blob: 37f604f8cc2091a6ff3571327a2330b0674ac1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGText.h"
#include <limits>
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkContourMeasure.h"
#include "include/core/SkFont.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
#include "include/core/SkRSXform.h"
#include "include/core/SkString.h"
#include "modules/skshaper/include/SkShaper.h"
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGRenderContext.h"
#include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGValue.h"
#include "modules/svg/src/SkSVGTextPriv.h"
#include "src/utils/SkUTF.h"
namespace {
static SkFont ResolveFont(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx) {
auto weight = [](const SkSVGFontWeight& w) {
switch (w.type()) {
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k100: return SkFontStyle::kThin_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k200: return SkFontStyle::kExtraLight_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k300: return SkFontStyle::kLight_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k400: return SkFontStyle::kNormal_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k500: return SkFontStyle::kMedium_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k600: return SkFontStyle::kSemiBold_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k700: return SkFontStyle::kBold_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k800: return SkFontStyle::kExtraBold_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::k900: return SkFontStyle::kBlack_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::kNormal: return SkFontStyle::kNormal_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::kBold: return SkFontStyle::kBold_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::kBolder: return SkFontStyle::kExtraBold_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::kLighter: return SkFontStyle::kLight_Weight;
case SkSVGFontWeight::Type::kInherit: {
return SkFontStyle::kNormal_Weight;
auto slant = [](const SkSVGFontStyle& s) {
switch (s.type()) {
case SkSVGFontStyle::Type::kNormal: return SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant;
case SkSVGFontStyle::Type::kItalic: return SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant;
case SkSVGFontStyle::Type::kOblique: return SkFontStyle::kOblique_Slant;
case SkSVGFontStyle::Type::kInherit: {
return SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant;
const auto& family = ctx.presentationContext().fInherited.fFontFamily->family();
const SkFontStyle style(weight(*ctx.presentationContext().fInherited.fFontWeight),
const auto size =
// TODO: we likely want matchFamilyStyle here, but switching away from legacyMakeTypeface
// changes all the results when using the default fontmgr.
auto tf = ctx.fontMgr()->legacyMakeTypeface(family.c_str(), style);
SkFont font(std::move(tf), size);
return font;
static std::vector<float> ResolveLengths(const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx,
const std::vector<SkSVGLength>& lengths,
SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType lt) {
std::vector<float> resolved;
for (const auto& l : lengths) {
resolved.push_back(lctx.resolve(l, lt));
return resolved;
static float ComputeAlignmentFactor(const SkSVGPresentationContext& pctx) {
switch (pctx.fInherited.fTextAnchor->type()) {
case SkSVGTextAnchor::Type::kStart : return 0.0f;
case SkSVGTextAnchor::Type::kMiddle: return -0.5f;
case SkSVGTextAnchor::Type::kEnd : return -1.0f;
case SkSVGTextAnchor::Type::kInherit:
return 0.0f;
} // namespace
SkSVGTextContext::ScopedPosResolver::ScopedPosResolver(const SkSVGTextContainer& txt,
const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx,
SkSVGTextContext* tctx,
size_t charIndexOffset)
: fTextContext(tctx)
, fParent(tctx->fPosResolver)
, fCharIndexOffset(charIndexOffset)
, fX(ResolveLengths(lctx, txt.getX(), SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kHorizontal))
, fY(ResolveLengths(lctx, txt.getY(), SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kVertical))
, fDx(ResolveLengths(lctx, txt.getDx(), SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kHorizontal))
, fDy(ResolveLengths(lctx, txt.getDy(), SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kVertical))
, fRotate(txt.getRotate())
fTextContext->fPosResolver = this;
SkSVGTextContext::ScopedPosResolver::ScopedPosResolver(const SkSVGTextContainer& txt,
const SkSVGLengthContext& lctx,
SkSVGTextContext* tctx)
: ScopedPosResolver(txt, lctx, tctx, tctx->fCurrentCharIndex) {}
SkSVGTextContext::ScopedPosResolver::~ScopedPosResolver() {
fTextContext->fPosResolver = fParent;
SkSVGTextContext::PosAttrs SkSVGTextContext::ScopedPosResolver::resolve(size_t charIndex) const {
PosAttrs attrs;
if (charIndex < fLastPosIndex) {
SkASSERT(charIndex >= fCharIndexOffset);
const auto localCharIndex = charIndex - fCharIndexOffset;
const auto hasAllLocal = localCharIndex < fX.size() &&
localCharIndex < fY.size() &&
localCharIndex < fDx.size() &&
localCharIndex < fDy.size() &&
localCharIndex < fRotate.size();
if (!hasAllLocal && fParent) {
attrs = fParent->resolve(charIndex);
if (localCharIndex < fX.size()) {
attrs[PosAttrs::kX] = fX[localCharIndex];
if (localCharIndex < fY.size()) {
attrs[PosAttrs::kY] = fY[localCharIndex];
if (localCharIndex < fDx.size()) {
attrs[PosAttrs::kDx] = fDx[localCharIndex];
if (localCharIndex < fDy.size()) {
attrs[PosAttrs::kDy] = fDy[localCharIndex];
// Rotation semantics are interestingly different [1]:
// - values are not cumulative
// - if explicit values are present at any level in the ancestor chain, those take
// precedence (closest ancestor)
// - last specified value applies to all remaining chars (closest ancestor)
// - these rules apply at node scope (not chunk scope)
// This means we need to discriminate between explicit rotation (rotate value provided for
// current char) and implicit rotation (ancestor has some values - but not for the requested
// char - we use the last specified value).
// [1]
if (!fRotate.empty()) {
if (localCharIndex < fRotate.size()) {
// Explicit rotation value overrides anything in the ancestor chain.
attrs[PosAttrs::kRotate] = fRotate[localCharIndex];
} else if (!attrs.has(PosAttrs::kRotate) || attrs.isImplicitRotate()){
// Local implicit rotation (last specified value) overrides ancestor implicit
// rotation.
attrs[PosAttrs::kRotate] = fRotate.back();
if (!attrs.hasAny()) {
// Once we stop producing explicit position data, there is no reason to
// continue trying for higher indices. We can suppress future lookups.
fLastPosIndex = charIndex;
return attrs;
void SkSVGTextContext::ShapeBuffer::append(SkUnichar ch, PositionAdjustment pos) {
// relative pos adjustments are cumulative
if (!fUtf8PosAdjust.empty()) {
pos.offset += fUtf8PosAdjust.back().offset;
char utf8_buf[SkUTF::kMaxBytesInUTF8Sequence];
const auto utf8_len = SkToInt(SkUTF::ToUTF8(ch, utf8_buf));
fUtf8 .push_back_n(utf8_len, utf8_buf);
fUtf8PosAdjust.push_back_n(utf8_len, pos);
void SkSVGTextContext::shapePendingBuffer(const SkFont& font) {
// TODO: directionality hints?
const auto LTR = true;
// Initiate shaping: this will generate a series of runs via callbacks.
fShaper->shape(, fShapeBuffer.fUtf8.size(),
font, LTR, SK_ScalarMax, this);
SkSVGTextContext::SkSVGTextContext(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, const SkSVGTextPath* tpath)
: fRenderContext(ctx)
, fShaper(SkShaper::Make(ctx.fontMgr()))
, fChunkAlignmentFactor(ComputeAlignmentFactor(ctx.presentationContext()))
if (tpath) {
fPathData = std::make_unique<PathData>(ctx, *tpath);
auto resolve_offset = [this](const SkSVGLength& offset) {
if (offset.unit() != SkSVGLength::Unit::kPercentage) {
// "If a <length> other than a percentage is given, then the ‘startOffset’
// represents a distance along the path measured in the current user coordinate
// system."
return fRenderContext.lengthContext()
.resolve(offset, SkSVGLengthContext::LengthType::kHorizontal);
// "If a percentage is given, then the ‘startOffset’ represents a percentage distance
// along the entire path."
return offset.value() * fPathData->length() / 100;
// startOffset acts as an initial absolute position
fChunkPos.fX = resolve_offset(tpath->getStartOffset());
SkSVGTextContext::~SkSVGTextContext() {
void SkSVGTextContext::appendFragment(const SkString& txt, const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx,
SkSVGXmlSpace xs) {
auto filterWSDefault = [this](SkUnichar ch) -> SkUnichar {
// Remove all newline chars.
if (ch == '\n') {
return -1;
// Convert tab chars to space.
if (ch == '\t') {
ch = ' ';
// Consolidate contiguous space chars and strip leading spaces (fPrevCharSpace
// starts off as true).
if (fPrevCharSpace && ch == ' ') {
return -1;
// TODO: Strip trailing WS? Doing this across chunks would require another buffering
// layer. In general, trailing WS should have no rendering side effects. Skipping
// for now.
return ch;
auto filterWSPreserve = [](SkUnichar ch) -> SkUnichar {
// Convert newline and tab chars to space.
if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') {
ch = ' ';
return ch;
// Stash paints for access from SkShaper callbacks.
fCurrentFill = ctx.fillPaint();
fCurrentStroke = ctx.strokePaint();
const auto font = ResolveFont(ctx);
const char* ch_ptr = txt.c_str();
const char* ch_end = ch_ptr + txt.size();
while (ch_ptr < ch_end) {
auto ch = SkUTF::NextUTF8(&ch_ptr, ch_end);
ch = (xs == SkSVGXmlSpace::kDefault)
? filterWSDefault(ch)
: filterWSPreserve(ch);
if (ch < 0) {
// invalid utf or char filtered out
const auto pos = fPosResolver->resolve(fCurrentCharIndex++);
// Absolute position adjustments define a new chunk.
// (
if (pos.has(PosAttrs::kX) || pos.has(PosAttrs::kY)) {
// New chunk position.
if (pos.has(PosAttrs::kX)) {
fChunkPos.fX = pos[PosAttrs::kX];
if (pos.has(PosAttrs::kY)) {
fChunkPos.fY = pos[PosAttrs::kY];
fShapeBuffer.append(ch, {
pos.has(PosAttrs::kDx) ? pos[PosAttrs::kDx] : 0,
pos.has(PosAttrs::kDy) ? pos[PosAttrs::kDy] : 0,
pos.has(PosAttrs::kRotate) ? SkDegreesToRadians(pos[PosAttrs::kRotate]) : 0,
fPrevCharSpace = (ch == ' ');
// Note: at this point we have shaped and buffered RunRecs for the current fragment.
// The active text chunk continues until an explicit or implicit flush.
SkSVGTextContext::PathData::PathData(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, const SkSVGTextPath& tpath)
const auto ref = ctx.findNodeById(tpath.getHref().fIRI);
if (!ref) {
SkContourMeasureIter cmi(ref->asPath(ctx), false);
while (sk_sp<SkContourMeasure> contour = {
fLength += contour->length();
SkMatrix SkSVGTextContext::PathData::getMatrixAt(float offset) const {
if (offset >= 0) {
for (const auto& contour : fContours) {
const auto contour_len = contour->length();
if (offset < contour_len) {
SkMatrix m;
return contour->getMatrix(offset, &m) ? m : SkMatrix::I();
offset -= contour_len;
// Quick & dirty way to "skip" rendering of glyphs off path.
return SkMatrix::Translate(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(),
SkRSXform SkSVGTextContext::computeGlyphXform(SkGlyphID glyph, const SkFont& font,
const SkPoint& glyph_pos,
const PositionAdjustment& pos_adjust) const {
SkPoint pos = fChunkPos + glyph_pos + pos_adjust.offset + fChunkAdvance * fChunkAlignmentFactor;
if (!fPathData) {
return SkRSXform::MakeFromRadians(/*scale=*/ 1, pos_adjust.rotation, pos.fX, pos.fY, 0, 0);
// We're in a textPath scope, reposition the glyph on path.
// (
// Path positioning is based on the glyph center (horizontal component).
float glyph_width;
font.getWidths(&glyph, 1, &glyph_width);
auto path_offset = pos.fX + glyph_width * .5f;
// In addition to the path matrix, the final glyph matrix also includes:
// -- vertical position adjustment "dy" ("dx" is factored into path_offset)
// -- glyph origin adjustment (undoing the glyph center offset above)
// -- explicit rotation adjustment (composing with the path glyph rotation)
const auto m = fPathData->getMatrixAt(path_offset) *
SkMatrix::Translate(-glyph_width * .5f, pos_adjust.offset.fY) *
return SkRSXform::Make(m.getScaleX(), m.getSkewY(), m.getTranslateX(), m.getTranslateY());
void SkSVGTextContext::flushChunk(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx) {
SkTextBlobBuilder blobBuilder;
for (const auto& run : fRuns) {
const auto& buf = blobBuilder.allocRunRSXform(run.font, SkToInt(run.glyphCount));
std::copy(run.glyphs.get(), run.glyphs.get() + run.glyphCount, buf.glyphs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.glyphCount; ++i) {
buf.xforms()[i] = this->computeGlyphXform(run.glyphs[i],
// Technically, blobs with compatible paints could be merged --
// but likely not worth the effort.
const auto blob = blobBuilder.make();
if (run.fillPaint) {
ctx.canvas()->drawTextBlob(blob, 0, 0, *run.fillPaint);
if (run.strokePaint) {
ctx.canvas()->drawTextBlob(blob, 0, 0, *run.strokePaint);
fChunkPos += fChunkAdvance;
fChunkAdvance = {0,0};
fChunkAlignmentFactor = ComputeAlignmentFactor(ctx.presentationContext());
SkShaper::RunHandler::Buffer SkSVGTextContext::runBuffer(const RunInfo& ri) {
fCurrentFill ? std::make_unique<SkPaint>(*fCurrentFill) : nullptr,
fCurrentStroke ? std::make_unique<SkPaint>(*fCurrentStroke) : nullptr,
std::make_unique<SkGlyphID[] >(ri.glyphCount),
std::make_unique<SkPoint[] >(ri.glyphCount),
// Ensure sufficient space to temporarily fetch cluster information.
fShapeClusterBuffer.resize(std::max(fShapeClusterBuffer.size(), ri.glyphCount));
return {
void SkSVGTextContext::commitRunBuffer(const RunInfo& ri) {
const auto& current_run = fRuns.back();
// stash position adjustments
for (size_t i = 0; i < ri.glyphCount; ++i) {
const auto utf8_index = fShapeClusterBuffer[i];
current_run.glyhPosAdjust[i] = fShapeBuffer.fUtf8PosAdjust[SkToInt(utf8_index)];
// Offset adjustments are cumulative - we only need to advance the current chunk
// with the last value.
fChunkAdvance += ri.fAdvance + fShapeBuffer.fUtf8PosAdjust.back().offset;
void SkSVGTextFragment::renderText(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, SkSVGTextContext* tctx,
SkSVGXmlSpace xs) const {
SkSVGRenderContext localContext(ctx, this);
if (this->onPrepareToRender(&localContext)) {
this->onRenderText(localContext, tctx, xs);
SkPath SkSVGTextFragment::onAsPath(const SkSVGRenderContext&) const {
return SkPath();
void SkSVGTextContainer::appendChild(sk_sp<SkSVGNode> child) {
// Only allow text nodes.
switch (child->tag()) {
case SkSVGTag::kText:
case SkSVGTag::kTextLiteral:
case SkSVGTag::kTextPath:
case SkSVGTag::kTSpan:
void SkSVGTextContainer::onRenderText(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, SkSVGTextContext* tctx,
SkSVGXmlSpace) const {
const SkSVGTextContext::ScopedPosResolver resolver(*this, ctx.lengthContext(), tctx);
for (const auto& frag : fChildren) {
// Containers always override xml:space with the local value.
frag->renderText(ctx, tctx, this->getXmlSpace());
template <>
bool SkSVGAttributeParser::parse(SkSVGXmlSpace* xs) {
static constexpr std::tuple<const char*, SkSVGXmlSpace> gXmlSpaceMap[] = {
{"default" , SkSVGXmlSpace::kDefault },
{"preserve", SkSVGXmlSpace::kPreserve},
return this->parseEnumMap(gXmlSpaceMap, xs) && this->parseEOSToken();
bool SkSVGTextContainer::parseAndSetAttribute(const char* name, const char* value) {
return INHERITED::parseAndSetAttribute(name, value) ||
this->setX(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<std::vector<SkSVGLength>>("x", name, value)) ||
this->setY(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<std::vector<SkSVGLength>>("y", name, value)) ||
this->setDx(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<std::vector<SkSVGLength>>("dx", name, value)) ||
this->setDy(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<std::vector<SkSVGLength>>("dy", name, value)) ||
value)) ||
this->setXmlSpace(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGXmlSpace>("xml:space", name, value));
void SkSVGTextContainer::onRender(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx) const {
this->onRenderText(ctx, nullptr, this->getXmlSpace());
void SkSVGTextLiteral::onRenderText(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, SkSVGTextContext* tctx,
SkSVGXmlSpace xs) const {
tctx->appendFragment(this->getText(), ctx, xs);
void SkSVGText::onRenderText(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, SkSVGTextContext*,
SkSVGXmlSpace xs) const {
// Root text nodes establish a new text layout context.
SkSVGTextContext tctx(ctx);
this->INHERITED::onRenderText(ctx, &tctx, xs);
void SkSVGTextPath::onRenderText(const SkSVGRenderContext& ctx, SkSVGTextContext*,
SkSVGXmlSpace xs) const {
// Root text nodes establish a new text layout context.
SkSVGTextContext tctx(ctx, this);
this->INHERITED::onRenderText(ctx, &tctx, xs);
bool SkSVGTextPath::parseAndSetAttribute(const char* name, const char* value) {
return INHERITED::parseAndSetAttribute(name, value) ||
this->setHref(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGIRI>("xlink:href", name, value)) ||
this->setStartOffset(SkSVGAttributeParser::parse<SkSVGLength>("startOffset", name, value));