blob: c1c5b22bb7e4b0f48e216ad4791e702d781fdb1a [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
* A class encapsulating a currency, as defined by ISO 4217. A
* <tt>Currency</tt> object can be created given a <tt>Locale</tt> or
* given an ISO 4217 code. Once created, the <tt>Currency</tt> object
* can return various data necessary to its proper display:
* <ul><li>A display symbol, for a specific locale
* <li>The number of fraction digits to display
* <li>A rounding increment
* </ul>
* The <tt>DecimalFormat</tt> class uses these data to display
* currencies.
* <p>Note: This class deliberately resembles
* <tt>java.util.Currency</tt> but it has a completely independent
* implementation, and adds features not present in the JDK.
* @author Alan Liu
* @since ICU 2.2
public class Currency implements Serializable {
* ISO 4217 3-letter code.
private String isoCode;
* Returns a currency object for the default currency in the given
* locale.
public static Currency getInstance(Locale locale) {
// Look up the CurrencyElements resource for this locale.
// It contains: [0] = currency symbol, e.g. "$";
// [1] = intl. currency symbol, e.g. "USD";
// [2] = monetary decimal separator, e.g. ".".
ResourceBundle rb = ICULocaleData.getLocaleElements(locale);
String[] currencyElements = rb.getStringArray("CurrencyElements");
return getInstance(currencyElements[1]);
* Returns a currency object given an ISO 4217 3-letter code.
public static Currency getInstance(String theISOCode) {
return new Currency(theISOCode);
* Returns the ISO 4217 3-letter code for this currency object.
public String getCurrencyCode() {
return isoCode;
* Returns the display string for this currency object in the
* given locale. For example, the display string for the USD
* currency object in the en_US locale is "$".
public String getSymbol(Locale locale) {
// Look up the Currencies resource for the given locale. The
// Currencies locale looks like this in the original C
// resource file:
//|en {
//| Currencies {
//| USD { "$" }
//| CHF { "sFr" }
//| //...
//| }
ResourceBundle rb = ICULocaleData.getLocaleElements(locale);
// We can't cast this to String[][]; the cast has to happen later
try {
Object[][] currencies = (Object[][]) rb.getObject("Currencies");
// Do a linear search
for (int i=0; i<currencies.length; ++i) {
if (isoCode.equals((String) currencies[i][0])) {
return (String) currencies[i][1];
catch (MissingResourceException e) {}
try {
// Since the Currencies resource is not fully populated yet,
// check to see if we can find what we want in the CurrencyElements
// resource.
String[] currencyElements = rb.getStringArray("CurrencyElements");
if (currencyElements[1].equals(isoCode)) {
return currencyElements[0];
catch (MissingResourceException e2) {}
// If we fail to find a match, use the full ISO code
return isoCode;
* Returns the number of the number of fraction digits that should
* be displayed for this currency.
* @return a non-negative number of fraction digits to be
* displayed
public int getDefaultFractionDigits() {
return (findData())[0].intValue();
* Returns the rounding increment for this currency, or 0.0 if no
* rounding is done by this currency.
* @return the non-negative rounding increment, or 0.0 if none
public double getRoundingIncrement() {
Integer[] data = findData();
int data1 = data[1].intValue(); // rounding increment
// If there is no rounding return 0.0 to indicate no rounding.
// This is the high-runner case, by far.
if (data1 == 0) {
return 0.0;
int data0 = data[0].intValue(); // fraction digits
// If the meta data is invalid, return 0.0 to indicate no rounding.
if (data0 < 0 || data0 >= POW10.length) {
return 0.0;
// Return data[1] / 10^(data[0]). The only actual rounding data,
// as of this writing, is CHF { 2, 25 }.
return (double) data1 / POW10[data0];
* Returns the ISO 4217 code for this currency.
public String toString() {
return isoCode;
* Constructs a currency object for the given ISO 4217 3-letter
* code. This constructor assumes that the code is valid.
private Currency(String theISOCode) {
isoCode = theISOCode;
* Internal function to look up currency data. Result is an array of
* two Integers. The first is the fraction digits. The second is the
* rounding increment, or 0 if none. The rounding increment is in
* units of 10^(-fraction_digits).
private Integer[] findData() {
try {
// Get CurrencyMeta resource out of root locale file. [This may
// move out of the root locale file later; if it does, update this
// code.]
ResourceBundle root = ICULocaleData.getLocaleElements("");
Object[][] currencyMeta = (Object[][]) root.getObject("CurrencyMeta");
Integer[] i = null;
int defaultPos = -1;
// Do a linear search for isoCode. At the same time,
// record the position of the DEFAULT meta data. If the
// meta data becomes large, make this faster.
for (int j=0; j<currencyMeta.length; ++j) {
Object[] row = currencyMeta[j];
String s = (String) row[0];
int c = isoCode.compareToIgnoreCase(s);
if (c == 0) {
i = (Integer[]) row[1];
if ("DEFAULT".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
defaultPos = j;
if (c < 0 && defaultPos >= 0) {
if (i == null && defaultPos >= 0) {
i = (Integer[]) currencyMeta[defaultPos][1];
if (i != null && i.length >= 2) {
return i;
catch (MissingResourceException e) {}
// Config/build error; return hard-coded defaults
// Default currency meta data of last resort. We try to use the
// defaults encoded in the meta data resource bundle. If there is a
// configuration/build error and these are not available, we use these
// hard-coded defaults (which should be identical).
private static final Integer[] LAST_RESORT_DATA =
new Integer[] { new Integer(2), new Integer(0) };
// POW10[i] = 10^i
private static final int[] POW10 = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000,
1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 };