blob: feadf38e964a2a2b269aae3f3311c5a384c8e0bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2000, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* Default break-iterator rules. These rules are more or less general for
* all locales, although there are probably a few we're missing. The
* behavior currently mimics the behavior of BreakIterator in JDK 1.2.
* There are known deficiencies in this behavior, including the fact that
* the logic for handling CJK characters works for Japanese but not for
* Chinese, and that we don't currently have an appropriate locale for
* Thai. The resources will eventually be updated to fix these problems.
/* Modified for Hindi 3/1/99. */
public class BreakIteratorRules extends ListResourceBundle {
public Object[][] getContents() {
return contents;
static final Object[][] contents = {
// BreakIteratorClasses lists the class names to instantiate for each
// built-in type of BreakIterator
{ "BreakIteratorClasses",
new String[] { "RuleBasedBreakIterator_New", // character-break iterator class
"RuleBasedBreakIterator_New", // word-break iterator class
"RuleBasedBreakIterator_New", // line-break iterator class
"RuleBasedBreakIterator_New", // sentence-break iterator class
"RuleBasedBreakIterator_New"} // Title-Case break iterator class
// rules describing how to break between logical characters
{ "CharacterBreakRules",
// ignore non-spacing marks and enclosing marks (since we never
// put a break before ignore characters, this keeps combining
// accents with the base characters they modify)
// FIXME: the virama thing is probably a hack...
+ "$_ignore_=[[[:Mn:]-$devaVirama][:Me:]];"
// other category definitions
+ "$choseong=[\u1100-\u115f];"
+ "$jungseong=[\u1160-\u11a7];"
+ "$jongseong=[\u11a8-\u11ff];"
+ "$surr_hi=[\ud800-\udbff];"
+ "$surr_lo=[\udc00-\udfff];"
// break after every character, except as follows:
+ ".;"
// keep CRLF sequences together
+ "\r\n;"
// keep surrogate pairs together
+ "$surr_hi$surr_lo;"
// keep Hangul syllables spelled out using conjoining jamo together
+ "$choseong*$jungseong*$jongseong*;"
// revised Devanagari support - full syllables
// simplified by allowing some nonsense syllables
// FIXME: nukta, non-spacing matras, and the modifiers
// are all ignorable, so they don't need to be mentioned
// here... (but the rules read better if they are...)
+ "$devaNukta=[\u093c];"
+ "$devaVowel=[\u0905-\u0914];"
+ "$devaMatra=[\u093e-\u094c\u0962\u0963];"
+ "$devaConsonant=[\u0915-\u0939\u0958-\u095f];"
+ "$devaModifier=[\u0901-\u0903\u0951-\u0954];"
+ "$zwnj=[\u200c];"
+ "$zwj=[\u200d];"
// consonant followed optionally by a nukta
+ "$devaCN=($devaConsonant$devaNukta?);"
// a virama followed by an optional zwj or zwnj
+ "$devaJoin=($devaVirama[$zwj$zwnj]?);"
// a syllable with at least one consonant
+ "($devaCN$devaJoin)*$devaCN($devaJoin|$devaMatra?$devaModifier*);"
// a syllable without consonants
+ "$devaVowel$devaModifier*;"
// default rules for finding word boundaries
{ "WordBreakRules",
// Surrogates. Until better support is available, ignore low surrogates
// and classify high surrogates according to the characters within the block.
+ "$surr_hi_let=[\ud800\ud801\ud834\ud835];" // Hi Surrogates for Old Italic, Gothic, Deseret, Music, Math
+ "$surr_hi_ideo=[\ud840-\ud880];" // Hi Surrogates for CJK
+ "$surr_hi_tag=[\udb40];" // Hi Surrogates for Tags
+ "$surr_hi_pua=[\udb80-\udbff];" // Hi Surrogates for Private Use.
// Private Use Area. Treat like ideographs.
+ "$pua=[\ue000-\uf8ff$surr_hi_pua];"
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters,
// all of which should not influence the algorithm
+ "$_ignore_=[[:Mn:][:Me:][:Cf:]$surr_lo$surr_hi_tag];"
// Hindi phrase separator, kanji, katakana, hiragana, CJK diacriticals,
// other letters, and digits
+ "$danda=[\u0964\u0965];"
+ "$kanji=[\u3005\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fa5\uf900-\ufa6a$surr_hi_ideo$pua];"
+ "$kata=[\u3099-\u309c\u30a1-\u30fe];"
+ "$hira=[\u3041-\u309e\u30fc];"
+ "$let=[[[:L:][:Mc:]$surr_hi_let]-[$kanji$kata$hira]];"
+ "$dgt=[:N:];"
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a word: currently
// dashes, apostrophes, quotation marks, and periods
+ "$mid_word=[[:Pd:]\u00ad\u2027\\\"\\\'\\.];"
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a number: currently
// apostrophes, qoutation marks, periods, commas, and the Arabic
// decimal point
+ "$mid_num=[\\\"\\\'\\,\u066b\\.];"
// punctuation that can occur at the beginning of a number: currently
// the period, the number sign, and all currency symbols except the cents sign
+ "$pre_num=[[[:Sc:]-[\u00a2]]\\#\\.];"
// punctuation that can occur at the end of a number: currently
// the percent, per-thousand, per-ten-thousand, and Arabic percent
// signs, the cents sign, and the ampersand
+ "$post_num=[\\%\\&\u00a2\u066a\u2030\u2031];"
// line separators: currently LF, FF, PS, and LS
+ "$ls=[\n\u000c\u2028\u2029];"
// whitespace: all space separators and the tab character
+ "$ws=[[:Zs:]\t];"
// a word is a sequence of letters that may contain internal
// punctuation, as long as it begins and ends with a letter and
// never contains two punctuation marks in a row
+ "$word=($let+($mid_word$let+)*$danda?);"
// a number is a sequence of digits that may contain internal
// punctuation, as long as it begins and ends with a digit and
// never contains two punctuation marks in a row.
+ "$number=($dgt+($mid_num$dgt+)*);"
// break after every character, with the following exceptions
// (this will cause punctuation marks that aren't considered
// part of words or numbers to be treated as words unto themselves)
+ ".;"
// keep together any sequence of contiguous words and numbers
// (including just one of either), plus an optional trailing
// number-suffix character
+ "$word?($number$word)*($number$post_num?)?;"
// keep together and sequence of contiguous words and numbers
// that starts with a number-prefix character and a number,
// and may end with a number-suffix character
+ "$pre_num($number$word)*($number$post_num?)?;"
// keep together runs of whitespace (optionally with a single trailing
// line separator or CRLF sequence)
+ "$ws*\r?$ls?;"
// keep together runs of Katakana
+ "$kata*;"
// keep together runs of Hiragana
+ "$hira*;"
// keep together runs of Kanji
+ "$kanji*;"
// default rules for determining legal line-breaking positions
{ "LineBreakRules",
// Surrogates. Until better support is available, ignore low surrogates
// and classify high surrogates according to the characters within the block.
+ "$surr_hi_let=[\ud800\ud801\ud834\ud835];" // Hi Surrogates for Old Italic, Gothic, Deseret, Music, Math
+ "$surr_hi_ideo=[\ud840-\ud880];" // Hi Surrogates for CJK
+ "$surr_hi_tag=[\udb40];" // Hi Surrogates for Tags
+ "$surr_hi_pua=[\udb80-\udbff];" // Hi Surrogates for Private Use.
// Private Use Area. Treat like ideographs.
+ "$pua=[\ue000-\uf8ff$surr_hi_pua];"
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters
+ "$_ignore_=[[:Mn:][:Me:][:Cf:]$surr_lo$surr_hi_tag];"
// Hindi phrase separators
+ "$danda=[\u0964\u0965];"
// characters that always cause a break: ETX, tab, LF, FF, LS, and PS
+ "$break=[\u0003\t\n\f\u2028\u2029];"
// characters that always prevent a break: the non-breaking space
// and similar characters
+ "$nbsp=[\u00a0\u2007\u2011\ufeff];"
// whitespace: space separators and control characters, except for
// CR and the other characters mentioned above
+ "$space=[[[:Zs:][:Cc:]]-[$nbsp$break\r]];"
// dashes: dash punctuation and the discretionary hyphen, except for
// non-breaking hyphens
+ "$dash=[[[:Pd:]\u00ad]-[$nbsp]];"
// characters that stick to a word if they precede it: currency symbols
// (except the cents sign) and starting punctuation
+ "$pre_word=[[[:Sc:]-[\u00a2]][:Ps:][:Pi:]\\\"\\\'];"
// characters that stick to a word if they follow it: ending punctuation,
// other punctuation that usually occurs at the end of a sentence,
// small Kana characters, some CJK diacritics, etc.
+ "$post_word=[[:Pe:][:Pf:]\\!\\\"\\\'\\%\\.\\,\\:\\;\\?\u00a2\u00b0\u066a\u2030-\u2034"
+ "\u2103\u2105\u2109\u3001\u3002\u3005\u3041\u3043\u3045\u3047\u3049\u3063"
+ "\u3083\u3085\u3087\u308e\u3099-\u309e\u30a1\u30a3\u30a5\u30a7\u30a9"
+ "\u30c3\u30e3\u30e5\u30e7\u30ee\u30f5\u30f6\u30fc-\u30fe\uff01\uff0c"
+ "\uff0e\uff1f];"
// Kanji: actually includes both Kanji and Kana, except for small Kana and
// CJK diacritics
+ "$kanji=[[$surr_hi_ideo$pua\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fa5\uf900-\ufa6a\u3041-\u3094\u30a1-\u30fa]-[$post_word$_ignore_]];"
// digits
+ "$digit=[[:Nd:][:No:]];"
// punctuation that can occur in the middle of a number: periods and commas
+ "$mid_num=[\\.\\,];"
// everything not mentioned above, plus the quote marks (which are both
// <pre-word>, <post-word>, and <char>)
+ "$char=[^$break$space$dash$kanji$nbsp$_ignore_$pre_word$post_word$mid_num$danda\r\\\"\\\'];"
// a "number" is a run of prefix characters and dashes, followed by one or
// more digits with isolated number-punctuation characters interspersed
+ "$number=([$pre_word$dash]*$digit+($mid_num$digit+)*);"
// the basic core of a word can be either a "number" as defined above, a single
// "Kanji" character, or a run of any number of not-explicitly-mentioned
// characters (this includes Latin letters)
+ "$word_core=([$pre_word$char]*|$kanji|$number);"
// a word may end with an optional suffix that be either a run of one or
// more dashes or a run of word-suffix characters, followed by an optional
// run of whitespace
+ "$word_suffix=(($dash+|$post_word*)$space*);"
// a word, thus, is an optional run of word-prefix characters, followed by
// a word core and a word suffix (the syntax of <word-core> and <word-suffix>
// actually allows either of them to match the empty string, putting a break
// between things like ")(" or "aaa(aaa"
+ "$word=($pre_word*$word_core$word_suffix);"
// finally, the rule that does the work: Keep together any run of words that
// are joined by runs of one of more non-spacing mark. Also keep a trailing
// line-break character or CRLF combination with the word. (line separators
// "win" over nbsp's)
+ "$word($nbsp+$word)*\r?$break?;"
// default rules for finding sentence boundaries
{ "SentenceBreakRules",
// Surrogates. Until better support is available, ignore low surrogates
// and classify high surrogates according to the characters within the block.
// ignore non-spacing marks, enclosing marks, and format characters
+ "$_ignore_=[[:Mn:][:Me:][:Cf:]$surr_lo];"
// lowercase letters
+ "$lc=[:Ll:];"
// uppercase Latin letters
+ "$ucLatin=[A-Z];"
// whitespace (line separators are treated as whitespace)
+ "$space=[\t\r\f\n\u2028[:Zs:]];"
// punctuation which may occur at the beginning of a sentence: "starting
// punctuation" and quotation marks
+ "$start=[[:Ps:][:Pi:]\\\"\\\'];"
// punctuation with may occur at the end of a sentence: "ending punctuation"
// and quotation marks
+ "$end=[[:Pe:][:Pf:]\\\"\\\'];"
// digits
+ "$digit=[:N:];"
// characters that unambiguously signal the end of a sentence
+ "$term=[\\!\\?\u3002\uff01\uff1f];"
// periods, which MAY signal the end of a sentence
+ "$period=[\\.\uff0e];"
// characters that may occur at the beginning of a sentence: basically anything
// not mentioned above (lowercase letters and digits are specifically excluded)
+ "$sent_start=[^$lc$ucLatin$space$start$end$digit$term$period\u2029$_ignore_];"
// Hindi phrase separator
+ "$danda=[\u0964\u0965];"
// always break sentences after paragraph separators
+ ".*?\u2029?;"
// always break after a danda, if it's followed by whitespace
+ ".*?$danda$space*;"
// if you see a period, skip over additional periods and ending punctuation
// and if the next character is a paragraph separator, break after the
// paragraph separator
+ ".*?$period[$period$end]*$space*\u2029;"
// if you see a period, skip over additional periods and ending punctuation,
// followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional starting punctuation,
// and if the next character is something that can start a sentence
// (basically, a capital letter), then put the sentence break between the
// whitespace and the opening punctuation
+ ".*?$period[$period$end]*$space*/($start*$sent_start|$start+$ucLatin);"
// same as above, except that there's a sentence break before a Latin capital
// letter only if there's at least one space after the period
+ ".*?$period[$period$end]*$space+/$ucLatin;"
// if you see a sentence-terminating character, skip over any additional
// terminators, periods, or ending punctuation, followed by any whitespace,
// followed by a SINGLE optional paragraph separator, and put the break there
+ ".*?$term[$term$period$end]*$space*\u2029?;"
// The following rules are here to aid in backwards iteration. The automatically
// generated backwards state table will rewind to the beginning of the
// paragraph all the time (or all the way to the beginning of the document
// if the document doesn't use the Unicode PS character) because the only
// unambiguous character pairs are those involving paragraph separators.
// These specify a few more unambiguous breaking situations.
// if you see a sentence-starting character, followed by starting punctuation
// (remember, we're iterating backwards), followed by an optional run of
// whitespace, followed by an optional run of ending punctuation, followed
// by a period, this is a safe place to turn around
+ "![$sent_start$ucLatin]$start*$space+$end*$period;"
// if you see a letter or a digit, followed by an optional run of
// starting punctuation, followed by an optional run of whitespace,
// followed by an optional run of ending punctuation, followed by
// a sentence terminator, this is a safe place to turn around
+ "![$sent_start$lc$digit]$start*$space*$end*$term;"
// default rules for finding Title Case boundaries.
// See Unicode Technical Report #21 more information about these rules.
{ "TitleBreakRules",
+ "$cased=[[[:Lu:][:Lt:][:Ll:]"
+ "\u2160-\u216f" // Other Uppercase
+ "\u24b6-\u24cf"
+ "\u02b0-\u02b8" // Other Lower case
+ "\u02c0-\u02c1"
+ "\u02e0-\u02e4"
+ "\u0345\u037a"
+ "\u2170-\u217f"
+ "\u24d0-\u24e9]"
+ "-$case_ignorable];" // Remove anything that is case_ignorable
// from $cased.
+ "$not_cased=[^$cased$case_ignorable];"
// First time only, eat through any leading non-word-like stuff.
+ "[$not_cased$case_ignorable]*;"
// Match a word (a cased item), plus any following spaces or other non-cased junk,
// up to the start of the next cased item.
+ "$cased[$cased$case_ignorable]*[$not_cased]*;"
+ "!$not_cased*[$cased$case_ignorable]*$not_cased*;" // Backwards rule.