blob: 3e3c4712a866f9a1e93552e5b39b7f0e69e68d5e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
* TestFmwk is a base class for tests that can be run conveniently from
* the command line as well as under the Java test harness.
* <p>
* Sub-classes implement a set of methods named Test<something>. Each
* of these methods performs some test. Test methods should indicate
* errors by calling either err or errln. This will increment the
* errorCount field and may optionally print a message to the log.
* Debugging information may also be added to the log via the log
* and logln methods. These methods will add their arguments to the
* log only if the test is being run in verbose mode.
public class TestFmwk extends AbstractTestLog {
* Puts a copyright in the .class file
private static final String copyrightNotice
= "Copyright \u00a91997-2003 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.";
* The default time zone for all of our tests. Used in;
private final static TimeZone defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
* The default locale used for all of our tests. Used in;
private final static Locale defaultLocale = Locale.US;
public static final class TestFmwkException extends Exception {
TestFmwkException(String msg) {
// use this instead of new random so we get a consistent seed
// for our tests
protected Random createRandom() {
return new Random(params.seed);
* A test that has no test methods itself, but instead runs other tests.
* This overrides methods are getTargets and getSubtest from TestFmwk.
* If you want the default behavior, pass an array of class names
* and an optional description to the constructor. The named
* classes must extend TestFmwk. If a provided name doesn't
* include a ".", package name is prefixed to it (the package of
* the current test is used if none was provided in the
* constructor). The resulting full name is used to instantiate
* an instance of the class using the default constructor.
* Class names are resolved to classes when getTargets or
* getSubtest is called. This allows instances of TestGroup to be
* compiled and run without all the targets they would normally
* invoke being available.
public static abstract class TestGroup extends TestFmwk {
private String defaultPackage;
private String[] names;
private String description;
private Class[] tests; // deferred init
* Constructor that takes a default package name and a list of class names.
* Adopts and modifies the classname list
protected TestGroup(String defaultPackage, String[] classnames, String description) {
if (classnames == null) {
throw new InternalError("classnames must not be null");
if (defaultPackage == null) {
defaultPackage = getClass().getPackage().getName();
defaultPackage = defaultPackage + ".";
this.defaultPackage = defaultPackage;
this.names = classnames;
this.description = description;
* Constructor that takes a list of class names and a description,
* and uses the package for this class as the default package.
protected TestGroup(String[] classnames, String description) {
this(null, classnames, description);
* Constructor that takes a list of class names, and uses the package
* for this class as the default package.
protected TestGroup(String[] classnames) {
this(null, classnames, null);
protected String getDescription() {
return description;
protected Target getTargets(String targetName) {
Target target = null;
if (targetName != null) {
finishInit(); // hmmm, want to get subtest without initializing all tests
try {
TestFmwk test = getSubtest(targetName);
if (test != null) {
target = ClassTarget();
} else {
target = Target(targetName);
} catch (TestFmwkException e) {
target = Target(targetName);
} else if (params.doRecurse()) {
boolean groupOnly = params.doRecurseGroupsOnly();
for (int i = names.length; --i >= 0;) {
Target newTarget = null;
Class cls = tests[i];
if (cls == null) { // hack no warning for missing tests
if (params.warnings) {
} else {
newTarget = Target(names[i]);
} else {
TestFmwk test = getSubtest(i, groupOnly);
if (test != null) {
newTarget = ClassTarget();
} else {
if (groupOnly) {
newTarget = EmptyTarget(names[i]);
} else {
newTarget = Target(names[i]);
if (newTarget != null) {
target = newTarget;
return target;
protected TestFmwk getSubtest(String testName) throws TestFmwkException {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
if (names[i].equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { // allow case-insensitive matching
return getSubtest(i, false);
throw new TestFmwkException(testName);
private TestFmwk getSubtest(int i, boolean groupOnly) {
Class cls = tests[i];
if (cls != null) {
if (groupOnly && !TestGroup.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
return null;
try {
TestFmwk subtest = (TestFmwk)cls.newInstance();
subtest.params = params;
return subtest;
catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new InternalError(e.getMessage());
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new InternalError(e.getMessage());
return null;
private void finishInit() {
if (tests == null) {
tests = new Class[names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
String name = names[i];
if (name.indexOf('.') == -1) {
name = defaultPackage + name;
try {
Class cls = Class.forName(name);
if (!TestFmwk.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
throw new InternalError("class " + name + " does not extend TestFmwk");
tests[i] = cls;
names[i] = getClassTargetName(cls);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// leave tests[i] null and name as classname
* The default target is invalid.
public class Target {
private Target next;
public final String name;
public Target(String name) { = name;
public Target setNext(Target next) { = next;
return this;
public Target getNext() {
return next;
public void run() {
int f = filter();
if (f == -1) {
} else {
if (!validate()) {
} else {
params.push(name, getDescription(), f == 1);
protected int filter() {
return params.filter(name);
protected boolean validate() {
return false;
protected String getDescription() {
return null;
protected void execute() {
public class EmptyTarget extends Target {
public EmptyTarget(String name) {
protected boolean validate() {
return true;
public class MethodTarget extends Target {
private Method testMethod;
public MethodTarget(String name, Method method) {
testMethod = method;
protected boolean validate() {
return testMethod != null && validateMethod(name);
protected String getDescription() {
return getMethodDescription(name);
protected void execute() {
if (params.inDocMode()) {
// nothing to execute
} else if (!params.stack.included) {
} else {
final Object[] NO_ARGS = new Object[0];
try {
testMethod.invoke(TestFmwk.this, NO_ARGS);
} catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {
errln("Can't access test method " + testMethod.getName());
} catch( InvocationTargetException e ) {
String msg = "Uncaught exception " + getStackTrace(e);
if (params.nothrow) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
private String getStackTrace(InvocationTargetException e){
ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bs);
return bs.toString();
public class ClassTarget extends Target {
String targetName;
public ClassTarget() {
public ClassTarget(String targetName) {
this.targetName = targetName;
protected boolean validate() {
return TestFmwk.this.validate();
protected String getDescription() {
return TestFmwk.this.getDescription();
protected void execute() {
Target target = randomize(getTargets(targetName));
while (target != null) {;
target =;
private Target randomize(Target t) {
if (t != null && t.getNext() != null) {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
while (t != null) {
t = t.getNext();
Target[] arr = (Target[])list.toArray(new Target[list.size()]);
if (true) { // todo - add to params?
// different jvms return class methods in different orders,
// so we sort them (always, and then randomize them, so that
// forcing a seed will also work across jvms).
Arrays.sort(arr, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
// sort in reverse order, later we link up in forward order
return ((Target)rhs).name.compareTo(((Target)lhs).name);
// t is null to start, ends up as first element (arr[arr.length-1])
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
t = arr[i].setNext(t); // relink in forward order
if (params.random != null) {
t = null; // reset t to null
Random r = params.random;
for (int i = arr.length; --i >= 1;) {
int x = r.nextInt(i+1);
t = arr[x].setNext(t);
arr[x] = arr[i];
t = arr[0].setNext(t); // new first element
return t;
// Everything below here is boilerplate code that makes it possible
// to add a new test by simply adding a function to an existing class
protected TestFmwk() {
* Parse arguments into a TestParams object and a collection of
* target paths. If there was an error parsing the TestParams,
* print usage and exit with -1. Otherwise, call
* resolveTarget(TestParams, String) for each path, and run the
* returned target. After the last test returns, if prompt is
* set, prompt and wait for input from stdin. Finally, exit with
* number of errors.
* This method never returns, since it always exits with System.exit();
public void run(String[] args) {
TestParams params = new TestParams();
ArrayList targets = null;
boolean prompt = false;
int exitCode = 0;
boolean usageError = false;
String filter = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i];
if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') {
arg = arg.toLowerCase();
if (arg.equals("-verbose") || arg.equals("-v")) {
params.verbose = true;
params.quiet = false;
} else if (arg.equals("-quiet") || arg.equals("-q")) {
params.quiet = true;
params.verbose = false;
} else if (arg.equals("-help") || arg.equals("-h")) {
usageError = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-warning") || arg.equals("-w")) {
params.warnings = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-nodata") || arg.equals("-nd")) {
params.nodata = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-prompt")) {
prompt = true;
} else if (arg.equals("-list") || arg.equals("-l")) {
params.listlevel = 1;
} else if (arg.equals("-listall") || arg.equals("-la")) {
params.listlevel = 2;
} else if (arg.equals("-listexaustive") || arg.equals("-le")) {
params.listlevel = 3;
} else if (arg.equals("-nothrow") || arg.equals("-n")) {
params.nothrow = true;
params.errorSummary = new StringBuffer();
} else if (arg.equals("-describe") || arg.equals("-d")) {
params.describe = true;
} else if (arg.startsWith("-r")) {
String s = null;
int n = arg.indexOf(':');
if (n != -1) {
s = arg.substring(n+1);
arg = arg.substring(0, n);
if (arg.equals("-r") || arg.equals("-random")) {
if (s == null) {
params.seed = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
params.seed = Long.parseLong(s);
} else {
System.out.println("*** Error: unrecognized argument: " + arg);
exitCode = 1;
usageError = true;
} else if (arg.startsWith("-e")) {
// see above
params.inclusion = (arg.length() == 2) ? 5 : Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2));
if (params.inclusion < 0 || params.inclusion > 10) {
usageError = true;
} else if (arg.startsWith("-tfilter:")) {
params.tfilter = arg.substring(8);
} else if (arg.startsWith("-filter:")) {
String temp = arg.substring(8).toLowerCase();
filter = filter == null ? temp : filter + "," + temp;
} else if (arg.startsWith("-f:")) {
String temp = arg.substring(3).toLowerCase();
filter = filter == null ? temp : filter + "," + temp;
} else if (arg.startsWith("-s")) {
params.log = new NullWriter();
} else {
System.out.println("*** Error: unrecognized argument: " + args[i]);
exitCode = 1;
usageError = true;
} else {
if (targets == null) {
targets = new ArrayList();
if (usageError) {
if (filter != null) {
params.filter = filter.toLowerCase();
try {
if (targets == null) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
//String target = (String)targets.get(i);
resolveTarget(params, (String)targets.get(i)).run();
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("encountered exception, exiting");
if (params.seed != 0) {
System.out.println("-random:" + params.seed);
if (params.errorSummary != null && params.errorSummary.length() > 0) {
System.out.println("\nError summary:");
if (prompt) {
System.out.println("Hit RETURN to exit...");
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString() + e.getMessage());
* Return a ClassTarget for this test. Params is set on this test.
public Target resolveTarget(TestParams params) {
this.params = params;
return new ClassTarget();
* Resolve a path from this test to a target. If this test has subtests, and the
* path contains '/', the portion before the '/' is resolved to a
* subtest, until the path is consumed or the test has no
* subtests. Returns a ClassTarget created using the
* resolved test and remaining path (which ought to be null or a
* method name). Params is set on the target's test.
public Target resolveTarget(TestParams params, String targetPath) {
TestFmwk test = this;
test.params = params;
if (targetPath != null) {
if (targetPath.length() == 0) {
targetPath = null;
} else {
int p = 0;
int e = targetPath.length();
// trim all leading and trailing '/'
while (targetPath.charAt(p) == '/') {
while (e > p && targetPath.charAt(e-1) == '/') {
if (p > 0 || e < targetPath.length()) {
targetPath = targetPath.substring(p, e-p);
p = 0;
e = targetPath.length();
try {
for (;;) {
int n = targetPath.indexOf('/');
String prefix = n == -1 ? targetPath : targetPath.substring(0, n);
TestFmwk subtest = test.getSubtest(prefix);
if (subtest == null) {
test = subtest;
if (n == -1) {
targetPath = null;
targetPath = targetPath.substring(n+1);
} catch (TestFmwkException ex) {
return Target(targetPath);
return ClassTarget(targetPath);
* Return true if we can run this test (allows test to inspect jvm, environment, params before running)
protected boolean validate() {
return true;
* Return the targets for this test. If targetName is null, return all
* targets, otherwise return a target for just that name. The returned
* target can be null.
* The default implementation returns a MethodTarget for each public
* method of the object's class whose name starts with "Test" or "test".
protected Target getTargets(String targetName) {
Class cls = getClass();
if (targetName != null) {
try {
Method method = cls.getMethod(targetName, null);
return new MethodTarget(targetName, method);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return new Target(targetName); // invalid target
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return null;
} else {
Target target = null;
if (params.doMethods()) {
Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
for (int i = methods.length; --i >= 0;) {
String name = methods[i].getName();
if (name.startsWith("Test") || name.startsWith("test")) {
target = new MethodTarget(name, methods[i]).setNext(target);
return target;
protected String getDescription() {
return null;
protected boolean validateMethod(String name) {
return true;
protected String getMethodDescription(String name) {
return null;
// method tests have no subtests, group tests override
protected TestFmwk getSubtest(String prefix) throws TestFmwkException {
return null;
public boolean isVerbose() {
return params.verbose;
public boolean noData() {
return params.nodata;
* 0 = fewest tests, 5 is normal build, 10 is most tests
public int getInclusion() {
return params.inclusion;
public boolean isModularBuild() {
return params.warnings;
public boolean isQuick() {
return params.inclusion == 0;
public void msg(String message, int level, boolean incCount, boolean newln) {
params.msg(message, level, incCount, newln);
protected int getErrorCount() {
return params.errorCount;
protected TimeZone safeGetTimeZone(String id) {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);
if (tz == null) {
// should never happen
errln("FAIL: TimeZone.getTimeZone(" + id + ") => null");
if (!tz.getID().equals(id)) {
errln("FAIL: TimeZone.getTimeZone(" + id + ") => " + tz.getID());
return tz;
* Print a usage message for this test class.
void usage() {
System.out.println("Usage: " + getClass().getName() + " option* target*");
System.out.println(" -describe Print a short descriptive string for this test and all");
System.out.println(" listed targets.");
System.out.println(" -e<n> Set exhaustiveness from 0..10. Default is 0, fewest tests.\n" +
" To run all tests, specify -e10. Giving -e with no <n> is\n" +
" the same as -e5.");
System.out.println(" -filter:<str> Only tests matching filter will be run or listed.\n"
+ " <str> is of the form ['^']text[','['^']text].\n"
+ " Each string delimited by ',' is a separate filter argument.\n"
+ " If '^' is prepended to an argument, its matches are excluded.\n"
+ " Filtering operates on test groups as well as tests, if a test\n"
+ " group is included, all its subtests that are not excluded will\n"
+ " be run. Examples:\n"
+ " -filter:A -- only tests matching A are run. If A matches a group,\n"
+ " all subtests of this group are run.\n"
+ " -filter:^A -- all tests except those matching A are run. If A matches\n"
+" a group, no subtest of that group will be run.\n"
+ " -filter:A,B,^C,^D -- tests matching A or B and not C and not D are run\n"
+ " Note: Filters are case insensitive.");
System.out.println(" -h[elp] Print this help text and exit.");
System.out.println(" -l[ist] List immediate targets of this test");
System.out.println(" -la, -listAll List immediate targets of this test, and all subtests");
System.out.println(" -le, -listExaustive List all subtests and targets");
System.out.println(" -n[othrow] Message on test failure rather than exception");
System.out.println(" -prompt Prompt before exiting");
System.out.println(" -q[uiet] Do not show warnings");
System.out.println(" -r[andom][:<n>] If present, randomize targets. If n is present,\n" +
" use it as the seed. If random is not set, targets will\n" +
" be in alphabetical order to ensure cross-platform consistency.");
System.out.println(" -s[ilent] No output except error summary or exceptions.\n");
System.out.println(" -tfilter:<str> Transliterator Test filter of ids.");
System.out.println(" -v[erbose] Show log messages");
System.out.println(" -w[arning] Continue in presence of warnings, and disable missing test warnings.");
System.out.println(" -nodata | -nd Do not warn if resource data is not present.");
System.out.println(" If a list or describe option is provided, no tests are run.");
System.out.println(" If no target is specified, all targets for this test are run.");
System.out.println(" If a target contains no '/' characters, and matches a target");
System.out.println(" of this test, the target is run. Otherwise, the part before the");
System.out.println(" '/' is used to match a subtest, which then evaluates the");
System.out.println(" remainder of the target as above. Target matching is case-insensitive.");
System.out.println(" If multiple targets are provided, each is executed in order.");
public static String hex(char ch) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String foo = Integer.toString(ch,16).toUpperCase();
for (int i = foo.length(); i < 4; ++i) {
return result + foo;
public static String hex(int ch) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String foo = Integer.toString(ch,16).toUpperCase();
for (int i = foo.length(); i < 4; ++i) {
return result + foo;
public static String hex(String s) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
if (i != 0) result.append(',');
return result.toString();
public static String hex(StringBuffer s) {
return hex(s.toString());
public static String prettify(String s) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
char ch =s.charAt(i);
if(ch > 0x7f){
return result.toString();
public static String prettify(StringBuffer s) {
return prettify(s.toString());
private static java.util.GregorianCalendar cal;
* Return a Date given a year, month, and day of month. This is
* similar to new Date(y-1900, m, d). It uses the default time
* zone at the time this method is first called.
* @param year use 2000 for 2000, unlike new Date()
* @param month use Calendar.JANUARY etc.
* @param dom day of month, 1-based
* @return a Date object for the given y/m/d
protected static synchronized java.util.Date getDate(int year, int month, int dom) {
if (cal == null) {
cal = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();
cal.set(year, month, dom);
return cal.getTime();
private static class NullWriter extends PrintWriter {
public NullWriter() {
super(System.out, false);
public void write(int c) {
public void write(char[] buf, int off, int len) {
public void write(String s, int off, int len) {
public void println() {
private static class ASCIIWriter extends PrintWriter {
private Writer w;
private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// Characters that we think are printable but that escapeUnprintable
// doesn't
private static final String PRINTABLES = "\t\n\r";
public ASCIIWriter(Writer w, boolean autoFlush) {
super(w, autoFlush);
public ASCIIWriter(OutputStream os, boolean autoFlush) {
super(os, autoFlush);
public void write(int c) {
synchronized(lock) {
if (PRINTABLES.indexOf(c)<0 && TestUtil.escapeUnprintable(buffer, c)) {
} else {
public void write(char[] buf, int off, int len) {
synchronized (lock) {
int limit = off + len;
while (off < limit) {
int c = UTF16Util.charAt(buf, 0, buf.length, off);
off += UTF16Util.getCharCount(c);
if (PRINTABLES.indexOf(c)<0 && TestUtil.escapeUnprintable(buffer, c)) {
} else {
public void write(String s, int off, int len) {
write(s.substring(off, off + len).toCharArray(), 0, len);
// filters
// match against the entire hierarchy
// A;B;!C;!D --> (A ||B) && (!C && !D)
// positive, negative, unknown matches
// positive -- known to be included, negative- known to be excluded
// positive only if no excludes, and matches at least one include, if any
// negative only if matches at least one exclude
// otherwise, we wait
public static class TestParams {
public boolean prompt;
public boolean nothrow;
public boolean verbose;
public boolean quiet;
public int listlevel;
public boolean describe;
public boolean warnings;
public boolean nodata;
public int inclusion;
public String filter;
public long seed;
public String tfilter; // for transliterator tests
private State stack;
private StringBuffer errorSummary;
private PrintWriter log = new ASCIIWriter(System.out, true);
private int indentLevel;
private boolean needLineFeed;
private boolean suppressIndent;
private int errorCount;
private int warnCount;
private int invalidCount;
private int testCount;
public Random random;
public void init() {
indentLevel = 0;
needLineFeed = false;
suppressIndent = false;
errorCount = 0;
warnCount = 0;
invalidCount = 0;
testCount = 0;
random = seed == 0 ? null : new Random(seed);
private class State {
State link;
String name;
StringBuffer buffer;
int level;
int ec;
int wc;
int ic;
int tc;
boolean flushed;
boolean included;
public State(State link, String name, boolean included) { = link; = name;
if (link == null) {
this.level = 0;
this.included = included;
} else {
this.level = link.level + 1;
this.included = included || link.included;
} = errorCount;
this.wc = warnCount;
this.ic = invalidCount; = testCount;
if (link == null || this.included) {
void flush() {
if (!flushed) {
if (link != null) {
flushed = true;
needLineFeed = true;
void appendPath(StringBuffer buf) {
if ( != null) {;
public void push(String name, String description, boolean included) {
if (inDocMode() && describe && description != null) {
name += ": " + description;
stack = new State(stack, name, included);
public void pop() {
if (stack != null) {
writeTestResult(, stack.ic,;
stack =;
public boolean inDocMode() {
return describe || listlevel != 0;
public boolean doMethods() {
return !inDocMode() || listlevel == 3 || (indentLevel == 1 && listlevel > 0);
public boolean doRecurse() {
return !inDocMode() || listlevel > 1 || (indentLevel == 1 && listlevel > 0);
public boolean doRecurseGroupsOnly() {
return inDocMode() && (listlevel == 2 || (indentLevel == 1 && listlevel > 0));
// return 0, -1, or 1
// 1: run this test
// 0: might run this test, no positive include or exclude on this group
// -1: exclude this test
public int filter(String testName) {
int result = 0;
if (filter == null) {
result = 1;
} else {
boolean noIncludes = true;
boolean noExcludes = filter.indexOf('^') == -1;
testName = testName.toLowerCase();
int ix = 0;
while (ix < filter.length()) {
int nix = filter.indexOf(',', ix);
if (nix == -1) {
nix = filter.length();
if (filter.charAt(ix) == '^') {
if (testName.indexOf(filter.substring(ix + 1, nix)) != -1) {
result = -1;
} else {
noIncludes = false;
if (testName.indexOf(filter.substring(ix, nix)) != -1) {
result = 1;
if (noExcludes) {
ix = nix + 1;
if (result == 0 && noIncludes) {
result = 1;
// System.out.println("filter: " + testName + " returns: " + result);
return result;
private void msg(String message, int level, boolean incCount, boolean newln) {
if (level == WARN && !warnings) {
level = ERR;
if (incCount) {
if (level == WARN) {
} else if (level == ERR) {
// should roll indentation stuff into log ???
if (verbose || level > (quiet ? WARN : LOG)) {
if (!suppressIndent) {
indent(indentLevel + 1);
final String[] MSGNAMES = { "", "Warning: ", "Error: " };
if (newln) {
if (level == ERR) {
if (!nothrow) {
throw new RuntimeException(message);
if (!suppressIndent && errorSummary != null && (errorCount == + 1)) {
suppressIndent = !newln;
private void writeTestInvalid(String name) {
// msg("***" + name + "*** not found or not valid.", WARN, true, true);
if (inDocMode()) {
if (!warnings) {
if (stack != null) {
log.println(" *** Target not found or not valid.");
needLineFeed = false;
} else {
msg("Test " + name + " not found or not valid.", WARN, true, true);
private void writeTestResult(int oldFail, int oldInvalid, int oldTestCount) {
if (inDocMode()) {
if (needLineFeed) {
needLineFeed = false;
int errorDelta = errorCount - oldFail;
int invalidDelta = invalidCount - oldInvalid;
int testDelta = testCount - oldTestCount;
if (testDelta == 0) {
if (!needLineFeed) {
needLineFeed = false;
if (errorDelta != 0) {
log.println(" FAILED (" + errorDelta + " failures" +
((invalidDelta != 0) ?
", " + invalidDelta + " tests skipped)" :
} else if (invalidDelta != 0) {
log.println(" Qualified (" + invalidDelta + " tests skipped)");
} else {
log.println(" Passed");
private final void indent(int distance) {
boolean idm = inDocMode();
if (needLineFeed) {
if (idm) {
} else {
log.println(" {");
needLineFeed = false;
log.print(spaces.substring(0, distance * (idm ? 3 : 2)));
if (idm) {
log.print("-- ");
public String getTranslitTestFilter() {
return params.tfilter;
* Return the target name for a test class. This is either the
* end of the class name, or if the class declares a public static
* field CLASS_TARGET_NAME, the value of that field.
private static String getClassTargetName(Class testClass) {
String name = testClass.getName();
try {
Field f = testClass.getField("CLASS_TARGET_NAME");
name = (String)f.get(null);
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new InternalError("static field CLASS_TARGET_NAME must be accessible");
catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
int n = Math.max(name.lastIndexOf('.'), name.lastIndexOf('$'));
if (n != -1) {
name = name.substring(n+1);
return name;
* Check the given array to see that all the strings
* in the expected array are present.
* @param msg string message, for log output
* @param array array of strings to check
* @param expected array of strings we expect to see, or null
* @return the length of 'array', or -1 on error
protected int checkArray(String msg,
String array[],
String expected[]) {
int explen = (expected != null) ? expected.length : 0;
if (!(explen >= 0 && explen < 31)) { // [sic] 31 not 32
errln("FAIL: Internal error");
return -1;
int i = 0;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int seenMask = 0;
for (; i<array.length; ++i) {
String s = array[i];
if (i != 0) buf.append(", ");
// check expected list
for (int j=0, bit=1; j<explen; ++j, bit<<=1) {
if ((seenMask&bit)==0) {
if (s.equals(expected[j])) {
seenMask |= bit;
logln("Ok: \"" + s + "\" seen");
logln(msg + " = [" + buf + "] (" + i + ")");
// did we see all expected strings?
if (((1<<explen)-1) != seenMask) {
for (int j=0, bit=1; j<expected.length; ++j, bit<<=1) {
if ((seenMask&bit)==0) {
errln("\"" + expected[j] + "\" not seen");
return array.length;
* Check the given array to see that all the locales
* in the expected array are present.
* @param msg string message, for log output
* @param array array of locales to check
* @param expected array of locales names we expect to see, or null
* @return the length of 'array'
protected int checkArray(String msg,
Locale array[],
String expected[]) {
String strs[] = new String[array.length];
for (int i=0; i<array.length; ++i) strs[i] = array[i].toString();
return checkArray(msg, strs, expected);
* Check the given array to see that all the locales
* in the expected array are present.
* @param msg string message, for log output
* @param array array of locales to check
* @param expected array of locales names we expect to see, or null
* @return the length of 'array'
protected int checkArray(String msg,
ULocale array[],
String expected[]) {
String strs[] = new String[array.length];
for (int i=0; i<array.length; ++i) strs[i] = array[i].toString();
return checkArray(msg, strs, expected);
* JUnit-like assertions.
protected boolean assertTrue(String message, boolean condition) {
if (!condition) {
errln("assertTrue() failed: " + message);
logln("Ok: " + message);
return condition;
protected boolean assertFalse(String message, boolean condition) {
if (condition) {
errln("assertFalse() failed: " + message);
logln("Ok: " + message);
return !condition;
protected boolean assertEquals(String message,
Object expected, Object actual) {
if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
if (actual instanceof String) {
// display quotes around string objects, for clarity
actual = "\"" + actual + '"';
expected = "\"" + expected + '"';
errln(message + "; got " + actual +
"; expected " + expected);
return false;
if (actual instanceof String) {
// display quotes around string objects, for clarity
actual = "\"" + actual + '"';
logln("Ok: " + message + "; got " + actual);
return true;
protected void fail(String message) {
private static final boolean VERBOSE_ASSERTIONS = true;
protected TestParams params = null;
private final static String spaces = " ";