blob: 7108f7a99014daf817e2e3e47e1fc017e81af476 [file] [log] [blame]
* @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2000/04/20 17:45:10 $
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
/** An implementation of MCharBuffer that stores chars in an array with an insertion gap. */
Change history
072396 jf - fixed a bug in replace(int, int, char[], int, int) so that it correctly
inserted into the middle of the buffer.
080296 jf - added timestamp. This is strictly a debugging device to help catch
stale iterators.
082296 jbr added check for 0-length iterator in replace
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
final class CharBuffer
extends MCharBuffer implements Externalizable
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
private static final int kGrowSize = 0x80; // small size for testing
private static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 1; // version code for streaming
private static final long serialVersionUID = 563174;
transient Validation fValidation = null;
private char[] fArray;
transient private int fArraySize;
transient private int fGap;
/** Create an empty char buffer. */
public CharBuffer()
/** Create a char buffer that can hold at least capacity chars. */
public CharBuffer(int capacity)
fArray = allocate(capacity);
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
if (in.readInt() != CURRENT_VERSION) {
throw new IOException("Invalid version of CharBuffer");
fArray = (char[]) in.readObject();
if (fArray != null) {
fArraySize = fArray.length;
fGap = fArraySize;
else {
fArraySize = 0;
fGap = 0;
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
private void invalidate() {
if (fValidation != null) {
fValidation = null;
// not ThreadSafe - could end up with two Validations
// being generated
private Validation getValidation() {
if (fValidation == null) {
fValidation = new Validation();
return fValidation;
/** Replace the chars from start to limit with the chars from srcStart to srcLimit in srcBuffer. */
/** Replace the chars from start to limit with the chars from srcStart to srcLimit in srcChars.
* This is the core routine for manipulating the buffer.
public void replace(int start, int limit, char[] srcChars, int srcStart, int srcLimit)
int dstLength = limit - start;
int srcLength = srcLimit - srcStart;
if (dstLength < 0 || srcLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("replace(int start, int limit, char[] srcChars, int srcStart, int srcLimit)");
int gapAlloc = 0;
if (srcChars == null) {
gapAlloc = srcLength;
srcLength = 0;
int newSize = fArraySize - dstLength + srcLength;
if (fArray == null) {
if (start != 0 || limit != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("replace(int start, int limit, char[] srcChars, int srcStart, int srcLimit)");
if (newSize + gapAlloc > 0) {
fArray = allocate(newSize + gapAlloc);
if (srcLength > 0) {
System.arraycopy(srcChars, srcStart, fArray, 0, srcLength);
fArraySize = srcLength;
fGap = srcLength;
} else {
int newGap = start + srcLength;
int gapLimit = fArray.length - fArraySize + fGap;
if (newSize + gapAlloc > fArray.length) {
char[] temp = allocate(newSize + gapAlloc);
//move stuff at beginning that we aren't writing over
if (start > 0) {
at(0, start, temp, 0);
//move stuff from src array that we are copying
if (srcLength > 0) {
System.arraycopy(srcChars, srcStart, temp, start, srcLength);
//move stuff at end that we aren't copying over
if (limit < fArraySize) {
at(limit, fArraySize, temp, temp.length - newSize + newGap);
//change 7-23-96
// at(limit, fArraySize - limit, temp, temp.length - newSize + newGap);
fArray = temp;
} else {
if (start > fGap) {
System.arraycopy(fArray, gapLimit, fArray, fGap, start - fGap);
if (limit < fGap) {
System.arraycopy(fArray, limit, fArray, fArray.length - newSize + newGap, fGap - limit);
if (srcLength > 0) {
System.arraycopy(srcChars, srcStart, fArray, start, srcLength);
fArraySize = newSize;
fGap = newGap;
/** Replace the chars from start to limit with the chars from srcStart to srcLimit in srcString. */
/* This implements optimizations for null text or inserting text that fits at the gap,
and defaults to call the core replace routine if these optimizations fail. */
public void replace(int start, int limit, String srcString, int srcStart, int srcLimit)
int length = limit - start;
int srcLength = srcLimit - srcStart;
if (fArray == null) {
if (start != 0 || limit != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("replace(int start, int limit, String srcString, int srcStart, int srcLimit)");
if (srcLength > 0) {
fArray = allocate(srcLength);
srcString.getChars(srcStart, srcLimit, fArray, 0);
fArraySize = srcLength;
fGap = srcLength;
} else {
if (start == fGap && fArray.length >= fArraySize - length + srcLength) {
if (srcLimit > 0) {
srcString.getChars(srcStart, srcLimit, fArray, fGap);
fGap += srcLength;
fArraySize += srcLength - length;
} else {
replace(start, limit, srcString != null ? srcString.toCharArray() : null, srcStart, srcLimit);
public void replace(int start, int limit, MConstText srcText, int srcStart, int srcLimit)
int length = limit - start;
int srcLength = srcLimit - srcStart;
if (fArray == null) {
if (start != 0 || limit != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("replace(int start, int limit, String srcString, int srcStart, int srcLimit)");
if (srcLength > 0) {
fArray = allocate(srcLength);
srcText.extractChars(srcStart, srcLimit, fArray, 0);
fArraySize = srcLength;
fGap = srcLength;
} else {
if (start == fGap && fArray.length >= fArraySize - length + srcLength) {
if (srcLimit > 0) {
srcText.extractChars(srcStart, srcLimit, fArray, fGap);
fGap += srcLength;
fArraySize += srcLength - length;
} else {
char[] temp = srcLength == 0? null : new char[srcLength];
if (temp != null) {
srcText.extractChars(srcStart, srcLimit, temp, 0);
replace(start, limit, temp, 0, srcLimit - srcStart);
/** Replace the chars from start to limit with srcChar. */
/* This implements optimizations for null text or replacing a character that fits into the gap,
and defaults to call the core replace routine if these optimizations fail. */
public void replace(int start, int limit, char srcChar)
if (fArray == null) {
if (start != 0 || limit != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("replace(int start, int limit, char srcChar)");
fArray = allocate(1);
fArray[0] = srcChar;
fArraySize = 1;
fGap = 1;
} else {
int length = limit - start;
if (start == fGap && fArray.length > fArraySize - length) {
fArray[fGap] = srcChar;
fGap += 1;
fArraySize += 1 - length;
} else {
replace(start, limit, new char[] { srcChar} , 0, 1);
/** Return the char at pos. */
public char at(int pos)
if (pos < 0 || pos >= fArraySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return pos < fGap ? fArray[pos] : fArray[fArray.length - fArraySize + pos];
/** Copy the chars from start to limit to dst starting at dstStart. */
public void at(int start, int limit, char[] dst, int dstStart)
int length = limit - start;
if (start < 0 || limit < start || limit > fArraySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (limit <= fGap) {
System.arraycopy(fArray, start, dst, dstStart, length);
} else if (start >= fGap) {
System.arraycopy(fArray, fArray.length - fArraySize + start, dst, dstStart, length);
} else {
System.arraycopy(fArray, start, dst, dstStart, fGap - start);
System.arraycopy(fArray, fArray.length - fArraySize + fGap, dst, dstStart + fGap - start, limit - fGap);
/** Return the number of chars in the buffer. */
public final int length()
return fArraySize;
/** Return the number of chars the buffer can hold before it must reallocate. */
public final int capacity()
return fArray != null ? fArray.length : 0;
/** Reserve capacity chars at start. Utility to optimize a sequence of operations at start. */
public void reserveCapacity(int start, int capacity)
replace(start, start, (char[])null, 0, capacity);
/** Minimize the storage used by the buffer. */
public void compress()
if (fArraySize == 0) {
fArray = null;
fGap = 0;
} else if (fArraySize != fArray.length) {
char[] temp = new char[fArraySize];
at(0, fArraySize, temp, 0);
fArray = temp;
fGap = fArraySize;
/** Display the buffer. */
public String toString()
if (fArray != null) {
return new StringBuffer()
.append("limit: ").append(fArray.length)
.append(", size: ").append(fArraySize)
.append(", gap: ").append(fGap)
.append(", ").append(fArray, 0, fGap)
.append(fArray, fArray.length - fArraySize + fGap, fArraySize - fGap)
} else {
return new String("The buffer is empty.");
public CharacterIterator createCharacterIterator(int start, int limit) {
Validation val = getValidation();
return new CharBufferIterator(start, limit, fArray, fArraySize, fGap, val);
/** The resizing algorithm. Return a value >= minSize. */
protected int allocation(int minSize)
// return (minSize + kGrowSize) & ~(kGrowSize - 1);
return minSize < kGrowSize ? kGrowSize : (minSize * 2 + kGrowSize) & ~(kGrowSize - 1);
/** Allocate a new character array of limit >= minSize. */
protected char[] allocate(int minSize)
return new char[allocation(minSize)];