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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
// Monkey testing of RuleBasedBreakIterator.
// The old, original monkey test. TODO: remove
// The new monkey test is class RBBIMonkeyTest.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* Monkey tests for RBBI. These tests have independent implementations of
* the Unicode TR boundary rules, and compare results between these and ICU's
* implementation, using random data.
* Tests cover Grapheme Cluster (char), Word and Line breaks
* Ported from ICU4C, original code in file source/test/intltest/rbbitst.cpp
public class RBBITestMonkey extends TestFmwk {
// class RBBIMonkeyKind
// Monkey Test for Break Iteration
// Abstract interface class. Concrete derived classes independently
// implement the break rules for different iterator types.
// The Monkey Test itself uses doesn't know which type of break iterator it is
// testing, but works purely in terms of the interface defined here.
abstract static class RBBIMonkeyKind {
RBBIMonkeyKind() {
fSets = new ArrayList();
fClassNames = new ArrayList();
fAppliedRules = new ArrayList();
// Return a List of UnicodeSets, representing the character classes used
// for this type of iterator.
abstract List charClasses();
// Set the test text on which subsequent calls to next() will operate
abstract void setText(StringBuffer text);
// Find the next break position, starting from the specified position.
// Return -1 after reaching end of string.
abstract int next(int i);
// Name of each character class, parallel with charClasses. Used for debugging output
// of characters.
List<String> characterClassNames() {
return fClassNames;
void setAppliedRule(int position, String value) {
fAppliedRules.set(position, value);
String getAppliedRule(int position) {
return fAppliedRules.get(position);
String classNameFromCodepoint(int c) {
// Simply iterate through fSets to find character's class
for (int aClassNum = 0; aClassNum < charClasses().size(); aClassNum++) {
UnicodeSet classSet = (UnicodeSet)charClasses().get(aClassNum);
if (classSet.contains(c)) {
return fClassNames.get(aClassNum);
return "bad class name";
int maxClassNameSize() {
int maxSize = 0;
for (int aClassNum = 0; aClassNum < charClasses().size(); aClassNum++) {
if (fClassNames.get(aClassNum).length() > maxSize) {
maxSize = fClassNames.get(aClassNum).length();
return maxSize;
// Clear `appliedRules` and fill it with empty strings in the size of test text.
void prepareAppliedRules(int size) {
// Remove all the information in the `appliedRules`.
fAppliedRules.ensureCapacity(size + 1);
while (fAppliedRules.size() < size + 1) {
// A Character Property, one of the constants defined in class UProperty.
// The value of this property will be displayed for the characters
// near any test failure.
int fCharProperty;
List fSets;
ArrayList<String> fClassNames;
ArrayList<String> fAppliedRules;
* Monkey test subclass for testing Character (Grapheme Cluster) boundaries.
* Note: As of Unicode 6.1, fPrependSet is empty, so don't add it to fSets
static class RBBICharMonkey extends RBBIMonkeyKind {
UnicodeSet fCRLFSet;
UnicodeSet fControlSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendSet;
UnicodeSet fRegionalIndicatorSet;
UnicodeSet fPrependSet;
UnicodeSet fSpacingSet;
UnicodeSet fLSet;
UnicodeSet fVSet;
UnicodeSet fTSet;
UnicodeSet fLVSet;
UnicodeSet fLVTSet;
UnicodeSet fHangulSet;
UnicodeSet fZWJSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendedPictSet;
UnicodeSet fViramaSet;
UnicodeSet fLinkingConsonantSet;
UnicodeSet fExtCccZwjSet;
UnicodeSet fAnySet;
StringBuffer fText;
RBBICharMonkey() {
fText = null;
fCharProperty = UProperty.GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK;
fCRLFSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\r\\n]");
fControlSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}]");
fExtendSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Extend}]");
fZWJSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = ZWJ}]");
fRegionalIndicatorSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Regional_Indicator}]");
fPrependSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Prepend}]");
fSpacingSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = SpacingMark}]");
fLSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = L}]");
fVSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = V}]");
fTSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = T}]");
fLVSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = LV}]");
fLVTSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = LVT}]");
fHangulSet = new UnicodeSet();
fExtendedPictSet = new UnicodeSet("[:Extended_Pictographic:]");
fViramaSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Gujr}\\p{sc=Telu}\\p{sc=Mlym}\\p{sc=Orya}\\p{sc=Beng}\\p{sc=Deva}&"
+ "\\p{Indic_Syllabic_Category=Virama}]");
fLinkingConsonantSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Gujr}\\p{sc=Telu}\\p{sc=Mlym}\\p{sc=Orya}\\p{sc=Beng}\\p{sc=Deva}&"
+ "\\p{Indic_Syllabic_Category=Consonant}]");
fExtCccZwjSet = new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{gcb=Extend}-\\p{ccc=0}] \\p{gcb=ZWJ}]");
fAnySet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u0000-\\U0010ffff]");
fSets.add(fCRLFSet); fClassNames.add("CRLF");
fSets.add(fControlSet); fClassNames.add("Control");
fSets.add(fExtendSet); fClassNames.add("Extended");
fSets.add(fRegionalIndicatorSet); fClassNames.add("RegionalIndicator");
if (!fPrependSet.isEmpty()) {
fSets.add(fPrependSet); fClassNames.add("Prepend");
fSets.add(fSpacingSet); fClassNames.add("Spacing");
fSets.add(fHangulSet); fClassNames.add("Hangul");
fSets.add(fAnySet); fClassNames.add("Any");
fSets.add(fZWJSet); fClassNames.add("ZWJ");
fSets.add(fExtendedPictSet); fClassNames.add("ExtendedPict");
fSets.add(fViramaSet); fClassNames.add("Virama");
fSets.add(fLinkingConsonantSet); fClassNames.add("LinkingConsonant");
fSets.add(fExtCccZwjSet); fClassNames.add("ExtCccZwj");
void setText(StringBuffer s) {
fText = s;
List charClasses() {
return fSets;
int next(int prevPos) {
int /*p0,*/ p1, p2, p3; // Indices of the significant code points around the
// break position being tested. The candidate break
// location is before p2.
int breakPos = -1;
int c0, c1, c2, c3; // The code points at p0, p1, p2 & p3.
int cBase; // for (X Extend*) patterns, the X character.
// Previous break at end of string. return DONE.
if (prevPos >= fText.length()) {
return -1;
/* p0 = */ p1 = p2 = p3 = prevPos;
c3 = UTF16.charAt(fText, prevPos);
c0 = c1 = c2 = cBase = 0;
// Loop runs once per "significant" character position in the input text.
for (;;) {
// Move all of the positions forward in the input string.
/* p0 = p1;*/ c0 = c1;
p1 = p2; c1 = c2;
p2 = p3; c2 = c3;
// Advance p3 by one codepoint
p3 = moveIndex32(fText, p3, 1);
c3 = (p3>=fText.length())? -1: UTF16.charAt(fText, p3);
if (p1 == p2) {
// Still warming up the loop. (won't work with zero length strings, but we don't care)
if (p2 == fText.length()) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "End of String");
// No Extend or Format characters may appear between the CR and LF,
// which requires the additional check for p2 immediately following p1.
if (c1==0x0D && c2==0x0A && p1==(p2-1)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 3 CR x LF");
if (fControlSet.contains(c1) ||
c1 == 0x0D ||
c1 == 0x0A) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 4 ( Control | CR | LF ) <break>");
if (fControlSet.contains(c2) ||
c2 == 0x0D ||
c2 == 0x0A) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 5 <break> ( Control | CR | LF )");
if (fLSet.contains(c1) &&
(fLSet.contains(c2) ||
fVSet.contains(c2) ||
fLVSet.contains(c2) ||
fLVTSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 6 L x ( L | V | LV | LVT )");
if ((fLVSet.contains(c1) || fVSet.contains(c1)) &&
(fVSet.contains(c2) || fTSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 7 ( LV | V ) x ( V | T )");
if ((fLVTSet.contains(c1) || fTSet.contains(c1)) &&
fTSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 8 ( LVT | T) x T");
if (fExtendSet.contains(c2) || fZWJSet.contains(c2)) {
if (!fExtendSet.contains(c1)) {
cBase = c1;
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 9 x (Extend | ZWJ)");
if (fSpacingSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 9a x SpacingMark");
if (fPrependSet.contains(c1)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 9b Prepend x");
// Note: Viramas are also included in the ExtCccZwj class.
if (fLinkingConsonantSet.contains(c2)) {
int pi = p1;
boolean sawVirama = false;
while (pi > 0 && fExtCccZwjSet.contains(fText.codePointAt(pi))) {
if (fViramaSet.contains(fText.codePointAt(pi))) {
sawVirama = true;
pi = fText.offsetByCodePoints(pi, -1);
if (sawVirama && fLinkingConsonantSet.contains(fText.codePointAt(pi))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 9.3 LinkingConsonant ExtCccZwj* Virama ExtCccZwj* × LinkingConsonant");
if (fExtendedPictSet.contains(cBase) && fZWJSet.contains(c1) && fExtendedPictSet.contains(c2) ) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 11 Extended_Pictographic Extend * ZWJ x Extended_Pictographic");
// Note: The first if condition is a little tricky. We only need to force
// a break if there are three or more contiguous RIs. If there are
// only two, a break following will occur via other rules, and will include
// any trailing extend characters, which is needed behavior.
if (fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c0) && fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c1)
&& fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 12-13 Regional_Indicator x Regional_Indicator");
if (fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c1) && fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 12-13 Regional_Indicator x Regional_Indicator");
setAppliedRule(p2, "GB 999 Any <break> Any");
breakPos = p2;
return breakPos;
* Word Monkey Test Class
static class RBBIWordMonkey extends RBBIMonkeyKind {
StringBuffer fText;
UnicodeSet fCRSet;
UnicodeSet fLFSet;
UnicodeSet fNewlineSet;
UnicodeSet fRegionalIndicatorSet;
UnicodeSet fKatakanaSet;
UnicodeSet fHebrew_LetterSet;
UnicodeSet fALetterSet;
UnicodeSet fSingle_QuoteSet;
UnicodeSet fDouble_QuoteSet;
UnicodeSet fMidNumLetSet;
UnicodeSet fMidLetterSet;
UnicodeSet fMidNumSet;
UnicodeSet fNumericSet;
UnicodeSet fFormatSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendNumLetSet;
UnicodeSet fWSegSpaceSet;
UnicodeSet fOtherSet;
UnicodeSet fDictionarySet;
UnicodeSet fZWJSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendedPictSet;
RBBIWordMonkey() {
fCharProperty = UProperty.WORD_BREAK;
fCRSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = CR}]");
fLFSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = LF}]");
fNewlineSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Newline}]");
fRegionalIndicatorSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}]");
fKatakanaSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Katakana}]");
fHebrew_LetterSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}]");
fALetterSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = ALetter} @]");
fSingle_QuoteSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}]");
fDouble_QuoteSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}]");
fMidNumLetSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}]");
fMidLetterSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = MidLetter} - [\\: \\uFE55 \\uFF1A]]");
fMidNumSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = MidNum}]");
fNumericSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Numeric}]");
fFormatSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Format}]");
fExtendNumLetSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}]");
// There are some sc=Hani characters with WB=Extend.
// The break rules need to pick one or the other because
// Extend overlapping with something else is messy.
// For Unicode 13, we chose to keep U+16FF0 & U+16FF1
// in $Han (for $dictionary) and out of $Extend.
fExtendSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = Extend}-[:Hani:]]");
fWSegSpaceSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}]");
fZWJSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}]");
fExtendedPictSet = new UnicodeSet("[:Extended_Pictographic:]");
fDictionarySet = new UnicodeSet("[[\\uac00-\\ud7a3][:Han:][:Hiragana:]]");
fDictionarySet.addAll(new UnicodeSet("[\\p{LineBreak = Complex_Context}]"));
fOtherSet = new UnicodeSet();
// Inhibit dictionary characters from being tested at all.
// remove surrogates so as to not generate higher CJK characters
fOtherSet.removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{LineBreak = Complex_Context}][:Line_Break=Surrogate:]]"));
fSets.add(fCRSet); fClassNames.add("CR");
fSets.add(fLFSet); fClassNames.add("LF");
fSets.add(fNewlineSet); fClassNames.add("Newline");
fSets.add(fRegionalIndicatorSet); fClassNames.add("RegionalIndicator");
fSets.add(fHebrew_LetterSet); fClassNames.add("Hebrew");
fSets.add(fALetterSet); fClassNames.add("ALetter");
//fSets.add(fKatakanaSet); // Omit Katakana from fSets, which omits Katakana characters
// from the test data. They are all in the dictionary set,
// which this (old, to be retired) monkey test cannot handle.
fSets.add(fSingle_QuoteSet); fClassNames.add("Single Quote");
fSets.add(fDouble_QuoteSet); fClassNames.add("Double Quote");
fSets.add(fMidLetterSet); fClassNames.add("MidLetter");
fSets.add(fMidNumLetSet); fClassNames.add("MidNumLet");
fSets.add(fMidNumSet); fClassNames.add("MidNum");
fSets.add(fNumericSet); fClassNames.add("Numeric");
fSets.add(fFormatSet); fClassNames.add("Format");
fSets.add(fExtendSet); fClassNames.add("Extend");
fSets.add(fExtendNumLetSet); fClassNames.add("ExtendNumLet");
fSets.add(fWSegSpaceSet); fClassNames.add("WSegSpace");
fSets.add(fZWJSet); fClassNames.add("ZWJ");
fSets.add(fExtendedPictSet); fClassNames.add("ExtendedPict");
fSets.add(fOtherSet); fClassNames.add("Other");
List charClasses() {
return fSets;
void setText(StringBuffer s) {
fText = s;
int next(int prevPos) {
int /*p0,*/ p1, p2, p3; // Indices of the significant code points around the
// break position being tested. The candidate break
// location is before p2.
int breakPos = -1;
int c0, c1, c2, c3; // The code points at p0, p1, p2 & p3.
// Previous break at end of string. return DONE.
if (prevPos >= fText.length()) {
return -1;
/*p0 =*/ p1 = p2 = p3 = prevPos;
c3 = UTF16.charAt(fText, prevPos);
c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
// Loop runs once per "significant" character position in the input text.
for (;;) {
// Move all of the positions forward in the input string.
/*p0 = p1;*/ c0 = c1;
p1 = p2; c1 = c2;
p2 = p3; c2 = c3;
// Advance p3 by X(Extend | Format)* Rule 4
// But do not advance over Extend & Format following a new line. (Unicode 5.1 change)
do {
p3 = moveIndex32(fText, p3, 1);
c3 = -1;
if (p3>=fText.length()) {
c3 = UTF16.charAt(fText, p3);
if (fCRSet.contains(c2) || fLFSet.contains(c2) || fNewlineSet.contains(c2)) {
while (setContains(fFormatSet, c3) || setContains(fExtendSet, c3) || setContains(fZWJSet, c3));
if (p1 == p2) {
// Still warming up the loop. (won't work with zero length strings, but we don't care)
if (p2 == fText.length()) {
// Reached end of string. Always a break position.
// No Extend or Format characters may appear between the CR and LF,
// which requires the additional check for p2 immediately following p1.
if (c1==0x0D && c2==0x0A) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 3 CR x LF");
if (fCRSet.contains(c1) || fLFSet.contains(c1) || fNewlineSet.contains(c1)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 3a Break before and after newlines (including CR and LF)");
if (fCRSet.contains(c2) || fLFSet.contains(c2) || fNewlineSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 3a Break before and after newlines (including CR and LF)");
// Not ignoring extend chars, so peek into input text to
// get the potential ZWJ, the character immediately preceding c2.
if (fZWJSet.contains(fText.codePointBefore(p2)) && fExtendedPictSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 3c ZWJ x Extended_Pictographic");
if (fWSegSpaceSet.contains(fText.codePointBefore(p2)) && fWSegSpaceSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 3d Keep horizontal whitespace together");
if ((fALetterSet.contains(c1) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1)) &&
(fALetterSet.contains(c2) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 4 (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) x (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)");
if ( (fALetterSet.contains(c1) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1)) &&
(fMidLetterSet.contains(c2) || fMidNumLetSet.contains(c2) || fSingle_QuoteSet.contains(c2)) &&
(setContains(fALetterSet, c3) || setContains(fHebrew_LetterSet, c3))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 6 (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) x (MidLetter | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)");
if ((fALetterSet.contains(c0) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c0)) &&
(fMidLetterSet.contains(c1) || fMidNumLetSet.contains(c1) || fSingle_QuoteSet.contains(c1)) &&
(fALetterSet.contains(c2) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 7 (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) (MidLetter | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) x (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)");
if (fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1) && fSingle_QuoteSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 7a Hebrew_Letter x Single_Quote");
if (fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1) && fDouble_QuoteSet.contains(c2) && setContains(fHebrew_LetterSet,c3)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 7b Hebrew_Letter x Single_Quote");
if (fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c0) && fDouble_QuoteSet.contains(c1) && fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 7c Hebrew_Letter Double_Quote x Hebrew_Letter");
if (fNumericSet.contains(c1) &&
fNumericSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 8 Numeric x Numeric");
if ((fALetterSet.contains(c1) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1)) &&
fNumericSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 9 (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) x Numeric");
if (fNumericSet.contains(c1) &&
(fALetterSet.contains(c2) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 10 Numeric x (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)");
if (fNumericSet.contains(c0) &&
(fMidNumSet.contains(c1) || fMidNumLetSet.contains(c1) || fSingle_QuoteSet.contains(c1)) &&
fNumericSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 11 Numeric (MidNum | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) x Numeric");
if (fNumericSet.contains(c1) &&
(fMidNumSet.contains(c2) || fMidNumLetSet.contains(c2) || fSingle_QuoteSet.contains(c2)) &&
setContains(fNumericSet, c3)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 12 Numeric x (MidNum | MidNumLet | SingleQuote) Numeric");
// Note: matches UAX 29 rules, but doesn't come into play for ICU because
// all Katakana are handled by the dictionary breaker.
if (fKatakanaSet.contains(c1) &&
fKatakanaSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 13 Katakana x Katakana");
if ((fALetterSet.contains(c1) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c1) ||fNumericSet.contains(c1) ||
fKatakanaSet.contains(c1) || fExtendNumLetSet.contains(c1)) &&
fExtendNumLetSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 13a (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | KataKana | ExtendNumLet) x ExtendNumLet");
if (fExtendNumLetSet.contains(c1) &&
(fALetterSet.contains(c2) || fHebrew_LetterSet.contains(c2) ||
fNumericSet.contains(c2) || fKatakanaSet.contains(c2))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 13b ExtendNumLet x (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | Katakana)");
if (fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c0) && fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c1)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 15-17 Group pairs of Regional Indicators.");
if (fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c1) && fRegionalIndicatorSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 15-17 Group pairs of Regional Indicators.");
setAppliedRule(p2, "WB 999");
breakPos = p2;
return breakPos;
static class RBBILineMonkey extends RBBIMonkeyKind {
// UnicodeSets for each of the Line Breaking character classes.
// Order matches that of Unicode UAX 14, Table 1, which makes it a little easier
// to verify that they are all accounted for.
// XUnicodeSet is like UnicodeSet, except that the method contains(int codePoint) does not
// throw exceptions on out-of-range codePoints. This matches ICU4C behavior.
// The LineMonkey test (ported from ICU4C) relies on this behavior, it uses a value of -1
// to represent a non-codepoint that is not included in any of the property sets.
// This happens for rule 30a.
class XUnicodeSet extends UnicodeSet {
XUnicodeSet(String pattern) { super(pattern); }
XUnicodeSet() { super(); }
public boolean contains(int codePoint) {
return codePoint < UnicodeSet.MIN_VALUE || codePoint > UnicodeSet.MAX_VALUE ?
false : super.contains(codePoint);
// Declare these variables as XUnicodeSet, not merely as UnicodeSet,
// so that when we copy a new declaration from C++ (where only UnicodeSet exists),
// the missing 'X' prefix is visible;
// and when the prefix is there and we copy a new initializer we get a compiler error.
// (Otherwise we rely on the caller catching the IAE from using codePoint=-1
// and failing with a message that tells us what to do.)
XUnicodeSet fBK;
XUnicodeSet fCR;
XUnicodeSet fLF;
XUnicodeSet fCM;
XUnicodeSet fNL;
XUnicodeSet fSG;
XUnicodeSet fWJ;
XUnicodeSet fZW;
XUnicodeSet fGL;
XUnicodeSet fSP;
XUnicodeSet fB2;
XUnicodeSet fBA;
XUnicodeSet fBB;
XUnicodeSet fHH;
XUnicodeSet fHY;
XUnicodeSet fCB;
XUnicodeSet fCL;
XUnicodeSet fCP;
XUnicodeSet fEX;
XUnicodeSet fIN;
XUnicodeSet fNS;
XUnicodeSet fOP;
XUnicodeSet fQU;
XUnicodeSet fIS;
XUnicodeSet fNU;
XUnicodeSet fPO;
XUnicodeSet fPR;
XUnicodeSet fSY;
XUnicodeSet fAI;
XUnicodeSet fAL;
XUnicodeSet fCJ;
XUnicodeSet fH2;
XUnicodeSet fH3;
XUnicodeSet fHL;
XUnicodeSet fID;
XUnicodeSet fJL;
XUnicodeSet fJV;
XUnicodeSet fJT;
XUnicodeSet fRI;
XUnicodeSet fXX;
XUnicodeSet fEB;
XUnicodeSet fEM;
XUnicodeSet fZWJ;
XUnicodeSet fOP30;
XUnicodeSet fCP30;
XUnicodeSet fExtPictUnassigned;
StringBuffer fText;
int fOrigPositions;
fCharProperty = UProperty.LINE_BREAK;
fBK = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_Break=BK}]");
fCR = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CR}]");
fLF = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=LF}]");
fCM = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CM}]");
fNL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NL}]");
fSG = new XUnicodeSet("[\\ud800-\\udfff]");
fWJ = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=WJ}]");
fZW = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=ZW}]");
fGL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=GL}]");
fSP = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=SP}]");
fB2 = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=B2}]");
fBA = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=BA}]");
fBB = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=BB}]");
fHH = new XUnicodeSet();
fHY = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=HY}]");
fCB = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CB}]");
fCL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CL}]");
fCP = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CP}]");
fEX = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=EX}]");
fIN = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=IN}]");
fNS = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NS}]");
fOP = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=OP}]");
fQU = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=QU}]");
fIS = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=IS}]");
fNU = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NU}]");
fPO = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=PO}]");
fPR = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=PR}]");
fSY = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=SY}]");
fAI = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=AI}]");
fAL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=AL}]");
fCJ = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CJ}]");
fH2 = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=H2}]");
fH3 = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=H3}]");
fHL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=HL}]");
fID = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=ID}]");
fJL = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=JL}]");
fJV = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=JV}]");
fJT = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=JT}]");
fRI = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=RI}]");
fXX = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=XX}]");
fEB = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=EB}]");
fEM = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=EM}]");
fZWJ = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=ZWJ}]");
fOP30 = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=OP}-[\\p{ea=F}\\p{ea=W}\\p{ea=H}]]");
fCP30 = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CP}-[\\p{ea=F}\\p{ea=W}\\p{ea=H}]]");
fExtPictUnassigned = new XUnicodeSet("[\\p{Extended_Pictographic}&\\p{Cn}]");
// Remove dictionary characters.
// The monkey test reference implementation of line break does not replicate the dictionary behavior,
// so dictionary characters are omitted from the monkey test data.
UnicodeSet dictionarySet = new UnicodeSet(
"[[:LineBreak = Complex_Context:] & [[:Script = Thai:][:Script = Lao:][:Script = Khmer:] [:script = Myanmar:]]]");
fAL.addAll(fXX); // Default behavior for XX is identical to AL
fAL.addAll(fAI); // Default behavior for AI is identical to AL
fAL.addAll(fSG); // Default behavior for SG (unpaired surrogates) is AL
fNS.addAll(fCJ); // Default behavior for CJ is identical to NS.
fCM.addAll(fZWJ); // ZWJ behaves as a CM.
fHH.add('\u2010'); // Hyphen, '‐'
fSets.add(fBK); fClassNames.add("BK");
fSets.add(fCR); fClassNames.add("CR");
fSets.add(fLF); fClassNames.add("LF");
fSets.add(fCM); fClassNames.add("CM");
fSets.add(fNL); fClassNames.add("NL");
fSets.add(fWJ); fClassNames.add("WJ");
fSets.add(fZW); fClassNames.add("ZW");
fSets.add(fGL); fClassNames.add("GL");
fSets.add(fSP); fClassNames.add("SP");
fSets.add(fB2); fClassNames.add("B2");
fSets.add(fBA); fClassNames.add("BA");
fSets.add(fBB); fClassNames.add("BB");
fSets.add(fHY); fClassNames.add("HY");
fSets.add(fCB); fClassNames.add("CB");
fSets.add(fCL); fClassNames.add("CL");
fSets.add(fCP); fClassNames.add("CP");
fSets.add(fEX); fClassNames.add("EX");
fSets.add(fIN); fClassNames.add("IN");
fSets.add(fJL); fClassNames.add("JL");
fSets.add(fJT); fClassNames.add("JT");
fSets.add(fJV); fClassNames.add("JV");
fSets.add(fNS); fClassNames.add("NV");
fSets.add(fOP); fClassNames.add("OP");
fSets.add(fQU); fClassNames.add("QU");
fSets.add(fIS); fClassNames.add("IS");
fSets.add(fNU); fClassNames.add("NU");
fSets.add(fPO); fClassNames.add("PO");
fSets.add(fPR); fClassNames.add("PR");
fSets.add(fSY); fClassNames.add("SY");
fSets.add(fAI); fClassNames.add("AI");
fSets.add(fAL); fClassNames.add("AL");
fSets.add(fH2); fClassNames.add("H2");
fSets.add(fH3); fClassNames.add("H3");
fSets.add(fHL); fClassNames.add("HL");
fSets.add(fID); fClassNames.add("ID");
fSets.add(fRI); fClassNames.add("RI");
fSets.add(fSG); fClassNames.add("SG");
fSets.add(fEB); fClassNames.add("EB");
fSets.add(fEM); fClassNames.add("EM");
fSets.add(fZWJ); fClassNames.add("ZWJ");
// TODO: fOP30 & fCP30 overlap with plain fOP. Probably OK, but fOP/CP chars will be over-represented.
fSets.add(fOP30); fClassNames.add("OP30");
fSets.add(fCP30); fClassNames.add("CP30");
fSets.add(fExtPictUnassigned); fClassNames.add("fExtPictUnassigned");
void setText(StringBuffer s) {
fText = s;
int next(int startPos) {
int pos; // Index of the char following a potential break position
int thisChar; // Character at above position "pos"
int prevPos; // Index of the char preceding a potential break position
int prevChar; // Character at above position. Note that prevChar
// // and thisChar may not be adjacent because combining
// // characters between them will be ignored.
int prevPosX2;
int prevCharX2; // Character before prevChar, more context for LB 21a
int nextPos; // Index of the next character following pos.
// // Usually skips over combining marks.
int tPos; // temp value.
int matchVals[] = null; // Number Expression Match Results
if (startPos >= fText.length()) {
return -1;
// Initial values for loop. Loop will run the first time without finding breaks,
// while the invalid values shift out and the "this" and
// "prev" positions are filled in with good values.
pos = prevPos = prevPosX2 = -1; // Invalid value, serves as flag for initial loop iteration.
thisChar = prevChar = prevCharX2 = 0;
nextPos = startPos;
// Loop runs once per position in the test text, until a break position
// is found. In each iteration, we are testing for a possible break
// just preceding the character at index "pos". The character preceding
// this char is at position "prevPos"; because of combining sequences,
// "prevPos" can be arbitrarily far before "pos".
for (;;) {
// Advance to the next position to be tested.
prevPosX2 = prevPos;
prevCharX2 = prevChar;
prevPos = pos;
prevChar = thisChar;
pos = nextPos;
nextPos = moveIndex32(fText, pos, 1);
if (pos >= fText.length()) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 2 Break at end of text");
// We do this rule out-of-order because the adjustment does
// not effect the way that rules LB 3 through LB 6 match,
// and doing it here rather than after LB 6 is substantially
// simpler when combining sequences do occur.
// LB 9 Keep combining sequences together.
// advance over any CM class chars at "pos",
// result is "nextPos" for the following loop iteration.
thisChar = UTF16.charAt(fText, pos);
if (!(fSP.contains(thisChar) || fBK.contains(thisChar) || thisChar==0x0d ||
thisChar==0x0a || fNL.contains(thisChar) || fZW.contains(thisChar) )) {
for (;;) {
if (nextPos == fText.length()) {
int nextChar = UTF16.charAt(fText, nextPos);
if (!fCM.contains(nextChar)) {
nextPos = moveIndex32(fText, nextPos, 1);
// LB 9 Treat X CM* as if it were X
// No explicit action required.
// LB 10 Treat any remaining combining mark as AL
if (fCM.contains(thisChar)) {
thisChar = 'A';
// If the loop is still warming up - if we haven't shifted the initial
// -1 positions out of prevPos yet - loop back to advance the
// position in the input without any further looking for breaks.
if (prevPos == -1) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 9 adjust for combining sequences.");
if (fBK.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 4 Always break after hard line breaks");
if (fCR.contains(prevChar) && fLF.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 5 Break after CR, LF, NL, but not inside CR LF");
if (fCR.contains(prevChar) ||
fLF.contains(prevChar) ||
fNL.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 5 Break after CR, LF, NL, but not inside CR LF");
if (fBK.contains(thisChar) || fCR.contains(thisChar) ||
fLF.contains(thisChar) || fNL.contains(thisChar) ) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 6 Don't break before hard line breaks");
if (fSP.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 7 Don't break before spaces or zero-width space");
if (fZW.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 7 Don't break before spaces or zero-width space");
// ZW SP* ÷
// Scan backwards from prevChar for SP* ZW
tPos = prevPos;
while (tPos > 0 && fSP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
if (fZW.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 8 Break after zero width space");
// Move this test up, before LB8a, because numbers can match a longer sequence that would
// also match 8a. e.g. NU ZWJ IS PO (ZWJ acts like CM)
matchVals = LBNumberCheck(fText, prevPos, matchVals);
if (matchVals[0] != -1) {
// Matched a number. But could have been just a single digit, which would
// not represent a "no break here" between prevChar and thisChar
int numEndIdx = matchVals[1]; // idx of first char following num
if (numEndIdx > pos) {
// Number match includes at least the two chars being checked
if (numEndIdx > nextPos) {
// Number match includes additional chars. Update pos and nextPos
// so that next loop iteration will continue at the end of the number,
// checking for breaks between last char in number & whatever follows.
nextPos = numEndIdx;
pos = numEndIdx;
do {
pos = moveIndex32(fText, pos, -1);
thisChar = UTF16.charAt(fText, pos);
while (fCM.contains(thisChar));
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 25 Numbers");
// The monkey test's way of ignoring combining characters doesn't work
// for this rule. ZWJ is also a CM. Need to get the actual character
// preceding "thisChar", not ignoring combining marks, possibly ZWJ.
int prevC = fText.codePointBefore(pos);
if (fZWJ.contains(prevC)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 8a ZWJ x");
// appliedRule: "LB 9, 10"; // Already done, at top of loop.";
// x WJ
// WJ x
if (fWJ.contains(thisChar) || fWJ.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 11 Do not break before or after WORD JOINER and related characters.");
if (fGL.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 12 GL x");
if (!(fSP.contains(prevChar) ||
fBA.contains(prevChar) ||
fHY.contains(prevChar) ) && fGL.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 12a [^SP BA HY] x GL");
if (fCL.contains(thisChar) ||
fCP.contains(thisChar) ||
fEX.contains(thisChar) ||
fSY.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 13 Don't break before closings");
// Scan backwards, checking for this sequence.
// The OP char could include combining marks, so we actually check for
// OP CM* SP* x
tPos = prevPos;
if (fSP.contains(prevChar)) {
while (tPos > 0 && fSP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos=moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
while (tPos > 0 && fCM.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos=moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
if (fOP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 14 Don't break after OP SP*");
if (nextPos < fText.length()) {
int nextChar = fText.codePointAt(nextPos);
if (fSP.contains(prevChar) && fIS.contains(thisChar) && fNU.contains(nextChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 14a Break before an IS that begins a number and follows a space");
if (fIS.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 14b Do not break before numeric separators, even after spaces");
if (fOP.contains(thisChar)) {
// Scan backwards from prevChar to see if it is preceded by QU CM* SP*
tPos = prevPos;
while (tPos > 0 && fSP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
while (tPos > 0 && fCM.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
if (fQU.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 15 QU SP* x OP");
if (fNS.contains(thisChar)) {
tPos = prevPos;
while (tPos > 0 && fSP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
while (tPos > 0 && fCM.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
if (fCL.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos)) || fCP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 16 (CL | CP) SP* x NS");
if (fB2.contains(thisChar)) {
tPos = prevPos;
while (tPos > 0 && fSP.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
while (tPos > 0 && fCM.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
tPos = moveIndex32(fText, tPos, -1);
if (fB2.contains(UTF16.charAt(fText, tPos))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 17 B2 SP* x B2");
if (fSP.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 18 break after space");
// x QU
// QU x
if (fQU.contains(thisChar) || fQU.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 19");
if (fCB.contains(thisChar) || fCB.contains(prevChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 20 Break around a CB");
// Don't break between Hyphens and letters if a break precedes the hyphen.
// Formerly this was a Finnish tailoring.
// Moved to root in ICU 63. This is an ICU customization, not in UAX-14.
// ^($HY | $HH) $AL;
if (fAL.contains(thisChar) && (fHY.contains(prevChar) || fHH.contains(prevChar)) &&
prevPosX2 == -1) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 20.09");
if (fBA.contains(thisChar) ||
fHY.contains(thisChar) ||
fNS.contains(thisChar) ||
fBB.contains(prevChar) ) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 21");
if (fHL.contains(prevCharX2) && (fHY.contains(prevChar) || fBA.contains(prevChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 21a HL (HY | BA) x");
if (fSY.contains(prevChar) && fHL.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 21b SY x HL");
if (fIN.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 22");
// (AL | HL) x NU
// NU x (AL | HL)
if ((fAL.contains(prevChar) || fHL.contains(prevChar)) && fNU.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 23");
if (fNU.contains(prevChar) && (fAL.contains(thisChar) || fHL.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 23");
// Do not break between numeric prefixes and ideographs, or between ideographs and numeric postfixes.
// PR x (ID | EB | EM)
// (ID | EB | EM) x PO
if (fPR.contains(prevChar) &&
(fID.contains(thisChar) || fEB.contains(thisChar) || fEM.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 23a");
if ((fID.contains(prevChar) || fEB.contains(prevChar) || fEM.contains(prevChar)) &&
fPO.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 23a");
// Do not break between prefix and letters or ideographs.
// (PR | PO) x (AL | HL)
// (AL | HL) x (PR | PO)
if ((fPR.contains(prevChar) || fPO.contains(prevChar)) &&
(fAL.contains(thisChar) || fHL.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 24 no break between prefix and letters or ideographs");
if ((fAL.contains(prevChar) || fHL.contains(prevChar)) &&
(fPR.contains(thisChar) || fPO.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 24 no break between prefix and letters or ideographs");
// appliedRule: "LB 25 numbers match"; // moved up, before LB 8a,
if (fJL.contains(prevChar) && (fJL.contains(thisChar) ||
fJV.contains(thisChar) ||
fH2.contains(thisChar) ||
fH3.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 26 Do not break a Korean syllable.");
if ((fJV.contains(prevChar) || fH2.contains(prevChar)) &&
(fJV.contains(thisChar) || fJT.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 26 Do not break a Korean syllable.");
if ((fJT.contains(prevChar) || fH3.contains(prevChar)) &&
fJT.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 26 Do not break a Korean syllable.");
if ((fJL.contains(prevChar) || fJV.contains(prevChar) ||
fJT.contains(prevChar) || fH2.contains(prevChar) || fH3.contains(prevChar)) &&
fPO.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 27 Treat a Korean Syllable Block the same as ID.");
if (fPR.contains(prevChar) && (fJL.contains(thisChar) || fJV.contains(thisChar) ||
fJT.contains(thisChar) || fH2.contains(thisChar) || fH3.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 27 Treat a Korean Syllable Block the same as ID.");
if ((fAL.contains(prevChar) || fHL.contains(prevChar)) && (fAL.contains(thisChar) || fHL.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 28 Do not break between alphabetics");
if (fIS.contains(prevChar) && (fAL.contains(thisChar) || fHL.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 29 Do not break between numeric punctuation and alphabetics");
// (AL | NU) x OP
// CP x (AL | NU)
if ((fAL.contains(prevChar) || fHL.contains(prevChar) || fNU.contains(prevChar)) &&
fOP30.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 30 Do not break between letters, numbers, or ordinary symbols and opening or closing punctuation.");
if (fCP30.contains(prevChar) &&
(fAL.contains(thisChar) || fHL.contains(thisChar) || fNU.contains(thisChar))) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 30 Do not break between letters, numbers, or ordinary symbols and opening or closing punctuation.");
// RI RI ÷ RI
// RI x RI
if (fRI.contains(prevCharX2) && fRI.contains(prevChar) && fRI.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 30a Break between pairs of Regional Indicators.");
if (fRI.contains(prevChar) && fRI.contains(thisChar)) {
// Two Regional Indicators have been paired.
// Over-write the trailing one (thisChar) to prevent it from forming another pair with a
// following RI. This is a hack.
thisChar = -1;
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 30a Break between pairs of Regional Indicators.");
// LB30b Do not break between an emoji base (or potential emoji) and an emoji modifier.
if (fEB.contains(prevChar) && fEM.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 30b Emoji Base x Emoji Modifier");
if (fExtPictUnassigned.contains(prevChar) && fEM.contains(thisChar)) {
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB30b [\\p{Extended_Pictographic}&\\p{Cn}] × EM");
// LB 31 Break everywhere else
setAppliedRule(pos, "LB 31 Break everywhere else");
return pos;
// Match the following regular expression in the input text.
// ((PR | PO) CM*)? ((OP | HY) CM*)? (IS CM*)? NU CM* ((NU | IS | SY) CM*) * ((CL | CP) CM*)? (PR | PO) CM*)?
// 0 0 1 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 11 11 (match states)
// retVals array [0] index of the start of the match, or -1 if no match
// [1] index of first char following the match.
// Can not use Java regex because need supplementary character support,
// and because Unicode char properties version must be the same as in
// the version of ICU being tested.
private int[] LBNumberCheck(StringBuffer s, int startIdx, int[] retVals) {
if (retVals == null) {
retVals = new int[2];
retVals[0] = -1; // Indicates no match.
int matchState = 0;
int idx = startIdx;
matchLoop: for (idx = startIdx; idx<s.length(); idx = moveIndex32(s, idx, 1)){
int c = UTF16.charAt(s, idx);
int cLBType = UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(c, UProperty.LINE_BREAK);
switch (matchState) {
case 0:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.PREFIX_NUMERIC ||
cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.POSTFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 1;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.OPEN_PUNCTUATION) {
matchState = 4;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.HYPHEN) {
matchState = 4;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.INFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 5;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
break matchLoop; /* No Match */
case 1:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 1;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.OPEN_PUNCTUATION) {
matchState = 4;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.HYPHEN) {
matchState = 4;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.INFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 5;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
break matchLoop; /* No Match */
case 4:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 4;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.INFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 5;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
break matchLoop; /* No Match */
case 5:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 5;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
break matchLoop; /* No Match */
case 7:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 7;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.INFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 7;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.BREAK_SYMBOLS) {
matchState = 7;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.CLOSE_PUNCTUATION) {
matchState = 9;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS) {
matchState = 9;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.POSTFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 11;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.PREFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 11;
break matchLoop; // Match Complete.
case 9:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 9;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.POSTFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 11;
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.PREFIX_NUMERIC) {
matchState = 11;
break matchLoop; // Match Complete.
case 11:
if (cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.COMBINING_MARK || cLBType == UCharacter.LineBreak.ZWJ) {
matchState = 11;
break matchLoop; // Match Complete.
if (matchState >= 7) {
retVals[0] = startIdx;
retVals[1] = idx;
return retVals;
List charClasses() {
return fSets;
* Sentence Monkey Test Class
static class RBBISentenceMonkey extends RBBIMonkeyKind {
StringBuffer fText;
UnicodeSet fSepSet;
UnicodeSet fFormatSet;
UnicodeSet fSpSet;
UnicodeSet fLowerSet;
UnicodeSet fUpperSet;
UnicodeSet fOLetterSet;
UnicodeSet fNumericSet;
UnicodeSet fATermSet;
UnicodeSet fSContinueSet;
UnicodeSet fSTermSet;
UnicodeSet fCloseSet;
UnicodeSet fOtherSet;
UnicodeSet fExtendSet;
RBBISentenceMonkey() {
fCharProperty = UProperty.SENTENCE_BREAK;
// Separator Set Note: Beginning with Unicode 5.1, CR and LF were removed from the separator
// set and made into character classes of their own. For the monkey impl,
// they remain in SEP, since Sep always appears with CR and LF in the rules.
fSepSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Sep} \\u000a \\u000d]");
fFormatSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Format}]");
fSpSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Sp}]");
fLowerSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Lower}]");
fUpperSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Upper}]");
fOLetterSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = OLetter}]");
fNumericSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Numeric}]");
fATermSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = ATerm}]");
fSContinueSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = SContinue}]");
fSTermSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = STerm}]");
fCloseSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Close}]");
fExtendSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Sentence_Break = Extend}]");
fOtherSet = new UnicodeSet();
fSets.add(fSepSet); fClassNames.add("Sep");
fSets.add(fFormatSet); fClassNames.add("Format");
fSets.add(fSpSet); fClassNames.add("Sp");
fSets.add(fLowerSet); fClassNames.add("Lower");
fSets.add(fUpperSet); fClassNames.add("Upper");
fSets.add(fOLetterSet); fClassNames.add("OLetter");
fSets.add(fNumericSet); fClassNames.add("Numeric");
fSets.add(fATermSet); fClassNames.add("ATerm");
fSets.add(fSContinueSet); fClassNames.add("SContinue");
fSets.add(fSTermSet); fClassNames.add("STerm");
fSets.add(fCloseSet); fClassNames.add("Close");
fSets.add(fOtherSet); fClassNames.add("Other");
fSets.add(fExtendSet); fClassNames.add("Extend");
List charClasses() {
return fSets;
void setText(StringBuffer s) {
fText = s;
// moveBack() Find the "significant" code point preceding the index i.
// Skips over ($Extend | $Format)*
private int moveBack(int i) {
if (i <= 0) {
return -1;
int c;
int j = i;
do {
j = moveIndex32(fText, j, -1);
c = UTF16.charAt(fText, j);
while (j>0 &&(fFormatSet.contains(c) || fExtendSet.contains(c)));
return j;
int moveForward(int i) {
if (i>=fText.length()) {
return fText.length();
int c;
int j = i;
do {
j = moveIndex32(fText, j, 1);
c = cAt(j);
while (c>=0 && (fFormatSet.contains(c) || fExtendSet.contains(c)));
return j;
int cAt(int pos) {
if (pos<0 || pos>=fText.length()) {
return -1;
return UTF16.charAt(fText, pos);
int next(int prevPos) {
int /*p0,*/ p1, p2, p3; // Indices of the significant code points around the
// break position being tested. The candidate break
// location is before p2.
int breakPos = -1;
int c0, c1, c2, c3; // The code points at p0, p1, p2 & p3.
int c;
// Prev break at end of string. return DONE.
if (prevPos >= fText.length()) {
return -1;
/*p0 =*/ p1 = p2 = p3 = prevPos;
c3 = UTF16.charAt(fText, prevPos);
c0 = c1 = c2 = 0;
// Loop runs once per "significant" character position in the input text.
for (;;) {
// Move all of the positions forward in the input string.
/*p0 = p1;*/ c0 = c1;
p1 = p2; c1 = c2;
p2 = p3; c2 = c3;
// Advance p3 by X(Extend | Format)* Rule 4
p3 = moveForward(p3);
c3 = cAt(p3);
if (c1==0x0d && c2==0x0a && p2==(p1+1)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB3 CR x LF");
if (fSepSet.contains(c1)) {
p2 = p1+1; // Separators don't combine with Extend or Format
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB4 Sep <break>");
if (p2 >= fText.length()) {
// Reached end of string. Always a break position.
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB4 Sep <break>");
if (p2 == prevPos) {
// Still warming up the loop. (won't work with zero length strings, but we don't care)
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB4 Sep <break>");
if (fATermSet.contains(c1) && fNumericSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB6 ATerm x Numeric");
if ((fUpperSet.contains(c0) || fLowerSet.contains(c0)) &&
fATermSet.contains(c1) && fUpperSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB7 (Upper | Lower) ATerm x Uppper");
// Note: Sterm | ATerm are added to the negated part of the expression by a
// note to the Unicode 5.0 documents.
int p8 = p1;
while (p8>0 && fSpSet.contains(cAt(p8))) {
p8 = moveBack(p8);
while (p8>0 && fCloseSet.contains(cAt(p8))) {
p8 = moveBack(p8);
if (fATermSet.contains(cAt(p8))) {
for (;;) {
c = cAt(p8);
if (c==-1 || fOLetterSet.contains(c) || fUpperSet.contains(c) ||
fLowerSet.contains(c) || fSepSet.contains(c) ||
fATermSet.contains(c) || fSTermSet.contains(c))
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB8 ATerm Close* Sp* x (not (OLettter | Upper | Lower | Sep))* Lower");
p8 = moveForward(p8);
if (p8<fText.length() && fLowerSet.contains(cAt(p8))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB8 ATerm Close* Sp* x (not (OLettter | Upper | Lower | Sep))* Lower");
if (fSContinueSet.contains(c2) || fSTermSet.contains(c2) || fATermSet.contains(c2)) {
p8 = p1;
while (setContains(fSpSet, cAt(p8))) {
p8 = moveBack(p8);
while (setContains(fCloseSet, cAt(p8))) {
p8 = moveBack(p8);
c = cAt(p8);
if (setContains(fSTermSet, c) || setContains(fATermSet, c)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB8a (STerm | ATerm) Close* Sp* x (SContinue | Sterm | ATerm)");
int p9 = p1;
while (p9>0 && fCloseSet.contains(cAt(p9))) {
p9 = moveBack(p9);
c = cAt(p9);
if ((fSTermSet.contains(c) || fATermSet.contains(c))) {
if (fCloseSet.contains(c2) || fSpSet.contains(c2) || fSepSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB9 (STerm | ATerm) Close* x (Close | Sp | Sep | CR | LF)");
int p10 = p1;
while (p10>0 && fSpSet.contains(cAt(p10))) {
p10 = moveBack(p10);
while (p10>0 && fCloseSet.contains(cAt(p10))) {
p10 = moveBack(p10);
if (fSTermSet.contains(cAt(p10)) || fATermSet.contains(cAt(p10))) {
if (fSpSet.contains(c2) || fSepSet.contains(c2)) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB10 (Sterm | ATerm) Close* Sp* x (Sp | Sep | CR | LF)");
int p11 = p1;
if (p11>0 && fSepSet.contains(cAt(p11))) {
p11 = moveBack(p11);
while (p11>0 && fSpSet.contains(cAt(p11))) {
p11 = moveBack(p11);
while (p11>0 && fCloseSet.contains(cAt(p11))) {
p11 = moveBack(p11);
if (fSTermSet.contains(cAt(p11)) || fATermSet.contains(cAt(p11))) {
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB11 (STerm | ATerm) Close* Sp* <break>");
setAppliedRule(p2, "SB12 Any x Any");
breakPos = p2;
return breakPos;
* Move an index into a string by n code points.
* Similar to UTF16.moveCodePointOffset, but without the exceptions, which were
* complicating usage.
* @param s a Text string
* @param pos The starting code unit index into the text string
* @param amt The amount to adjust the string by.
* @return The adjusted code unit index, pinned to the string's length, or
* unchanged if input index was outside of the string.
static int moveIndex32(StringBuffer s, int pos, int amt) {
int i;
char c;
if (amt>0) {
for (i=0; i<amt; i++) {
if (pos >= s.length()) {
return s.length();
c = s.charAt(pos);
if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(c) && pos < s.length()) {
c = s.charAt(pos);
if (UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c)) {
} else {
for (i=0; i>amt; i--) {
if (pos <= 0) {
return 0;
c = s.charAt(pos);
if (UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c) && pos >= 0) {
c = s.charAt(pos);
if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(c)) {
return pos;
* No-exceptions form of UnicodeSet.contains(c).
* Simplifies loops that terminate with an end-of-input character value.
* @param s A unicode set
* @param c A code point value
* @return true if the set contains c.
static boolean setContains(UnicodeSet s, int c) {
if (c<0 || c>UTF16.CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE ) {
return false;
return s.contains(c);
* return the index of the next code point in the input text.
* @param i the preceding index
static int nextCP(StringBuffer s, int i) {
if (i == -1) {
// End of Input indication. Continue to return end value.
return -1;
int retVal = i + 1;
if (retVal > s.length()) {
return -1;
int c = UTF16.charAt(s, i);
if (c >= UTF16.SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s.charAt(i))) {
return retVal;
* random number generator. Not using Java's built-in Randoms for two reasons:
* 1. Using this code allows obtaining the same sequences as those from the ICU4C monkey test.
* 2. We need to get and restore the seed from values occurring in the middle
* of a long sequence, to more easily reproduce failing cases.
private static int m_seed = 1;
private static int m_rand()
m_seed = m_seed * 1103515245 + 12345;
return (m_seed >>> 16) % 32768;
// Helper function for formatting error output.
// Append a string into a fixed-size field in a StringBuffer.
// Blank-pad the string if it is shorter than the field.
// Truncate the source string if it is too long.
private static void appendToBuf(StringBuffer dest, String src, int fieldLen) {
int appendLen = src.length();
if (appendLen >= fieldLen) {
dest.append(src.substring(0, fieldLen));
} else {
while (appendLen < fieldLen) {
dest.append(' ');
// Helper function for formatting error output.
// Display a code point in "\\uxxxx" or "\Uxxxxxxxx" format
private static void appendCharToBuf(StringBuffer dest, int c, int fieldLen) {
String hexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
if (c < 0x10000) {
for (int bn=12; bn>=0; bn-=4) {
appendToBuf(dest, " ", fieldLen-6);
} else {
for (int bn=28; bn>=0; bn-=4) {
appendToBuf(dest, " ", fieldLen-10);
* Run a RBBI monkey test. Common routine, for all break iterator types.
* Parameters:
* bi - the break iterator to use
* mk - MonkeyKind, abstraction for obtaining expected results
* name - Name of test (char, word, etc.) for use in error messages
* seed - Seed for starting random number generator (parameter from user)
* numIterations
void RunMonkey(BreakIterator bi, RBBIMonkeyKind mk, String name, int seed, int numIterations) {
StringBuffer testText = new StringBuffer();
int numCharClasses;
List chClasses;
int expectedCount = 0;
boolean[] expectedBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
boolean[] forwardBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
boolean[] reverseBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
boolean[] isBoundaryBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
boolean[] followingBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
boolean[] precedingBreaks = new boolean[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
int i;
int loopCount = 0;
boolean printTestData = false;
boolean printBreaksFromBI = false;
m_seed = seed;
numCharClasses = mk.charClasses().size();
chClasses = mk.charClasses();
// Verify that the character classes all have at least one member.
for (i=0; i<numCharClasses; i++) {
UnicodeSet s = (UnicodeSet)chClasses.get(i);
if (s == null || s.size() == 0) {
errln("Character Class " + i + " is null or of zero size.");
// Debugging settings. Comment out everything in the following block for normal operation
// numIterations = -1;
// numIterations = 10000; // Same as exhaustive.
// RuleBasedBreakIterator_New.fTrace = true;
// m_seed = 859056465;
// printTestData = true;
// printBreaksFromBI = true;
// ((RuleBasedBreakIterator_New)bi).dump();
// End of Debugging settings.
// For minimizing width of class name output.
int classNameSize = mk.maxClassNameSize();
int dotsOnLine = 0;
while (loopCount < numIterations || numIterations == -1) {
if (numIterations == -1 && loopCount % 10 == 0) {
// If test is running in an infinite loop, display a periodic tic so
// we can tell that it is making progress.
if (dotsOnLine++ >= 80){
dotsOnLine = 0;
// Save current random number seed, so that we can recreate the random numbers
// for this loop iteration in event of an error.
seed = m_seed;
// Populate a test string with data.
if (printTestData) {
System.out.println("Test Data string ...");
for (i=0; i<TESTSTRINGLEN; i++) {
int aClassNum = m_rand() % numCharClasses;
UnicodeSet classSet = (UnicodeSet)chClasses.get(aClassNum);
int charIdx = m_rand() % classSet.size();
int c = classSet.charAt(charIdx);
if (c < 0) { // TODO: deal with sets containing strings.
errln("c < 0");
// Do not assemble a supplementary character from randomly generated separate surrogates.
// (It could be a dictionary character)
if (c < 0x10000 && Character.isLowSurrogate((char)c) && testText.length() > 0 &&
Character.isHighSurrogate(testText.charAt(testText.length()-1))) {
if (printTestData) {
System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(c) + " ");
if (printTestData) {
Arrays.fill(expectedBreaks, false);
Arrays.fill(forwardBreaks, false);
Arrays.fill(reverseBreaks, false);
Arrays.fill(isBoundaryBreaks, false);
Arrays.fill(followingBreaks, false);
Arrays.fill(precedingBreaks, false);
// Calculate the expected results for this test string and reset applied rules.
expectedCount = 0;
expectedBreaks[0] = true;
int breakPos = 0;
int lastBreakPos = -1;
for (;;) {
lastBreakPos = breakPos;
breakPos =;
if (breakPos == -1) {
if (breakPos > testText.length()) {
errln("breakPos > testText.length()");
if (lastBreakPos >= breakPos) {
errln("Next() not increasing.");
// break;
expectedBreaks[breakPos] = true;
// Find the break positions using forward iteration
if (printBreaksFromBI) {
System.out.println("Breaks from BI...");
for (i=bi.first(); i != BreakIterator.DONE; {
if (i < 0 || i > testText.length()) {
errln(name + " break monkey test: Out of range value returned by breakIterator::next()");
if (printBreaksFromBI) {
System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(i) + " ");
forwardBreaks[i] = true;
if (printBreaksFromBI) {
// Find the break positions using reverse iteration
for (i=bi.last(); i != BreakIterator.DONE; i=bi.previous()) {
if (i < 0 || i > testText.length()) {
errln(name + " break monkey test: Out of range value returned by" + name);
reverseBreaks[i] = true;
// Find the break positions using isBoundary() tests.
for (i=0; i<=testText.length(); i++) {
isBoundaryBreaks[i] = bi.isBoundary(i);
// Find the break positions using the following() function.
lastBreakPos = 0;
followingBreaks[0] = true;
for (i=0; i<testText.length(); i++) {
breakPos = bi.following(i);
if (breakPos <= i ||
breakPos < lastBreakPos ||
breakPos > testText.length() ||
breakPos > lastBreakPos && lastBreakPos > i ) {
errln(name + " break monkey test: " +
"Out of range value returned by BreakIterator::following().\n" +
"index=" + i + "following returned=" + breakPos +
"lastBreak=" + lastBreakPos);
precedingBreaks[i] = !expectedBreaks[i]; // Forces an error.
} else {
followingBreaks[breakPos] = true;
lastBreakPos = breakPos;
// Find the break positions using the preceding() function.
lastBreakPos = testText.length();
precedingBreaks[testText.length()] = true;
for (i=testText.length(); i>0; i--) {
breakPos = bi.preceding(i);
if (breakPos >= i ||
breakPos > lastBreakPos ||
breakPos < 0 ||
breakPos < lastBreakPos && lastBreakPos < i ) {
errln(name + " break monkey test: " +
"Out of range value returned by BreakIterator::preceding().\n" +
"index=" + i + "preceding returned=" + breakPos +
"lastBreak=" + lastBreakPos);
precedingBreaks[i] = !expectedBreaks[i]; // Forces an error.
} else {
precedingBreaks[breakPos] = true;
lastBreakPos = breakPos;
// Compare the expected and actual results.
for (i=0; i<=testText.length(); i++) {
String errorType = null;
boolean[] currentBreakData = null;
if (forwardBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i]) {
errorType = "next()";
currentBreakData = forwardBreaks;
} else if (reverseBreaks[i] != forwardBreaks[i]) {
errorType = "previous()";
currentBreakData = reverseBreaks;
} else if (isBoundaryBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i]) {
errorType = "isBoundary()";
currentBreakData = isBoundaryBreaks;
} else if (followingBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i]) {
errorType = "following()";
currentBreakData = followingBreaks;
} else if (precedingBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i]) {
errorType = "preceding()";
currentBreakData = precedingBreaks;
if (errorType != null) {
// Format a range of the test text that includes the failure as
// a data item that can be included in the rbbi test data file.
// Start of the range is the last point where expected and actual results
// both agreed that there was a break position.
int startContext = i;
int count = 0;
for (;;) {
if (startContext==0) { break; }
startContext --;
if (expectedBreaks[startContext]) {
if (count == 2) break;
count ++;
// End of range is two expected breaks past the start position.
int endContext = i + 1;
int ci;
for (ci=0; ci<2; ci++) { // Number of items to include in error text.
for (;;) {
if (endContext >= testText.length()) {break;}
if (expectedBreaks[endContext-1]) {
if (count == 0) break;
count --;
endContext ++;
// Formatting of each line includes:
// character code
// reference break: '|' -> a break, '.' -> no break
// actual break: '|' -> a break, '.' -> no break
// (name of character clase)
// Unicode name of character
// '--→' indicates location of the difference.
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
.append((expectedBreaks[i] ? "Break expected but not found." : "Break found but not expected."))
String.format(" at index %d. Parameters to reproduce: @\"type=%s seed=%d loop=1\"\n",
i, name, seed));
int c; // Char from test data
for (ci = startContext; ci <= endContext && ci != -1; ci = nextCP(testText, ci)) {
c = testText.codePointAt(ci);
buffer.append((ci == i) ? " --→" : " ")
.append(String.format(" %3d : ", ci))
.append(!expectedBreaks[ci] ? " . " : " | ") // Reference break
.append(!currentBreakData[ci] ? " . " : " | "); // Actual break
// BMP or SMP character in hex
if (c >= 0x10000) {
buffer.append("\\U").append(String.format("%08x", c));
} else {
buffer.append(" \\u").append(String.format("%04x", c));
String.format(String.format(" %%-%ds", classNameSize),
.append(String.format(" %-40s", mk.getAppliedRule(ci)))
.append(String.format(" %-40s\n", UCharacter.getExtendedName(c)));
if (ci >= endContext) { break; }
// Test parameters are passed on the command line, or
// via the Eclipse Run Configuration settings, arguments tab, VM parameters.
// For example,
// -ea -Dseed=554654 -Dloop=1
public void TestCharMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 500 : 10000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
RBBICharMonkey m = new RBBICharMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(Locale.US);
RunMonkey(bi, m, "char", seed, loopCount);
public void TestWordMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 500 : 10000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Word Break Monkey Test");
RBBIWordMonkey m = new RBBIWordMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(Locale.US);
RunMonkey(bi, m, "word", seed, loopCount);
public void TestLineMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 500 : 10000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Line Break Monkey Test");
RBBILineMonkey m = new RBBILineMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(Locale.US);
try {
RunMonkey(bi, m, "line", seed, loopCount);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("Invalid code point U+-000001")) {
// Looks like you used class UnicodeSet instead of class XUnicodeSet
// (note the leading 'X').
// See the comment before the definition of class XUnicodeSet.
errln("Probable program error: use XUnicodeSet in RBBILineMonkey code");
} else {
throw e;
public void TestSentMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 500 : 3000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Sentence Break Monkey Test");
RBBISentenceMonkey m = new RBBISentenceMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.US);
RunMonkey(bi, m, "sent", seed, loopCount);
// Round-trip monkey tests.
// Verify that break iterators created from the rule source from the default
// break iterators still pass the monkey test for the iterator type.
// This is a major test for the Rule Compiler. The default break iterators are built
// from pre-compiled binary rule data that was created using ICU4C; these
// round-trip rule recompile tests verify that the Java rule compiler can
// rebuild break iterators from the original source rules.
public void TestRTCharMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 200 : 2000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
RBBICharMonkey m = new RBBICharMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(Locale.US);
String rules = bi.toString();
BreakIterator rtbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rules);
RunMonkey(rtbi, m, "char", seed, loopCount);
public void TestRTWordMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 200 : 2000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Word Break Monkey Test");
RBBIWordMonkey m = new RBBIWordMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(Locale.US);
String rules = bi.toString();
BreakIterator rtbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rules);
RunMonkey(rtbi, m, "word", seed, loopCount);
public void TestRTLineMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 200 : 2000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Line Break Monkey Test");
RBBILineMonkey m = new RBBILineMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(Locale.US);
String rules = bi.toString();
BreakIterator rtbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rules);
try {
RunMonkey(rtbi, m, "line", seed, loopCount);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("Invalid code point U+-000001")) {
// Looks like you used class UnicodeSet instead of class XUnicodeSet
// (note the leading 'X').
// See the comment before the definition of class XUnicodeSet.
errln("Probable program error: use XUnicodeSet in RBBILineMonkey code");
} else {
throw e;
public void TestRTSentMonkey() {
int loopCount = getIntProperty("loop", isQuick() ? 200 : 1000);
int seed = getIntProperty("seed", 1);
logln("Sentence Break Monkey Test");
RBBISentenceMonkey m = new RBBISentenceMonkey();
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.US);
String rules = bi.toString();
BreakIterator rtbi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rules);
RunMonkey(rtbi, m, "sent", seed, loopCount);