blob: 08f05a772dd33aa0ddbaf662dff638babe2d402f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/effects/SkImageFilters.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkFlattenable.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
#include "include/core/SkM44.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkCPUTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkSpan_impl.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilterTypes.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilter_Base.h"
#include "src/core/SkKnownRuntimeEffects.h"
#include "src/core/SkReadBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkWriteBuffer.h"
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
struct SkISize;
namespace {
// The 3D points/vectors used for lighting don't have a great analog for the rest of the image
// filtering system, and don't have any representation for ParameterSpace and LayerSpace. The
// SVG spec is also vague on how to handle managing them. Using the principle of least-surprise,
// the X and Y coordinates are treated as ParameterSpace<SkPoint|Vector> and the Z will be
// scaled by the average of the X and Y scale factors when tranforming to layer space. For uniform
// scaling transforms, this has the desirable behavior of uniformly scaling the Z axis as well.
struct ZValue {
ZValue() : fZ(0.f) {}
ZValue(float z) : fZ(z) {}
operator float() const { return fZ; }
float fZ;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace skif {
class LayerSpace<ZValue> {
LayerSpace() = default;
explicit LayerSpace(ZValue z) : fData(z) {}
float val() const { return fData.fZ; }
static LayerSpace<ZValue> Map(const Mapping& mapping, ParameterSpace<ZValue> z) {
// See comment on ZValue for rationale.
skif::LayerSpace<skif::Vector> z2d = mapping.paramToLayer(
skif::ParameterSpace<skif::Vector>({ZValue(z), ZValue(z)}));
return LayerSpace<ZValue>(SkScalarAve(z2d.x(), z2d.y()));
ZValue fData;
} // namespace skif
namespace {
struct Light {
enum class Type {
kLast = kSpot
Type fType;
SkColor fLightColor; // All lights
// Location and direction are decomposed into typed XY and Z for how they are transformed from
// parameter space to layer space.
skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint> fLocationXY; // Spotlight and point lights only
skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue> fLocationZ; // ""
skif::ParameterSpace<skif::Vector> fDirectionXY; // Spotlight and distant lights only
skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue> fDirectionZ; // ""
// Spotlight only (and unchanged by layer matrix)
float fFalloffExponent;
float fCosCutoffAngle;
static Light Point(SkColor color, const SkPoint3& location) {
return {Type::kPoint,
skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>({location.fX, location.fY}),
static Light Distant(SkColor color, const SkPoint3& direction) {
return {Type::kDistant,
skif::ParameterSpace<skif::Vector>({direction.fX, direction.fY}),
static Light Spot(SkColor color, const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& direction,
float falloffExponent, float cosCutoffAngle) {
return {Type::kSpot,
skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>({location.fX, location.fY}),
skif::ParameterSpace<skif::Vector>({direction.fX, direction.fY}),
struct Material {
enum class Type {
kLast = kSpecular
Type fType;
// The base scale factor applied to alpha image to go from [0-1] to [0-depth] before computing
// surface normals.
skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue> fSurfaceDepth;
// Non-geometric
float fK; // Reflectance coefficient
float fShininess; // Specular only
static Material Diffuse(float k, float surfaceDepth) {
return {Type::kDiffuse, skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue>(surfaceDepth), k, 0.f};
static Material Specular(float k, float shininess, float surfaceDepth) {
return {Type::kSpecular, skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue>(surfaceDepth), k, shininess};
class SkLightingImageFilter final : public SkImageFilter_Base {
SkLightingImageFilter(const Light& light, const Material& material, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input)
: SkImageFilter_Base(&input, 1)
, fLight(light)
, fMaterial(material) {}
SkRect computeFastBounds(const SkRect& src) const override;
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override;
friend void ::SkRegisterLightingImageFilterFlattenables();
static Light LegacyDeserializeLight(SkReadBuffer& buffer);
static sk_sp<SkFlattenable> LegacyDiffuseCreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer);
static sk_sp<SkFlattenable> LegacySpecularCreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer);
bool onAffectsTransparentBlack() const override { return true; }
skif::FilterResult onFilterImage(const skif::Context&) const override;
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> onGetInputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& desiredOutput,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const override;
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> onGetOutputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const override;
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> requiredInput(const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& desiredOutput) const {
// We request 1px of padding so that the visible normal map can do a regular Sobel kernel
// eval. The Sobel kernel is always applied in layer pixels
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> requiredInput = desiredOutput;
requiredInput.outset(skif::LayerSpace<SkISize>({1, 1}));
return requiredInput;
Light fLight;
Material fMaterial;
// Creates a shader that performs a Sobel filter on the alpha channel of the input image, using
// 'edgeBounds' to decide how to modify the kernel weights.
sk_sp<SkShader> make_normal_shader(sk_sp<SkShader> alphaMap,
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& edgeBounds,
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> surfaceDepth) {
const SkRuntimeEffect* normalEffect =
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(sk_ref_sp(normalEffect));
builder.child("alphaMap") = std::move(alphaMap);
builder.uniform("edgeBounds") = SkRect::Make(SkIRect(edgeBounds)).makeInset(0.5f, 0.5f);
builder.uniform("negSurfaceDepth") = -surfaceDepth.val();
return builder.makeShader();
sk_sp<SkShader> make_lighting_shader(sk_sp<SkShader> normalMap,
Light::Type lightType,
SkColor lightColor,
skif::LayerSpace<SkPoint> locationXY,
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> locationZ,
skif::LayerSpace<skif::Vector> directionXY,
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> directionZ,
float falloffExponent,
float cosCutoffAngle,
Material::Type matType,
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> surfaceDepth,
float k,
float shininess) {
const SkRuntimeEffect* lightingEffect =
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(sk_ref_sp(lightingEffect));
builder.child("normalMap") = std::move(normalMap);
builder.uniform("materialAndLightType") =
matType == Material::Type::kDiffuse ? 0.f : 1.f,
lightType == Light::Type::kPoint ?
0.f : (lightType == Light::Type::kDistant ? -1.f : 1.f)};
builder.uniform("lightPosAndSpotFalloff") =
SkV4{locationXY.x(), locationXY.y(), locationZ.val(), falloffExponent};
// Pre-normalize the light direction, but this can be (0,0,0) for point lights, which won't use
// the uniform anyways. Avoid a division by 0 to keep ASAN happy or in the event that a spot/dir
// light have bad user input.
SkV3 dir{directionXY.x(), directionXY.y(), directionZ.val()};
float invDirLen = dir.length();
invDirLen = invDirLen ? 1.0f / invDirLen : 0.f;
builder.uniform("lightDirAndSpotCutoff") =
SkV4{invDirLen*dir.x, invDirLen*dir.y, invDirLen*dir.z, cosCutoffAngle};
// Historically, the Skia lighting image filter did not apply any color space transformation to
// the light's color. The SVG spec for the lighting effects does not stipulate how to interpret
// the color for a light. Overall, it does not have a principled physically based approach, but
// the closest way to interpret it, is:
// - the material's K is a uniformly distributed reflectance coefficient
// - lighting *should* be calculated in a linear color space, which is the default for SVG
// filters. Chromium manages these color transformations using SkImageFilters::ColorFilter
// so it's not necessarily reflected in the Context's color space.
// - it's unspecified in the SVG spec if the light color should be transformed to linear or
// interpreted as linear already. Regardless, if there was any transformation that needed to
// occur, Blink took care of it in the past so adding color space management to the light
// color would be a breaking change.
// - so for now, leave the color un-modified and apply K up front since no color space
// transforms need to be performed on the original light color.
const float colorScale = k / 255.f;
builder.uniform("lightColor") = SkV3{SkColorGetR(lightColor) * colorScale,
SkColorGetG(lightColor) * colorScale,
SkColorGetB(lightColor) * colorScale};
return builder.makeShader();
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> make_lighting(const Light& light,
const Material& material,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const SkImageFilters::CropRect& cropRect) {
// According to the spec, ks and kd can be any non-negative number:
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(material.fK) || material.fK < 0.f ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(material.fShininess) ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(ZValue(material.fSurfaceDepth))) {
return nullptr;
// Ensure light values are finite, and the cosine should be between -1 and 1
if (!SkPoint(light.fLocationXY).isFinite() ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(ZValue(light.fLocationZ)) ||
!skif::Vector(light.fDirectionXY).isFinite() ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(ZValue(light.fDirectionZ)) ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(light.fFalloffExponent) ||
!SkScalarIsFinite(light.fCosCutoffAngle) ||
light.fCosCutoffAngle < -1.f || light.fCosCutoffAngle > 1.f) {
return nullptr;
// If a crop rect is provided, it clamps both the input (to better match the SVG's normal
// boundary condition spec) and the output (because otherwise it has infinite bounds).
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> filter = std::move(input);
if (cropRect) {
filter = SkImageFilters::Crop(*cropRect, std::move(filter));
filter = sk_sp<SkImageFilter>(
new SkLightingImageFilter(light, material, std::move(filter)));
if (cropRect) {
filter = SkImageFilters::Crop(*cropRect, std::move(filter));
return filter;
} // anonymous namespace
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::DistantLitDiffuse(
const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
return make_lighting(Light::Distant(lightColor, direction),
Material::Diffuse(kd, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::PointLitDiffuse(
const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
return make_lighting(Light::Point(lightColor, location),
Material::Diffuse(kd, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::SpotLitDiffuse(
const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target, SkScalar falloffExponent,
SkScalar cutoffAngle, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar kd,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
SkPoint3 dir = target - location;
float cosCutoffAngle = SkScalarCos(SkDegreesToRadians(cutoffAngle));
return make_lighting(Light::Spot(lightColor, location, dir, falloffExponent, cosCutoffAngle),
Material::Diffuse(kd, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::DistantLitSpecular(
const SkPoint3& direction, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks,
SkScalar shininess, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
return make_lighting(Light::Distant(lightColor, direction),
Material::Specular(ks, shininess, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::PointLitSpecular(
const SkPoint3& location, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks,
SkScalar shininess, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
return make_lighting(Light::Point(lightColor, location),
Material::Specular(ks, shininess, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> SkImageFilters::SpotLitSpecular(
const SkPoint3& location, const SkPoint3& target, SkScalar falloffExponent,
SkScalar cutoffAngle, SkColor lightColor, SkScalar surfaceScale, SkScalar ks,
SkScalar shininess, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input, const CropRect& cropRect) {
SkPoint3 dir = target - location;
float cosCutoffAngle = SkScalarCos(SkDegreesToRadians(cutoffAngle));
return make_lighting(Light::Spot(lightColor, location, dir, falloffExponent, cosCutoffAngle),
Material::Specular(ks, shininess, surfaceScale),
std::move(input), cropRect);
void SkRegisterLightingImageFilterFlattenables() {
// TODO (michaelludwig): Remove after grace period for SKPs to stop using old name
sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkLightingImageFilter::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
Light light;
light.fType = buffer.read32LE(Light::Type::kLast);
light.fLightColor = buffer.readColor();
SkPoint3 lightPos, lightDir;
light.fLocationXY = skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>({lightPos.fX, lightPos.fY});
light.fLocationZ = skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue>(lightPos.fZ);
light.fDirectionXY = skif::ParameterSpace<skif::Vector>({lightDir.fX, lightDir.fY});
light.fDirectionZ = skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue>(lightDir.fZ);
light.fFalloffExponent = buffer.readScalar();
light.fCosCutoffAngle = buffer.readScalar();
Material material;
material.fType = buffer.read32LE(Material::Type::kLast);
material.fSurfaceDepth = skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue>(buffer.readScalar());
material.fK = buffer.readScalar();
material.fShininess = buffer.readScalar();
if (!buffer.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
return make_lighting(light, material, common.getInput(0), common.cropRect());
Light SkLightingImageFilter::LegacyDeserializeLight(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
// Light::Type has the same order as the legacy SkImageFilterLight::LightType enum
Light::Type lightType = buffer.read32LE(Light::Type::kLast);
if (!buffer.isValid()) {
return {};
// Legacy lights stored just the RGB, but as floats (notably *not* normalized to [0-1])
SkColor lightColor = SkColorSetARGB(/*a (ignored)=*/255,
/*r=*/ (U8CPU) buffer.readScalar(),
/*g=*/ (U8CPU) buffer.readScalar(),
/*b=*/ (U8CPU) buffer.readScalar());
// Legacy lights only serialized fields specific to that type
switch (lightType) {
case Light::Type::kDistant: {
SkPoint3 dir = {buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar()};
return Light::Distant(lightColor, dir);
case Light::Type::kPoint: {
SkPoint3 loc = {buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar()};
return Light::Point(lightColor, loc);
case Light::Type::kSpot: {
SkPoint3 loc = {buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar()};
SkPoint3 target = {buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar(), buffer.readScalar()};
float falloffExponent = buffer.readScalar();
float cosOuterConeAngle = buffer.readScalar();
buffer.readScalar(); // skip cosInnerConeAngle, derived from outer cone angle
buffer.readScalar(); // skip coneScale, which is a constant
buffer.readScalar(); // skip S, which is normalize(target - loc)
buffer.readScalar(); // ""
buffer.readScalar(); // ""
return Light::Spot(lightColor, loc, target - loc, falloffExponent, cosOuterConeAngle);
SkUNREACHABLE; // Validation by read32LE() should avoid this
sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkLightingImageFilter::LegacyDiffuseCreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
Light light = LegacyDeserializeLight(buffer);
// Legacy implementations used (scale/255) when filtering, but serialized (fScale*255) so the
// buffer held the original unmodified surface scale.
float surfaceScale = buffer.readScalar();
float kd = buffer.readScalar();
Material material = Material::Diffuse(kd, surfaceScale);
return make_lighting(light, material, common.getInput(0), common.cropRect());
sk_sp<SkFlattenable> SkLightingImageFilter::LegacySpecularCreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {
Light light = LegacyDeserializeLight(buffer);
// Legacy implementations used (scale/255) when filtering, but serialized (fScale*255) so the
// buffer held the original unmodified surface scale.
float surfaceScale = buffer.readScalar();
float ks = buffer.readScalar();
float shininess = buffer.readScalar();
Material material = Material::Specular(ks, shininess, surfaceScale);
return make_lighting(light, material, common.getInput(0), common.cropRect());
void SkLightingImageFilter::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {
// Light
buffer.writeInt((int) fLight.fType);
skif::Vector dirXY{fLight.fDirectionXY};
buffer.writePoint(SkPoint{dirXY.fX, dirXY.fY});
// Material
buffer.writeInt((int) fMaterial.fType);
skif::FilterResult SkLightingImageFilter::onFilterImage(const skif::Context& ctx) const {
using ShaderFlags = skif::FilterResult::ShaderFlags;
auto mapZToLayer = [&ctx](skif::ParameterSpace<ZValue> z) {
return skif::LayerSpace<ZValue>::Map(ctx.mapping(), z);
// Map lighting and material parameters into layer space
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> surfaceDepth = mapZToLayer(fMaterial.fSurfaceDepth);
skif::LayerSpace<SkPoint> lightLocationXY = ctx.mapping().paramToLayer(fLight.fLocationXY);
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> lightLocationZ = mapZToLayer(fLight.fLocationZ);
skif::LayerSpace<skif::Vector> lightDirXY = ctx.mapping().paramToLayer(fLight.fDirectionXY);
skif::LayerSpace<ZValue> lightDirZ = mapZToLayer(fLight.fDirectionZ);
// The normal map is determined by a 3x3 kernel, so we request a 1px outset of what should be
// filled by the lighting equation. Ideally this means there are no boundary conditions visible.
// If the required input is incomplete, the lighting filter handles the boundaries in two ways:
// - When the actual child output's edge matches the desired output's edge, it uses clamped
// tiling at the desired output. This approximates the modified Sobel kernel's specified in
// NOTE: It's identical to
// the interior kernel and near equal on the 4 edges (only weights are biased differently).
// The four corners' convolution sums with clamped tiling are not equal, but should not be
// objectionable since the normals produced are reasonable and still further processed by the
// lighting equation. The increased complexity is not worth it for just 4 pixels of output.
// - However, when the desired output is far larger than the produced image, we process the
// child output with the default decal tiling that the Skia image filter pipeline relies on.
// This creates a visual bevel at the image boundary but avoids producing streaked normals if
// the clamped tiling was used in all scenarios.
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> requiredInput = this->requiredInput(ctx.desiredOutput());
skif::FilterResult childOutput =
this->getChildOutput(0, ctx.withNewDesiredOutput(requiredInput));
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> clampRect = requiredInput; // effectively no clamping of normals
if (!childOutput.layerBounds().contains(requiredInput)) {
// Adjust clampRect edges to desiredOutput if the actual child output matched the lighting
// output size (typical SVG case). Otherwise leave coordinates alone to use decal tiling
// automatically for the pixels outside the child image but inside the desired output.
auto edgeClamp = [](int actualEdgeValue, int requestedEdgeValue, int outputEdge) {
return actualEdgeValue == outputEdge ? outputEdge : requestedEdgeValue;
auto inputRect = childOutput.layerBounds();
auto clampTo = ctx.desiredOutput();
clampRect = skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>({
edgeClamp(inputRect.left(), requiredInput.left(), clampTo.left()),
edgeClamp(inputRect.right(), requiredInput.right(), clampTo.right()),
edgeClamp(inputRect.bottom(), requiredInput.bottom(), clampTo.bottom())});
skif::FilterResult::Builder builder{ctx};
builder.add(childOutput, /*sampleBounds=*/clampRect, ShaderFlags::kSampledRepeatedly);
return builder.eval([&](SkSpan<sk_sp<SkShader>> input) {
// TODO: Once shaders are deferred in FilterResult, it will likely make sense to have an
// internal normal map filter that uses this shader, and then have the lighting effects as
// a separate filter. It's common for multiple lights to use the same input (producing the
// same normal map) before being merged together. With a separate normal image filter, its
// output would be automatically cached, and the lighting equation shader would be deferred
// to the merge's draw operation, making for a maximum of 2 renderpasses instead of N+1.
sk_sp<SkShader> normals = make_normal_shader(std::move(input[0]), clampRect, surfaceDepth);
return make_lighting_shader(std::move(normals),
// Light in layer space
// Material in layer space
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> SkLightingImageFilter::onGetInputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
const skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>& desiredOutput,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const {
skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect> requiredInput = this->requiredInput(desiredOutput);
return this->getChildInputLayerBounds(0, mapping, requiredInput, contentBounds);
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> SkLightingImageFilter::onGetOutputLayerBounds(
const skif::Mapping& mapping,
std::optional<skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>> contentBounds) const {
// The lighting equation is defined on the entire plane, even if the input image that defines
// the normal map is bounded. It just is evaluated at a constant normal vector, which can still
// produce non-constant color since the direction to the eye and light change per pixel.
return skif::LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Unbounded();
SkRect SkLightingImageFilter::computeFastBounds(const SkRect& src) const {
return SkRectPriv::MakeLargeS32();