {
// Now let's find out if we can add the cluster to the line
if ((line.width() + spaces.width() + clusters.width() + cluster.width()) <= width) {
} else {
if (line.isEmpty()) {
if (spaces.isEmpty() && clusters.isEmpty()) {
// There is only this cluster and it's too long;
// we are drawing it anyway
} else {
// We break the only one word on the line by this cluster
} else {
// We move clusters + cluster on the next line
// TODO: Parametrise possible ways of breaking too long word
// (start it from a new line or squeeze the part of it on this line)
wrappedText->addLine(line, spaces, unicode);
cluster = Stretch(GlyphPos(runIndex, glyphIndex), textIndex, runMetrics);
if (!clusters.isEmpty()) {
spaces = clusters;
wrappedText->addLine(line, spaces, unicode);
wrappedText->fSize.fWidth = width;
return std::move(wrappedText);
void WrappedText::addLine(Stretch& stretch, Stretch& spaces, SkUnicode* unicode) {
// This is just chosen to catch the common/fast cases. Feel free to tweak.
constexpr int kPreallocCount = 4;
auto start = stretch.glyphStart().runIndex();
auto end = spaces.glyphEnd().runIndex();
auto numRuns = end - start + 1;
SkAutoSTArray<kPreallocCount, SkUnicode::BidiLevel> runLevels(numRuns);
size_t runLevelsIndex = 0;
for (auto runIndex = start; runIndex <= end; ++runIndex) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
runLevels[runLevelsIndex++] = run.bidiLevel();
SkASSERT(runLevelsIndex == numRuns);
SkAutoSTArray<kPreallocCount, int32_t> logicalOrder(numRuns);
SkSTArray<1, size_t, true> visualOrder;
unicode->reorderVisual(, numRuns,;
auto firstRunIndex = start;
for (auto index : logicalOrder) {
visualOrder.push_back(firstRunIndex + index);
this->fLines.emplace_back(stretch, spaces, std::move(visualOrder));
fSize.fHeight += stretch.textMetrics().height();
sk_sp<FormattedText> WrappedText::format(TextAlign textAlign, TextDirection textDirection) {
auto formattedText = sk_sp<FormattedText>(new FormattedText());
formattedText->fRuns = this->fRuns;
formattedText->fLines = this->fLines;
formattedText->fGlyphUnitProperties = this->fGlyphUnitProperties;
formattedText->fSize = this->fSize;
return std::move(formattedText);
void FormattedText::visit(Visitor* visitor) const {
SkPoint offset = SkPoint::Make(0 , 0);
for (auto& line : this->fLines) {
offset.fX = 0;
visitor->onBeginLine(line.fText, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
for (auto& runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = this->fRuns[runIndex];
auto startGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextStart.runIndex() ? line.fTextStart.glyphIndex() : 0;
auto endGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.runIndex() ? line.fTextEnd.glyphIndex() : run.fGlyphs.size();
TextRange textRange(run.fClusters[startGlyph], run.fClusters[endGlyph]);
auto count = endGlyph - startGlyph;
SkScalar runWidth = run.calculateWidth(Range<GlyphIndex>(startGlyph, endGlyph));
// Update positions
SkAutoSTMalloc<256, SkPoint> positions(count + 1);
SkPoint shift = SkPoint::Make(-run.fPositions[startGlyph].fX, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
for (size_t i = startGlyph; i <= endGlyph; ++i) {
positions[i - startGlyph] = run.fPositions[i] + shift + offset;
offset.fX += runWidth;
visitor->onGlyphRun(run.fFont, textRange, count, + startGlyph,, + startGlyph);
visitor->onEndLine(line.fText, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
offset.fY += line.fTextMetrics.height();
void FormattedText::visit(Visitor* visitor, SkSpan<size_t> chunks) const {
// Decor blocks have to be sorted by text cannot intersect but can skip some parts of the text
// (in which case we use default text style from paragraph style)
// The edges of the decor blocks don't have to match glyph, grapheme or even unicode code point edges
// It's out responsibility to adjust them to some reasonable values
// [a:b) -> [c:d) where
// c is closest GG cluster edge to a from the left and d is closest GG cluster edge to b from the left
size_t* currentBlock = &chunks[0];
size_t currentStart = 0;
SkPoint offset = SkPoint::Make(0 , 0);
for (auto& line : this->fLines) {
offset.fX = 0;
visitor->onBeginLine(line.fText, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
for (auto& runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = this->fRuns[runIndex];
// The run edges are good (aligned to GGC)
// "ABCdef" -> "defCBA"
// "AB": red
// "Cd": green
// "ef": blue
// green[d] blue[ef] green [C] red [BA]
auto startGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextStart.runIndex() ? line.fTextStart.glyphIndex() : 0;
auto endGlyph = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.runIndex() ? line.fTextEnd.glyphIndex() : run.fGlyphs.size();
TextRange textRange(run.fClusters[startGlyph], run.fClusters[endGlyph]);
GlyphRange glyphRange(startGlyph, endGlyph);
SkScalar runWidth = run.calculateWidth(glyphRange);
size_t currentEnd = *currentBlock;
for (auto glyphIndex = startGlyph; glyphIndex <= endGlyph; ++glyphIndex) {
SkASSERT(currentBlock < chunks.end());
auto textIndex = run.fClusters[glyphIndex];
if (glyphIndex == endGlyph) {
// last piece of the text
} else if (run.leftToRight() && textIndex < currentEnd) {
} else if (!run.leftToRight() && textIndex >= currentStart) {
textRange.fEnd = textIndex;
glyphRange.fEnd = glyphIndex;
// Update positions
SkAutoSTMalloc<256, SkPoint> positions(glyphRange.width() + 1);
SkPoint shift = SkPoint::Make(-run.fPositions[startGlyph].fX, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
for (size_t i = glyphRange.fStart; i <= glyphRange.fEnd; ++i) {
positions[i - glyphRange.fStart] = run.fPositions[i] + shift + offset;
visitor->onGlyphRun(run.fFont, textRange, glyphRange.width(), + startGlyph,, + startGlyph);
textRange.fStart = textIndex;
glyphRange.fStart = glyphIndex;
if (glyphIndex != endGlyph) {
// We are here because we reached the end of the block
offset.fX += runWidth;
visitor->onEndLine(line.fText, line.fTextMetrics.baseline());
offset.fY += line.fTextMetrics.height();
std::tuple<const Line*, const TextRun*, GlyphIndex, SkRect> FormattedText::indexToAdjustedGraphemePosition(TextIndex textIndex) const {
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
for (auto& line : fLines) {
rect.fTop = rect.fBottom;
rect.fBottom += line.fTextMetrics.height();
if (!line.fText.contains(textIndex)) {
for (auto runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
GlyphIndex start = runIndex == line.fTextStart.runIndex() ? line.fTextStart.glyphIndex() : 0;
GlyphIndex end = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.runIndex() ? line.fTextEnd.glyphIndex() : run.fGlyphs.size();
TextRange textRange(run.fClusters[start], run.fClusters[end]);
if (textRange.contains(textIndex)) {
auto glyphIndex = run.findGlyph(textIndex);
rect.fLeft += run.calculateWidth(start, glyphIndex);
rect.fRight += run.calculateWidth(start, glyphIndex + 1);
return std::make_tuple(&line, &run, glyphIndex, rect);
rect.fLeft += run.calculateWidth(GlyphRange(start, end));
rect.fRight = rect.fLeft;
// IF we found the index in the line we should have found it in one of the runs on the line
// We are right from the end of the text;
const auto lastLine = &fLines.back();
const auto lastRun = &fRuns[lastLine->fTextEnd.runIndex()];
rect.fLeft =
rect.fRight = lastLine->fTextWidth;
return std::make_tuple(lastLine, lastRun, lastRun->fGlyphs.size(), rect);
TextIndex FormattedText::positionToAdjustedGraphemeIndex(SkPoint xy) const {
if (xy.fX >= this->fSize.fWidth) {
xy.fX = this->fSize.fWidth;
if (xy.fY >= this->fSize.fHeight) {
xy.fY = this->fSize.fHeight;
SkScalar height = 0;
for (auto& line : fLines) {
if (height > xy.fY) {
} else if (height + line.fTextMetrics.height() <= xy.fY) {
height += line.fTextMetrics.height();
SkScalar shift = 0;
for (auto runIndex : line.fRunsInVisualOrder) {
auto& run = fRuns[runIndex];
GlyphIndex start = runIndex == line.fTextStart.runIndex() ? line.fTextStart.glyphIndex() : 0;
GlyphIndex end = runIndex == line.fTextEnd.runIndex() ? line.fTextEnd.glyphIndex() : run.fGlyphs.size();
auto runWidth = run.calculateWidth(GlyphRange(start, end));
if (shift > xy.fX) {
} else if (shift + runWidth < xy.fX) {
shift += runWidth;
SkScalar startPos = run.fPositions[start].fX;
GlyphIndex found = start;
for (auto i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
auto currentPos = run.fPositions[i].fX - startPos;
if (currentPos > xy.fX) {
found = i;
return run.fClusters[found];
height += line.fTextMetrics.height();
} // namespace text
} // namespace skia