blob: 4749b8587f4304e147cd315873edc7c7b5f972d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1996-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/icu4j/src/com/ibm/icu/util/,v $
* $Date: 2003/09/23 04:16:45 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* <p>
* A simple utility class to wrap a byte array.
* </p>
* <p>
* Generally passed as an argument object into a method. The method takes
* responsibility of writing into the internal byte array and increasing its
* size when necessary.
* </p>
* @author syn wee
* @draft ICU 2.8
public class ByteArrayWrapper
// public data member ------------------------------------------------
* Internal byte array.
* @draft ICU 2.8
public byte[] bytes;
* Size of the internal byte array used.
* Different from bytes.length, size will be &lt;= bytes.length.
* Semantics of size is similar to java.util.Vector.size().
* @draft ICU 2.8
public int size;
// public methods ----------------------------------------------------
* Ensure that the internal byte array is at least of length capacity.
* If the byte array is null or its length is less than capacity, a new
* byte array of length capacity will be allocated.
* The contents of the array (between 0 and size) remain unchanged.
* @param capacity minimum length of internal byte array.
* @draft ICU 2.8
public void ensureCapacity(int capacity)
if (bytes == null || bytes.length < capacity) {
byte[] newbytes = new byte[capacity];
copyBytes(bytes, 0, newbytes, 0, size);
bytes = newbytes;
* Set the internal byte array from offset 0 to (limit - start) with the
* contents of src from offset start to limit. If the byte array is null or its length is less than capacity, a new
* byte array of length (limit - start) will be allocated.
* This resets the size of the internal byte array to (limit - start).
* @param src source byte array to copy from
* @param start start offset of src to copy from
* @param limit end + 1 offset of src to copy from
public final void set(byte[] src, int start, int limit)
size = 0;
append(src, start, limit);
* Appends the internal byte array from offset size with the
* contents of src from offset start to limit. This increases the size of
* the internal byte array to (size + limit - start).
* @param src source byte array to copy from
* @param start start offset of src to copy from
* @param limit end + 1 offset of src to copy from
* @draft ICU 2.8
public final void append(byte[] src, int start, int limit)
int len = limit - start;
copyBytes(src, start, bytes, size, len);
size += len;
* Releases the internal byte array to the caller, resets the internal
* byte array to null and its size to 0.
* @return internal byte array.
* @draft ICU 2.8
public final byte[] releaseBytes()
byte result[] = bytes;
bytes = null;
size = 0;
return result;
// private methods -----------------------------------------------------
* Copies the contents of src byte array from offset srcoff to the
* target of tgt byte array at the offset tgtoff.
* @param src source byte array to copy from
* @param srcoff start offset of src to copy from
* @param tgt target byte array to copy to
* @param tgtoff start offset of tgt to copy to
* @param length size of contents to copy
* @draft ICU 2.8
private static final void copyBytes(byte[] src, int srcoff, byte[] tgt,
int tgtoff, int length) {
if (length < 64) {
for (int i = srcoff, n = tgtoff; -- length >= 0; ++ i, ++ n) {
tgt[n] = src[i];
else {
System.arraycopy(src, srcoff, tgt, tgtoff, length);