blob: f48eee1dea98bec38daf2a34930150248b93dd8c [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines the adb_test rule."""
load("@local_config_platform//:constraints.bzl", "HOST_CONSTRAINTS")
load("//bazel:remove_indentation.bzl", "remove_indentation")
def _adb_test_runner_transition_impl(settings, attr): # buildifier: disable=unused-variable
platform = settings["//tests/adb_test_runner:adb_platform"]
# If no platform was specified via --adb_platform, use the host platform. This allows us to
# "bazel test" a skia_android_unit_test on a developer workstation without passing said flag to
# Bazel.
if platform == "":
# The HOST_CONSTRAINTS list should always be of the form [cpu, os], e.g.:
# HOST_CONSTRAINTS = ["@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux"]
# The CPU and OS constraints will be omitted from HOST_CONSTRAINTS in the rare case that
# they cannot be determined.
# Reference:
if len(HOST_CONSTRAINTS) != 2 or \
not HOST_CONSTRAINTS[0].startswith("@platforms//cpu:") or \
not HOST_CONSTRAINTS[1].startswith("@platforms//os:"):
"Expected HOST_CONSTRAINTS to be of the form " +
"""["@platforms//cpu:<cpu>", "@platforms//os:<os>"], got""",
# Map the Bazel constants to GOARCH constants. More can be added as needed. See
cpu = HOST_CONSTRAINTS[0].removeprefix("@platforms//cpu:")
os = HOST_CONSTRAINTS[1].removeprefix("@platforms//os:")
cpu = {
"x86_64": "amd64",
"aarch64": "arm64",
}.get(cpu, cpu) # Defaults to the original CPU if not in the dictionary.
os = {
"osx": "darwin",
}.get(os, os) # Default to the original OS if not in the dictionary.
platform = os + "_" + cpu
# Map the --adb_platform CPU part to GOARCH style, which we differ from for readability.
platform = platform.replace("x86", "amd64")
return {"//command_line_option:platforms": "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:" + platform}
# This transition allows us to cross-compile the Go test runner (i.e. the program that issues adb
# commands) for a different platform, for example when "bazel build"-ing on an x86 GCE machine and
# running the compiled artifact on a Raspberry Pi in a subsequent CI task.
adb_test_runner_transition = transition(
implementation = _adb_test_runner_transition_impl,
inputs = ["//tests/adb_test_runner:adb_platform"],
outputs = ["//command_line_option:platforms"],
def _adb_test_impl(ctx):
template = remove_indentation("""
# Print commands and expand variables for easier debugging.
set -x
# List the test runner binary for debugging purposes.
ls -l $(rootpath {adb_test_runner})
$(rootpath {adb_test_runner}) \
--device {device} \
--archive $(rootpath {archive}) \
--test-runner $(rootpath {test_runner})
if ctx.attr.device == "unknown":
template = remove_indentation("""
echo "FAILED: No Android device was specified. Try re-running with a Bazel flag that"
echo " specifies an Android device under test, such as --config=pixel_5."
exit 1
# Expand variables.
template = ctx.expand_location(template.format(
device = ctx.attr.device,
archive = ctx.attr.archive.label,
test_runner = ctx.attr.test_runner.label,
adb_test_runner = ctx.attr._adb_test_runner[0].label,
), targets = [
output_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.actions.write(output_file, template, is_executable = True)
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [ctx.file.archive])
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr._adb_test_runner[0][DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)
return [DefaultInfo(
executable = output_file,
runfiles = runfiles,
adb_test = rule(
doc = """Runs an Android test on device via `adb`.
This test rule produces a wrapper shell script that invokes a Go proram that issues adb
commands to interact with the device under test.
When building a test that should run on a different host (e.g. a Skolo Raspberry Pi), invoke
Bazel with flag --adb_platform to set the adb_test_runner target platform accordingly, for
example --adb_platform=linux_arm64.
implementation = _adb_test_impl,
attrs = {
"device": attr.string(
doc = "Device under test.",
mandatory = True,
values = [
"test_runner": attr.label(
doc = (
"Test runner script that calls the compiled C++ binary with any necessary " +
"command-line arguments. This script will be executed on the Android device."
allow_single_file = [".sh"],
mandatory = True,
"archive": attr.label(
doc = (
"Tarball containing the test runner script, the compiled C++ binary and any" +
"necessary static resources such as fonts, images, etc."
allow_single_file = [".tar.gz"],
mandatory = True,
"_adb_test_runner": attr.label(
default = Label("//tests/adb_test_runner"),
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
cfg = adb_test_runner_transition,
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
test = True,