blob: c41ab0a61f7e837a1d47c73df776115f7ecb33d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "src/sksl/SkSLPosition.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLIRNode.h"
#include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLType.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
namespace SkSL {
class AnyConstructor;
class Context;
enum class OperatorPrecedence : uint8_t;
* Abstract supertype of all expressions.
class Expression : public IRNode {
using Kind = ExpressionKind;
Expression(Position pos, Kind kind, const Type* type)
: INHERITED(pos, (int) kind)
, fType(type) {
SkASSERT(kind >= Kind::kFirst && kind <= Kind::kLast);
Kind kind() const {
return (Kind) fKind;
virtual const Type& type() const {
return *fType;
bool isAnyConstructor() const {
static_assert((int)Kind::kConstructorArray - 1 == (int)Kind::kChildCall);
static_assert((int)Kind::kConstructorStruct + 1 == (int)Kind::kFieldAccess);
return this->kind() >= Kind::kConstructorArray && this->kind() <= Kind::kConstructorStruct;
bool isIntLiteral() const {
return this->kind() == Kind::kLiteral && this->type().isInteger();
bool isFloatLiteral() const {
return this->kind() == Kind::kLiteral && this->type().isFloat();
bool isBoolLiteral() const {
return this->kind() == Kind::kLiteral && this->type().isBoolean();
AnyConstructor& asAnyConstructor();
const AnyConstructor& asAnyConstructor() const;
* Returns true if this expression is incomplete. Specifically, dangling function/method-call
* references that were never invoked, or type references that were never constructed, are
* considered incomplete expressions and should result in an error.
bool isIncomplete(const Context& context) const;
* Compares this constant expression against another constant expression. Returns kUnknown if
* we aren't able to deduce a result (an expression isn't actually constant, the types are
* mismatched, etc).
enum class ComparisonResult {
kUnknown = -1,
virtual ComparisonResult compareConstant(const Expression& other) const {
return ComparisonResult::kUnknown;
CoercionCost coercionCost(const Type& target) const {
return this->type().coercionCost(target);
* Returns true if this expression type supports `getConstantValue`. (This particular expression
* may or may not actually contain a constant value.) It's harmless to call `getConstantValue`
* on expressions which don't support constant values or don't contain any constant values, but
* if `supportsConstantValues` returns false, you can assume that `getConstantValue` will return
* nullopt for every slot of this expression. This allows for early-out opportunities in some
* cases. (Some expressions have tons of slots but never hold a constant value; e.g. a variable
* holding a very large array.)
virtual bool supportsConstantValues() const {
return false;
* Returns the n'th compile-time constant value within a literal or constructor.
* Use Type::slotCount to determine the number of slots within an expression.
* Slots which do not contain compile-time constant values will return nullopt.
* `vec4(1, vec2(2), 3)` contains four compile-time constants: (1, 2, 2, 3)
* `mat2(f)` contains four slots, and two are constant: (nullopt, 0,
* 0, nullopt)
* All classes which override this function must also implement `supportsConstantValues`.
virtual std::optional<double> getConstantValue(int n) const {
return std::nullopt;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Expression> clone(Position pos) const = 0;
* Returns a clone at the same position.
std::unique_ptr<Expression> clone() const { return this->clone(fPosition); }
* Returns a description of the expression.
std::string description() const final;
virtual std::string description(OperatorPrecedence parentPrecedence) const = 0;
const Type* fType;
using INHERITED = IRNode;
} // namespace SkSL