blob: 128f2dbf54a7b17366d57472c46d13a7e37fba57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/Transform_graphite.h"
#include "src/base/SkVx.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixInvert.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/geom/Rect.h"
#include <tuple>
namespace skgpu::graphite {
namespace {
Rect map_rect(const SkM44& m, const Rect& r) {
// TODO: Can Rect's (l,t,-r,-b) structure be used to optimize mapRect?
// TODO: Can take this opportunity to implement 100% accurate perspective plane clipping since
// it doesn't have to match raster/ganesh rendering behavior.
return SkMatrixPriv::MapRect(m, r.asSkRect());
void map_points(const SkM44& m, const SkV4* in, SkV4* out, int count) {
// TODO: These maybe should go into SkM44, since bulk point mapping seems generally useful
auto c0 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m) + 0);
auto c1 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m) + 4);
auto c2 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m) + 8);
auto c3 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(m) + 12);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto p = (c0 * in[i].x) + (c1 * in[i].y) + (c2 * in[i].z) + (c3 * in[i].w); + i);
// Returns singular value decomposition of the 2x2 matrix [m00 m01] as {min, max}
// [m10 m11]
std::pair<float, float> compute_svd(float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11) {
// no-persp, these are the singular values of [m00,m01][m10,m11], which is just the upper 2x2
// and equivalent to SkMatrix::getMinmaxScales().
float s1 = m00*m00 + m01*m01 + m10*m10 + m11*m11;
float e = m00*m00 + m01*m01 - m10*m10 - m11*m11;
float f = m00*m10 + m01*m11;
float s2 = SkScalarSqrt(e*e + 4*f*f);
// s2 >= 0, so (s1 - s2) <= (s1 + s2) so this always returns {min, max}.
return {SkScalarSqrt(0.5f * (s1 - s2)),
SkScalarSqrt(0.5f * (s1 + s2))};
std::pair<float, float> sort_scale(float sx, float sy) {
float min = std::abs(sx);
float max = std::abs(sy);
if (min > max) {
return {max, min};
} else {
return {min, max};
} // anonymous namespace
Transform::Transform(const SkM44& m) : fM(m) {
static constexpr SkV4 kNoPerspective = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
static constexpr SkV4 kNoZ = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
if (m.row(3) != kNoPerspective) {
// Perspective matrices will have per-location scale factors calculated, so cached scale
// factors will not be used.
if (m.invert(&fInvM)) {
fType = Type::kPerspective;
} else {
fType = Type::kInvalid;
} else if (m.col(2) != kNoZ || m.row(2) != kNoZ) {
// Orthographic matrices are lumped into the kAffine type although we use SkM44::invert()
// instead of taking short cuts.
if (m.invert(&fInvM)) {
fType = Type::kAffine;
// These scale factors are valid for the case where Z=0, which is the case for all
// local geometry that's drawn.
std::tie(fMinScaleFactor, fMaxScaleFactor) = compute_svd(m.rc(0,0), m.rc(0,1),
m.rc(1,0), m.rc(1,1));
} else {
fType = Type::kInvalid;
// [sx kx 0 tx]
// At this point, we know that m is of the form [ky sy 0 ty]
// [0 0 1 0 ]
// [0 0 0 1 ]
// Other than kIdentity, none of the types depend on (tx, ty). The remaining types are
// identified by considering the upper 2x2 (tx and ty are still used to compute the inverse).
const float sx = m.rc(0, 0);
const float sy = m.rc(1, 1);
const float kx = m.rc(0, 1);
const float ky = m.rc(1, 0);
const float tx = m.rc(0, 3);
const float ty = m.rc(1, 3);
if (kx == 0.f && ky == 0.f) {
// 2x2 is a diagonal matrix
if (sx == 0.f || sy == 0.f) {
// Not invertible
fType = Type::kInvalid;
} else if (sx == 1.f && sy == 1.f && tx == 0.f && ty == 0.f) {
fType = Type::kIdentity;
} else {
const float ix = 1.f / sx;
const float iy = 1.f / sy;
fType = sx > 0.f && sy > 0.f ? Type::kSimpleRectStaysRect
: Type::kRectStaysRect;
fInvM = SkM44(ix, 0.f, 0.f, -ix*tx,
0.f, iy, 0.f, -iy*ty,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
std::tie(fMinScaleFactor, fMaxScaleFactor) = sort_scale(sx, sy);
} else if (sx == 0.f && sy == 0.f) {
// 2x2 is an anti-diagonal matrix and represents a 90 or 270 degree rotation plus optional
// scale and translate.
if (kx == 0.f || ky == 0.f) {
// Not invertible
fType = Type::kInvalid;
} else {
const float ix = 1.f / kx;
const float iy = 1.f / ky;
fType = Type::kRectStaysRect;
fInvM = SkM44(0.f, iy, 0.f, -iy*ty,
ix, 0.f, 0.f, -ix*tx,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
std::tie(fMinScaleFactor, fMaxScaleFactor) = sort_scale(kx, ky);
} else {
// Invert just the upper 2x2 and derive inverse translation from that
float upper[4] = {sx, ky, kx, sy}; // col-major
float invUpper[4];
if (SkInvert2x2Matrix(upper, invUpper) == 0.f) {
// 2x2 was not invertible, so the original matrix won't be invertible either
fType = Type::kInvalid;
} else {
fType = Type::kAffine;
fInvM = SkM44(invUpper[0], invUpper[2], 0.f, -invUpper[0]*tx - invUpper[2]*ty,
invUpper[1], invUpper[3], 0.f, -invUpper[1]*tx - invUpper[3]*ty,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
std::tie(fMinScaleFactor, fMaxScaleFactor) = compute_svd(sx, kx, ky, sy);
std::pair<float, float> Transform::scaleFactors(const SkV2& p) const {
if (fType < Type::kPerspective) {
return {fMinScaleFactor, fMaxScaleFactor};
// [m00 m01 * m03] [f(u,v)]
// Assuming M = [m10 m11 * m13], define the projected p'(u,v) = [g(u,v)] where
// [ * * * * ]
// [m30 m31 * m33]
// [x] [u]
// f(u,v) = x(u,v) / w(u,v), g(u,v) = y(u,v) / w(u,v) and [y] = M*[v]
// [*] = [0]
// [w] [1]
// x(u,v) = m00*u + m01*v + m03
// y(u,v) = m10*u + m11*v + m13
// w(u,v) = m30*u + m31*v + m33
// dx/du = m00, dx/dv = m01,
// dy/du = m10, dy/dv = m11
// dw/du = m30, dw/dv = m31
// df/du = (dx/du*w - x*dw/du)/w^2 = (m00*w - m30*x)/w^2 = (m00 - m30*f)/w
// df/dv = (dx/dv*w - x*dw/dv)/w^2 = (m01*w - m31*x)/w^2 = (m01 - m31*f)/w
// dg/du = (dy/du*w - y*dw/du)/w^2 = (m10*w - m30*y)/w^2 = (m10 - m30*g)/w
// dg/dv = (dy/dv*w - y*dw/du)/w^2 = (m11*w - m31*y)/w^2 = (m11 - m31*g)/w
// Singular values of [df/du df/dv] define perspective correct minimum and maximum scale factors
// [dg/du dg/dv]
// for M evaluated at (u,v)
SkV4 devP =, p.y, 0.f, 1.f);
const float dxdu = fM.rc(0,0);
const float dxdv = fM.rc(0,1);
const float dydu = fM.rc(1,0);
const float dydv = fM.rc(1,1);
const float dwdu = fM.rc(3,0);
const float dwdv = fM.rc(3,1);
float invW2 = sk_ieee_float_divide(1.f, (devP.w * devP.w));
// non-persp has invW2 = 1, devP.w = 1, dwdu = 0, dwdv = 0
float dfdu = (devP.w*dxdu - devP.x*dwdu) * invW2; // non-persp -> dxdu -> m00
float dfdv = (devP.w*dxdv - devP.x*dwdv) * invW2; // non-persp -> dxdv -> m01
float dgdu = (devP.w*dydu - devP.y*dwdu) * invW2; // non-persp -> dydu -> m10
float dgdv = (devP.w*dydv - devP.y*dwdv) * invW2; // non-persp -> dydv -> m11
// no-persp, these are the singular values of [m00,m01][m10,m11], which was already calculated
// in get_matrix_info.
return compute_svd(dfdu, dfdv, dgdu, dgdv);
float Transform::localAARadius(const Rect& bounds) const {
float min;
if (fType < Type::kPerspective) {
// The scale factor is constant
min = fMinScaleFactor;
} else {
// Calculate the minimum scale factor over the 4 corners of the bounding box
float tl = std::get<0>(this->scaleFactors(SkV2{bounds.left(),}));
float tr = std::get<0>(this->scaleFactors(SkV2{bounds.right(),}));
float br = std::get<0>(this->scaleFactors(SkV2{bounds.right(),}));
float bl = std::get<0>(this->scaleFactors(SkV2{bounds.left(),}));
min = std::min(std::min(tl, tr), std::min(br, bl));
// Moving 1 from 'p' before transforming will move at least 'min' and at most 'max' from
// the transformed point. Thus moving between [1/max, 1/min] pre-transformation means post
// transformation moves between [1,max/min] so using 1/min as the local AA radius ensures that
// the post-transformed point is at least 1px away from the original.
float aaRadius = sk_ieee_float_divide(1.f, min);
if (std::isfinite(aaRadius)) {
return aaRadius;
} else {
return SK_FloatInfinity;
Rect Transform::mapRect(const Rect& rect) const {
return map_rect(fM, rect);
Rect Transform::inverseMapRect(const Rect& rect) const {
return map_rect(fInvM, rect);
void Transform::mapPoints(const Rect& localRect, SkV4 deviceOut[4]) const {
SkV2 localCorners[4] = {{localRect.left(),},
this->mapPoints(localCorners, deviceOut, 4);
void Transform::mapPoints(const SkV2* localIn, SkV4* deviceOut, int count) const {
// TODO: These maybe should go into SkM44, since bulk point mapping seems generally useful
auto c0 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(fM) + 0);
auto c1 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(fM) + 4);
// skip c2 since localIn's z is assumed to be 0
auto c3 = skvx::float4::Load(SkMatrixPriv::M44ColMajor(fM) + 12);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto p = c0 * localIn[i].x + c1 * localIn[i].y /* + c2*0.f */ + c3 /* *1.f */; + i);
void Transform::mapPoints(const SkV4* localIn, SkV4* deviceOut, int count) const {
return map_points(fM, localIn, deviceOut, count);
void Transform::inverseMapPoints(const SkV4* deviceIn, SkV4* localOut, int count) const {
return map_points(fInvM, deviceIn, localOut, count);
} // namespace skgpu::graphite