blob: 6da155240e76ee188ce3703a719f874ae9c7bcf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
//#if defined(FOUNDATION10) || defined(J2SE13) || defined(ECLIPSE_FRAGMENT)
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
class ICUResourceBundleImpl {
static final class ResourceArray extends ICUResourceBundle {
protected String[] handleGetStringArray() {
String[] strings = new String[size];
UResourceBundleIterator iter = getIterator();
int i = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
strings[i++] =;
return strings;
* @internal ICU 3.0
public String[] getStringArray() {
return handleGetStringArray();
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(String indexStr, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
int[] index, boolean[] isAlias) {
index[0] = getIndex(indexStr);
if (index[0] > -1) {
return handleGetImpl(index[0], table, requested, isAlias);
throw new UResourceTypeMismatchException("Could not get the correct value for index: "+ index);
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(int index, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
boolean[] isAlias) {
if (index > size) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int itemOffset = offset + getIntOffset(index + 1);
long itemResource = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,itemOffset);
String path = (isTopLevel == true) ? Integer.toString(index) : resPath + "/" + index;
return createBundleObject(Integer.toString(index), itemResource, path, table, requested, this, isAlias);
private int countItems() {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int value = getInt(rawData,offset);
return value;
ResourceArray(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
assign(this, bundle);
this.resource = resource;
this.key = key;
this.size = countItems();
this.resPath = resPath;
createLookupCache(); // Use bundle cache to access array entries
static final class ResourceBinary extends ICUResourceBundle {
private byte[] value;
public ByteBuffer getBinary() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(value);
public byte [] getBinary(byte []ba) {
return value;
private byte[] getValue() {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int length = ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,offset);
int byteOffset = offset + getIntOffset(1);
byte[] dst = new byte[length];
//if (ASSERT) Assert.assrt("byteOffset+length < rawData.length", byteOffset+length < rawData.length);
System.arraycopy(rawData, byteOffset, dst, 0, length);
return dst;
ResourceBinary(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
assign(this, bundle);
this.resource = resource;
this.key = key;
this.resPath = resPath;
value = getValue();
static final class ResourceInt extends ICUResourceBundle {
public int getInt() {
return RES_GET_INT(resource);
public int getUInt() {
long ret = RES_GET_UINT(resource);
return (int) ret;
ResourceInt(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
assign(this, bundle);
this.key = key;
this.resource = resource;
this.resPath = resPath;
static final class ResourceString extends ICUResourceBundle {
private String value;
public String getString() {
return value;
ResourceString(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
assign(this, bundle);
value = getStringValue(resource);
this.key = key;
this.resource = resource;
this.resPath = resPath;
static final class ResourceIntVector extends ICUResourceBundle {
private int[] value;
public int[] getIntVector() {
return value;
private int[] getValue() {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int length = ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,offset);
int intOffset = offset + getIntOffset(1);
int[] val = new int[length];
//int byteLength = getIntOffset(length);
//if (ASSERT) Assert.assrt("(intOffset+byteLength)<rawData.length", (intOffset+byteLength)<rawData.length);
for(int i=0; i<length;i++){
val[i]=ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData, intOffset+getIntOffset(i));
return val;
ResourceIntVector(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
assign(this, bundle);
this.key = key;
this.resource = resource;
this.size = 1;
this.resPath = resPath;
value = getValue();
static final class ResourceTable extends ICUResourceBundle {
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(String resKey, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
int[] index, boolean[] isAlias) {
return null;
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
// offset+0 contains number of entries
// offset+1 contains the keyOffset
int currentOffset = (offset) + getCharOffset(1);
//int keyOffset = rawData.getChar(currentOffset);
/* do a binary search for the key */
index[0] = findKey(size, currentOffset, this, resKey);
if (index[0] == -1) {
//throw new MissingResourceException(ICUResourceBundleReader.getFullName(baseName, localeID),
// localeID,
// key);
return null;
currentOffset += getCharOffset(size + (~size & 1))
+ getIntOffset(index[0]);
long resOffset = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData, currentOffset);
String path = (isTopLevel == true) ? resKey : resPath + "/" + resKey;
return createBundleObject(resKey, resOffset, path, table, requested, this, isAlias);
public int getOffset(int currentOffset, int index) {
return getChar(rawData, currentOffset + getCharOffset(index));
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(int index, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
boolean[] isAlias) {
if (index > size) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
// offset+0 contains number of entries
// offset+1 contains the keyOffset
int currentOffset = (offset) + getCharOffset(1);
int betterOffset = getOffset(currentOffset, index);
String itemKey = RES_GET_KEY(rawData, betterOffset).toString();
currentOffset += getCharOffset(size + (~size & 1))
+ getIntOffset(index);
long resOffset = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,currentOffset);
String path = (isTopLevel == true) ? itemKey : resPath + "/" + itemKey;
return createBundleObject(itemKey, resOffset, path, table, requested, this, isAlias);
private int countItems() {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int value = getChar(rawData,offset);
return value;
ResourceTable(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
this(key, resPath, resource, bundle, false);
ResourceTable(ICUResourceBundleReader reader, String baseName, String localeID, ClassLoader loader) {
this.rawData = reader.getData();
this.rootResource = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & reader.getRootResource();
this.noFallback = reader.getNoFallback();
this.baseName = baseName;
this.localeID = localeID;
this.ulocale = new ULocale(localeID);
this.loader = loader;
initialize(null, "", rootResource, null, isTopLevel);
void initialize(String resKey, String resourcePath, long resOffset,
ICUResourceBundle bundle, boolean topLevel){
assign(this, bundle);
key = resKey;
resource = resOffset;
isTopLevel = topLevel;
size = countItems();
resPath = resourcePath;
createLookupCache(); // Use bundle cache to access nested resources
ResourceTable(String key, String resPath, long resource,
ICUResourceBundle bundle, boolean isTopLevel) {
initialize(key, resPath, resource, bundle, isTopLevel);
static final class ResourceTable32 extends ICUResourceBundle{
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(String resKey, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
int[] index, boolean[] isAlias) {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
// offset+0 contains number of entries
// offset+1 contains the keyOffset
int currentOffset = (offset) + getIntOffset(1);
//int keyOffset = rawData.getChar(currentOffset);
/* do a binary search for the key */
index[0] = findKey(size, currentOffset, this, resKey);
if (index[0] == -1) {
throw new MissingResourceException(
"Could not find resource ",
ICUResourceBundleReader.getFullName(baseName, localeID),
currentOffset += getIntOffset(size) + getIntOffset(index[0]);
long resOffset = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,currentOffset);
String path = (isTopLevel == true) ? resKey : resPath + "/" + resKey;
return createBundleObject(resKey, resOffset, path, table, requested, this, isAlias);
public int getOffset(int currentOffset, int index) {
return ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData, currentOffset + getIntOffset(index));
protected UResourceBundle handleGetImpl(int index, HashMap table, UResourceBundle requested,
boolean[] isAlias) {
return null;
if (index > size) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
// offset+0 contains number of entries
// offset+1 contains the keyOffset
int currentOffset = (offset) + getIntOffset(1)
+ getIntOffset(index);
int betterOffset = getOffset(currentOffset, 0);
String itemKey = RES_GET_KEY(rawData, betterOffset).toString();
currentOffset += getIntOffset(size);
long resOffset = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData,currentOffset);
String path = (isTopLevel == true) ? Integer.toString(index) : resPath + "/" + index;
return createBundleObject(itemKey, resOffset, path, table, requested, this, isAlias);
private int countItems() {
int offset = RES_GET_OFFSET(resource);
int value = ICUResourceBundle.getInt(rawData, offset);
return value;
ResourceTable32(String key, String resPath, long resource, ICUResourceBundle bundle) {
this(key, resPath, resource, bundle, false);
ResourceTable32(ICUResourceBundleReader reader, String baseName, String localeID, ClassLoader loader) {
this.rawData = reader.getData();
this.rootResource = (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & reader.getRootResource();
this.noFallback = reader.getNoFallback();
this.baseName = baseName;
this.localeID = localeID;
this.ulocale = new ULocale(localeID);
this.loader = loader;
initialize(null, "", rootResource, null, isTopLevel);
void initialize(String resKey, String resourcePath, long resOffset,
ICUResourceBundle bundle, boolean topLevel){
assign(this, bundle);
key = resKey;
resource = resOffset;
isTopLevel = topLevel;
size = countItems();
resPath = resourcePath;
createLookupCache(); // Use bundle cache to access nested resources
ResourceTable32(String key, String resPath, long resource,
ICUResourceBundle bundle, boolean isTopLevel) {
initialize(key, resPath, resource, bundle, isTopLevel);