blob: 5b274310ff595a269d980a92e0da2774c5307d90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrShaderCaps.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrShaderVar.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrSwizzle.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLBlend.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
GrGLSLShaderBuilder::GrGLSLShaderBuilder(GrGLSLProgramBuilder* program)
: fProgramBuilder(program)
, fInputs(GrGLSLProgramBuilder::kVarsPerBlock)
, fOutputs(GrGLSLProgramBuilder::kVarsPerBlock)
, fFeaturesAddedMask(0)
, fCodeIndex(kCode)
, fFinalized(false) {
// We push back some dummy pointers which will later become our header
for (int i = 0; i <= kCode; i++) {
this->main() = "void main() {";
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::declAppend(const GrShaderVar& var) {
SkString tempDecl;
var.appendDecl(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps(), &tempDecl);
this->codeAppendf("%s;", tempDecl.c_str());
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::declareGlobal(const GrShaderVar& v) {
v.appendDecl(this->getProgramBuilder()->shaderCaps(), &this->definitions());
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::emitFunction(GrSLType returnType,
const char* name,
int argCnt,
const GrShaderVar* args,
const char* body,
SkString* outName) {
fProgramBuilder->nameVariable(outName, '\0', name);
this->functions().appendf(" %s", outName->c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < argCnt; ++i) {
args[i].appendDecl(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps(), &this->functions());
if (i < argCnt - 1) {
this->functions().append(", ");
this->functions().append(") {\n");
static inline void append_texture_swizzle(SkString* out, GrSwizzle swizzle) {
if (swizzle != GrSwizzle::RGBA()) {
out->appendf(".%s", swizzle.asString().c_str());
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendTextureLookup(SkString* out,
SamplerHandle samplerHandle,
const char* coordName) const {
const char* sampler = fProgramBuilder->samplerVariable(samplerHandle);
out->appendf("sample(%s, %s)", sampler, coordName);
append_texture_swizzle(out, fProgramBuilder->samplerSwizzle(samplerHandle));
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendTextureLookup(SamplerHandle samplerHandle,
const char* coordName,
GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper* colorXformHelper) {
SkString lookup;
this->appendTextureLookup(&lookup, samplerHandle, coordName);
this->appendColorGamutXform(lookup.c_str(), colorXformHelper);
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendTextureLookupAndBlend(
const char* dst,
SkBlendMode mode,
SamplerHandle samplerHandle,
const char* coordName,
GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper* colorXformHelper) {
if (!dst) {
dst = "half4(1)";
SkString lookup;
// This works around an issue in SwiftShader where the texture lookup is messed up
// if we use blend_modulate instead of simply operator * on dst and the sampled result.
// At this time it's unknown if the same problem exists for other modes.
if (mode == SkBlendMode::kModulate) {
this->appendTextureLookup(&lookup, samplerHandle, coordName);
this->appendColorGamutXform(lookup.c_str(), colorXformHelper);
this->codeAppendf(" * %s)", dst);
} else {
this->codeAppendf("%s(", GrGLSLBlend::BlendFuncName(mode));
this->appendTextureLookup(&lookup, samplerHandle, coordName);
this->appendColorGamutXform(lookup.c_str(), colorXformHelper);
this->codeAppendf(", %s)", dst);
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendColorGamutXform(SkString* out,
const char* srcColor,
GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper* colorXformHelper) {
if (!colorXformHelper || colorXformHelper->isNoop()) {
*out = srcColor;
GrGLSLUniformHandler* uniformHandler = fProgramBuilder->uniformHandler();
// We define up to three helper functions, to keep things clearer. One for the source transfer
// function, one for the (inverse) destination transfer function, and one for the gamut xform.
// Any combination of these may be present, although some configurations are much more likely.
auto emitTFFunc = [=](const char* name, GrGLSLProgramDataManager::UniformHandle uniform,
TFKind kind) {
const GrShaderVar gTFArgs[] = { GrShaderVar("x", kHalf_GrSLType) };
const char* coeffs = uniformHandler->getUniformCStr(uniform);
SkString body;
// Temporaries to make evaluation line readable. We always use the sRGBish names, so the
// PQ and HLG math is confusing.
body.appendf("half G = %s[0];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half A = %s[1];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half B = %s[2];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half C = %s[3];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half D = %s[4];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half E = %s[5];", coeffs);
body.appendf("half F = %s[6];", coeffs);
body.append("half s = sign(x);");
body.append("x = abs(x);");
switch (kind) {
case TFKind::sRGBish_TF:
body.append("x = (x < D) ? (C * x) + F : pow(A * x + B, G) + E;");
case TFKind::PQish_TF:
body.append("x = pow(max(A + B * pow(x, C), 0) / (D + E * pow(x, C)), F);");
case TFKind::HLGish_TF:
body.append("x = (x*A <= 1) ? pow(x*A, B) : exp((x-E)*C) + D;");
case TFKind::HLGinvish_TF:
body.append("x = (x <= 1) ? A * pow(x, B) : C * log(x - D) + E;");
body.append("return s * x;");
SkString funcName;
this->emitFunction(kHalf_GrSLType, name, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gTFArgs), gTFArgs, body.c_str(),
return funcName;
SkString srcTFFuncName;
if (colorXformHelper->applySrcTF()) {
srcTFFuncName = emitTFFunc("src_tf", colorXformHelper->srcTFUniform(),
SkString dstTFFuncName;
if (colorXformHelper->applyDstTF()) {
dstTFFuncName = emitTFFunc("dst_tf", colorXformHelper->dstTFUniform(),
SkString gamutXformFuncName;
if (colorXformHelper->applyGamutXform()) {
const GrShaderVar gGamutXformArgs[] = { GrShaderVar("color", kHalf4_GrSLType) };
const char* xform = uniformHandler->getUniformCStr(colorXformHelper->gamutXformUniform());
SkString body;
body.appendf("color.rgb = (%s * color.rgb);", xform);
body.append("return color;");
this->emitFunction(kHalf4_GrSLType, "gamut_xform", SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gGamutXformArgs),
gGamutXformArgs, body.c_str(), &gamutXformFuncName);
// Now define a wrapper function that applies all the intermediate steps
// Some GPUs require full float to get results that are as accurate as expected/required.
// Most GPUs work just fine with half float. Strangely, the GPUs that have this bug
// (Mali G series) only require us to promote the type of a few temporaries here --
// the helper functions above can always be written to use half.
bool useFloat = fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps()->colorSpaceMathNeedsFloat();
const GrShaderVar gColorXformArgs[] = {
GrShaderVar("color", useFloat ? kFloat4_GrSLType : kHalf4_GrSLType)};
SkString body;
if (colorXformHelper->applyUnpremul()) {
body.appendf("color = unpremul%s(color);", useFloat ? "_float" : "");
if (colorXformHelper->applySrcTF()) {
body.appendf("color.r = %s(half(color.r));", srcTFFuncName.c_str());
body.appendf("color.g = %s(half(color.g));", srcTFFuncName.c_str());
body.appendf("color.b = %s(half(color.b));", srcTFFuncName.c_str());
if (colorXformHelper->applyGamutXform()) {
body.appendf("color = %s(half4(color));", gamutXformFuncName.c_str());
if (colorXformHelper->applyDstTF()) {
body.appendf("color.r = %s(half(color.r));", dstTFFuncName.c_str());
body.appendf("color.g = %s(half(color.g));", dstTFFuncName.c_str());
body.appendf("color.b = %s(half(color.b));", dstTFFuncName.c_str());
if (colorXformHelper->applyPremul()) {
body.append("color.rgb *= color.a;");
body.append("return half4(color);");
SkString colorXformFuncName;
this->emitFunction(kHalf4_GrSLType, "color_xform", SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gColorXformArgs),
gColorXformArgs, body.c_str(), &colorXformFuncName);
out->appendf("%s(%s)", colorXformFuncName.c_str(), srcColor);
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendColorGamutXform(const char* srcColor,
GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper* colorXformHelper) {
SkString xform;
this->appendColorGamutXform(&xform, srcColor, colorXformHelper);
bool GrGLSLShaderBuilder::addFeature(uint32_t featureBit, const char* extensionName) {
if (featureBit & fFeaturesAddedMask) {
return false;
this->extensions().appendf("#extension %s: require\n", extensionName);
fFeaturesAddedMask |= featureBit;
return true;
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::appendDecls(const VarArray& vars, SkString* out) const {
for (const auto& v : vars.items()) {
v.appendDecl(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps(), out);
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::addLayoutQualifier(const char* param, InterfaceQualifier interface) {
SkASSERT(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps()->generation() >= k330_GrGLSLGeneration ||
fLayoutParams[interface].push_back() = param;
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::compileAndAppendLayoutQualifiers() {
static const char* interfaceQualifierNames[] = {
for (int interface = 0; interface <= kLastInterfaceQualifier; ++interface) {
const SkTArray<SkString>& params = fLayoutParams[interface];
if (params.empty()) {
this->layoutQualifiers().appendf("layout(%s", params[0].c_str());
for (int i = 1; i < params.count(); ++i) {
this->layoutQualifiers().appendf(", %s", params[i].c_str());
this->layoutQualifiers().appendf(") %s;\n", interfaceQualifierNames[interface]);
static_assert(0 == GrGLSLShaderBuilder::kIn_InterfaceQualifier);
static_assert(1 == GrGLSLShaderBuilder::kOut_InterfaceQualifier);
static_assert(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(interfaceQualifierNames) == kLastInterfaceQualifier + 1);
void GrGLSLShaderBuilder::finalize(uint32_t visibility) {
fProgramBuilder->appendUniformDecls((GrShaderFlags) visibility, &this->uniforms());
this->appendDecls(fInputs, &this->inputs());
this->appendDecls(fOutputs, &this->outputs());
// append the 'footer' to code
for (int i = 0; i <= fCodeIndex; i++) {
fCompilerString.append(fShaderStrings[i].c_str(), fShaderStrings[i].size());
fFinalized = true;