[infra] Split out gen_tasks logic into its own shareable package

This makes dependent repos (eg. lottie-ci) significantly less hacky.

Bug: skia:9259
Change-Id: I8a933a927608d96e59a017dd7ef8e52d1d828a4d
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/227438
Commit-Queue: Eric Boren <borenet@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Joe Gregorio <jcgregorio@google.com>
diff --git a/infra/bots/cfg.json b/infra/bots/cfg.json
index 3636bc6..d4a5f0d 100644
--- a/infra/bots/cfg.json
+++ b/infra/bots/cfg.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
   "gs_bucket_coverage": "skia-coverage",
   "gs_bucket_calm": "skia-calmbench",
   "pool": "Skia",
+  "project": "skia",
   "no_upload": [
@@ -16,5 +17,12 @@
-  ]
+  ],
+  "service_account_compile": "skia-external-compile-tasks@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_housekeeper": "skia-external-housekeeper@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_recreate_skps": "skia-recreate-skps@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_upload_binary": "skia-external-binary-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_upload_calmbench": "skia-external-calmbench-upload@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_upload_gm": "skia-external-gm-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
+  "service_account_upload_nano": "skia-external-nano-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
diff --git a/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go b/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go
index 3a6593e..dda9a0b 100644
--- a/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go
+++ b/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go
@@ -9,1733 +9,9 @@
 import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"regexp"
-	"runtime"
-	"sort"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/golang/glog"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/sklog"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/go/util"
-	"go.skia.org/infra/task_scheduler/go/specs"
+	"go.skia.org/skia/infra/bots/gen_tasks_logic"
-const (
-	BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME    = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BuildTaskDrivers"
-	BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME        = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
-	ISOLATE_GCLOUD_LINUX_NAME  = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateGCloudLinux"
-	ISOLATE_SKIMAGE_NAME       = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSkImage"
-	ISOLATE_SKP_NAME           = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSKP"
-	ISOLATE_SVG_NAME           = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSVG"
-	ISOLATE_NDK_LINUX_NAME     = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateAndroidNDKLinux"
-	ISOLATE_SDK_LINUX_NAME     = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateAndroidSDKLinux"
-	ISOLATE_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateWinToolchain"
-	DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN    = "Debian-9.4"
-	DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE = "Debian-9.8"
-	DEFAULT_OS_MAC       = "Mac-10.13.6"
-	DEFAULT_OS_WIN       = "Windows-2016Server-14393"
-	// Small is a 2-core machine.
-	// TODO(dogben): Would n1-standard-1 or n1-standard-2 be sufficient?
-	MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL = "n1-highmem-2"
-	// Medium is a 16-core machine
-	MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM = "n1-standard-16"
-	// Large is a 64-core machine. (We use "highcpu" because we don't need more than 57GB memory for
-	// any of our tasks.)
-	MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE = "n1-highcpu-64"
-	// Swarming output dirs.
-	OUTPUT_NONE  = "output_ignored" // This will result in outputs not being isolated.
-	OUTPUT_BUILD = "build"
-	OUTPUT_TEST  = "test"
-	OUTPUT_PERF  = "perf"
-	// Name prefix for upload jobs.
-	PREFIX_UPLOAD = "Upload"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE            = "skia-external-compile-tasks@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_HOUSEKEEPER        = "skia-external-housekeeper@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_RECREATE_SKPS      = "skia-recreate-skps@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_GO_DEPS     = "skia-recreate-skps@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_META_CONFIG = "skia-update-meta-config@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_BINARY      = "skia-external-binary-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_CALMBENCH   = "skia-external-calmbench-upload@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_GM          = "skia-external-gm-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-	SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_NANO        = "skia-external-nano-uploader@skia-swarming-bots.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
-var (
-	// "Constants"
-	// Top-level list of all jobs to run at each commit; loaded from
-	// jobs.json.
-	JOBS []string
-	// General configuration information.
-	CONFIG struct {
-		GsBucketGm    string   `json:"gs_bucket_gm"`
-		GoldHashesURL string   `json:"gold_hashes_url"`
-		GsBucketNano  string   `json:"gs_bucket_nano"`
-		GsBucketCalm  string   `json:"gs_bucket_calm"`
-		NoUpload      []string `json:"no_upload"`
-		Pool          string   `json:"pool"`
-	}
-	// alternateProject can be set in an init function to override the default project ID.
-	alternateProject string
-	// alternateServiceAccount can be set in an init function to override the normal service accounts.
-	// Takes one of SERVICE_ACCOUNT_* constants as an argument and returns the service account that
-	// should be used, or uses sklog.Fatal to indicate a problem.
-	alternateServiceAccount func(serviceAccountEnum string) string
-	// alternateSwarmDimensions can be set in an init function to override the default swarming bot
-	// dimensions for the given task.
-	alternateSwarmDimensions func(parts map[string]string) []string
-	// internalHardwareLabelFn can be set in an init function to provide an
-	// internal_hardware_label variable to the recipe.
-	internalHardwareLabelFn func(parts map[string]string) *int
-	// Defines the structure of job names.
-	jobNameSchema *JobNameSchema
-	// Named caches used by tasks.
-	CACHES_GIT = []*specs.Cache{
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "git",
-			Path: "cache/git",
-		},
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "git_cache",
-			Path: "cache/git_cache",
-		},
-	}
-	CACHES_GO = []*specs.Cache{
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "go_cache",
-			Path: "cache/go_cache",
-		},
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "gopath",
-			Path: "cache/gopath",
-		},
-	}
-	CACHES_WORKDIR = []*specs.Cache{
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "work",
-			Path: "cache/work",
-		},
-	}
-	CACHES_DOCKER = []*specs.Cache{
-		&specs.Cache{
-			Name: "docker",
-			Path: "cache/docker",
-		},
-	}
-	// Versions of the following copied from
-	// https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/infradata/config/+/master/configs/cr-buildbucket/swarming_task_template_canary.json#42
-	// to test the fix for chromium:836196.
-	// (In the future we may want to use versions from
-	// https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/infradata/config/+/master/configs/cr-buildbucket/swarming_task_template.json#42)
-	// TODO(borenet): Roll these versions automatically!
-	CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/vpython/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "git_revision:f96db4b66034c859090be3c47eb38227277f228b",
-		},
-	}
-	CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/python/cpython/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "version:2.7.15.chromium14",
-		},
-	}
-	CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN = append([]*specs.CipdPackage{
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/kitchen/${platform}",
-			Path:    ".",
-			Version: "git_revision:d8f38ca9494b5af249942631f9cee45927f6b4bc",
-		},
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/tools/luci-auth/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "git_revision:2c805f1c716f6c5ad2126b27ec88b8585a09481e",
-		},
-	CIPD_PKGS_GIT = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/git/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "version:2.17.1.chromium15",
-		},
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/tools/git/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "git_revision:c9c8a52bfeaf8bc00ece22fdfd447822c8fcad77",
-		},
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/git-credential-luci/${platform}",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "git_revision:2c805f1c716f6c5ad2126b27ec88b8585a09481e",
-		},
-	}
-	CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name:    "infra/gsutil",
-			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
-			Version: "version:4.28",
-		},
-	}
-	CIPD_PKGS_XCODE = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-		// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build/+/e19b7d9390e2bb438b566515b141ed2b9ed2c7c2/scripts/slave/recipe_modules/ios/api.py#317
-		// This package is really just an installer for XCode.
-		&specs.CipdPackage{
-			Name: "infra/tools/mac_toolchain/${platform}",
-			Path: "mac_toolchain",
-			// When this is updated, also update
-			// https://skia.googlesource.com/skcms.git/+/f1e2b45d18facbae2dece3aca673fe1603077846/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go#56
-			Version: "git_revision:796d2b92cff93fc2059623ce0a66284373ceea0a",
-		},
-	}
-	// These properties are required by some tasks, eg. for running
-	// bot_update, but they prevent de-duplication, so they should only be
-	// used where necessary.
-	EXTRA_PROPS = map[string]string{
-		"buildbucket_build_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_BUILDBUCKET_BUILD_ID,
-		"patch_issue":          specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
-		"patch_ref":            specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REF,
-		"patch_repo":           specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REPO,
-		"patch_set":            specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
-		"patch_storage":        specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_STORAGE,
-		"repository":           specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
-		"revision":             specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
-		"task_id":              specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
-	}
-	// Flags.
-	builderNameSchemaFile = flag.String("builder_name_schema", "", "Path to the builder_name_schema.json file. If not specified, uses infra/bots/recipe_modules/builder_name_schema/builder_name_schema.json from this repo.")
-	assetsDir             = flag.String("assets_dir", "", "Directory containing assets.")
-	cfgFile               = flag.String("cfg_file", "", "JSON file containing general configuration information.")
-	jobsFile              = flag.String("jobs", "", "JSON file containing jobs to run.")
-// Return the project name.
-func project() string {
-	if alternateProject != "" {
-		return alternateProject
-	}
-// Build the LogDog annotation URL.
-func logdogAnnotationUrl() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("logdog://logs.chromium.org/%s/${SWARMING_TASK_ID}/+/annotations", project())
-// Create a properties JSON string.
-func props(p map[string]string) string {
-	d := make(map[string]interface{}, len(p)+1)
-	for k, v := range p {
-		d[k] = interface{}(v)
-	}
-	d["$kitchen"] = struct {
-		DevShell bool `json:"devshell"`
-		GitAuth  bool `json:"git_auth"`
-	}{
-		DevShell: true,
-		GitAuth:  true,
-	}
-	j, err := json.Marshal(d)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	return strings.Replace(string(j), "\\u003c", "<", -1)
-// kitchenTask returns a specs.TaskSpec instance which uses Kitchen to run a
-// recipe.
-func kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, serviceAccount string, dimensions []string, extraProps map[string]string, outputDir string) *specs.TaskSpec {
-	if serviceAccount != "" && alternateServiceAccount != nil {
-		serviceAccount = alternateServiceAccount(serviceAccount)
-	}
-	cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN...)
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") && !strings.Contains(name, "LenovoYogaC630") {
-		cipd = append(cipd, CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON...)
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "P30") {
-		cipd = append(cipd, CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON...)
-	}
-	properties := map[string]string{
-		"buildername":   name,
-		"swarm_out_dir": outputDir,
-	}
-	for k, v := range extraProps {
-		properties[k] = v
-	}
-	var outputs []string = nil
-	if outputDir != OUTPUT_NONE {
-		outputs = []string{outputDir}
-	}
-	python := "cipd_bin_packages/vpython${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}"
-	task := &specs.TaskSpec{
-		Caches: []*specs.Cache{
-			&specs.Cache{
-				Name: "vpython",
-				Path: "cache/vpython",
-			},
-		},
-		CipdPackages: cipd,
-		Command:      []string{python, "skia/infra/bots/run_recipe.py", "${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}", recipe, props(properties), project()},
-		Dependencies: []string{BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME},
-		Dimensions:   dimensions,
-		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
-			"PATH":                    []string{"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
-			"VPYTHON_VIRTUALENV_ROOT": []string{"cache/vpython"},
-		},
-		ExtraTags: map[string]string{
-			"log_location": logdogAnnotationUrl(),
-		},
-		Isolate:        relpath(isolate),
-		MaxAttempts:    attempts(name),
-		Outputs:        outputs,
-		ServiceAccount: serviceAccount,
-	}
-	timeout(task, time.Hour)
-	return task
-// internalHardwareLabel returns the internal ID for the bot, if any.
-func internalHardwareLabel(parts map[string]string) *int {
-	if internalHardwareLabelFn != nil {
-		return internalHardwareLabelFn(parts)
-	}
-	return nil
-// linuxGceDimensions are the Swarming dimensions for Linux GCE instances.
-func linuxGceDimensions(machineType string) []string {
-	return []string{
-		// Specify CPU to avoid running builds on bots with a more unique CPU.
-		"cpu:x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
-		"gpu:none",
-		// Currently all Linux GCE tasks run on 16-CPU machines.
-		fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", machineType),
-		fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE),
-		fmt.Sprintf("pool:%s", CONFIG.Pool),
-	}
-func dockerGceDimensions() []string {
-	// There's limited parallelism for WASM builds, so we can get away with the medium
-	// instance instead of the beefy large instance.
-	// Docker being installed is the most important part.
-	return append(linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM), "docker_installed:true")
-// deriveCompileTaskName returns the name of a compile task based on the given
-// job name.
-func deriveCompileTaskName(jobName string, parts map[string]string) string {
-	if parts["role"] == "Test" || parts["role"] == "Perf" || parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
-		task_os := parts["os"]
-		ec := []string{}
-		if val := parts["extra_config"]; val != "" {
-			ec = strings.Split(val, "_")
-			ignore := []string{"Skpbench", "AbandonGpuContext", "PreAbandonGpuContext", "Valgrind", "ReleaseAndAbandonGpuContext", "CCPR", "FSAA", "FAAA", "FDAA", "NativeFonts", "GDI", "NoGPUThreads", "ProcDump", "DDL1", "DDL3", "T8888", "DDLTotal", "DDLRecord", "9x9", "BonusConfigs", "SkottieTracing", "SkottieWASM", "NonNVPR"}
-			keep := make([]string, 0, len(ec))
-			for _, part := range ec {
-				if !util.In(part, ignore) {
-					keep = append(keep, part)
-				}
-			}
-			ec = keep
-		}
-		if task_os == "Android" {
-			if !util.In("Android", ec) {
-				ec = append([]string{"Android"}, ec...)
-			}
-			task_os = "Debian9"
-		} else if task_os == "Chromecast" {
-			task_os = "Debian9"
-			ec = append([]string{"Chromecast"}, ec...)
-		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "ChromeOS") {
-			ec = append([]string{"Chromebook", "GLES"}, ec...)
-			task_os = "Debian9"
-		} else if task_os == "iOS" {
-			ec = append([]string{task_os}, ec...)
-			task_os = "Mac"
-		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Win") {
-			task_os = "Win"
-		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(task_os, "Debian") {
-			task_os = "Debian9"
-		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Mac") {
-			task_os = "Mac"
-		}
-		jobNameMap := map[string]string{
-			"role":          "Build",
-			"os":            task_os,
-			"compiler":      parts["compiler"],
-			"target_arch":   parts["arch"],
-			"configuration": parts["configuration"],
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(jobName, "PathKit") {
-			ec = []string{"PathKit"}
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(jobName, "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(jobName, "SkottieWASM") {
-			if parts["cpu_or_gpu"] == "CPU" {
-				ec = []string{"CanvasKit_CPU"}
-			} else {
-				ec = []string{"CanvasKit"}
-			}
-		}
-		if len(ec) > 0 {
-			jobNameMap["extra_config"] = strings.Join(ec, "_")
-		}
-		name, err := jobNameSchema.MakeJobName(jobNameMap)
-		if err != nil {
-			glog.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		return name
-	} else if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
-		return strings.Replace(jobName, "BuildStats", "Build", 1)
-	} else {
-		return jobName
-	}
-// swarmDimensions generates swarming bot dimensions for the given task.
-func swarmDimensions(parts map[string]string) []string {
-	if alternateSwarmDimensions != nil {
-		return alternateSwarmDimensions(parts)
-	}
-	return defaultSwarmDimensions(parts)
-// defaultSwarmDimensions generates default swarming bot dimensions for the given task.
-func defaultSwarmDimensions(parts map[string]string) []string {
-	d := map[string]string{
-		"pool": CONFIG.Pool,
-	}
-	if os, ok := parts["os"]; ok {
-		d["os"], ok = map[string]string{
-			"Android":    "Android",
-			"Chromecast": "Android",
-			"ChromeOS":   "ChromeOS",
-			"Debian9":    DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN,
-			"Mac":        DEFAULT_OS_MAC,
-			"Mac10.13":   DEFAULT_OS_MAC,
-			"Mac10.14":   "Mac-10.14.3",
-			"Ubuntu18":   "Ubuntu-18.04",
-			"Win":        DEFAULT_OS_WIN,
-			"Win10":      "Windows-10-17763.557",
-			"Win2016":    DEFAULT_OS_WIN,
-			"Win7":       "Windows-7-SP1",
-			"Win8":       "Windows-8.1-SP0",
-			"iOS":        "iOS-11.4.1",
-		}[os]
-		if !ok {
-			glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in OS mapping.", os)
-		}
-		if os == "Win10" && parts["model"] == "Golo" {
-			// ChOps-owned machines have Windows 10 v1709, but a slightly different version than Skolo.
-			d["os"] = "Windows-10-16299.309"
-		}
-		if os == "Mac10.14" && parts["model"] == "VMware7.1" {
-			// ChOps VMs are at a newer version of MacOS.
-			d["os"] = "Mac-10.14.4"
-		}
-		if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_WIN {
-			// Upgrades result in a new image but not a new OS version.
-			d["image"] = "windows-server-2016-dc-v20190108"
-		}
-		if parts["model"] == "LenovoYogaC630" {
-			// This is currently a unique snowflake.
-			d["os"] = "Windows-10"
-		}
-	} else {
-		d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN
-	}
-	if parts["role"] == "Test" || parts["role"] == "Perf" || parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
-		if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Android") || strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Chromecast") {
-			// For Android, the device type is a better dimension
-			// than CPU or GPU.
-			deviceInfo, ok := map[string][]string{
-				"AndroidOne":      {"sprout", "MOB30Q"},
-				"Chorizo":         {"chorizo", "1.30_109591"},
-				"GalaxyS6":        {"zerofltetmo", "NRD90M_G920TUVU5FQK1"},
-				"GalaxyS7_G930FD": {"herolte", "R16NW_G930FXXS2ERH6"}, // This is Oreo.
-				"GalaxyS9":        {"starlte", "R16NW_G960FXXU2BRJ8"}, // This is Oreo.
-				"MotoG4":          {"athene", "NPJS25.93-14.7-8"},
-				"NVIDIA_Shield":   {"foster", "OPR6.170623.010_3507953_1441.7411"},
-				"Nexus5":          {"hammerhead", "M4B30Z_3437181"},
-				"Nexus5x":         {"bullhead", "OPR6.170623.023"},
-				"Nexus7":          {"grouper", "LMY47V_1836172"}, // 2012 Nexus 7
-				"P30":             {"HWELE", "HUAWEIELE-L29"},
-				"Pixel":           {"sailfish", "PPR1.180610.009"},
-				"Pixel2XL":        {"taimen", "PPR1.180610.009"},
-				"Pixel3":          {"blueline", "PQ1A.190105.004"},
-				"TecnoSpark3Pro":  {"TECNO-KB8", "PPR1.180610.011"},
-			}[parts["model"]]
-			if !ok {
-				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Android mapping.", parts["model"])
-			}
-			d["device_type"] = deviceInfo[0]
-			d["device_os"] = deviceInfo[1]
-		} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "iOS") {
-			device, ok := map[string]string{
-				"iPadMini4": "iPad5,1",
-				"iPhone6":   "iPhone7,2",
-				"iPhone7":   "iPhone9,1",
-				"iPadPro":   "iPad6,3",
-			}[parts["model"]]
-			if !ok {
-				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in iOS mapping.", parts["model"])
-			}
-			d["device"] = device
-		} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SwiftShader") {
-			if parts["model"] != "GCE" || d["os"] != DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN || parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] != "SwiftShader" {
-				glog.Fatalf("Please update defaultSwarmDimensions for SwiftShader %s %s %s.", parts["os"], parts["model"], parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-			}
-			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-Haswell_GCE"
-			d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE
-			d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL
-		} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SKQP") && parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] == "Emulator" {
-			if parts["model"] != "NUC7i5BNK" || d["os"] != DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
-				glog.Fatalf("Please update defaultSwarmDimensions for SKQP::Emulator %s %s.", parts["os"], parts["model"])
-			}
-			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-i5-7260U"
-			d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN
-			// KVM means Kernel-based Virtual Machine, that is, can this vm virtualize commands
-			// For us, this means, can we run an x86 android emulator on it.
-			// kjlubick tried running this on GCE, but it was a bit too slow on the large install.
-			// So, we run on bare metal machines in the Skolo (that should also have KVM).
-			d["kvm"] = "1"
-			d["docker_installed"] = "true"
-		} else if parts["cpu_or_gpu"] == "CPU" {
-			modelMapping, ok := map[string]map[string]string{
-				"AVX": {
-					"Golo":      "x86-64-E5-2670",
-					"VMware7.1": "x86-64-E5-2697_v2",
-				},
-				"AVX2": {
-					"GCE":            "x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
-					"MacBookAir7.2":  "x86-64-i5-5350U",
-					"MacBookPro11.5": "x86-64-i7-4870HQ",
-					"NUC5i7RYH":      "x86-64-i7-5557U",
-				},
-				"AVX512": {
-					"GCE": "x86-64-Skylake_GCE",
-				},
-				"Snapdragon850": {
-					"LenovoYogaC630": "arm64-64-Snapdragon850",
-				},
-			}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
-			if !ok {
-				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in CPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-			}
-			cpu, ok := modelMapping[parts["model"]]
-			if !ok {
-				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in %q model mapping.", parts["model"], parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-			}
-			d["cpu"] = cpu
-			if parts["model"] == "GCE" && d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
-				d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE
-			}
-			if parts["model"] == "GCE" && d["cpu"] == "x86-64-Haswell_GCE" {
-				d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM
-			}
-		} else {
-			if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CanvasKit") {
-				// GPU is defined for the WebGL version of CanvasKit, but
-				// it can still run on a GCE instance.
-				return dockerGceDimensions()
-			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Win") {
-				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
-					// At some point this might use the device ID, but for now it's like Chromebooks.
-					"Adreno630":     "Adreno630",
-					"GT610":         "10de:104a-",
-					"GTX660":        "10de:11c0-",
-					"GTX960":        "10de:1401-",
-					"IntelHD4400":   "8086:0a16-",
-					"IntelIris540":  "8086:1926-",
-					"IntelIris6100": "8086:162b-",
-					"IntelIris655":  "8086:3ea5-",
-					"RadeonHD7770":  "1002:683d-24.20.13001.1010",
-					"RadeonR9M470X": "1002:6646-24.20.13001.1010",
-					"QuadroP400":    "10de:1cb3-",
-				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
-				if !ok {
-					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Win GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-				}
-				d["gpu"] = gpu
-			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Debian") {
-				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
-					// Intel drivers come from CIPD, so no need to specify the version here.
-					"IntelBayTrail": "8086:0f31",
-					"IntelHD2000":   "8086:0102",
-					"IntelHD405":    "8086:22b1",
-					"IntelIris640":  "8086:5926",
-					"QuadroP400":    "10de:1cb3-430.14",
-				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
-				if !ok {
-					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Ubuntu GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-				}
-				d["gpu"] = gpu
-			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Mac") {
-				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
-					"IntelHD6000":   "8086:1626",
-					"IntelHD615":    "8086:591e",
-					"IntelIris5100": "8086:0a2e",
-					"RadeonHD8870M": "1002:6821-4.0.20-3.2.8",
-				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
-				if !ok {
-					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Mac GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-				}
-				d["gpu"] = gpu
-				// Yuck. We have two different types of MacMini7,1 with the same GPU but different CPUs.
-				if parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] == "IntelIris5100" {
-					// Run all tasks on Golo machines for now.
-					d["cpu"] = "x86-64-i7-4578U"
-				}
-			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "ChromeOS") {
-				version, ok := map[string]string{
-					"MaliT604":           "10575.22.0",
-					"MaliT764":           "10575.22.0",
-					"MaliT860":           "10575.22.0",
-					"PowerVRGX6250":      "10575.22.0",
-					"TegraK1":            "10575.22.0",
-					"IntelHDGraphics615": "10575.22.0",
-				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
-				if !ok {
-					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in ChromeOS GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
-				}
-				d["gpu"] = parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]
-				d["release_version"] = version
-			} else {
-				glog.Fatalf("Unknown GPU mapping for OS %q.", parts["os"])
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		d["gpu"] = "none"
-		if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
-			if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "PathKit") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CMake") {
-				return dockerGceDimensions()
-			}
-			if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
-				// Doesn't require a lot of resources, but some steps require docker
-				return dockerGceDimensions()
-			}
-			// Use many-core machines for Build tasks.
-			return linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE)
-		} else if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_WIN {
-			// Windows CPU bots.
-			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-Haswell_GCE"
-			// Use many-core machines for Build tasks.
-			d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE
-		} else if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_MAC {
-			// Mac CPU bots.
-			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-E5-2697_v2"
-		}
-	}
-	rv := make([]string, 0, len(d))
-	for k, v := range d {
-		rv = append(rv, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v))
-	}
-	sort.Strings(rv)
-	return rv
-// relpath returns the relative path to the given file from the config file.
-func relpath(f string) string {
-	_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
-	dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
-	base := dir
-	if *cfgFile != "" {
-		base = filepath.Dir(*cfgFile)
-	}
-	base, err := filepath.Abs(base)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	target := filepath.Join(dir, f)
-	rv, err := filepath.Rel(base, target)
-	if err != nil {
-		sklog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	return rv
-// bundleRecipes generates the task to bundle and isolate the recipes.
-func bundleRecipes(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder) string {
-	pkgs := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
-	pkgs = append(pkgs, CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON...)
-	b.MustAddTask(BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME, &specs.TaskSpec{
-		CipdPackages: pkgs,
-		Command: []string{
-			"/bin/bash", "skia/infra/bots/bundle_recipes.sh", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
-		},
-		Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
-		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
-			"PATH": []string{"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
-		},
-		Idempotent: true,
-		Isolate:    relpath("recipes.isolate"),
-	})
-// buildTaskDrivers generates the task to compile the task driver code to run on
-// all platforms.
-func buildTaskDrivers(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder) string {
-	b.MustAddTask(BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME, &specs.TaskSpec{
-		Caches:       CACHES_GO,
-		CipdPackages: append(CIPD_PKGS_GIT, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go")),
-		Command: []string{
-			"/bin/bash", "skia/infra/bots/build_task_drivers.sh", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
-		},
-		Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
-		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
-			"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
-		},
-		Idempotent: true,
-		Isolate:    "task_drivers.isolate",
-	})
-func updateGoDeps(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
-	cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go"))
-	cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("protoc"))
-	machineType := MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM
-	t := &specs.TaskSpec{
-		Caches:       CACHES_GO,
-		CipdPackages: cipd,
-		Command: []string{
-			"./update_go_deps",
-			"--project_id", "skia-swarming-bots",
-			"--task_id", specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
-			"--task_name", name,
-			"--workdir", ".",
-			"--gerrit_project", "skia",
-			"--gerrit_url", "https://skia-review.googlesource.com",
-			"--repo", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
-			"--reviewers", "borenet@google.com",
-			"--revision", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
-			"--patch_issue", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
-			"--patch_set", specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
-			"--patch_server", specs.PLACEHOLDER_CODEREVIEW_SERVER,
-			"--alsologtostderr",
-		},
-		Dependencies: []string{BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME},
-		Dimensions:   linuxGceDimensions(machineType),
-		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
-			"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
-		},
-		Isolate:        "empty.isolate",
-	}
-	b.MustAddTask(name, t)
-	return name
-type isolateAssetCfg struct {
-	cipdPkg string
-	path    string
-var ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING = map[string]isolateAssetCfg{
-		cipdPkg: "gcloud_linux",
-		path:    "gcloud_linux",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "skimage",
-		path:    "skimage",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "skp",
-		path:    "skp",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "svg",
-		path:    "svg",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "android_ndk_linux",
-		path:    "android_ndk_linux",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "android_sdk_linux",
-		path:    "android_sdk_linux",
-	},
-		cipdPkg: "win_toolchain",
-		path:    "win_toolchain",
-	},
-// isolateCIPDAsset generates a task to isolate the given CIPD asset.
-func isolateCIPDAsset(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	asset := ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING[name]
-	b.MustAddTask(name, &specs.TaskSpec{
-		CipdPackages: []*specs.CipdPackage{
-			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset(asset.cipdPkg),
-		},
-		Command:    []string{"/bin/cp", "-rL", asset.path, "${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}"},
-		Dimensions: linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
-		Idempotent: true,
-		Isolate:    relpath("empty.isolate"),
-	})
-	return name
-// getIsolatedCIPDDeps returns the slice of Isolate_* tasks a given task needs.
-// This allows us to  save time on I/O bound bots, like the RPIs.
-func getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts map[string]string) []string {
-	deps := []string{}
-	// Only do this on the RPIs for now. Other, faster machines shouldn't see much
-	// benefit and we don't need the extra complexity, for now
-	rpiOS := []string{"Android", "ChromeOS", "iOS"}
-	if o := parts["os"]; strings.Contains(o, "Chromecast") {
-		// Chromecasts don't have enough disk space to fit all of the content,
-		// so we do a subset of the skps.
-		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
-	} else if e := parts["extra_config"]; strings.Contains(e, "Skpbench") {
-		// Skpbench only needs skps
-		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
-	} else if util.In(o, rpiOS) {
-		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
-		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SVG_NAME)
-		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKIMAGE_NAME)
-	}
-	return deps
-// usesGit adds attributes to tasks which use git.
-func usesGit(t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
-	t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_GIT...)
-	if !strings.Contains(name, "NoDEPS") {
-		t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_WORKDIR...)
-	}
-	t.CipdPackages = append(t.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
-// usesGo adds attributes to tasks which use go. Recipes should use
-// "with api.context(env=api.infra.go_env)".
-func usesGo(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
-	t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_GO...)
-	pkg := b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go")
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
-		pkg = b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go_win")
-		pkg.Path = "go"
-	}
-	t.CipdPackages = append(t.CipdPackages, pkg)
-// usesDocker adds attributes to tasks which use docker.
-func usesDocker(t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
-	if strings.Contains(name, "EMCC") || strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") || strings.Contains(name, "CMake") {
-		t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_DOCKER...)
-	}
-// timeout sets the timeout(s) for this task.
-func timeout(task *specs.TaskSpec, timeout time.Duration) {
-	task.ExecutionTimeout = timeout
-	task.IoTimeout = timeout // With kitchen, step logs don't count toward IoTimeout.
-// attempts returns the desired MaxAttempts for this task.
-func attempts(name string) int {
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") || strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") {
-		// Both bots can be long running. No need to retry them.
-		return 1
-	}
-	if !(strings.HasPrefix(name, "Build-") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "Upload-")) {
-		for _, extraConfig := range []string{"ASAN", "MSAN", "TSAN", "UBSAN", "Valgrind"} {
-			if strings.Contains(name, extraConfig) {
-				// Sanitizers often find non-deterministic issues that retries would hide.
-				return 1
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Retry by default to hide random bot/hardware failures.
-	return 2
-// compile generates a compile task. Returns the name of the last task in the
-// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func compile(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string, parts map[string]string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_BUILD)
-	usesGit(task, name)
-	usesDocker(task, name)
-	// Android bots require a toolchain.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Android") {
-		if parts["extra_config"] == "Android_Framework" {
-			// Do not need a toolchain when building the
-			// Android Framework.
-		} else if strings.Contains(name, "Mac") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_darwin"))
-		} else if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
-			pkg := b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_windows")
-			pkg.Path = "n"
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkg)
-		} else if !strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_linux"))
-		}
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Chromecast") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("cast_toolchain"))
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_arm_gles"))
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Chromebook") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
-		if parts["target_arch"] == "x86_64" {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_x86_64_gles"))
-		} else if parts["target_arch"] == "arm" {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("armhf_sysroot"))
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_arm_gles"))
-		}
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Debian") {
-		if strings.Contains(name, "Clang") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
-		}
-		if parts["target_arch"] == "mips64el" || parts["target_arch"] == "loongson3a" {
-			if parts["compiler"] != "GCC" {
-				glog.Fatalf("mips64el toolchain is GCC, but compiler is %q in %q", parts["compiler"], name)
-			}
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("mips64el_toolchain_linux"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "SwiftShader") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("cmake_linux"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages,
-				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_headers"),
-				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_ocl_icd_linux"),
-			)
-		}
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, isolateCIPDAsset(b, ISOLATE_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME))
-		if strings.Contains(name, "Clang") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_win"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages,
-				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_headers"),
-			)
-		}
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Mac") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_XCODE...)
-		task.Caches = append(task.Caches, &specs.Cache{
-			Name: "xcode",
-			Path: "cache/Xcode.app",
-		})
-		if strings.Contains(name, "CommandBuffer") {
-			timeout(task, 2*time.Hour)
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "MoltenVK") {
-			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("moltenvk"))
-		}
-	}
-	// Add the task.
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	// All compile tasks are runnable as their own Job. Assert that the Job
-	// is listed in JOBS.
-	if !util.In(name, JOBS) {
-		glog.Fatalf("Job %q is missing from the JOBS list!", name)
-	}
-	// Upload the skiaserve binary only for Linux Android compile bots.
-	// See skbug.com/7399 for context.
-	if parts["configuration"] == "Release" &&
-		parts["extra_config"] == "Android" &&
-		!strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Win") &&
-		!strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Mac") {
-		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
-		task := kitchenTask(uploadName, "upload_skiaserve", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_BINARY, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, name)
-		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, task)
-		return uploadName
-	}
-	return name
-// recreateSKPs generates a RecreateSKPs task. Returns the name of the last
-// task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a
-// dependency.
-func recreateSKPs(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	dims := []string{
-		"pool:SkiaCT",
-		fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE),
-	}
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "recreate_skps", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_RECREATE_SKPS, dims, EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
-	usesGo(b, task, name)
-	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// checkGeneratedFiles verifies that no generated SKSL files have been edited
-// by hand.
-func checkGeneratedFiles(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "check_generated_files", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	task.Caches = append(task.Caches, CACHES_WORKDIR...)
-	usesGo(b, task, name)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// housekeeper generates a Housekeeper task. Returns the name of the last task
-// in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func housekeeper(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "housekeeper", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_HOUSEKEEPER, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	usesGit(task, name)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// androidFrameworkCompile generates an Android Framework Compile task. Returns
-// the name of the last task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job
-// should add as a dependency.
-func androidFrameworkCompile(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "android_compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	timeout(task, 2*time.Hour)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// g3FrameworkCompile generates a G3 Framework Compile task. Returns
-// the name of the last task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job
-// should add as a dependency.
-func g3FrameworkCompile(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "g3_compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	timeout(task, 3*time.Hour)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// infra generates an infra_tests task. Returns the name of the last task in the
-// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func infra(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	dims := linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL)
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
-		dims = []string{
-			// Specify CPU to avoid running builds on bots with a more unique CPU.
-			"cpu:x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
-			"gpu:none",
-			fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM), // We don't have any small Windows instances.
-			fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_WIN),
-			fmt.Sprintf("pool:%s", CONFIG.Pool),
-		}
-	}
-	extraProps := map[string]string{
-		"repository": specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
-	}
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "infra", "infra_tests.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, dims, extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
-	task.Idempotent = true
-	// Repos which call into Skia's gen_tasks.go should define their own
-	// infra_tests.isolate and therefore should not use relpath().
-	task.Isolate = "infra_tests.isolate"
-	usesGit(task, name) // We don't run bot_update, but Go needs a git repo.
-	usesGo(b, task, name)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-var BUILD_STATS_NO_UPLOAD = []string{"BuildStats-Debian9-Clang-x86_64-Release"}
-func buildstats(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "compute_buildstats", "swarm_recipe.isolate", "", swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
-	task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("bloaty"))
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	// Upload release results (for tracking in perf)
-	// We have some jobs that are FYI (e.g. Debug-CanvasKit, tree-map generator)
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && !util.In(name, BUILD_STATS_NO_UPLOAD) {
-		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
-		extraProps := map[string]string{
-			"gs_bucket": CONFIG.GsBucketNano,
-		}
-		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-			extraProps[k] = v
-		}
-		uploadTask := kitchenTask(name, "upload_buildstats_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_NANO, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
-		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
-		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
-		return uploadName
-	}
-	return name
-func getParentRevisionName(compileTaskName string, parts map[string]string) string {
-	if parts["extra_config"] == "" {
-		return compileTaskName + "-ParentRevision"
-	} else {
-		return compileTaskName + "_ParentRevision"
-	}
-// calmbench generates a calmbench task. Returns the name of the last task in the
-// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func calmbench(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName, compileParentName string) string {
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "calmbench", "calmbench.isolate", "", swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
-	usesGit(task, name)
-	task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName, compileParentName, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME, ISOLATE_SVG_NAME)
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	// Upload results if necessary.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && doUpload(name) {
-		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
-		extraProps := map[string]string{
-			"gs_bucket": CONFIG.GsBucketCalm,
-		}
-		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-			extraProps[k] = v
-		}
-		uploadTask := kitchenTask(name, "upload_calmbench_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_CALMBENCH, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
-		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
-		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
-		return uploadName
-	}
-	return name
-// doUpload indicates whether the given Job should upload its results.
-func doUpload(name string) bool {
-	for _, s := range CONFIG.NoUpload {
-		m, err := regexp.MatchString(s, name)
-		if err != nil {
-			glog.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		if m {
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-// test generates a Test task. Returns the name of the last task in the
-// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func test(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string, pkgs []*specs.CipdPackage) string {
-	recipe := "test"
-	if strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
-		recipe = "skqp_test"
-		if strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") {
-			recipe = "test_skqp_emulator"
-		}
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
-		// TODO(dogben): Longer term we may not want this to be called a "Test" task, but until we start
-		// running hs_bench or kx, it will be easier to fit into the current job name schema.
-		recipe = "compute_test"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
-		recipe = "test_pathkit"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") {
-		recipe = "test_canvaskit"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
-		recipe = "test_lottie_web"
-	}
-	extraProps := map[string]string{
-		"gold_hashes_url": CONFIG.GoldHashesURL,
-	}
-	for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-		extraProps[k] = v
-	}
-	iid := internalHardwareLabel(parts)
-	if iid != nil {
-		extraProps["internal_hardware_label"] = strconv.Itoa(*iid)
-	}
-	isolate := "test_skia_bundled.isolate"
-	if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") || strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
-		isolate = "swarm_recipe.isolate"
-	}
-	task := kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, "", swarmDimensions(parts), extraProps, OUTPUT_TEST)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkgs...)
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Lottie") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
-	}
-	if !strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
-		// Test.+LottieWeb doesn't require anything in Skia to be compiled.
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Android_ASAN") {
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, isolateCIPDAsset(b, ISOLATE_NDK_LINUX_NAME))
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
-		if !strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") {
-			task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, isolateCIPDAsset(b, ISOLATE_GCLOUD_LINUX_NAME))
-		}
-	}
-	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) > 0 {
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, deps...)
-	}
-	task.Expiration = 20 * time.Hour
-	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
-	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Valgrind") {
-		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
-		task.Expiration = 48 * time.Hour
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("valgrind"))
-		// Since Valgrind runs on the same bots as the CQ, we restrict Valgrind to a subset of the bots
-		// to ensure there are always bots free for CQ tasks.
-		task.Dimensions = append(task.Dimensions, "valgrind:1")
-	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "MSAN") {
-		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
-	} else if parts["arch"] == "x86" && parts["configuration"] == "Debug" {
-		// skia:6737
-		timeout(task, 6*time.Hour)
-	}
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	// Upload results if necessary. TODO(kjlubick): If we do coverage analysis at the same
-	// time as normal tests (which would be nice), cfg.json needs to have Coverage removed.
-	if doUpload(name) {
-		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
-		extraProps := map[string]string{
-			"gs_bucket": CONFIG.GsBucketGm,
-		}
-		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-			extraProps[k] = v
-		}
-		uploadTask := kitchenTask(name, "upload_dm_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_GM, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
-		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
-		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
-		return uploadName
-	}
-	return name
-// perf generates a Perf task. Returns the name of the last task in the
-// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
-func perf(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string, pkgs []*specs.CipdPackage) string {
-	recipe := "perf"
-	isolate := relpath("perf_skia_bundled.isolate")
-	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Skpbench") {
-		recipe = "skpbench"
-		isolate = relpath("skpbench_skia_bundled.isolate")
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
-		recipe = "perf_pathkit"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") {
-		recipe = "perf_canvaskit"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "SkottieTracing") {
-		recipe = "perf_skottietrace"
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "SkottieWASM") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
-		recipe = "perf_skottiewasm_lottieweb"
-	}
-	task := kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, "", swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkgs...)
-	if !strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
-		// Perf.+LottieWeb doesn't require anything in Skia to be compiled.
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
-	}
-	task.Expiration = 20 * time.Hour
-	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
-	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) > 0 {
-		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, deps...)
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Valgrind") {
-		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
-		task.Expiration = 48 * time.Hour
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("valgrind"))
-		// Since Valgrind runs on the same bots as the CQ, we restrict Valgrind to a subset of the bots
-		// to ensure there are always bots free for CQ tasks.
-		task.Dimensions = append(task.Dimensions, "valgrind:1")
-	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "MSAN") {
-		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
-	} else if parts["arch"] == "x86" && parts["configuration"] == "Debug" {
-		// skia:6737
-		timeout(task, 6*time.Hour)
-	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SkottieWASM") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "LottieWeb") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("node"))
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
-	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Skottie") {
-		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
-	}
-	iid := internalHardwareLabel(parts)
-	if iid != nil {
-		task.Command = append(task.Command, fmt.Sprintf("internal_hardware_label=%d", *iid))
-	}
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	// Upload results if necessary.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && doUpload(name) {
-		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
-		extraProps := map[string]string{
-			"gs_bucket": CONFIG.GsBucketNano,
-		}
-		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-			extraProps[k] = v
-		}
-		uploadTask := kitchenTask(name, "upload_nano_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UPLOAD_NANO, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
-		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
-		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
-		return uploadName
-	}
-	return name
-// Run the presubmit.
-func presubmit(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) string {
-	extraProps := map[string]string{
-		"category":         "cq",
-		"patch_gerrit_url": "https://skia-review.googlesource.com",
-		"patch_project":    "skia",
-		"patch_ref":        specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REF,
-		"reason":           "CQ",
-		"repo_name":        "skia",
-	}
-	for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
-		extraProps[k] = v
-	}
-	// Use MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE because it seems to save time versus MEDIUM and we want presubmit to be
-	// fast.
-	task := kitchenTask(name, "run_presubmit", "run_recipe.isolate", SERVICE_ACCOUNT_COMPILE, linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
-	usesGit(task, name)
-	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, &specs.CipdPackage{
-		Name:    "infra/recipe_bundles/chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build",
-		Path:    "recipe_bundle",
-		Version: "refs/heads/master",
-	})
-	task.Dependencies = []string{} // No bundled recipes for this one.
-	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
-	return name
-// process generates tasks and jobs for the given job name.
-func process(b *specs.TasksCfgBuilder, name string) {
-	var priority float64 // Leave as default for most jobs.
-	deps := []string{}
-	// Bundle Recipes.
-	if name == BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME {
-		deps = append(deps, bundleRecipes(b))
-	}
-		deps = append(deps, buildTaskDrivers(b))
-	}
-	// Isolate CIPD assets.
-	if _, ok := ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING[name]; ok {
-		deps = append(deps, isolateCIPDAsset(b, name))
-	}
-	parts, err := jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(name)
-	if err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	// RecreateSKPs.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "RecreateSKPs") {
-		deps = append(deps, recreateSKPs(b, name))
-	}
-	// Update Go Dependencies.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "UpdateGoDeps") {
-		// Update Go deps bot.
-		deps = append(deps, updateGoDeps(b, name))
-	}
-	// Infra tests.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-InfraTests") {
-		deps = append(deps, infra(b, name))
-	}
-	// Compile bots.
-	if parts["role"] == "Build" {
-		if parts["extra_config"] == "Android_Framework" {
-			// Android Framework compile tasks use a different recipe.
-			deps = append(deps, androidFrameworkCompile(b, name))
-		} else if parts["extra_config"] == "G3_Framework" {
-			// G3 compile tasks use a different recipe.
-			deps = append(deps, g3FrameworkCompile(b, name))
-		} else {
-			deps = append(deps, compile(b, name, parts))
-		}
-	}
-	// Most remaining bots need a compile task.
-	compileTaskName := deriveCompileTaskName(name, parts)
-	compileTaskParts, err := jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(compileTaskName)
-	if err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	compileParentName := getParentRevisionName(compileTaskName, compileTaskParts)
-	compileParentParts, err := jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(compileParentName)
-	if err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	// These bots do not need a compile task.
-	if parts["role"] != "Build" &&
-		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes" &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-InfraTests") &&
-		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit-CheckGeneratedFiles" &&
-		name != "Housekeeper-Nightly-UpdateGoDeps" &&
-		name != "Housekeeper-OnDemand-Presubmit" &&
-		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit" &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "RecreateSKPs") &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-Isolate") &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "SkottieWASM") &&
-		!strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
-		compile(b, compileTaskName, compileTaskParts)
-		if parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
-			compile(b, compileParentName, compileParentParts)
-		}
-	}
-	// Housekeepers.
-	if name == "Housekeeper-PerCommit" {
-		deps = append(deps, housekeeper(b, name))
-	}
-	if name == "Housekeeper-PerCommit-CheckGeneratedFiles" {
-		deps = append(deps, checkGeneratedFiles(b, name))
-	}
-	if name == "Housekeeper-OnDemand-Presubmit" {
-		priority = 1
-		deps = append(deps, presubmit(b, name))
-	}
-	// Common assets needed by the remaining bots.
-	pkgs := []*specs.CipdPackage{}
-	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) == 0 {
-		pkgs = []*specs.CipdPackage{
-			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("skimage"),
-			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("skp"),
-			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("svg"),
-		}
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(name, "Debian") {
-		if strings.Contains(name, "SAN") {
-			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "Vulkan") {
-			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("linux_vulkan_sdk"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "Intel") && strings.Contains(name, "GPU") {
-			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("mesa_intel_driver_linux"))
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
-			pkgs = append(pkgs,
-				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_ocl_icd_linux"),
-				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_intel_neo_linux"),
-			)
-		}
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "ProcDump") {
-		pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("procdump_win"))
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") || (parts["role"] == "Test" && strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb")) || strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
-		// Docker-based tests that don't need the standard CIPD assets
-		pkgs = []*specs.CipdPackage{}
-	}
-	// Test bots.
-	if parts["role"] == "Test" {
-		deps = append(deps, test(b, name, parts, compileTaskName, pkgs))
-	}
-	// Perf bots.
-	if parts["role"] == "Perf" {
-		deps = append(deps, perf(b, name, parts, compileTaskName, pkgs))
-	}
-	// Calmbench bots.
-	if parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
-		deps = append(deps, calmbench(b, name, parts, compileTaskName, compileParentName))
-	}
-	// Valgrind runs at a low priority so that it doesn't occupy all the bots.
-	if strings.Contains(name, "Valgrind") {
-		// Priority of 0.085 should result in Valgrind tasks with a blamelist of ~10 commits having the
-		// same score as other tasks with a blamelist of 1 commit, when we have insufficient bot
-		// capacity to run more frequently.
-		priority = 0.085
-	}
-	// BuildStats bots. This computes things like binary size.
-	if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
-		deps = append(deps, buildstats(b, name, parts, compileTaskName))
-	}
-	// Add the Job spec.
-	j := &specs.JobSpec{
-		Priority:  priority,
-		TaskSpecs: deps,
-		Trigger:   specs.TRIGGER_ANY_BRANCH,
-	}
-	if strings.Contains(name, "-Nightly-") {
-		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_NIGHTLY
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "-Weekly-") {
-		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_WEEKLY
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Flutter") || strings.Contains(name, "CommandBuffer") {
-		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_MASTER_ONLY
-	} else if strings.Contains(name, "-OnDemand-") || strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") || strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") {
-		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_ON_DEMAND
-	}
-	b.MustAddJob(name, j)
-func loadJson(flag *string, defaultFlag string, val interface{}) {
-	if *flag == "" {
-		*flag = defaultFlag
-	}
-	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*flag)
-	if err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, val); err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-// Regenerate the tasks.json file.
 func main() {
-	b := specs.MustNewTasksCfgBuilder()
-	b.SetAssetsDir(*assetsDir)
-	infraBots := filepath.Join(b.CheckoutRoot(), "infra", "bots")
-	// Load the jobs from a JSON file.
-	loadJson(jobsFile, filepath.Join(infraBots, "jobs.json"), &JOBS)
-	// Load general config information from a JSON file.
-	loadJson(cfgFile, filepath.Join(infraBots, "cfg.json"), &CONFIG)
-	// Create the JobNameSchema.
-	if *builderNameSchemaFile == "" {
-		*builderNameSchemaFile = filepath.Join(b.CheckoutRoot(), "infra", "bots", "recipe_modules", "builder_name_schema", "builder_name_schema.json")
-	}
-	schema, err := NewJobNameSchema(*builderNameSchemaFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		glog.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	jobNameSchema = schema
-	// Create Tasks and Jobs.
-	for _, name := range JOBS {
-		process(b, name)
-	}
-	b.MustFinish()
-// TODO(borenet): The below really belongs in its own file, probably next to the
-// builder_name_schema.json file.
-// schema is a sub-struct of JobNameSchema.
-type schema struct {
-	Keys         []string `json:"keys"`
-	OptionalKeys []string `json:"optional_keys"`
-	RecurseRoles []string `json:"recurse_roles"`
-// JobNameSchema is a struct used for (de)constructing Job names in a
-// predictable format.
-type JobNameSchema struct {
-	Schema map[string]*schema `json:"builder_name_schema"`
-	Sep    string             `json:"builder_name_sep"`
-// NewJobNameSchema returns a JobNameSchema instance based on the given JSON
-// file.
-func NewJobNameSchema(jsonFile string) (*JobNameSchema, error) {
-	var rv JobNameSchema
-	f, err := os.Open(jsonFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer util.Close(f)
-	if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&rv); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &rv, nil
-// ParseJobName splits the given Job name into its component parts, according
-// to the schema.
-func (s *JobNameSchema) ParseJobName(n string) (map[string]string, error) {
-	popFront := func(items []string) (string, []string, error) {
-		if len(items) == 0 {
-			return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (not enough parts)", n)
-		}
-		return items[0], items[1:], nil
-	}
-	result := map[string]string{}
-	var parse func(int, string, []string) ([]string, error)
-	parse = func(depth int, role string, parts []string) ([]string, error) {
-		s, ok := s.Schema[role]
-		if !ok {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name; %q is not a valid role.", role)
-		}
-		if depth == 0 {
-			result["role"] = role
-		} else {
-			result[fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth)] = role
-		}
-		var err error
-		for _, key := range s.Keys {
-			var value string
-			value, parts, err = popFront(parts)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			result[key] = value
-		}
-		for _, subRole := range s.RecurseRoles {
-			if len(parts) > 0 && parts[0] == subRole {
-				parts, err = parse(depth+1, parts[0], parts[1:])
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, err
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		for _, key := range s.OptionalKeys {
-			if len(parts) > 0 {
-				var value string
-				value, parts, err = popFront(parts)
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, err
-				}
-				result[key] = value
-			}
-		}
-		if len(parts) > 0 {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (too many parts)", n)
-		}
-		return parts, nil
-	}
-	split := strings.Split(n, s.Sep)
-	if len(split) < 2 {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (not enough parts)", n)
-	}
-	role := split[0]
-	split = split[1:]
-	_, err := parse(0, role, split)
-	return result, err
-// MakeJobName assembles the given parts of a Job name, according to the schema.
-func (s *JobNameSchema) MakeJobName(parts map[string]string) (string, error) {
-	rvParts := make([]string, 0, len(parts))
-	var process func(int, map[string]string) (map[string]string, error)
-	process = func(depth int, parts map[string]string) (map[string]string, error) {
-		roleKey := "role"
-		if depth != 0 {
-			roleKey = fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth)
-		}
-		role, ok := parts[roleKey]
-		if !ok {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing key %q", roleKey)
-		}
-		s, ok := s.Schema[role]
-		if !ok {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; unknown role %q", role)
-		}
-		rvParts = append(rvParts, role)
-		delete(parts, roleKey)
-		for _, key := range s.Keys {
-			value, ok := parts[key]
-			if !ok {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing %q", key)
-			}
-			rvParts = append(rvParts, value)
-			delete(parts, key)
-		}
-		if len(s.RecurseRoles) > 0 {
-			subRoleKey := fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth+1)
-			subRole, ok := parts[subRoleKey]
-			if !ok {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing %q", subRoleKey)
-			}
-			rvParts = append(rvParts, subRole)
-			delete(parts, subRoleKey)
-			found := false
-			for _, recurseRole := range s.RecurseRoles {
-				if recurseRole == subRole {
-					found = true
-					var err error
-					parts, err = process(depth+1, parts)
-					if err != nil {
-						return nil, err
-					}
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			if !found {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; unknown sub-role %q", subRole)
-			}
-		}
-		for _, key := range s.OptionalKeys {
-			if value, ok := parts[key]; ok {
-				rvParts = append(rvParts, value)
-				delete(parts, key)
-			}
-		}
-		if len(parts) > 0 {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts: too many parts: %v", parts)
-		}
-		return parts, nil
-	}
-	// Copy the parts map, so that we can modify at will.
-	partsCpy := make(map[string]string, len(parts))
-	for k, v := range parts {
-		partsCpy[k] = v
-	}
-	if _, err := process(0, partsCpy); err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	return strings.Join(rvParts, s.Sep), nil
+	gen_tasks_logic.GenTasks(nil)
diff --git a/infra/bots/gen_tasks_logic/gen_tasks_logic.go b/infra/bots/gen_tasks_logic/gen_tasks_logic.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38bd9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/bots/gen_tasks_logic/gen_tasks_logic.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1806 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+package gen_tasks_logic
+	Generate the tasks.json file.
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"regexp"
+	"runtime"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/golang/glog"
+	"go.skia.org/infra/go/sklog"
+	"go.skia.org/infra/go/util"
+	"go.skia.org/infra/task_scheduler/go/specs"
+const (
+	BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME    = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BuildTaskDrivers"
+	BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME        = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes"
+	ISOLATE_GCLOUD_LINUX_NAME  = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateGCloudLinux"
+	ISOLATE_SKIMAGE_NAME       = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSkImage"
+	ISOLATE_SKP_NAME           = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSKP"
+	ISOLATE_SVG_NAME           = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateSVG"
+	ISOLATE_NDK_LINUX_NAME     = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateAndroidNDKLinux"
+	ISOLATE_SDK_LINUX_NAME     = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateAndroidSDKLinux"
+	ISOLATE_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME = "Housekeeper-PerCommit-IsolateWinToolchain"
+	DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN    = "Debian-9.4"
+	DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE = "Debian-9.8"
+	DEFAULT_OS_MAC       = "Mac-10.13.6"
+	DEFAULT_OS_WIN       = "Windows-2016Server-14393"
+	// Small is a 2-core machine.
+	// TODO(dogben): Would n1-standard-1 or n1-standard-2 be sufficient?
+	MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL = "n1-highmem-2"
+	// Medium is a 16-core machine
+	MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM = "n1-standard-16"
+	// Large is a 64-core machine. (We use "highcpu" because we don't need more than 57GB memory for
+	// any of our tasks.)
+	MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE = "n1-highcpu-64"
+	// Swarming output dirs.
+	OUTPUT_NONE  = "output_ignored" // This will result in outputs not being isolated.
+	OUTPUT_BUILD = "build"
+	OUTPUT_TEST  = "test"
+	OUTPUT_PERF  = "perf"
+	// Name prefix for upload jobs.
+	PREFIX_UPLOAD = "Upload"
+var (
+	// "Constants"
+	// Named caches used by tasks.
+	CACHES_GIT = []*specs.Cache{
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "git",
+			Path: "cache/git",
+		},
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "git_cache",
+			Path: "cache/git_cache",
+		},
+	}
+	CACHES_GO = []*specs.Cache{
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "go_cache",
+			Path: "cache/go_cache",
+		},
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "gopath",
+			Path: "cache/gopath",
+		},
+	}
+	CACHES_WORKDIR = []*specs.Cache{
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "work",
+			Path: "cache/work",
+		},
+	}
+	CACHES_DOCKER = []*specs.Cache{
+		&specs.Cache{
+			Name: "docker",
+			Path: "cache/docker",
+		},
+	}
+	// Versions of the following copied from
+	// https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/infradata/config/+/master/configs/cr-buildbucket/swarming_task_template_canary.json#42
+	// to test the fix for chromium:836196.
+	// (In the future we may want to use versions from
+	// https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/infradata/config/+/master/configs/cr-buildbucket/swarming_task_template.json#42)
+	// TODO(borenet): Roll these versions automatically!
+	CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/vpython/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "git_revision:f96db4b66034c859090be3c47eb38227277f228b",
+		},
+	}
+	CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/python/cpython/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "version:2.7.15.chromium14",
+		},
+	}
+	CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN = append([]*specs.CipdPackage{
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/kitchen/${platform}",
+			Path:    ".",
+			Version: "git_revision:d8f38ca9494b5af249942631f9cee45927f6b4bc",
+		},
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/tools/luci-auth/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "git_revision:2c805f1c716f6c5ad2126b27ec88b8585a09481e",
+		},
+	CIPD_PKGS_GIT = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/git/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "version:2.17.1.chromium15",
+		},
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/tools/git/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "git_revision:c9c8a52bfeaf8bc00ece22fdfd447822c8fcad77",
+		},
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/tools/luci/git-credential-luci/${platform}",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "git_revision:2c805f1c716f6c5ad2126b27ec88b8585a09481e",
+		},
+	}
+	CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name:    "infra/gsutil",
+			Path:    "cipd_bin_packages",
+			Version: "version:4.28",
+		},
+	}
+	CIPD_PKGS_XCODE = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+		// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build/+/e19b7d9390e2bb438b566515b141ed2b9ed2c7c2/scripts/slave/recipe_modules/ios/api.py#317
+		// This package is really just an installer for XCode.
+		&specs.CipdPackage{
+			Name: "infra/tools/mac_toolchain/${platform}",
+			Path: "mac_toolchain",
+			// When this is updated, also update
+			// https://skia.googlesource.com/skcms.git/+/f1e2b45d18facbae2dece3aca673fe1603077846/infra/bots/gen_tasks.go#56
+			Version: "git_revision:796d2b92cff93fc2059623ce0a66284373ceea0a",
+		},
+	}
+	// These properties are required by some tasks, eg. for running
+	// bot_update, but they prevent de-duplication, so they should only be
+	// used where necessary.
+	EXTRA_PROPS = map[string]string{
+		"buildbucket_build_id": specs.PLACEHOLDER_BUILDBUCKET_BUILD_ID,
+		"patch_issue":          specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
+		"patch_ref":            specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REF,
+		"patch_repo":           specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REPO,
+		"patch_set":            specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
+		"patch_storage":        specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_STORAGE,
+		"repository":           specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
+		"revision":             specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
+		"task_id":              specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
+	}
+	// ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING maps the name of a task to the configuration
+	// for how the CIPD package should be installed for that task, in order
+	// for it to be uploaded to the isolate server.
+	ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING = map[string]isolateAssetCfg{
+			cipdPkg: "gcloud_linux",
+			path:    "gcloud_linux",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "skimage",
+			path:    "skimage",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "skp",
+			path:    "skp",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "svg",
+			path:    "svg",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "android_ndk_linux",
+			path:    "android_ndk_linux",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "android_sdk_linux",
+			path:    "android_sdk_linux",
+		},
+			cipdPkg: "win_toolchain",
+			path:    "win_toolchain",
+		},
+	}
+	// BUILD_STATS_NO_UPLOAD indicates which BuildStats tasks should not
+	// have their results uploaded.
+	BUILD_STATS_NO_UPLOAD = []string{"BuildStats-Debian9-Clang-x86_64-Release"}
+// Config contains general configuration information.
+type Config struct {
+	// Directory containing assets. Assumed to be relative to the directory
+	// which contains the calling gen_tasks.go file.
+	AssetsDir string `json:"assets_dir"`
+	// Path to the builder name schema JSON file. Assumed to be relative to
+	// the directory which contains the calling gen_tasks.go file.
+	BuilderNameSchemaFile string `json:"builder_name_schema"`
+	// URL of the Skia Gold known hashes endpoint.
+	GoldHashesURL string `json:"gold_hashes_url"`
+	// GCS bucket used for Calmbench results.
+	GsBucketCalm string `json:"gs_bucket_calm"`
+	// GCS bucket used for GM results.
+	GsBucketGm string `json:"gs_bucket_gm"`
+	// GCS bucket used for Nanobench results.
+	GsBucketNano string `json:"gs_bucket_nano"`
+	// Optional function which returns a bot ID for internal devices.
+	InternalHardwareLabel func(parts map[string]string) *int `json:"-"`
+	// List of task names for which we'll never upload results.
+	NoUpload []string `json:"no_upload"`
+	// Swarming pool used for triggering tasks.
+	Pool string `json:"pool"`
+	// LUCI project associated with this repo.
+	Project string `json:"project"`
+	// Service accounts.
+	ServiceAccountCompile         string `json:"service_account_compile"`
+	ServiceAccountHousekeeper     string `json:"service_account_housekeeper"`
+	ServiceAccountRecreateSKPs    string `json:"service_account_recreate_skps"`
+	ServiceAccountUploadBinary    string `json:"service_account_upload_binary"`
+	ServiceAccountUploadCalmbench string `json:"service_account_upload_calmbench"`
+	ServiceAccountUploadGM        string `json:"service_account_upload_gm"`
+	ServiceAccountUploadNano      string `json:"service_account_upload_nano"`
+	// Optional override function which derives Swarming bot dimensions
+	// from parts of task names.
+	SwarmDimensions func(parts map[string]string) []string `json:"-"`
+// LoadConfig loads the Config from a cfg.json file which is the sibling of the
+// calling gen_tasks.go file.
+func LoadConfig() *Config {
+	cfgDir := getCallingDirName()
+	var cfg Config
+	LoadJson(filepath.Join(cfgDir, "cfg.json"), &cfg)
+	return &cfg
+// CheckoutRoot is a wrapper around specs.GetCheckoutRoot which prevents the
+// caller from needing a dependency on the specs package.
+func CheckoutRoot() string {
+	root, err := specs.GetCheckoutRoot()
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	return root
+// LoadJson loads JSON from the given file and unmarshals it into the given
+// destination.
+func LoadJson(filename string, dest interface{}) {
+	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, dest); err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+// GenTasks regenerates the tasks.json file. Loads the job list from a jobs.json
+// file which is the sibling of the calling gen_tasks.go file. If cfg is nil, it
+// is similarly loaded from a cfg.json file which is the sibling of the calling
+// gen_tasks.go file.
+func GenTasks(cfg *Config) {
+	b := specs.MustNewTasksCfgBuilder()
+	// Find the paths to the infra/bots directories in this repo and the
+	// repo of the calling file.
+	relpathTargetDir := getThisDirName()
+	relpathBaseDir := getCallingDirName()
+	var jobs []string
+	LoadJson(filepath.Join(relpathBaseDir, "jobs.json"), &jobs)
+	if cfg == nil {
+		cfg = new(Config)
+		LoadJson(filepath.Join(relpathBaseDir, "cfg.json"), cfg)
+	}
+	// Create the JobNameSchema.
+	builderNameSchemaFile := filepath.Join(relpathTargetDir, "recipe_modules", "builder_name_schema", "builder_name_schema.json")
+	if cfg.BuilderNameSchemaFile != "" {
+		builderNameSchemaFile = filepath.Join(relpathBaseDir, cfg.BuilderNameSchemaFile)
+	}
+	schema, err := NewJobNameSchema(builderNameSchemaFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// Set the assets dir.
+	assetsDir := filepath.Join(relpathTargetDir, "assets")
+	if cfg.AssetsDir != "" {
+		assetsDir = filepath.Join(relpathBaseDir, cfg.AssetsDir)
+	}
+	b.SetAssetsDir(assetsDir)
+	// Create Tasks and Jobs.
+	builder := &builder{
+		TasksCfgBuilder:  b,
+		cfg:              cfg,
+		jobNameSchema:    schema,
+		jobs:             jobs,
+		relpathBaseDir:   relpathBaseDir,
+		relpathTargetDir: relpathTargetDir,
+	}
+	for _, name := range jobs {
+		builder.process(name)
+	}
+	builder.MustFinish()
+// getThisDirName returns the infra/bots directory which is an ancestor of this
+// file.
+func getThisDirName() string {
+	_, thisFileName, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
+	if !ok {
+		sklog.Fatal("Unable to find path to current file.")
+	}
+	return filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(thisFileName))
+// getCallingDirName returns the infra/bots directory which is an ancestor of
+// the calling gen_tasks.go file. WARNING: assumes that the calling gen_tasks.go
+// file appears two steps up the stack; do not call from a function which is not
+// directly called by gen_tasks.go.
+func getCallingDirName() string {
+	_, callingFileName, _, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
+	if !ok {
+		sklog.Fatal("Unable to find path to calling file.")
+	}
+	return filepath.Dir(callingFileName)
+// builder is a wrapper for specs.TasksCfgBuilder.
+type builder struct {
+	*specs.TasksCfgBuilder
+	callingFileName  string
+	cfg              *Config
+	jobNameSchema    *JobNameSchema
+	jobs             []string
+	relpathBaseDir   string
+	relpathTargetDir string
+// logdogAnnotationUrl builds the LogDog annotation URL.
+func (b *builder) logdogAnnotationUrl() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("logdog://logs.chromium.org/%s/${SWARMING_TASK_ID}/+/annotations", b.cfg.Project)
+// props creates a properties JSON string.
+func props(p map[string]string) string {
+	d := make(map[string]interface{}, len(p)+1)
+	for k, v := range p {
+		d[k] = interface{}(v)
+	}
+	d["$kitchen"] = struct {
+		DevShell bool `json:"devshell"`
+		GitAuth  bool `json:"git_auth"`
+	}{
+		DevShell: true,
+		GitAuth:  true,
+	}
+	j, err := json.Marshal(d)
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	return strings.Replace(string(j), "\\u003c", "<", -1)
+// kitchenTask returns a specs.TaskSpec instance which uses Kitchen to run a
+// recipe.
+func (b *builder) kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, serviceAccount string, dimensions []string, extraProps map[string]string, outputDir string) *specs.TaskSpec {
+	cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_KITCHEN...)
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") && !strings.Contains(name, "LenovoYogaC630") {
+		cipd = append(cipd, CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON...)
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "P30") {
+		cipd = append(cipd, CIPD_PKGS_CPYTHON...)
+	}
+	properties := map[string]string{
+		"buildername":   name,
+		"swarm_out_dir": outputDir,
+	}
+	for k, v := range extraProps {
+		properties[k] = v
+	}
+	var outputs []string = nil
+	if outputDir != OUTPUT_NONE {
+		outputs = []string{outputDir}
+	}
+	python := "cipd_bin_packages/vpython${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}"
+	task := &specs.TaskSpec{
+		Caches: []*specs.Cache{
+			&specs.Cache{
+				Name: "vpython",
+				Path: "cache/vpython",
+			},
+		},
+		CipdPackages: cipd,
+		Command:      []string{python, "skia/infra/bots/run_recipe.py", "${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}", recipe, props(properties), b.cfg.Project},
+		Dependencies: []string{BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME},
+		Dimensions:   dimensions,
+		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
+			"PATH":                    []string{"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
+			"VPYTHON_VIRTUALENV_ROOT": []string{"cache/vpython"},
+		},
+		ExtraTags: map[string]string{
+			"log_location": b.logdogAnnotationUrl(),
+		},
+		Isolate:        b.relpath(isolate),
+		MaxAttempts:    attempts(name),
+		Outputs:        outputs,
+		ServiceAccount: serviceAccount,
+	}
+	timeout(task, time.Hour)
+	return task
+// internalHardwareLabel returns the internal ID for the bot, if any.
+func (b *builder) internalHardwareLabel(parts map[string]string) *int {
+	if b.cfg.InternalHardwareLabel != nil {
+		return b.cfg.InternalHardwareLabel(parts)
+	}
+	return nil
+// linuxGceDimensions are the Swarming bot dimensions for Linux GCE instances.
+func (b *builder) linuxGceDimensions(machineType string) []string {
+	return []string{
+		// Specify CPU to avoid running builds on bots with a more unique CPU.
+		"cpu:x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
+		"gpu:none",
+		// Currently all Linux GCE tasks run on 16-CPU machines.
+		fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", machineType),
+		fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE),
+		fmt.Sprintf("pool:%s", b.cfg.Pool),
+	}
+// dockerGceDimensions are the Swarming bot dimensions for Linux GCE instances
+// which have Docker installed.
+func (b *builder) dockerGceDimensions() []string {
+	// There's limited parallelism for WASM builds, so we can get away with the medium
+	// instance instead of the beefy large instance.
+	// Docker being installed is the most important part.
+	return append(b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM), "docker_installed:true")
+// deriveCompileTaskName returns the name of a compile task based on the given
+// job name.
+func (b *builder) deriveCompileTaskName(jobName string, parts map[string]string) string {
+	if parts["role"] == "Test" || parts["role"] == "Perf" || parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
+		task_os := parts["os"]
+		ec := []string{}
+		if val := parts["extra_config"]; val != "" {
+			ec = strings.Split(val, "_")
+			ignore := []string{"Skpbench", "AbandonGpuContext", "PreAbandonGpuContext", "Valgrind", "ReleaseAndAbandonGpuContext", "CCPR", "FSAA", "FAAA", "FDAA", "NativeFonts", "GDI", "NoGPUThreads", "ProcDump", "DDL1", "DDL3", "T8888", "DDLTotal", "DDLRecord", "9x9", "BonusConfigs", "SkottieTracing", "SkottieWASM", "NonNVPR"}
+			keep := make([]string, 0, len(ec))
+			for _, part := range ec {
+				if !util.In(part, ignore) {
+					keep = append(keep, part)
+				}
+			}
+			ec = keep
+		}
+		if task_os == "Android" {
+			if !util.In("Android", ec) {
+				ec = append([]string{"Android"}, ec...)
+			}
+			task_os = "Debian9"
+		} else if task_os == "Chromecast" {
+			task_os = "Debian9"
+			ec = append([]string{"Chromecast"}, ec...)
+		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "ChromeOS") {
+			ec = append([]string{"Chromebook", "GLES"}, ec...)
+			task_os = "Debian9"
+		} else if task_os == "iOS" {
+			ec = append([]string{task_os}, ec...)
+			task_os = "Mac"
+		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Win") {
+			task_os = "Win"
+		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(task_os, "Debian") {
+			task_os = "Debian9"
+		} else if strings.Contains(task_os, "Mac") {
+			task_os = "Mac"
+		}
+		jobNameMap := map[string]string{
+			"role":          "Build",
+			"os":            task_os,
+			"compiler":      parts["compiler"],
+			"target_arch":   parts["arch"],
+			"configuration": parts["configuration"],
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(jobName, "PathKit") {
+			ec = []string{"PathKit"}
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(jobName, "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(jobName, "SkottieWASM") {
+			if parts["cpu_or_gpu"] == "CPU" {
+				ec = []string{"CanvasKit_CPU"}
+			} else {
+				ec = []string{"CanvasKit"}
+			}
+		}
+		if len(ec) > 0 {
+			jobNameMap["extra_config"] = strings.Join(ec, "_")
+		}
+		name, err := b.jobNameSchema.MakeJobName(jobNameMap)
+		if err != nil {
+			glog.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		return name
+	} else if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
+		return strings.Replace(jobName, "BuildStats", "Build", 1)
+	} else {
+		return jobName
+	}
+// swarmDimensions generates swarming bot dimensions for the given task.
+func (b *builder) swarmDimensions(parts map[string]string) []string {
+	if b.cfg.SwarmDimensions != nil {
+		dims := b.cfg.SwarmDimensions(parts)
+		if dims != nil {
+			return dims
+		}
+	}
+	return b.defaultSwarmDimensions(parts)
+// defaultSwarmDimensions generates default swarming bot dimensions for the given task.
+func (b *builder) defaultSwarmDimensions(parts map[string]string) []string {
+	d := map[string]string{
+		"pool": b.cfg.Pool,
+	}
+	if os, ok := parts["os"]; ok {
+		d["os"], ok = map[string]string{
+			"Android":    "Android",
+			"Chromecast": "Android",
+			"ChromeOS":   "ChromeOS",
+			"Debian9":    DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN,
+			"Mac":        DEFAULT_OS_MAC,
+			"Mac10.13":   DEFAULT_OS_MAC,
+			"Mac10.14":   "Mac-10.14.3",
+			"Ubuntu18":   "Ubuntu-18.04",
+			"Win":        DEFAULT_OS_WIN,
+			"Win10":      "Windows-10-17763.557",
+			"Win2016":    DEFAULT_OS_WIN,
+			"Win7":       "Windows-7-SP1",
+			"Win8":       "Windows-8.1-SP0",
+			"iOS":        "iOS-11.4.1",
+		}[os]
+		if !ok {
+			glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in OS mapping.", os)
+		}
+		if os == "Win10" && parts["model"] == "Golo" {
+			// ChOps-owned machines have Windows 10 v1709, but a slightly different version than Skolo.
+			d["os"] = "Windows-10-16299.309"
+		}
+		if os == "Mac10.14" && parts["model"] == "VMware7.1" {
+			// ChOps VMs are at a newer version of MacOS.
+			d["os"] = "Mac-10.14.4"
+		}
+		if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_WIN {
+			// Upgrades result in a new image but not a new OS version.
+			d["image"] = "windows-server-2016-dc-v20190108"
+		}
+		if parts["model"] == "LenovoYogaC630" {
+			// This is currently a unique snowflake.
+			d["os"] = "Windows-10"
+		}
+	} else {
+		d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN
+	}
+	if parts["role"] == "Test" || parts["role"] == "Perf" || parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
+		if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Android") || strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Chromecast") {
+			// For Android, the device type is a better dimension
+			// than CPU or GPU.
+			deviceInfo, ok := map[string][]string{
+				"AndroidOne":      {"sprout", "MOB30Q"},
+				"Chorizo":         {"chorizo", "1.30_109591"},
+				"GalaxyS6":        {"zerofltetmo", "NRD90M_G920TUVU5FQK1"},
+				"GalaxyS7_G930FD": {"herolte", "R16NW_G930FXXS2ERH6"}, // This is Oreo.
+				"GalaxyS9":        {"starlte", "R16NW_G960FXXU2BRJ8"}, // This is Oreo.
+				"MotoG4":          {"athene", "NPJS25.93-14.7-8"},
+				"NVIDIA_Shield":   {"foster", "OPR6.170623.010_3507953_1441.7411"},
+				"Nexus5":          {"hammerhead", "M4B30Z_3437181"},
+				"Nexus5x":         {"bullhead", "OPR6.170623.023"},
+				"Nexus7":          {"grouper", "LMY47V_1836172"}, // 2012 Nexus 7
+				"P30":             {"HWELE", "HUAWEIELE-L29"},
+				"Pixel":           {"sailfish", "PPR1.180610.009"},
+				"Pixel2XL":        {"taimen", "PPR1.180610.009"},
+				"Pixel3":          {"blueline", "PQ1A.190105.004"},
+				"TecnoSpark3Pro":  {"TECNO-KB8", "PPR1.180610.011"},
+			}[parts["model"]]
+			if !ok {
+				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Android mapping.", parts["model"])
+			}
+			d["device_type"] = deviceInfo[0]
+			d["device_os"] = deviceInfo[1]
+		} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "iOS") {
+			device, ok := map[string]string{
+				"iPadMini4": "iPad5,1",
+				"iPhone6":   "iPhone7,2",
+				"iPhone7":   "iPhone9,1",
+				"iPadPro":   "iPad6,3",
+			}[parts["model"]]
+			if !ok {
+				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in iOS mapping.", parts["model"])
+			}
+			d["device"] = device
+		} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SwiftShader") {
+			if parts["model"] != "GCE" || d["os"] != DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN || parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] != "SwiftShader" {
+				glog.Fatalf("Please update defaultSwarmDimensions for SwiftShader %s %s %s.", parts["os"], parts["model"], parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+			}
+			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-Haswell_GCE"
+			d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE
+			d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL
+		} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SKQP") && parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] == "Emulator" {
+			if parts["model"] != "NUC7i5BNK" || d["os"] != DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
+				glog.Fatalf("Please update defaultSwarmDimensions for SKQP::Emulator %s %s.", parts["os"], parts["model"])
+			}
+			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-i5-7260U"
+			d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN
+			// KVM means Kernel-based Virtual Machine, that is, can this vm virtualize commands
+			// For us, this means, can we run an x86 android emulator on it.
+			// kjlubick tried running this on GCE, but it was a bit too slow on the large install.
+			// So, we run on bare metal machines in the Skolo (that should also have KVM).
+			d["kvm"] = "1"
+			d["docker_installed"] = "true"
+		} else if parts["cpu_or_gpu"] == "CPU" {
+			modelMapping, ok := map[string]map[string]string{
+				"AVX": {
+					"Golo":      "x86-64-E5-2670",
+					"VMware7.1": "x86-64-E5-2697_v2",
+				},
+				"AVX2": {
+					"GCE":            "x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
+					"MacBookAir7.2":  "x86-64-i5-5350U",
+					"MacBookPro11.5": "x86-64-i7-4870HQ",
+					"NUC5i7RYH":      "x86-64-i7-5557U",
+				},
+				"AVX512": {
+					"GCE": "x86-64-Skylake_GCE",
+				},
+				"Snapdragon850": {
+					"LenovoYogaC630": "arm64-64-Snapdragon850",
+				},
+			}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
+			if !ok {
+				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in CPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+			}
+			cpu, ok := modelMapping[parts["model"]]
+			if !ok {
+				glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in %q model mapping.", parts["model"], parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+			}
+			d["cpu"] = cpu
+			if parts["model"] == "GCE" && d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
+				d["os"] = DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE
+			}
+			if parts["model"] == "GCE" && d["cpu"] == "x86-64-Haswell_GCE" {
+				d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM
+			}
+		} else {
+			if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CanvasKit") {
+				// GPU is defined for the WebGL version of CanvasKit, but
+				// it can still run on a GCE instance.
+				return b.dockerGceDimensions()
+			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Win") {
+				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
+					// At some point this might use the device ID, but for now it's like Chromebooks.
+					"Adreno630":     "Adreno630",
+					"GT610":         "10de:104a-",
+					"GTX660":        "10de:11c0-",
+					"GTX960":        "10de:1401-",
+					"IntelHD4400":   "8086:0a16-",
+					"IntelIris540":  "8086:1926-",
+					"IntelIris6100": "8086:162b-",
+					"IntelIris655":  "8086:3ea5-",
+					"RadeonHD7770":  "1002:683d-24.20.13001.1010",
+					"RadeonR9M470X": "1002:6646-24.20.13001.1010",
+					"QuadroP400":    "10de:1cb3-",
+				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
+				if !ok {
+					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Win GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+				}
+				d["gpu"] = gpu
+			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Debian") {
+				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
+					// Intel drivers come from CIPD, so no need to specify the version here.
+					"IntelBayTrail": "8086:0f31",
+					"IntelHD2000":   "8086:0102",
+					"IntelHD405":    "8086:22b1",
+					"IntelIris640":  "8086:5926",
+					"QuadroP400":    "10de:1cb3-430.14",
+				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
+				if !ok {
+					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Ubuntu GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+				}
+				d["gpu"] = gpu
+			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Mac") {
+				gpu, ok := map[string]string{
+					"IntelHD6000":   "8086:1626",
+					"IntelHD615":    "8086:591e",
+					"IntelIris5100": "8086:0a2e",
+					"RadeonHD8870M": "1002:6821-4.0.20-3.2.8",
+				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
+				if !ok {
+					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in Mac GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+				}
+				d["gpu"] = gpu
+				// Yuck. We have two different types of MacMini7,1 with the same GPU but different CPUs.
+				if parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"] == "IntelIris5100" {
+					// Run all tasks on Golo machines for now.
+					d["cpu"] = "x86-64-i7-4578U"
+				}
+			} else if strings.Contains(parts["os"], "ChromeOS") {
+				version, ok := map[string]string{
+					"MaliT604":           "10575.22.0",
+					"MaliT764":           "10575.22.0",
+					"MaliT860":           "10575.22.0",
+					"PowerVRGX6250":      "10575.22.0",
+					"TegraK1":            "10575.22.0",
+					"IntelHDGraphics615": "10575.22.0",
+				}[parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]]
+				if !ok {
+					glog.Fatalf("Entry %q not found in ChromeOS GPU mapping.", parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"])
+				}
+				d["gpu"] = parts["cpu_or_gpu_value"]
+				d["release_version"] = version
+			} else {
+				glog.Fatalf("Unknown GPU mapping for OS %q.", parts["os"])
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		d["gpu"] = "none"
+		if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_DEBIAN {
+			if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "PathKit") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "CMake") {
+				return b.dockerGceDimensions()
+			}
+			if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
+				// Doesn't require a lot of resources, but some steps require docker
+				return b.dockerGceDimensions()
+			}
+			// Use many-core machines for Build tasks.
+			return b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE)
+		} else if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_WIN {
+			// Windows CPU bots.
+			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-Haswell_GCE"
+			// Use many-core machines for Build tasks.
+			d["machine_type"] = MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE
+		} else if d["os"] == DEFAULT_OS_MAC {
+			// Mac CPU bots.
+			d["cpu"] = "x86-64-E5-2697_v2"
+		}
+	}
+	rv := make([]string, 0, len(d))
+	for k, v := range d {
+		rv = append(rv, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v))
+	}
+	sort.Strings(rv)
+	return rv
+// relpath returns the relative path to the given file from the config file.
+func (b *builder) relpath(f string) string {
+	target := filepath.Join(b.relpathTargetDir, f)
+	rv, err := filepath.Rel(b.relpathBaseDir, target)
+	if err != nil {
+		sklog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	return rv
+// bundleRecipes generates the task to bundle and isolate the recipes.
+func (b *builder) bundleRecipes() string {
+	pkgs := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
+	pkgs = append(pkgs, CIPD_PKGS_PYTHON...)
+	b.MustAddTask(BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME, &specs.TaskSpec{
+		CipdPackages: pkgs,
+		Command: []string{
+			"/bin/bash", "skia/infra/bots/bundle_recipes.sh", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
+		},
+		Dimensions: b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
+		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
+			"PATH": []string{"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
+		},
+		Idempotent: true,
+		Isolate:    b.relpath("recipes.isolate"),
+	})
+// buildTaskDrivers generates the task to compile the task driver code to run on
+// all platforms.
+func (b *builder) buildTaskDrivers() string {
+	b.MustAddTask(BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME, &specs.TaskSpec{
+		Caches:       CACHES_GO,
+		CipdPackages: append(CIPD_PKGS_GIT, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go")),
+		Command: []string{
+			"/bin/bash", "skia/infra/bots/build_task_drivers.sh", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISOLATED_OUTDIR,
+		},
+		Dimensions: b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
+		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
+			"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
+		},
+		Idempotent: true,
+		Isolate:    "task_drivers.isolate",
+	})
+// updateGoDeps generates the task to update Go dependencies.
+func (b *builder) updateGoDeps(name string) string {
+	cipd := append([]*specs.CipdPackage{}, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
+	cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go"))
+	cipd = append(cipd, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("protoc"))
+	machineType := MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM
+	t := &specs.TaskSpec{
+		Caches:       CACHES_GO,
+		CipdPackages: cipd,
+		Command: []string{
+			"./update_go_deps",
+			"--project_id", "skia-swarming-bots",
+			"--task_id", specs.PLACEHOLDER_TASK_ID,
+			"--task_name", name,
+			"--workdir", ".",
+			"--gerrit_project", "skia",
+			"--gerrit_url", "https://skia-review.googlesource.com",
+			"--repo", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
+			"--reviewers", "borenet@google.com",
+			"--revision", specs.PLACEHOLDER_REVISION,
+			"--patch_issue", specs.PLACEHOLDER_ISSUE,
+			"--patch_set", specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCHSET,
+			"--patch_server", specs.PLACEHOLDER_CODEREVIEW_SERVER,
+			"--alsologtostderr",
+		},
+		Dependencies: []string{BUILD_TASK_DRIVERS_NAME},
+		Dimensions:   b.linuxGceDimensions(machineType),
+		EnvPrefixes: map[string][]string{
+			"PATH": {"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin", "go/go/bin"},
+		},
+		Isolate:        "empty.isolate",
+		ServiceAccount: b.cfg.ServiceAccountRecreateSKPs,
+	}
+	b.MustAddTask(name, t)
+	return name
+// isolateAssetConfig represents a task which copies a CIPD package into
+// isolate.
+type isolateAssetCfg struct {
+	cipdPkg string
+	path    string
+// isolateCIPDAsset generates a task to isolate the given CIPD asset.
+func (b *builder) isolateCIPDAsset(name string) string {
+	asset := ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING[name]
+	b.MustAddTask(name, &specs.TaskSpec{
+		CipdPackages: []*specs.CipdPackage{
+			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset(asset.cipdPkg),
+		},
+		Command:    []string{"/bin/cp", "-rL", asset.path, "${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}"},
+		Dimensions: b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL),
+		Idempotent: true,
+		Isolate:    b.relpath("empty.isolate"),
+	})
+	return name
+// getIsolatedCIPDDeps returns the slice of Isolate_* tasks a given task needs.
+// This allows us to  save time on I/O bound bots, like the RPIs.
+func getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts map[string]string) []string {
+	deps := []string{}
+	// Only do this on the RPIs for now. Other, faster machines shouldn't see much
+	// benefit and we don't need the extra complexity, for now
+	rpiOS := []string{"Android", "ChromeOS", "iOS"}
+	if o := parts["os"]; strings.Contains(o, "Chromecast") {
+		// Chromecasts don't have enough disk space to fit all of the content,
+		// so we do a subset of the skps.
+		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
+	} else if e := parts["extra_config"]; strings.Contains(e, "Skpbench") {
+		// Skpbench only needs skps
+		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
+	} else if util.In(o, rpiOS) {
+		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME)
+		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SVG_NAME)
+		deps = append(deps, ISOLATE_SKIMAGE_NAME)
+	}
+	return deps
+// usesGit adds attributes to tasks which use git.
+func (b *builder) usesGit(t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
+	t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_GIT...)
+	if !strings.Contains(name, "NoDEPS") {
+		t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_WORKDIR...)
+	}
+	t.CipdPackages = append(t.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
+// usesGo adds attributes to tasks which use go. Recipes should use
+// "with api.context(env=api.infra.go_env)".
+func (b *builder) usesGo(t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
+	t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_GO...)
+	pkg := b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go")
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
+		pkg = b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("go_win")
+		pkg.Path = "go"
+	}
+	t.CipdPackages = append(t.CipdPackages, pkg)
+// usesDocker adds attributes to tasks which use docker.
+func usesDocker(t *specs.TaskSpec, name string) {
+	if strings.Contains(name, "EMCC") || strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") || strings.Contains(name, "CMake") {
+		t.Caches = append(t.Caches, CACHES_DOCKER...)
+	}
+// timeout sets the timeout(s) for this task.
+func timeout(task *specs.TaskSpec, timeout time.Duration) {
+	task.ExecutionTimeout = timeout
+	task.IoTimeout = timeout // With kitchen, step logs don't count toward IoTimeout.
+// attempts returns the desired MaxAttempts for this task.
+func attempts(name string) int {
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") || strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") {
+		// Both bots can be long running. No need to retry them.
+		return 1
+	}
+	if !(strings.HasPrefix(name, "Build-") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "Upload-")) {
+		for _, extraConfig := range []string{"ASAN", "MSAN", "TSAN", "UBSAN", "Valgrind"} {
+			if strings.Contains(name, extraConfig) {
+				// Sanitizers often find non-deterministic issues that retries would hide.
+				return 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Retry by default to hide random bot/hardware failures.
+	return 2
+// compile generates a compile task. Returns the name of the last task in the
+// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) compile(name string, parts map[string]string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, b.swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_BUILD)
+	b.usesGit(task, name)
+	usesDocker(task, name)
+	// Android bots require a toolchain.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Android") {
+		if parts["extra_config"] == "Android_Framework" {
+			// Do not need a toolchain when building the
+			// Android Framework.
+		} else if strings.Contains(name, "Mac") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_darwin"))
+		} else if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
+			pkg := b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_windows")
+			pkg.Path = "n"
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkg)
+		} else if !strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("android_ndk_linux"))
+		}
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Chromecast") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("cast_toolchain"))
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_arm_gles"))
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Chromebook") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
+		if parts["target_arch"] == "x86_64" {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_x86_64_gles"))
+		} else if parts["target_arch"] == "arm" {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("armhf_sysroot"))
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("chromebook_arm_gles"))
+		}
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Debian") {
+		if strings.Contains(name, "Clang") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
+		}
+		if parts["target_arch"] == "mips64el" || parts["target_arch"] == "loongson3a" {
+			if parts["compiler"] != "GCC" {
+				glog.Fatalf("mips64el toolchain is GCC, but compiler is %q in %q", parts["compiler"], name)
+			}
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("mips64el_toolchain_linux"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "SwiftShader") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("cmake_linux"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages,
+				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_headers"),
+				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_ocl_icd_linux"),
+			)
+		}
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, b.isolateCIPDAsset(ISOLATE_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_NAME))
+		if strings.Contains(name, "Clang") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_win"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages,
+				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_headers"),
+			)
+		}
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Mac") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_XCODE...)
+		task.Caches = append(task.Caches, &specs.Cache{
+			Name: "xcode",
+			Path: "cache/Xcode.app",
+		})
+		if strings.Contains(name, "CommandBuffer") {
+			timeout(task, 2*time.Hour)
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "MoltenVK") {
+			task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("moltenvk"))
+		}
+	}
+	// Add the task.
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	// All compile tasks are runnable as their own Job. Assert that the Job
+	// is listed in jobs.
+	if !util.In(name, b.jobs) {
+		glog.Fatalf("Job %q is missing from the jobs list!", name)
+	}
+	// Upload the skiaserve binary only for Linux Android compile bots.
+	// See skbug.com/7399 for context.
+	if parts["configuration"] == "Release" &&
+		parts["extra_config"] == "Android" &&
+		!strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Win") &&
+		!strings.Contains(parts["os"], "Mac") {
+		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, b.jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
+		task := b.kitchenTask(uploadName, "upload_skiaserve", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountUploadBinary, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, name)
+		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, task)
+		return uploadName
+	}
+	return name
+// recreateSKPs generates a RecreateSKPs task. Returns the name of the last
+// task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a
+// dependency.
+func (b *builder) recreateSKPs(name string) string {
+	dims := []string{
+		"pool:SkiaCT",
+		fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_LINUX_GCE),
+	}
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "recreate_skps", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountRecreateSKPs, dims, EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
+	b.usesGo(task, name)
+	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// checkGeneratedFiles verifies that no generated SKSL files have been edited
+// by hand.
+func (b *builder) checkGeneratedFiles(name string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "check_generated_files", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	task.Caches = append(task.Caches, CACHES_WORKDIR...)
+	b.usesGo(task, name)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// housekeeper generates a Housekeeper task. Returns the name of the last task
+// in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) housekeeper(name string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "housekeeper", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountHousekeeper, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	b.usesGit(task, name)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// androidFrameworkCompile generates an Android Framework Compile task. Returns
+// the name of the last task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job
+// should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) androidFrameworkCompile(name string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "android_compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	timeout(task, 2*time.Hour)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// g3FrameworkCompile generates a G3 Framework Compile task. Returns
+// the name of the last task in the generated chain of tasks, which the Job
+// should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) g3FrameworkCompile(name string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "g3_compile", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	timeout(task, 3*time.Hour)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// infra generates an infra_tests task. Returns the name of the last task in the
+// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) infra(name string) string {
+	dims := b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL)
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Win") {
+		dims = []string{
+			// Specify CPU to avoid running builds on bots with a more unique CPU.
+			"cpu:x86-64-Haswell_GCE",
+			"gpu:none",
+			fmt.Sprintf("machine_type:%s", MACHINE_TYPE_MEDIUM), // We don't have any small Windows instances.
+			fmt.Sprintf("os:%s", DEFAULT_OS_WIN),
+			fmt.Sprintf("pool:%s", b.cfg.Pool),
+		}
+	}
+	extraProps := map[string]string{
+		"repository": specs.PLACEHOLDER_REPO,
+	}
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "infra", "infra_tests.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, dims, extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
+	task.Idempotent = true
+	// Repos which call into Skia's gen_tasks.go should define their own
+	// infra_tests.isolate and therefore should not use relpath().
+	task.Isolate = "infra_tests.isolate"
+	b.usesGit(task, name) // We don't run bot_update, but Go needs a git repo.
+	b.usesGo(task, name)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// buildstats generates a builtstats task, which compiles code and generates
+// statistics about the build.
+func (b *builder) buildstats(name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "compute_buildstats", "swarm_recipe.isolate", "", b.swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
+	task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("bloaty"))
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	// Upload release results (for tracking in perf)
+	// We have some jobs that are FYI (e.g. Debug-CanvasKit, tree-map generator)
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && !util.In(name, BUILD_STATS_NO_UPLOAD) {
+		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, b.jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
+		extraProps := map[string]string{
+			"gs_bucket": b.cfg.GsBucketNano,
+		}
+		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+			extraProps[k] = v
+		}
+		uploadTask := b.kitchenTask(name, "upload_buildstats_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountUploadNano, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
+		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
+		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
+		return uploadName
+	}
+	return name
+// getParentRevision name returns the name of a compile task which builds
+// against a "parent" revision.
+func getParentRevisionName(compileTaskName string, parts map[string]string) string {
+	if parts["extra_config"] == "" {
+		return compileTaskName + "-ParentRevision"
+	} else {
+		return compileTaskName + "_ParentRevision"
+	}
+// calmbench generates a calmbench task. Returns the name of the last task in the
+// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) calmbench(name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName, compileParentName string) string {
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "calmbench", "calmbench.isolate", "", b.swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
+	b.usesGit(task, name)
+	task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName, compileParentName, ISOLATE_SKP_NAME, ISOLATE_SVG_NAME)
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	// Upload results if necessary.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && b.doUpload(name) {
+		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, b.jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
+		extraProps := map[string]string{
+			"gs_bucket": b.cfg.GsBucketCalm,
+		}
+		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+			extraProps[k] = v
+		}
+		uploadTask := b.kitchenTask(name, "upload_calmbench_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountUploadCalmbench, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
+		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
+		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
+		return uploadName
+	}
+	return name
+// doUpload indicates whether the given Job should upload its results.
+func (b *builder) doUpload(name string) bool {
+	for _, s := range b.cfg.NoUpload {
+		m, err := regexp.MatchString(s, name)
+		if err != nil {
+			glog.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		if m {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+// test generates a Test task. Returns the name of the last task in the
+// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) test(name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string, pkgs []*specs.CipdPackage) string {
+	recipe := "test"
+	if strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
+		recipe = "skqp_test"
+		if strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") {
+			recipe = "test_skqp_emulator"
+		}
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
+		// TODO(dogben): Longer term we may not want this to be called a "Test" task, but until we start
+		// running hs_bench or kx, it will be easier to fit into the current job name schema.
+		recipe = "compute_test"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
+		recipe = "test_pathkit"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") {
+		recipe = "test_canvaskit"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
+		recipe = "test_lottie_web"
+	}
+	extraProps := map[string]string{
+		"gold_hashes_url": b.cfg.GoldHashesURL,
+	}
+	for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+		extraProps[k] = v
+	}
+	iid := b.internalHardwareLabel(parts)
+	if iid != nil {
+		extraProps["internal_hardware_label"] = strconv.Itoa(*iid)
+	}
+	isolate := "test_skia_bundled.isolate"
+	if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") || strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") || strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
+		isolate = "swarm_recipe.isolate"
+	}
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, "", b.swarmDimensions(parts), extraProps, OUTPUT_TEST)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkgs...)
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Lottie") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
+	}
+	if !strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
+		// Test.+LottieWeb doesn't require anything in Skia to be compiled.
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Android_ASAN") {
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, b.isolateCIPDAsset(ISOLATE_NDK_LINUX_NAME))
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "SKQP") {
+		if !strings.Contains(name, "Emulator") {
+			task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, b.isolateCIPDAsset(ISOLATE_GCLOUD_LINUX_NAME))
+		}
+	}
+	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) > 0 {
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, deps...)
+	}
+	task.Expiration = 20 * time.Hour
+	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
+	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Valgrind") {
+		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
+		task.Expiration = 48 * time.Hour
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("valgrind"))
+		// Since Valgrind runs on the same bots as the CQ, we restrict Valgrind to a subset of the bots
+		// to ensure there are always bots free for CQ tasks.
+		task.Dimensions = append(task.Dimensions, "valgrind:1")
+	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "MSAN") {
+		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
+	} else if parts["arch"] == "x86" && parts["configuration"] == "Debug" {
+		// skia:6737
+		timeout(task, 6*time.Hour)
+	}
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	// Upload results if necessary. TODO(kjlubick): If we do coverage analysis at the same
+	// time as normal tests (which would be nice), cfg.json needs to have Coverage removed.
+	if b.doUpload(name) {
+		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, b.jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
+		extraProps := map[string]string{
+			"gs_bucket": b.cfg.GsBucketGm,
+		}
+		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+			extraProps[k] = v
+		}
+		uploadTask := b.kitchenTask(name, "upload_dm_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountUploadGM, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
+		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
+		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
+		return uploadName
+	}
+	return name
+// perf generates a Perf task. Returns the name of the last task in the
+// generated chain of tasks, which the Job should add as a dependency.
+func (b *builder) perf(name string, parts map[string]string, compileTaskName string, pkgs []*specs.CipdPackage) string {
+	recipe := "perf"
+	isolate := b.relpath("perf_skia_bundled.isolate")
+	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Skpbench") {
+		recipe = "skpbench"
+		isolate = b.relpath("skpbench_skia_bundled.isolate")
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
+		recipe = "perf_pathkit"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") {
+		recipe = "perf_canvaskit"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "SkottieTracing") {
+		recipe = "perf_skottietrace"
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "SkottieWASM") || strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
+		recipe = "perf_skottiewasm_lottieweb"
+	}
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, recipe, isolate, "", b.swarmDimensions(parts), EXTRA_PROPS, OUTPUT_PERF)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, pkgs...)
+	if !strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
+		// Perf.+LottieWeb doesn't require anything in Skia to be compiled.
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, compileTaskName)
+	}
+	task.Expiration = 20 * time.Hour
+	timeout(task, 4*time.Hour)
+	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) > 0 {
+		task.Dependencies = append(task.Dependencies, deps...)
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Valgrind") {
+		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
+		task.Expiration = 48 * time.Hour
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("valgrind"))
+		// Since Valgrind runs on the same bots as the CQ, we restrict Valgrind to a subset of the bots
+		// to ensure there are always bots free for CQ tasks.
+		task.Dimensions = append(task.Dimensions, "valgrind:1")
+	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "MSAN") {
+		timeout(task, 9*time.Hour)
+	} else if parts["arch"] == "x86" && parts["configuration"] == "Debug" {
+		// skia:6737
+		timeout(task, 6*time.Hour)
+	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "SkottieWASM") || strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "LottieWeb") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("node"))
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GIT...)
+	} else if strings.Contains(parts["extra_config"], "Skottie") {
+		task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("lottie-samples"))
+	}
+	iid := b.internalHardwareLabel(parts)
+	if iid != nil {
+		task.Command = append(task.Command, fmt.Sprintf("internal_hardware_label=%d", *iid))
+	}
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	// Upload results if necessary.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Release") && b.doUpload(name) {
+		uploadName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", PREFIX_UPLOAD, b.jobNameSchema.Sep, name)
+		extraProps := map[string]string{
+			"gs_bucket": b.cfg.GsBucketNano,
+		}
+		for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+			extraProps[k] = v
+		}
+		uploadTask := b.kitchenTask(name, "upload_nano_results", "swarm_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountUploadNano, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_SMALL), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+		uploadTask.CipdPackages = append(uploadTask.CipdPackages, CIPD_PKGS_GSUTIL...)
+		uploadTask.Dependencies = append(uploadTask.Dependencies, name)
+		b.MustAddTask(uploadName, uploadTask)
+		return uploadName
+	}
+	return name
+// presubmit generates a task which runs the presubmit for this repo.
+func (b *builder) presubmit(name string) string {
+	extraProps := map[string]string{
+		"category":         "cq",
+		"patch_gerrit_url": "https://skia-review.googlesource.com",
+		"patch_project":    "skia",
+		"patch_ref":        specs.PLACEHOLDER_PATCH_REF,
+		"reason":           "CQ",
+		"repo_name":        "skia",
+	}
+	for k, v := range EXTRA_PROPS {
+		extraProps[k] = v
+	}
+	// Use MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE because it seems to save time versus MEDIUM and we want presubmit to be
+	// fast.
+	task := b.kitchenTask(name, "run_presubmit", "run_recipe.isolate", b.cfg.ServiceAccountCompile, b.linuxGceDimensions(MACHINE_TYPE_LARGE), extraProps, OUTPUT_NONE)
+	b.usesGit(task, name)
+	task.CipdPackages = append(task.CipdPackages, &specs.CipdPackage{
+		Name:    "infra/recipe_bundles/chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build",
+		Path:    "recipe_bundle",
+		Version: "refs/heads/master",
+	})
+	task.Dependencies = []string{} // No bundled recipes for this one.
+	b.MustAddTask(name, task)
+	return name
+// process generates tasks and jobs for the given job name.
+func (b *builder) process(name string) {
+	var priority float64 // Leave as default for most jobs.
+	deps := []string{}
+	// Bundle Recipes.
+	if name == BUNDLE_RECIPES_NAME {
+		deps = append(deps, b.bundleRecipes())
+	}
+		deps = append(deps, b.buildTaskDrivers())
+	}
+	// Isolate CIPD assets.
+	if _, ok := ISOLATE_ASSET_MAPPING[name]; ok {
+		deps = append(deps, b.isolateCIPDAsset(name))
+	}
+	parts, err := b.jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(name)
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// RecreateSKPs.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "RecreateSKPs") {
+		deps = append(deps, b.recreateSKPs(name))
+	}
+	// Update Go Dependencies.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "UpdateGoDeps") {
+		// Update Go deps bot.
+		deps = append(deps, b.updateGoDeps(name))
+	}
+	// Infra tests.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-InfraTests") {
+		deps = append(deps, b.infra(name))
+	}
+	// Compile bots.
+	if parts["role"] == "Build" {
+		if parts["extra_config"] == "Android_Framework" {
+			// Android Framework compile tasks use a different recipe.
+			deps = append(deps, b.androidFrameworkCompile(name))
+		} else if parts["extra_config"] == "G3_Framework" {
+			// G3 compile tasks use a different recipe.
+			deps = append(deps, b.g3FrameworkCompile(name))
+		} else {
+			deps = append(deps, b.compile(name, parts))
+		}
+	}
+	// Most remaining bots need a compile task.
+	compileTaskName := b.deriveCompileTaskName(name, parts)
+	compileTaskParts, err := b.jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(compileTaskName)
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	compileParentName := getParentRevisionName(compileTaskName, compileTaskParts)
+	compileParentParts, err := b.jobNameSchema.ParseJobName(compileParentName)
+	if err != nil {
+		glog.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// These bots do not need a compile task.
+	if parts["role"] != "Build" &&
+		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit-BundleRecipes" &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-InfraTests") &&
+		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit-CheckGeneratedFiles" &&
+		name != "Housekeeper-Nightly-UpdateGoDeps" &&
+		name != "Housekeeper-OnDemand-Presubmit" &&
+		name != "Housekeeper-PerCommit" &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "RecreateSKPs") &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "Housekeeper-PerCommit-Isolate") &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "SkottieWASM") &&
+		!strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb") {
+		b.compile(compileTaskName, compileTaskParts)
+		if parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
+			b.compile(compileParentName, compileParentParts)
+		}
+	}
+	// Housekeepers.
+	if name == "Housekeeper-PerCommit" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.housekeeper(name))
+	}
+	if name == "Housekeeper-PerCommit-CheckGeneratedFiles" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.checkGeneratedFiles(name))
+	}
+	if name == "Housekeeper-OnDemand-Presubmit" {
+		priority = 1
+		deps = append(deps, b.presubmit(name))
+	}
+	// Common assets needed by the remaining bots.
+	pkgs := []*specs.CipdPackage{}
+	if deps := getIsolatedCIPDDeps(parts); len(deps) == 0 {
+		pkgs = []*specs.CipdPackage{
+			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("skimage"),
+			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("skp"),
+			b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("svg"),
+		}
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Ubuntu") || strings.Contains(name, "Debian") {
+		if strings.Contains(name, "SAN") {
+			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "Vulkan") {
+			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("linux_vulkan_sdk"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "Intel") && strings.Contains(name, "GPU") {
+			pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("mesa_intel_driver_linux"))
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(name, "OpenCL") {
+			pkgs = append(pkgs,
+				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_ocl_icd_linux"),
+				b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("opencl_intel_neo_linux"),
+			)
+		}
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "ProcDump") {
+		pkgs = append(pkgs, b.MustGetCipdPackageFromAsset("procdump_win"))
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "CanvasKit") || (parts["role"] == "Test" && strings.Contains(name, "LottieWeb")) || strings.Contains(name, "PathKit") {
+		// Docker-based tests that don't need the standard CIPD assets
+		pkgs = []*specs.CipdPackage{}
+	}
+	// Test bots.
+	if parts["role"] == "Test" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.test(name, parts, compileTaskName, pkgs))
+	}
+	// Perf bots.
+	if parts["role"] == "Perf" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.perf(name, parts, compileTaskName, pkgs))
+	}
+	// Calmbench bots.
+	if parts["role"] == "Calmbench" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.calmbench(name, parts, compileTaskName, compileParentName))
+	}
+	// Valgrind runs at a low priority so that it doesn't occupy all the bots.
+	if strings.Contains(name, "Valgrind") {
+		// Priority of 0.085 should result in Valgrind tasks with a blamelist of ~10 commits having the
+		// same score as other tasks with a blamelist of 1 commit, when we have insufficient bot
+		// capacity to run more frequently.
+		priority = 0.085
+	}
+	// BuildStats bots. This computes things like binary size.
+	if parts["role"] == "BuildStats" {
+		deps = append(deps, b.buildstats(name, parts, compileTaskName))
+	}
+	// Add the Job spec.
+	j := &specs.JobSpec{
+		Priority:  priority,
+		TaskSpecs: deps,
+		Trigger:   specs.TRIGGER_ANY_BRANCH,
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(name, "-Nightly-") {
+		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_NIGHTLY
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "-Weekly-") {
+		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_WEEKLY
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "Flutter") || strings.Contains(name, "CommandBuffer") {
+		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_MASTER_ONLY
+	} else if strings.Contains(name, "-OnDemand-") || strings.Contains(name, "Android_Framework") || strings.Contains(name, "G3_Framework") {
+		j.Trigger = specs.TRIGGER_ON_DEMAND
+	}
+	b.MustAddJob(name, j)
+// TODO(borenet): The below really belongs in its own file, probably next to the
+// builder_name_schema.json file.
+// schema is a sub-struct of JobNameSchema.
+type schema struct {
+	Keys         []string `json:"keys"`
+	OptionalKeys []string `json:"optional_keys"`
+	RecurseRoles []string `json:"recurse_roles"`
+// JobNameSchema is a struct used for (de)constructing Job names in a
+// predictable format.
+type JobNameSchema struct {
+	Schema map[string]*schema `json:"builder_name_schema"`
+	Sep    string             `json:"builder_name_sep"`
+// NewJobNameSchema returns a JobNameSchema instance based on the given JSON
+// file.
+func NewJobNameSchema(jsonFile string) (*JobNameSchema, error) {
+	var rv JobNameSchema
+	f, err := os.Open(jsonFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer util.Close(f)
+	if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&rv); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return &rv, nil
+// ParseJobName splits the given Job name into its component parts, according
+// to the schema.
+func (s *JobNameSchema) ParseJobName(n string) (map[string]string, error) {
+	popFront := func(items []string) (string, []string, error) {
+		if len(items) == 0 {
+			return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (not enough parts)", n)
+		}
+		return items[0], items[1:], nil
+	}
+	result := map[string]string{}
+	var parse func(int, string, []string) ([]string, error)
+	parse = func(depth int, role string, parts []string) ([]string, error) {
+		s, ok := s.Schema[role]
+		if !ok {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name; %q is not a valid role.", role)
+		}
+		if depth == 0 {
+			result["role"] = role
+		} else {
+			result[fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth)] = role
+		}
+		var err error
+		for _, key := range s.Keys {
+			var value string
+			value, parts, err = popFront(parts)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			result[key] = value
+		}
+		for _, subRole := range s.RecurseRoles {
+			if len(parts) > 0 && parts[0] == subRole {
+				parts, err = parse(depth+1, parts[0], parts[1:])
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, err
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for _, key := range s.OptionalKeys {
+			if len(parts) > 0 {
+				var value string
+				value, parts, err = popFront(parts)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, err
+				}
+				result[key] = value
+			}
+		}
+		if len(parts) > 0 {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (too many parts)", n)
+		}
+		return parts, nil
+	}
+	split := strings.Split(n, s.Sep)
+	if len(split) < 2 {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job name: %s (not enough parts)", n)
+	}
+	role := split[0]
+	split = split[1:]
+	_, err := parse(0, role, split)
+	return result, err
+// MakeJobName assembles the given parts of a Job name, according to the schema.
+func (s *JobNameSchema) MakeJobName(parts map[string]string) (string, error) {
+	rvParts := make([]string, 0, len(parts))
+	var process func(int, map[string]string) (map[string]string, error)
+	process = func(depth int, parts map[string]string) (map[string]string, error) {
+		roleKey := "role"
+		if depth != 0 {
+			roleKey = fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth)
+		}
+		role, ok := parts[roleKey]
+		if !ok {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing key %q", roleKey)
+		}
+		s, ok := s.Schema[role]
+		if !ok {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; unknown role %q", role)
+		}
+		rvParts = append(rvParts, role)
+		delete(parts, roleKey)
+		for _, key := range s.Keys {
+			value, ok := parts[key]
+			if !ok {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing %q", key)
+			}
+			rvParts = append(rvParts, value)
+			delete(parts, key)
+		}
+		if len(s.RecurseRoles) > 0 {
+			subRoleKey := fmt.Sprintf("sub-role-%d", depth+1)
+			subRole, ok := parts[subRoleKey]
+			if !ok {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; missing %q", subRoleKey)
+			}
+			rvParts = append(rvParts, subRole)
+			delete(parts, subRoleKey)
+			found := false
+			for _, recurseRole := range s.RecurseRoles {
+				if recurseRole == subRole {
+					found = true
+					var err error
+					parts, err = process(depth+1, parts)
+					if err != nil {
+						return nil, err
+					}
+					break
+				}
+			}
+			if !found {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts; unknown sub-role %q", subRole)
+			}
+		}
+		for _, key := range s.OptionalKeys {
+			if value, ok := parts[key]; ok {
+				rvParts = append(rvParts, value)
+				delete(parts, key)
+			}
+		}
+		if len(parts) > 0 {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid job parts: too many parts: %v", parts)
+		}
+		return parts, nil
+	}
+	// Copy the parts map, so that we can modify at will.
+	partsCpy := make(map[string]string, len(parts))
+	for k, v := range parts {
+		partsCpy[k] = v
+	}
+	if _, err := process(0, partsCpy); err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	return strings.Join(rvParts, s.Sep), nil