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* Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.*;
The ConvertPOSIXLocale application converts POSIX locale files to
Java and ICU Locale files. It's usage is as follows
[charMapFile ...]
The application is invoked with options specifying the format(s) of
the locale file(s) to generate as well as the POSIX locale file and
character mapping files.
If the -LC_CTYPE option is specified, the
following items are added to the locale if they
are present in the source: upper, lower, alpha, digit,
space, cntrl, punct, graph, print, xdigit, blank,
toupper, tolower.
If the -LC_TIME option is specified, the following
items will be included if they are present in the POSIX source:
abday, day, abmon, mon, d_t_fmt, d_ftm, t_fmt, am_pm,
t_fmt_ampm, era, era_year, era_d_fmt, alt_digits.
If the -LC_NUMERIC option is specified, the following
items will be included if they are present in the source:
decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping
If the -LC_MONETARY option is specified, the following
items will be included if they are present in the source:
int_curr_symbol, currency_symbol, mon_decimal_point,
mon_thousands_sep, mon_grouping, positive_sign,
negative_sign, int_frac_digits, frac_digits, p_cs_precedes,
p_sep_by_space, n_cs_precedes, n_sep_by_space, p_sign_posn.
If the -LC_MESSAGES option is specified, the
following items are added to the locale if they
are present in the source: yesexpr, noexpr
If this option is specified, data is output in
Java 1.1.x locale format.
If this option is specified, data is output in
Java 1.2.x locale format. If an output format
is not specified, -12 is the default.
If this option is specified, data is output in
ICU locale format.
The name of the locale in the localeDataFile. Ex. en_US.
The localeDataFile path is required and specifies the path
to the locale data file. If a "copy" directive is encountered
while processing the localeDataFile, ConvertPOSIXLocale will look
in the same directory as the localeDataFile for additional
POSIX locale data files. Files must be in the POSIX format
specified in ISO/IEC 9945- with exceptions noted below. Exactly
one localeDataFile must be specified.
Zero or more character mapping files may be specified. charMapFiles are used
to map symbols in the localeDataFile to Unicode values. They are processed
as follows. ConvertPOSIXLocale searchs for a line containing only the
word "CHARMAP" and reads symbol mappings until it reaches a line
containing only the words "END CHARMAP". Symbol mappings have
the form "<SYMBOL> <Uhhhh>" where "<SYMBOL>" is any symbol valid
in a localeDataFile and "hhhh" is four hexidecimal digits representing
the Unicode value for that symbol. Surrogate pairs are not supported
in charMapFiles. An example charMapFile might contain the following:
<E> <U0045>
<q> <U0071>
specifying that the symbol <START_OF_TEXT> should be replaced by
the Unicode value of 0x0002 wherever it occurs.
When multiple charMapFiles are specified, mappings in files listed
later take precedence over earlier ones.
Conversion to ICU and Java:
Converted from the LC_COLLATE section. The "..." directive is ignored.
The "replace-after" directive is ignored.
element 0 is set to currency_symbol
element 1 is set to int_curr_symbol
element 2 is set to mon_decimal_point
All other elements default.
element 0 is set to decimal_point
element 1 is set to thousands_sep
MonthNames is set to mon
MonthAbbreviations is set to abmon
DayNames is set to day
DayAbbreviations is set to abday
AmPmMarkers is set to am_pm
elements 0 through 3 are set to t_fmt_ampm with the patterns converted
elements 4 through 7 are set to d_fmt with the patterns converted
Adition POSIX data may be included in the Locale as follows:
This section is ignored unless the -LC_CTYPE option is
specified. If the -LC_CTYPE option is specified, the
following items are added to the locale if they
are present in the source: upper, lower, alpha, digit,
space, cntrl, punct, graph, print, xdigit, blank,
toupper, tolower.
If the -LC_TIME option is specified, the following
items will be included if they are present in the source:
abday, day, abmon, mon, d_t_fmt, d_ftm, t_fmt, am_pm,
t_fmt_ampm, era, era_year, era_d_fmt, alt_digits.
Converted to collations in the resource file.
public class ConvertPOSIXLocale {
private static final short OPT_LC_CTYPE = 0x001;
private static final short OPT_LC_TIME = 0x002;
private static final short OPT_LC_NUMERIC = 0x004;
private static final short OPT_LC_MONETARY = 0x008;
private static final short OPT_LC_MESSAGES = 0x010;
private static final short OPT_11 = 0x020;
private static final short OPT_12 = 0x040;
private static final short OPT_ICU = 0x080;
private static final short OPT_ICU2 = 0x100;
private static final short OPT_RAW = 0x200;
private static final short OPT_UNKNOWN = 0x4000;
private static final String USER_OPTIONS[] = {
private static final short OPT_CONVERT = (short)(OPT_LC_CTYPE | OPT_LC_TIME
private Hashtable data;
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
new ConvertPOSIXLocale(args);
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.err.println("Unknown error: "+t);
public ConvertPOSIXLocale(String args[]) {
public void process(String args[]) {
short options = identifyOptions(args);
String enc=null;
if ((args.length < 2) || ((options & OPT_UNKNOWN) != 0)) {
} else {
Vector mapFiles = new Vector();
Locale locale = null;
String fileName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
final String thisArg = args[i];
if (thisArg.startsWith("-")) {
enc = args[++i];
} else if (locale == null) {
locale = localeFromString(thisArg);
} else if (fileName == null) {
fileName = thisArg;
} else {
if ((fileName == null) || (locale == null) || (options == 0)) {
} else {
PosixCharMap map = new PosixCharMap();
Enumeration enum = mapFiles.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
String mapFile = (String)enum.nextElement();
System.err.println("Locale: "+locale);
System.err.println("Loading character map file: "+mapFile);
try {
map.load(new File(mapFile),enc);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error loading map file: "+mapFile+" "+e);
System.err.println("File skipped");
File dataFile = new File(fileName);
System.err.println("Locale directory: "+dataFile.getParent());
POSIXLocaleReader reader = new POSIXLocaleReader(dataFile.getParent(), locale);
System.err.println("Parsing file: "+dataFile.getName());
try {
data = reader.parse(dataFile.getName(), (byte)(options & OPT_CONVERT));
if ((options & OPT_11) != 0) {
new Java1LocaleWriter(System.out, System.err).write(locale, data);
if ((options & OPT_12) != 0) {
new JavaLocaleWriter(System.out, System.err).write(locale, data);
if ((options & OPT_ICU) != 0) {
new ICULocaleWriter(System.out, System.err).write(locale, data);
if ((options & OPT_ICU2) != 0) {
new ICU2LocaleWriter(System.out, System.err).write(locale, data);
if ((options & OPT_RAW) != 0) {
new ICULocaleWriter(System.out, System.err).write(locale, data);
} catch (IOException e) {
private void printUsage() {
System.err.println("Usage: ConvertPOSIXLocale [-LC_CTYPE] [-LC_TIME]"+
" [-LC_NUMERIC] [-LC_MONETARY] [-LC_MESSAGES] [-11] [-12] [-icu]"+
" localeName localeDataFile [charMapFile ...]");
private short identifyOptions(String[] options) {
short result = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
String option = options[j];
if (option.startsWith("-")) {
boolean optionRecognized = false;
for (short i = 0; i < USER_OPTIONS.length; i++) {
if (USER_OPTIONS[i].equals(option)) {
result |= (short)(1 << i);
optionRecognized = true;
if (!optionRecognized) {
result |= OPT_UNKNOWN;
return result;
private Locale localeFromString(final String localeName) {
String language = localeName;
String country = "";
String variant = "";
int ndx = language.indexOf('_');
if (ndx >= 0) {
country = language.substring(ndx+1);
language = language.substring(0, ndx);
ndx = country.indexOf('_');
if (ndx >= 0) {
variant = country.substring(ndx+1);
country = country.substring(0, ndx);
ndx = country.indexOf('@');
variant = country.substring(ndx+1);
country = country.substring(0,ndx);
return new Locale(language, country, variant);