blob: 4a5627bdec355fc67aa888005b02cb2137923227 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrMatrixConvolutionEffect_DEFINED
#define GrMatrixConvolutionEffect_DEFINED
#include "src/gpu/GrFragmentProcessor.h"
#include <array>
#include <new>
class GrMatrixConvolutionEffect : public GrFragmentProcessor {
// A little bit less than the minimum # uniforms required by DX9SM2 (32).
// Allows for a 5x5 kernel (or 28x1, for that matter).
// Must be a multiple of 4, since we upload these in vec4s.
static constexpr int kMaxUniformSize = 28;
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> Make(GrRecordingContext*,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
const SkISize& kernelSize,
const SkScalar* kernel,
SkScalar gain,
SkScalar bias,
const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
bool convolveAlpha,
const GrCaps&);
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> MakeGaussian(GrRecordingContext*,
GrSurfaceProxyView srcView,
const SkIRect& srcBounds,
const SkISize& kernelSize,
SkScalar gain,
SkScalar bias,
const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
bool convolveAlpha,
SkScalar sigmaX,
SkScalar sigmaY,
const GrCaps&);
const SkIRect& bounds() const { return fBounds; }
SkISize kernelSize() const { return fKernel.size(); }
const SkV2 kernelOffset() const { return fKernelOffset; }
bool kernelIsSampled() const { return fKernel.isSampled(); }
const float *kernel() const { return fKernel.array().data(); }
float kernelSampleGain() const { return fKernel.scalableSampler().fGain; }
float kernelSampleBias() const { return fKernel.scalableSampler().fBias; }
float gain() const { return fGain; }
float bias() const { return fBias; }
bool convolveAlpha() const { return fConvolveAlpha; }
const char* name() const override { return "MatrixConvolution"; }
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> clone() const override;
* Small kernels are represented as float-arrays and uploaded as uniforms.
* Large kernels go over the uniform limit and are uploaded as textures and sampled.
* If Float16 textures are supported, we use those. Otherwise we use A8.
class KernelWrapper {
struct ScalableSampler {
TextureSampler fSampler;
// Only used in A8 mode. Applied before any other math.
float fBias = 0.0f;
// Only used in A8 mode. Premultiplied in with user gain to save time.
float fGain = 1.0f;
bool operator==(const ScalableSampler&) const;
static KernelWrapper Make(GrRecordingContext*, SkISize,
const GrCaps&, const float* values);
KernelWrapper(KernelWrapper&& that) : fSize(that.fSize) {
if (that.isSampled()) {
new (&fScalableSampler) ScalableSampler(std::move(that.fScalableSampler));
} else {
new (&fArray) std::array<float, kMaxUniformSize>(std::move(that.fArray));
KernelWrapper(const KernelWrapper& that) : fSize(that.fSize) {
if (that.isSampled()) {
new (&fScalableSampler) ScalableSampler(that.fScalableSampler);
} else {
new (&fArray) std::array<float, kMaxUniformSize>(that.fArray);
~KernelWrapper() {
if (this->isSampled()) {
bool isValid() const { return !fSize.isEmpty(); }
SkISize size() const { return fSize; }
bool isSampled() const { return fSize.area() > kMaxUniformSize; }
const std::array<float, kMaxUniformSize>& array() const {
return fArray;
const ScalableSampler& scalableSampler() const {
return fScalableSampler;
bool operator==(const KernelWrapper&) const;
KernelWrapper() : fSize({}) {}
KernelWrapper(SkISize size) : fSize(size) {
if (this->isSampled()) {
new (&fScalableSampler) ScalableSampler;
SkISize fSize;
union {
std::array<float, kMaxUniformSize> fArray;
ScalableSampler fScalableSampler;
GrMatrixConvolutionEffect(std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> child,
KernelWrapper kernel,
SkScalar gain,
SkScalar bias,
const SkIPoint& kernelOffset,
bool convolveAlpha);
explicit GrMatrixConvolutionEffect(const GrMatrixConvolutionEffect&);
GrGLSLFragmentProcessor* onCreateGLSLInstance() const override;
void onGetGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder*) const override;
bool onIsEqual(const GrFragmentProcessor&) const override;
const GrFragmentProcessor::TextureSampler& onTextureSampler(int index) const override;
// We really just want the unaltered local coords, but the only way to get that right now is
// an identity coord transform.
GrCoordTransform fCoordTransform = {};
SkIRect fBounds;
KernelWrapper fKernel;
float fGain;
float fBias;
SkV2 fKernelOffset;
bool fConvolveAlpha;
typedef GrFragmentProcessor INHERITED;