blob: 71113b48bcebd80f60b1e5ca58594a7ec4ff6ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceContext.h"
#include "include/private/GrAuditTrail.h"
#include "include/private/GrOpList.h"
#include "include/private/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrDrawingManager.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSurfacePriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrTextureContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
SkDEBUGCODE(GrSingleOwner::AutoEnforce debug_SingleOwner(this->singleOwner());)
#define RETURN_FALSE_IF_ABANDONED if (this->fContext->priv().abandoned()) { return false; }
// In MDB mode the reffing of the 'getLastOpList' call's result allows in-progress
// GrOpLists to be picked up and added to by renderTargetContexts lower in the call
// stack. When this occurs with a closed GrOpList, a new one will be allocated
// when the renderTargetContext attempts to use it (via getOpList).
GrSurfaceContext::GrSurfaceContext(GrRecordingContext* context,
GrPixelConfig config,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace)
: fContext(context)
, fColorSpaceInfo(std::move(colorSpace), config) {
GrAuditTrail* GrSurfaceContext::auditTrail() {
return fContext->priv().auditTrail();
GrDrawingManager* GrSurfaceContext::drawingManager() {
return fContext->priv().drawingManager();
const GrDrawingManager* GrSurfaceContext::drawingManager() const {
return fContext->priv().drawingManager();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
GrSingleOwner* GrSurfaceContext::singleOwner() {
return fContext->priv().singleOwner();
static bool valid_premul_color_type(GrColorType ct) {
switch (ct) {
case GrColorType::kUnknown: return false;
case GrColorType::kAlpha_8: return false;
case GrColorType::kRGB_565: return false;
case GrColorType::kABGR_4444: return true;
case GrColorType::kRGBA_8888: return true;
case GrColorType::kRGB_888x: return false;
case GrColorType::kRG_88: return false;
case GrColorType::kBGRA_8888: return true;
case GrColorType::kRGBA_1010102: return true;
case GrColorType::kGray_8: return false;
case GrColorType::kAlpha_F16: return false;
case GrColorType::kRGBA_F16: return true;
case GrColorType::kRGBA_F16_Clamped: return true;
case GrColorType::kRG_F32: return false;
case GrColorType::kRGBA_F32: return true;
case GrColorType::kRGB_ETC1: return false;
// Experimental (for P016 and P010)
case GrColorType::kR_16: return false;
case GrColorType::kRG_1616: return false;
SK_ABORT("Invalid GrColorType");
return false;
// TODO: This will be removed when GrSurfaceContexts are aware of their color types.
// (
static bool valid_premul_config(GrPixelConfig config) {
switch (config) {
case kUnknown_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kAlpha_8_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kGray_8_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRGB_565_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRGBA_4444_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGB_888_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRGB_888X_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRG_88_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kSRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kSBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGBA_1010102_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGBA_float_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRG_float_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kAlpha_half_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRGBA_half_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGBA_half_Clamped_GrPixelConfig: return true;
case kRGB_ETC1_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kAlpha_8_as_Alpha_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kAlpha_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kAlpha_half_as_Red_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kGray_8_as_Lum_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kGray_8_as_Red_GrPixelConfig: return false;
// Experimental (for P016 and P010)
case kR_16_GrPixelConfig: return false;
case kRG_1616_GrPixelConfig: return false;
SK_ABORT("Invalid GrPixelConfig");
return false;
static bool valid_pixel_conversion(GrColorType cpuColorType, GrPixelConfig gpuConfig,
bool premulConversion) {
// We only allow premul <-> unpremul conversions for some formats
if (premulConversion &&
(!valid_premul_color_type(cpuColorType) || !valid_premul_config(gpuConfig))) {
return false;
return true;
bool GrSurfaceContext::readPixelsImpl(GrContext* direct, int left, int top, int width,
int height, GrColorType dstColorType,
SkColorSpace* dstColorSpace, void* buffer, size_t rowBytes,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags) {
GrSurfaceProxy* srcProxy = this->asSurfaceProxy();
// MDB TODO: delay this instantiation until later in the method
if (!srcProxy->instantiate(direct->priv().resourceProvider())) {
return false;
GrSurface* srcSurface = srcProxy->peekSurface();
if (!GrSurfacePriv::AdjustReadPixelParams(srcSurface->width(), srcSurface->height(),
GrColorTypeBytesPerPixel(dstColorType), &left, &top,
&width, &height, &buffer, &rowBytes)) {
return false;
// TODO: Make GrSurfaceContext know its alpha type and pass dst buffer's alpha type.
bool unpremul = SkToBool(kUnpremul_PixelOpsFlag & pixelOpsFlags);
if (!valid_pixel_conversion(dstColorType, srcProxy->config(), unpremul)) {
return false;
bool needColorConversion =
SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Required(this->colorSpaceInfo().colorSpace(), dstColorSpace);
const GrCaps* caps = direct->priv().caps();
// This is the getImageData equivalent to the canvas2D putImageData fast path. We probably don't
// care so much about getImageData performance. However, in order to ensure putImageData/
// getImageData in "legacy" mode are round-trippable we use the GPU to do the complementary
// unpremul step to writeSurfacePixels's premul step (which is determined empirically in
// fContext->vaildaPMUPMConversionExists()).
bool canvas2DFastPath =
unpremul &&
!needColorConversion &&
(GrColorType::kRGBA_8888 == dstColorType || GrColorType::kBGRA_8888 == dstColorType) &&
SkToBool(srcProxy->asTextureProxy()) &&
(srcProxy->config() == kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig ||
srcProxy->config() == kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
caps->isConfigRenderable(kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
if (!caps->surfaceSupportsReadPixels(srcSurface) ||
canvas2DFastPath) {
GrBackendFormat format;
GrPixelConfig config;
if (canvas2DFastPath) {
config = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
format = caps->getBackendFormatFromColorType(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType);
} else {
config = srcProxy->config();
format = srcProxy->backendFormat().makeTexture2D();
if (!format.isValid()) {
return false;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs = canvas2DFastPath ? nullptr : this->colorSpaceInfo().refColorSpace();
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> tempCtx = direct->priv().makeDeferredRenderTargetContext(
format, SkBackingFit::kApprox, width, height, config, std::move(cs), 1,
GrMipMapped::kNo, kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, nullptr, SkBudgeted::kYes);
if (!tempCtx) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
if (canvas2DFastPath) {
fp = direct->priv().createPMToUPMEffect(
if (dstColorType == GrColorType::kBGRA_8888) {
fp = GrFragmentProcessor::SwizzleOutput(std::move(fp), GrSwizzle::BGRA());
dstColorType = GrColorType::kRGBA_8888;
} else {
fp = GrSimpleTextureEffect::Make(sk_ref_sp(srcProxy->asTextureProxy()), SkMatrix::I());
if (!fp) {
return false;
GrPaint paint;
GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::MakeWH(width, height), SkRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, width, height));
uint32_t flags = canvas2DFastPath ? 0 : pixelOpsFlags;
return tempCtx->readPixelsImpl(direct, 0, 0, width, height, dstColorType, dstColorSpace,
buffer, rowBytes, flags);
bool convert = unpremul || needColorConversion;
bool flip = srcProxy->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
if (flip) {
top = srcSurface->height() - top - height;
GrColorType allowedColorType = caps->supportedReadPixelsColorType(srcProxy->config(),
convert = convert || (dstColorType != allowedColorType);
SkAutoPixmapStorage tempPixmap;
SkPixmap finalPixmap;
if (convert) {
SkColorType srcSkColorType = GrColorTypeToSkColorType(allowedColorType);
SkColorType dstSkColorType = GrColorTypeToSkColorType(dstColorType);
bool srcAlwaysOpaque = SkColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(srcSkColorType);
bool dstAlwaysOpaque = SkColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(dstSkColorType);
if (kUnknown_SkColorType == srcSkColorType || kUnknown_SkColorType == dstSkColorType) {
return false;
auto tempAT = srcAlwaysOpaque ? kOpaque_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType;
auto tempII = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, srcSkColorType, tempAT,
SkASSERT(!unpremul || !dstAlwaysOpaque);
auto finalAT = (srcAlwaysOpaque || dstAlwaysOpaque)
? kOpaque_SkAlphaType
: unpremul ? kUnpremul_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType;
auto finalII =
SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, dstSkColorType, finalAT, sk_ref_sp(dstColorSpace));
if (!SkImageInfoValidConversion(finalII, tempII)) {
return false;
if (!tempPixmap.tryAlloc(tempII)) {
return false;
finalPixmap.reset(finalII, buffer, rowBytes);
buffer = tempPixmap.writable_addr();
rowBytes = tempPixmap.rowBytes();
// Chrome msan bots require this.
sk_bzero(buffer, tempPixmap.computeByteSize());
if (!direct->priv().getGpu()->readPixels(srcSurface, left, top, width, height, allowedColorType,
buffer, rowBytes)) {
return false;
if (flip) {
size_t trimRowBytes = GrColorTypeBytesPerPixel(allowedColorType) * width;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> row(new char[trimRowBytes]);
char* upper = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
char* lower = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer) + (height - 1) * rowBytes;
for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; ++y, upper += rowBytes, lower -= rowBytes) {
memcpy(row.get(), upper, trimRowBytes);
memcpy(upper, lower, trimRowBytes);
memcpy(lower, row.get(), trimRowBytes);
if (convert) {
if (!tempPixmap.readPixels(finalPixmap)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GrSurfaceContext::readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstBuffer,
size_t dstRowBytes, int x, int y, uint32_t flags) {
GR_AUDIT_TRAIL_AUTO_FRAME(this->auditTrail(), "GrSurfaceContext::readPixels");
// TODO: this seems to duplicate code in SkImage_Gpu::onReadPixels
if (kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == dstInfo.alphaType() &&
!GrPixelConfigIsOpaque(this->asSurfaceProxy()->config())) {
flags |= kUnpremul_PixelOpsFlag;
auto colorType = SkColorTypeToGrColorType(dstInfo.colorType());
if (GrColorType::kUnknown == colorType) {
return false;
auto direct = fContext->priv().asDirectContext();
if (!direct) {
return false;
return this->readPixelsImpl(direct, x, y, dstInfo.width(), dstInfo.height(), colorType,
dstInfo.colorSpace(), dstBuffer, dstRowBytes, flags);
bool GrSurfaceContext::writePixelsImpl(GrContext* direct, int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrColorType srcColorType, SkColorSpace* srcColorSpace,
const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcRowBytes,
uint32_t pixelOpsFlags) {
if (GrColorType::kUnknown == srcColorType) {
return false;
GrSurfaceProxy* dstProxy = this->asSurfaceProxy();
if (!dstProxy->instantiate(direct->priv().resourceProvider())) {
return false;
GrSurface* dstSurface = dstProxy->peekSurface();
if (!GrSurfacePriv::AdjustWritePixelParams(dstSurface->width(), dstSurface->height(),
GrColorTypeBytesPerPixel(srcColorType), &left, &top,
&width, &height, &srcBuffer, &srcRowBytes)) {
return false;
// TODO: Make GrSurfaceContext know its alpha type and pass src buffer's alpha type.
bool premul = SkToBool(kUnpremul_PixelOpsFlag & pixelOpsFlags);
bool needColorConversion =
SkColorSpaceXformSteps::Required(srcColorSpace, this->colorSpaceInfo().colorSpace());
const GrCaps* caps = direct->priv().caps();
// For canvas2D putImageData performance we have a special code path for unpremul RGBA_8888 srcs
// that are premultiplied on the GPU. This is kept as narrow as possible for now.
bool canvas2DFastPath =
!caps->avoidWritePixelsFastPath() &&
premul &&
!needColorConversion &&
(srcColorType == GrColorType::kRGBA_8888 || srcColorType == GrColorType::kBGRA_8888) &&
SkToBool(this->asRenderTargetContext()) &&
(dstProxy->config() == kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig ||
dstProxy->config() == kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
direct->priv().caps()->isConfigTexturable(kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig) &&
if (!caps->surfaceSupportsWritePixels(dstSurface) || canvas2DFastPath) {
GrSurfaceDesc desc;
desc.fWidth = width;
desc.fHeight = height;
desc.fSampleCnt = 1;
GrBackendFormat format;
if (canvas2DFastPath) {
desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
format = caps->getBackendFormatFromColorType(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType);
} else {
desc.fConfig = dstProxy->config();
format = dstProxy->backendFormat().makeTexture2D();
if (!format.isValid()) {
return false;
// It is more efficient for us to write pixels into a top left origin so we prefer that.
// However, if the final proxy isn't a render target then we must use a copy to move the
// data into it which requires the origins to match. If the final proxy is a render target
// we can use a draw instead which doesn't have this origin restriction. Thus for render
// targets we will use top left and otherwise we will make the origins match.
GrSurfaceOrigin tempOrigin = this->asRenderTargetContext() ? kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin :
auto tempProxy = direct->priv().proxyProvider()->createProxy(
format, desc, tempOrigin, SkBackingFit::kApprox, SkBudgeted::kYes);
if (!tempProxy) {
return false;
auto tempCtx = direct->priv().drawingManager()->makeTextureContext(
tempProxy, this->colorSpaceInfo().refColorSpace());
if (!tempCtx) {
return false;
uint32_t flags = canvas2DFastPath ? 0 : pixelOpsFlags;
// In the fast path we always write the srcData to the temp context as though it were RGBA.
// When the data is really BGRA the write will cause the R and B channels to be swapped in
// the intermediate surface which gets corrected by a swizzle effect when drawing to the
// dst.
auto tmpColorType = canvas2DFastPath ? GrColorType::kRGBA_8888 : srcColorType;
if (!tempCtx->writePixelsImpl(direct, 0, 0, width, height, tmpColorType, srcColorSpace,
srcBuffer, srcRowBytes, flags)) {
return false;
if (this->asRenderTargetContext()) {
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp;
if (canvas2DFastPath) {
fp = direct->priv().createUPMToPMEffect(
GrSimpleTextureEffect::Make(std::move(tempProxy), SkMatrix::I()));
if (srcColorType == GrColorType::kBGRA_8888) {
fp = GrFragmentProcessor::SwizzleOutput(std::move(fp), GrSwizzle::BGRA());
} else {
fp = GrSimpleTextureEffect::Make(std::move(tempProxy), SkMatrix::I());
if (!fp) {
return false;
GrPaint paint;
GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
SkRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, width, height), SkRect::MakeWH(width, height));
} else {
SkIRect srcRect = SkIRect::MakeWH(width, height);
SkIPoint dstPoint = SkIPoint::Make(left, top);
if (!this->copy(tempProxy.get(), srcRect, dstPoint)) {
return false;
return true;
bool convert = premul || needColorConversion;
if (!valid_pixel_conversion(srcColorType, dstProxy->config(), premul)) {
return false;
GrColorType allowedColorType = caps->supportedWritePixelsColorType(dstProxy->config(),
convert = convert || (srcColorType != allowedColorType);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> tempBuffer;
if (convert) {
auto srcSkColorType = GrColorTypeToSkColorType(srcColorType);
auto dstSkColorType = GrColorTypeToSkColorType(allowedColorType);
if (kUnknown_SkColorType == srcSkColorType || kUnknown_SkColorType == dstSkColorType) {
return false;
auto srcAlphaType = SkColorTypeIsAlwaysOpaque(srcSkColorType)
? kOpaque_SkAlphaType
: (premul ? kUnpremul_SkAlphaType : kPremul_SkAlphaType);
SkPixmap src(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, srcSkColorType, srcAlphaType,
srcBuffer, srcRowBytes);
auto tempSrcII = SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, dstSkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType,
auto size = tempSrcII.computeMinByteSize();
if (!size) {
return false;
tempBuffer.reset(new char[size]);
SkPixmap tempSrc(tempSrcII, tempBuffer.get(), tempSrcII.minRowBytes());
if (!src.readPixels(tempSrc)) {
return false;
srcColorType = allowedColorType;
srcBuffer = tempSrc.addr();
srcRowBytes = tempSrc.rowBytes();
if (dstProxy->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
std::unique_ptr<char[]> row(new char[srcRowBytes]);
for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; ++y) {
memcpy(row.get(), tempSrc.addr(0, y), srcRowBytes);
memcpy(tempSrc.writable_addr(0, y), tempSrc.addr(0, height - 1 - y), srcRowBytes);
memcpy(tempSrc.writable_addr(0, height - 1 - y), row.get(), srcRowBytes);
top = dstSurface->height() - top - height;
} else if (dstProxy->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
size_t trimRowBytes = GrColorTypeBytesPerPixel(srcColorType) * width;
tempBuffer.reset(new char[trimRowBytes * height]);
char* dst = reinterpret_cast<char*>(tempBuffer.get()) + trimRowBytes * (height - 1);
const char* src = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(srcBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i, src += srcRowBytes, dst -= trimRowBytes) {
memcpy(dst, src, trimRowBytes);
srcBuffer = tempBuffer.get();
srcRowBytes = trimRowBytes;
top = dstSurface->height() - top - height;
// On platforms that prefer flushes over VRAM use (i.e., ANGLE) we're better off forcing a
// complete flush here. On platforms that prefer VRAM use over flushes we're better off
// giving the drawing manager the chance of skipping the flush (i.e., by passing in the
// destination proxy)
// TODO: should this policy decision just be moved into the drawing manager?
direct->priv().flushSurface(caps->preferVRAMUseOverFlushes() ? dstProxy : nullptr);
return direct->priv().getGpu()->writePixels(dstSurface, left, top, width, height, srcColorType,
srcBuffer, srcRowBytes);
bool GrSurfaceContext::writePixels(const SkImageInfo& srcInfo, const void* srcBuffer,
size_t srcRowBytes, int x, int y, uint32_t flags) {
GR_AUDIT_TRAIL_AUTO_FRAME(this->auditTrail(), "GrSurfaceContext::writePixels");
if (kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == srcInfo.alphaType()) {
flags |= kUnpremul_PixelOpsFlag;
auto colorType = SkColorTypeToGrColorType(srcInfo.colorType());
if (GrColorType::kUnknown == colorType) {
return false;
auto direct = fContext->priv().asDirectContext();
if (!direct) {
return false;
if (this->asSurfaceProxy()->readOnly()) {
return false;
return this->writePixelsImpl(direct, x, y, srcInfo.width(), srcInfo.height(), colorType,
srcInfo.colorSpace(), srcBuffer, srcRowBytes, flags);
bool GrSurfaceContext::copy(GrSurfaceProxy* src, const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint) {
GR_AUDIT_TRAIL_AUTO_FRAME(this->auditTrail(), "GrSurfaceContextPriv::copy");
SkASSERT(src->backendFormat().textureType() != GrTextureType::kExternal);
SkASSERT(src->origin() == this->asSurfaceProxy()->origin());
GrSurfaceProxy* dst = this->asSurfaceProxy();
if (!fContext->priv().caps()->canCopySurface(dst, src, srcRect, dstPoint)) {
return false;
return this->getOpList()->copySurface(fContext, dst, src, srcRect, dstPoint);