blob: c406b9a37976bcaed046c3afb3f920e733795544 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// Mixes the output of two FPs.
in fragmentProcessor? inputFP;
in fragmentProcessor fp0;
in fragmentProcessor? fp1;
in uniform half weight;
@class {
SkPMColor4f constantOutputForConstantInput(const SkPMColor4f& in) const override {
const SkPMColor4f inColor = ConstantOutputForConstantInput(this->childProcessor(0), in);
const SkPMColor4f c0 = ConstantOutputForConstantInput(this->childProcessor(1), inColor);
const SkPMColor4f c1 = ConstantOutputForConstantInput(this->childProcessor(2), inColor);
return {
c0.fR + (c1.fR - c0.fR) * weight,
c0.fG + (c1.fG - c0.fG) * weight,
c0.fB + (c1.fB - c0.fB) * weight,
c0.fA + (c1.fA - c0.fA) * weight
@optimizationFlags {
ProcessorOptimizationFlags(inputFP.get()) &
ProcessorOptimizationFlags(fp1.get()) &
void main() {
half4 inColor = sample(inputFP, sk_InColor);
sk_OutColor = mix(sample(fp0, inColor), sample(fp1, inColor), weight);