blob: 28a03b9f6c8b110fc280ffe1caa5e021f3aff5bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
#ifndef ParagraphBuilderImpl_DEFINED
#define ParagraphBuilderImpl_DEFINED
#include <memory>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "modules/skparagraph/include/FontCollection.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/include/Paragraph.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/include/ParagraphBuilder.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/include/ParagraphStyle.h"
#include "modules/skparagraph/include/TextStyle.h"
#include "modules/skunicode/include/SkUnicode.h"
namespace skia {
namespace textlayout {
class ParagraphBuilderImpl : public ParagraphBuilder {
ParagraphBuilderImpl(const ParagraphStyle& style,
sk_sp<FontCollection> fontCollection,
std::unique_ptr<SkUnicode> unicode);
// Just until we fix all the code; calls icu::make inside
ParagraphBuilderImpl(const ParagraphStyle& style, sk_sp<FontCollection> fontCollection);
~ParagraphBuilderImpl() override;
// Push a style to the stack. The corresponding text added with AddText will
// use the top-most style.
void pushStyle(const TextStyle& style) override;
// Remove a style from the stack. Useful to apply different styles to chunks
// of text such as bolding.
// Example:
// builder.PushStyle(normal_style);
// builder.AddText("Hello this is normal. ");
// builder.PushStyle(bold_style);
// builder.AddText("And this is BOLD. ");
// builder.Pop();
// builder.AddText(" Back to normal again.");
void pop() override;
TextStyle peekStyle() override;
// Adds text to the builder. Forms the proper runs to use the upper-most style
// on the style_stack.
void addText(const std::u16string& text) override;
// Adds text to the builder, using the top-most style on on the style_stack.
void addText(const char* text) override; // Don't use this one - going away soon
void addText(const char* text, size_t len) override;
void addPlaceholder(const PlaceholderStyle& placeholderStyle) override;
// Constructs a SkParagraph object that can be used to layout and paint the text to a SkCanvas.
std::unique_ptr<Paragraph> Build() override;
// Support for "Client" unicode
SkSpan<char> getText();
const ParagraphStyle& getParagraphStyle() const;
std::unique_ptr<Paragraph> BuildWithClientInfo(
std::vector<SkUnicode::BidiRegion> bidiRegions,
std::vector<SkUnicode::Position> words,
std::vector<SkUnicode::Position> graphemeBreaks,
std::vector<SkUnicode::LineBreakBefore> lineBreaks);
void SetUnicode(std::unique_ptr<SkUnicode> unicode) {
fUnicode = std::move(unicode);
// Support for Flutter optimization
void Reset() override;
static std::unique_ptr<ParagraphBuilder> make(const ParagraphStyle& style,
sk_sp<FontCollection> fontCollection,
std::unique_ptr<SkUnicode> unicode);
// Just until we fix all the code; calls icu::make inside
static std::unique_ptr<ParagraphBuilder> make(const ParagraphStyle& style,
sk_sp<FontCollection> fontCollection);
void startStyledBlock();
void endRunIfNeeded();
const TextStyle& internalPeekStyle();
void addPlaceholder(const PlaceholderStyle& placeholderStyle, bool lastOne);
SkString fUtf8;
SkSTArray<4, TextStyle, true> fTextStyles;
SkSTArray<4, Block, true> fStyledBlocks;
SkSTArray<4, Placeholder, true> fPlaceholders;
sk_sp<FontCollection> fFontCollection;
ParagraphStyle fParagraphStyle;
std::shared_ptr<SkUnicode> fUnicode;
} // namespace textlayout
} // namespace skia
#endif // ParagraphBuilderImpl_DEFINED