blob: f92ec5934951efc1dcb0b265bc414f8ad6751475 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrYUVtoRGBEffect.h"
#include "src/core/SkYUVMath.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTexture.h"
#include "src/gpu/effects/GrMatrixEffect.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLCPP.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLUtil.h"
static void border_colors(SkYUVColorSpace cs,
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
float planeBorders[4][4]) {
float m[20];
SkColorMatrix_RGB2YUV(cs, m);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (yuvaIndices[i].fIndex == -1) {
auto c = static_cast<int>(yuvaIndices[i].fChannel);
planeBorders[yuvaIndices[i].fIndex][c] = m[i*5 + 4];
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> GrYUVtoRGBEffect::Make(GrSurfaceProxyView views[],
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace,
GrSamplerState samplerState,
const GrCaps& caps,
const SkMatrix& localMatrix,
const SkRect* subset,
const SkRect* domain) {
int numPlanes;
SkAssertResult(SkYUVAIndex::AreValidIndices(yuvaIndices, &numPlanes));
const SkISize yDimensions =
bool usesBorder = samplerState.wrapModeX() == GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kClampToBorder ||
samplerState.wrapModeY() == GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kClampToBorder;
float planeBorders[4][4] = {};
if (usesBorder) {
border_colors(yuvColorSpace, yuvaIndices, planeBorders);
bool snap[2] = {false, false};
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> planeFPs[4];
for (int i = 0; i < numPlanes; ++i) {
SkISize dimensions = views[i].proxy()->dimensions();
SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<SkMatrix> planeMatrix(&SkMatrix::I());
SkRect planeSubset;
SkRect planeDomain;
bool makeBilerpWithSnap = false;
float sx = 1.f,
sy = 1.f;
if (dimensions != yDimensions) {
// JPEG chroma subsampling of odd dimensions produces U and V planes with the ceiling of
// the image size divided by the subsampling factor (2). Our API for creating YUVA
// doesn't capture the intended subsampling (and we should fix that). This fixes up 2x
// subsampling for images with odd widths/heights (e.g. JPEG 420 or 422).
sx = (float)dimensions.width() / yDimensions.width();
sy = (float)dimensions.height() / yDimensions.height();
if ((yDimensions.width() & 0b1) && dimensions.width() == yDimensions.width() / 2 + 1) {
sx = 0.5f;
if ((yDimensions.height() & 0b1) &&
dimensions.height() == yDimensions.height() / 2 + 1) {
sy = 0.5f;
*planeMatrix.writable() = SkMatrix::Scale(sx, sy);
if (subset) {
planeSubset = {subset->fLeft * sx,
subset->fTop * sy,
subset->fRight * sx,
subset->fBottom * sy};
if (domain) {
planeDomain = {domain->fLeft * sx,
domain->fTop * sy,
domain->fRight * sx,
domain->fBottom * sy};
// This promotion of nearest to bilinear for UV planes exists to mimic libjpeg[-turbo]'s
// do_fancy_upsampling option. We will filter the subsampled plane, however we want to
// filter at a fixed point for each logical image pixel to simulate nearest neighbor.
if (samplerState.filter() == GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest) {
bool snapX = (sx != 1.f),
snapY = (sy != 1.f);
makeBilerpWithSnap = snapX || snapY;
snap[0] |= snapX;
snap[1] |= snapY;
if (domain) {
// The outer YUVToRGB effect will ensure sampling happens at pixel centers
// within this plane.
planeDomain = {std::floor(planeDomain.fLeft) + 0.5f,
std::floor(planeDomain.fTop) + 0.5f,
std::floor(planeDomain.fRight) + 0.5f,
std::floor(planeDomain.fBottom) + 0.5f};
} else {
if (subset) {
planeSubset = *subset;
if (domain) {
planeDomain = *domain;
if (subset) {
SkASSERT(samplerState.filter() != GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap);
if (makeBilerpWithSnap) {
// The plane is subsampled and we have an overall subset on the image. We're
// emulating do_fancy_upsampling using bilerp but snapping look ups to the y-plane
// pixel centers. Consider a logical image pixel at the edge of the subset. When
// computing the logical pixel color value we should use a 50/50 blend of two values
// from the subsampled plane. Depending on where the subset edge falls in actual
// subsampled plane, one of those values may come from outside the subset. Hence,
// we use this custom inset factory which applies the wrap mode to planeSubset but
// allows the bilerp sampling to read pixels from the plane that are just outside
// planeSubset.
SkRect* domainRect = domain ? &planeDomain : nullptr;
planeFPs[i] = GrTextureEffect::MakeBilerpWithInset(
views[i], kUnknown_SkAlphaType, *planeMatrix, samplerState.wrapModeX(),
samplerState.wrapModeY(), planeSubset, domainRect, {sx/2.f, sy/2.f}, caps,
} else if (domain) {
planeFPs[i] = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(views[i], kUnknown_SkAlphaType,
*planeMatrix, samplerState, planeSubset,
planeDomain, caps, planeBorders[i]);
} else {
SkASSERT(samplerState.filter() != GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap);
planeFPs[i] = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(views[i], kUnknown_SkAlphaType,
*planeMatrix, samplerState, planeSubset,
caps, planeBorders[i]);
} else {
GrSamplerState planeSampler = samplerState;
if (makeBilerpWithSnap) {
planeFPs[i] = GrTextureEffect::Make(views[i], kUnknown_SkAlphaType, *planeMatrix,
planeSampler, caps, planeBorders[i]);
auto fp = std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor>(
new GrYUVtoRGBEffect(planeFPs, numPlanes, yuvaIndices, snap, yuvColorSpace));
return GrMatrixEffect::Make(localMatrix, std::move(fp));
static SkAlphaType alpha_type(const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4]) {
return yuvaIndices[3].fIndex >= 0 ? kPremul_SkAlphaType : kOpaque_SkAlphaType;
GrYUVtoRGBEffect::GrYUVtoRGBEffect(std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> planeFPs[4],
int numPlanes,
const SkYUVAIndex yuvaIndices[4],
const bool snap[2],
SkYUVColorSpace yuvColorSpace)
: GrFragmentProcessor(kGrYUVtoRGBEffect_ClassID,
, fYUVColorSpace(yuvColorSpace) {
std::copy_n(yuvaIndices, 4, fYUVAIndices);
std::copy_n(snap, 2, fSnap);
if (fSnap[0] || fSnap[1]) {
// Need this so that we can access coords in SKSL to perform snapping.
for (int i = 0; i < numPlanes; ++i) {
this->registerChild(std::move(planeFPs[i]), SkSL::SampleUsage::Explicit());
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < numPlanes; ++i) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkString GrYUVtoRGBEffect::dumpInfo() const {
SkString str;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
str.appendf("yuvindex_%d: %d %d\n", i, fYUVAIndices->fIndex,
str.appendf("cs: %d\n", static_cast<int>(fYUVColorSpace));
str.appendf("snap x: %d snap y: %d\n", fSnap[0], fSnap[1]);
return str;
GrGLSLFragmentProcessor* GrYUVtoRGBEffect::onCreateGLSLInstance() const {
class GrGLSLYUVtoRGBEffect : public GrGLSLFragmentProcessor {
GrGLSLYUVtoRGBEffect() {}
void emitCode(EmitArgs& args) override {
GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder* fragBuilder = args.fFragBuilder;
const GrYUVtoRGBEffect& yuvEffect = args.fFp.cast<GrYUVtoRGBEffect>();
int numPlanes = yuvEffect.numChildProcessors();
const char* sampleCoords = "";
if (yuvEffect.fSnap[0] || yuvEffect.fSnap[1]) {
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("float2 snappedCoords = %s;", args.fSampleCoord);
if (yuvEffect.fSnap[0]) {
fragBuilder->codeAppend("snappedCoords.x = floor(snappedCoords.x) + 0.5;");
if (yuvEffect.fSnap[1]) {
fragBuilder->codeAppend("snappedCoords.y = floor(snappedCoords.y) + 0.5;");
sampleCoords = "snappedCoords";
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 planes[%d];", numPlanes);
for (int i = 0; i < numPlanes; ++i) {
SkString tempVar = this->invokeChild(i, args, sampleCoords);
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("planes[%d] = %s;", i, tempVar.c_str());
bool hasAlpha = yuvEffect.fYUVAIndices[3].fIndex >= 0;
SkString rgba[4];
rgba[3] = "1";
for (int i = 0; i < (hasAlpha ? 4 : 3); ++i) {
auto info = yuvEffect.fYUVAIndices[i];
auto letter = "rgba"[static_cast<int>(info.fChannel)];
rgba[i].printf("planes[%d].%c", info.fIndex, letter);
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 color = half4(%s, %s, %s, %s);",
rgba[0].c_str(), rgba[1].c_str(), rgba[2].c_str(), rgba[3].c_str());
if (kIdentity_SkYUVColorSpace != yuvEffect.fYUVColorSpace) {
fColorSpaceMatrixVar = args.fUniformHandler->addUniform(&yuvEffect,
kFragment_GrShaderFlag, kHalf3x3_GrSLType, "colorSpaceMatrix");
fColorSpaceTranslateVar = args.fUniformHandler->addUniform(&yuvEffect,
kFragment_GrShaderFlag, kHalf3_GrSLType, "colorSpaceTranslate");
"color.rgb = saturate(color.rgb * %s + %s);",
if (hasAlpha) {
// premultiply alpha
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("color.rgb *= color.a;");
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = color;", args.fOutputColor);
void onSetData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman,
const GrFragmentProcessor& proc) override {
const GrYUVtoRGBEffect& yuvEffect = proc.cast<GrYUVtoRGBEffect>();
if (yuvEffect.fYUVColorSpace != kIdentity_SkYUVColorSpace) {
float yuvM[20];
SkColorMatrix_YUV2RGB(yuvEffect.fYUVColorSpace, yuvM);
// We drop the fourth column entirely since the transformation
// should not depend on alpha. The fifth column is sent as a separate
// vector. The fourth row is also dropped entirely because alpha should
// never be modified.
SkASSERT(yuvM[3] == 0 && yuvM[8] == 0 && yuvM[13] == 0 && yuvM[18] == 1);
SkASSERT(yuvM[15] == 0 && yuvM[16] == 0 && yuvM[17] == 0 && yuvM[19] == 0);
float mtx[9] = {
yuvM[ 0], yuvM[ 1], yuvM[ 2],
yuvM[ 5], yuvM[ 6], yuvM[ 7],
yuvM[10], yuvM[11], yuvM[12],
float v[3] = {yuvM[4], yuvM[9], yuvM[14]};
pdman.setMatrix3f(fColorSpaceMatrixVar, mtx);
pdman.set3fv(fColorSpaceTranslateVar, 1, v);
UniformHandle fColorSpaceMatrixVar;
UniformHandle fColorSpaceTranslateVar;
return new GrGLSLYUVtoRGBEffect;
void GrYUVtoRGBEffect::onGetGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps& caps,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {
uint32_t packed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (fYUVAIndices[i].fIndex < 0) {
uint8_t index = fYUVAIndices[i].fIndex;
uint8_t chann = static_cast<int>(fYUVAIndices[i].fChannel);
SkASSERT(index < 4 && chann < 4);
packed |= (index | (chann << 2)) << (i * 4);
if (fYUVColorSpace == kIdentity_SkYUVColorSpace) {
packed |= 1 << 16;
if (fSnap[0]) {
packed |= 1 << 17;
if (fSnap[1]) {
packed |= 1 << 18;
bool GrYUVtoRGBEffect::onIsEqual(const GrFragmentProcessor& other) const {
const GrYUVtoRGBEffect& that = other.cast<GrYUVtoRGBEffect>();
return std::equal(fYUVAIndices, fYUVAIndices + 4, that.fYUVAIndices) &&
std::equal(fSnap, fSnap + 2, that.fSnap) &&
fYUVColorSpace == that.fYUVColorSpace;
GrYUVtoRGBEffect::GrYUVtoRGBEffect(const GrYUVtoRGBEffect& src)
: GrFragmentProcessor(kGrYUVtoRGBEffect_ClassID, src.optimizationFlags())
, fYUVColorSpace(src.fYUVColorSpace) {
if (src.fSnap[0] || src.fSnap[1]) {
std::copy_n(src.fYUVAIndices, this->numChildProcessors(), fYUVAIndices);
std::copy_n(src.fSnap, 2, fSnap);
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> GrYUVtoRGBEffect::clone() const {
return std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor>(new GrYUVtoRGBEffect(*this));