blob: 309a151b9c6b1c946c03cff95b6340a36deb0a13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// Convert RGBA -> HSLA (including unpremul).
// Based on work by Sam Hocevar, Emil Persson, and Ian Taylor [1][2][3]. High-level ideas:
// - minimize the number of branches by sorting and computing the hue phase in parallel (vec4s)
// - trade the third sorting branch for a potentially faster std::min and leaving 2nd/3rd
// channels unsorted (based on the observation that swapping both the channels and the bias sign
// has no effect under abs)
// - use epsilon offsets for denominators, to avoid explicit zero-checks
// An additional trick we employ is deferring premul->unpremul conversion until the very end: the
// alpha factor gets naturally simplified for H and S, and only L requires a dedicated unpremul
// division (so we trade three divs for one).
// [1]
// [2]
// [3]
in fragmentProcessor? inputFP;
void main() {
half4 c = sample(inputFP, sk_InColor);
half4 p = (c.g < c.b) ? half4(, -1, 2/3.0)
: half4(, 0, -1/3.0);
half4 q = (c.r < p.x) ? half4(p.x, c.r, p.yw)
: half4(c.r, p.x, p.yz);
// q.x -> max channel value
// q.yz -> 2nd/3rd channel values (unsorted)
// q.w -> bias value dependent on max channel selection
half eps = 0.0001;
half pmV = q.x;
half pmC = pmV - min(q.y, q.z);
half pmL = pmV - pmC * 0.5;
half H = abs(q.w + (q.y - q.z) / (pmC * 6 + eps));
half S = pmC / (c.a + eps - abs(pmL * 2 - c.a));
half L = pmL / (c.a + eps);
sk_OutColor = half4(H, S, L, c.a);
@optimizationFlags {
(inputFP ? ProcessorOptimizationFlags(inputFP.get()) : kAll_OptimizationFlags) &
(kConstantOutputForConstantInput_OptimizationFlag | kPreservesOpaqueInput_OptimizationFlag)
@class {
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
SkPMColor4f constantOutputForConstantInput(const SkPMColor4f& inColor) const override {
SkPMColor4f c = ConstantOutputForConstantInput(this->childProcessor(0), inColor);
const auto p = (c.fG < c.fB) ? SkPMColor4f{ c.fB, c.fG, -1, 2/3.f }
: SkPMColor4f{ c.fG, c.fB, 0, -1/3.f },
q = (c.fR < p[0]) ? SkPMColor4f{ p[0], c.fR, p[1], p[3] }
: SkPMColor4f{ c.fR, p[0], p[1], p[2] };
const auto eps = 0.0001f, // matching SkSL/ColorMatrix half4 epsilon
pmV = q[0],
pmC = pmV - std::min(q[1], q[2]),
pmL = pmV - pmC * 0.5f,
H = std::abs(q[3] + (q[1] - q[2]) / (pmC * 6 + eps)),
S = pmC / (c.fA + eps - std::abs(pmL * 2 - c.fA)),
L = pmL / (c.fA + eps);
return { H, S, L, c.fA };