blob: 76e2cb1fd29350e5655724a8a6b9bdf11400f6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* Class for testing TimeZones for consistency
* @author Davis
public class TimeZoneAliasTest extends TestFmwk {
* There are two things to check aliases for:<br>
* 1. the alias set must be uniform: if a isAlias b, then aliasSet(a) == aliasSet(b)<br>
* 2. all aliases must have the same offsets
// TODO(junit): not working before so turned off
public void TestAliases() {
Zone.Seconds seconds = new Zone.Seconds();
for (Iterator it = Zone.getZoneSet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Zone zone = (Zone);
String id =;
if (id.indexOf('/') < 0 && (id.endsWith("ST") || id.endsWith("DT"))) {
if (zone.minRecentOffset != zone.maxRecentOffset) {
"Standard or Daylight Time not constant: " + id
+ ": " + Zone.formatHours(zone.minRecentOffset)
+ " != " + Zone.formatHours(zone.maxRecentOffset));
Set aliases = zone.getPurportedAliases();
Set aliasesSet = new TreeSet(aliases);
aliasesSet.add(id); // for comparison
Iterator aliasIterator = aliases.iterator();
while (aliasIterator.hasNext()) {
String otherId = (String);
Zone otherZone = Zone.make(otherId);
Set otherAliases = otherZone.getPurportedAliases();
otherAliases.add(otherId); // for comparison
if (!aliasesSet.equals(otherAliases)) {
"Aliases Unsymmetric: "
+ id + " => " +
+ "; "
+ otherId + " => " +;
if (zone.findOffsetOrdering(otherZone, seconds) != 0) {
errln("Aliases differ: " + id + ", " + otherId
+ " differ at " + seconds);
* We check to see that every timezone that is not an alias is actually different!
// TODO(junit): not working before so turned off
public void TestDifferences() {
Zone last = null;
Zone.Seconds diffDate = new Zone.Seconds();
for (Iterator it = Zone.getZoneSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Zone testZone = (Zone);
if (last != null) {
String common = testZone + "\tvs " + last + ":\t";
int diff = testZone.findOffsetOrdering(last, diffDate);
if (diff != 0) {
logln("\t" + common + "difference at: " + diffDate
+ ", " + Zone.formatHours(diff) + "hr");
} else if (testZone.isRealAlias(last)) {
logln("\t" + common + "alias, no difference");
} else {
errln(common + "NOT ALIAS BUT NO DIFFERENCE!");
last = testZone;
* Utility for printing out zones to be translated.
public static void TestGenerateZones() {
int count = 1;
for (Iterator it = Zone.getUniqueZoneSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Zone zone = (Zone);
/** Utility; ought to be someplace common
// remove dependency on bagformatter for now
static class CollectionJoiner {
private String separator;
CollectionJoiner(String separator) {
this.separator = separator;
String join(Collection c) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (!isFirst) result.append(separator);
else isFirst = false;
return result.toString();
* The guts is in this subclass. It sucks in all the data from the zones,
* and analyses it. It constructs some mappings for the unique ids,
* etc.<br>
* The main tricky bit is that for performance it pre-analyses all zones
* for inflections points; the points in time where the offset changes.
* The zones can then be sorted by those points, which allows us to
* avoid expensive comparisons.
* @author Davis
static class Zone implements Comparable {
// class fields
// static private final BagFormatter bf = new BagFormatter().setSeparator(", ");
private static final CollectionJoiner bf = new CollectionJoiner(", ");
static private final DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US);
static private final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
static private final long HOUR = 1000*60*60;
static private final double DHOUR = HOUR;
static private final long DAY = 24*HOUR;
static private final long GROSS_PERIOD = 30*DAY;
static private final long EPSILON = HOUR/4;
static private final int currentYear = new GregorianCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR);
static private final long endDate = getDate((currentYear+1),0,1).getTime();
static private final long endDate2 = getDate((currentYear+1),6,1).getTime();
static private final long recentLimit = getDate((currentYear-1),6,1).getTime();
static private final long startDate = getDate(1905,0,1).getTime();
static private final Map idToZone = new HashMap();
static private final Set zoneSet = new TreeSet();
static private final Set uniqueZoneSet = new TreeSet();
static private final Map idToRealAliases = new HashMap();
// build everything once.
static {
String [] foo = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for (int i = 0; i < foo.length; ++i) {
Zone last = null;
Zone.Seconds diffDate = new Zone.Seconds();
String lastUnique = "";
for (Iterator it = Zone.getZoneSet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Zone testZone = (Zone);
if (last == null) {
lastUnique =;
} else {
int diff = testZone.findOffsetOrdering(last, diffDate);
if (diff != 0) {
lastUnique =;
} else {
Set aliases = (Set)idToRealAliases.get(lastUnique);
if (aliases == null) {
aliases = new TreeSet();
idToRealAliases.put(lastUnique, aliases);
last = testZone;
static public Set getZoneSet() {
return zoneSet;
public static Set getUniqueZoneSet() {
return uniqueZoneSet;
static public Zone make(String id) {
Zone result = (Zone)idToZone.get(id);
if (result != null) return result;
result = new Zone(id);
idToZone.put(id, result);
return result;
static public String formatHours(int hours) {
return nf.format(hours/DHOUR);
// utility class for date return, because Date is clunky.
public static class Seconds {
public long seconds = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public String toString() {
if (seconds == Long.MIN_VALUE) return "n/a";
return df.format(new Date(seconds));
// instance fields
// we keep min/max offsets not only over all time (that we care about)
// but also separate ones for recent years.
private String id;
private TimeZone zone;
// computed below
private int minOffset;
private int maxOffset;
private int minRecentOffset;
private int maxRecentOffset;
private List inflectionPoints = new ArrayList();
private Set purportedAliases = new TreeSet();
private Zone(String id) { // for internal use only; use make instead!
zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id); = id;
// get aliases
int equivCount = TimeZone.countEquivalentIDs(id);
for (int j = 0; j < equivCount; ++j) {
String altID = TimeZone.getEquivalentID(id, j);
if (altID.equals(id)) continue;
// find inflexion points; times where the offset changed
long lastDate = endDate;
if (zone.getOffset(lastDate) < zone.getOffset(endDate2)) lastDate = endDate2;
maxRecentOffset = minRecentOffset = minOffset = maxOffset = zone.getOffset(lastDate);
inflectionPoints.add(new Long(lastDate));
int lastOffset = zone.getOffset(endDate);
long lastInflection = endDate;
// we do a gross search, then narrow in when we find a difference from the last one
for (long currentDate = endDate; currentDate >= startDate; currentDate -= GROSS_PERIOD) {
int currentOffset = zone.getOffset(currentDate);
if (currentOffset != lastOffset) { // Binary Search
if (currentOffset < minOffset) minOffset = currentOffset;
if (currentOffset > maxOffset) maxOffset = currentOffset;
if (lastInflection >= recentLimit) {
if (currentOffset < minRecentOffset) minRecentOffset = currentOffset;
if (currentOffset > maxRecentOffset) maxRecentOffset = currentOffset;
long low = currentDate;
long high = lastDate;
while (low - high > EPSILON) {
long mid = (high + low)/2;
int midOffset = zone.getOffset(mid);
if (midOffset == low) {
low = mid;
} else {
high = mid;
inflectionPoints.add(new Long(low));
lastInflection = low;
lastOffset = currentOffset;
inflectionPoints.add(new Long(startDate)); // just to cap it off for comparisons.
// we assume that places will not convert time zones then back within one day
// so we go first by half
public int findOffsetOrdering(Zone other, Seconds dateDiffFound) {
//System.out.println("-diff: " + id + "\t" +;
int result = 0;
long seconds = 0;
int min = inflectionPoints.size();
if (other.inflectionPoints.size() < min) min = other.inflectionPoints.size();
for (int i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
long myIP = ((Long)inflectionPoints.get(i)).longValue();
long otherIP = ((Long)other.inflectionPoints.get(i)).longValue();
if (myIP > otherIP) { // take lowest, for transitivity (semi)
long temp = myIP;
myIP = otherIP;
otherIP = temp;
result = zone.getOffset(myIP) -;
if (result != 0) {
seconds = myIP;
break main;
if (myIP == otherIP) continue; // test other if different
myIP = otherIP;
result = zone.getOffset(myIP) -;
if (result != 0) {
seconds = myIP;
break main;
// if they are equal so far, we don't care about the rest
result = 0;
seconds = Long.MIN_VALUE;
break main;
//System.out.println("+diff: " + (result/HOUR) + "\t" + dateDiffFound);
if (dateDiffFound != null) dateDiffFound.seconds = seconds;
return result;
// internal buffer to avoid creation all the time.
private Seconds diffDateReturn = new Seconds();
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Zone other = (Zone)o;
// first order by max and min offsets
// min will usually correspond to standard time, max to daylight
// unless there have been historical shifts
if (minRecentOffset < other.minRecentOffset) return -1;
if (minRecentOffset > other.minRecentOffset) return 1;
if (maxRecentOffset < other.maxRecentOffset) return -1;
if (maxRecentOffset > other.maxRecentOffset) return 1;
// now check that all offsets are the same over history
int diffDate = findOffsetOrdering(other, diffDateReturn);
if (diffDate != 0) return diffDate;
// choose longer name first!!
if (id.length() != {
if (id.length() < return 1;
return -1;
return id.compareTo(;
public Set getPurportedAliases() {
return new TreeSet(purportedAliases); // clone for safety
public boolean isPurportedAlias(String zoneID) {
return purportedAliases.contains(zoneID);
public boolean isRealAlias(Zone z) {
return purportedAliases.contains(;
public String getPurportedAliasesAsString() {
Set s = getPurportedAliases();
if (s.size() == 0) return "";
return " " + bf.join(s);
public String getRealAliasesAsString() {
Set s = (Set)idToRealAliases.get(id);
if (s == null) return "";
return " *" + bf.join(s);
public String getCity() {
int pos = id.lastIndexOf(('/'));
String city = id.substring(pos+1);
return city.replace('_',' ');
public String toString() {
return toString(-1);
* Where count > 0, returns string that is set up for translation
public String toString(int count) {
String city = getCity();
String hours = formatHours(minRecentOffset)
+ (minRecentOffset != maxRecentOffset
? "," + formatHours(maxRecentOffset)
: "");
if (count < 0) {
return id + getPurportedAliasesAsString() + " (" + hours + ")";
// for getting template for translation
return "\t{\t\"" + id + "\"\t// [" + count + "] " + hours
+ getRealAliasesAsString() + "\r\n"
+ "\t\t// translate the following!!\r\n"
+ (minRecentOffset != maxRecentOffset
? "\t\t\"" + city + " Standard Time\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"" + city + "-ST\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"" + city + " Daylight Time\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"" + city + "-DT\"\r\n"
: "\t\t\"\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"\"\r\n")
+ "\t\t\"" + city + " Time\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"" + city + "-T\"\r\n"
+ "\t\t\"" + city + "\"\r\n"
+ "\t}";