blob: 88d0b8562238f6c0ad04b5ef588c3c337026bf84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source:
* $Date:
* $Revision:
* Port From: ICU4C v2.1 : collate/CollationAPITest
* Source File: $ICU4CRoot/source/test/intltest/apicoll.cpp
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
public class CollationAPITest extends TestFmwk {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new CollationAPITest().run(args);
// new CollationAPITest().TestDecomposition();
* This tests the collation key related APIs.
* - constructor/destructor
* - Collator.getCollationKey
* - == and != operators
* - comparison between collation keys
* - creating collation key with a byte array and vice versa
public void TestCollationKey() {
logln("testing CollationKey begins...");
Collator col = null;
try {
col = Collator.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
CollationKey sortk1, sortk2;
String test1 = "Abcda";
String test2 = "abcda";
logln("Testing weird arguments");
sortk1 = col.getCollationKey("");
// key gets reset here
byte[] bytes = sortk1.toByteArray();
doAssert(bytes.length == 3 && bytes[0] == 1 && bytes[1] == 1 && bytes[2] == 0,
"Empty string should return an empty collation key");
// bogus key returned here
sortk1 = col.getCollationKey(null);
doAssert(sortk1 == null, "Error code should return bogus collation key");
logln("Use tertiary comparison level testing ....");
sortk1 = col.getCollationKey(test1);
sortk2 = col.getCollationKey(test2);
doAssert((sortk1.compareTo(sortk2)) > 0, "Result should be \"Abcda\" >>> \"abcda\"");
CollationKey sortkNew;
sortkNew = sortk1;
doAssert(!(sortk1.equals(sortk2)), "The sort keys should be different");
doAssert((sortk1.hashCode() != sortk2.hashCode()), "sort key hashCode() failed");
doAssert((sortk1.equals(sortkNew)), "The sort keys assignment failed");
doAssert((sortk1.hashCode() == sortkNew.hashCode()), "sort key hashCode() failed");
doAssert(col.getCollationKey(test1).compareTo(col.getCollationKey(test2)) == 0,
"Result should be \"Abcda\" == \"abcda\"");
void doAssert(boolean conditions, String message) {
if (!conditions) {
errln("Error: " + message);
* This tests the comparison convenience methods of a collator object.
* - greater than
* - greater than or equal to
* - equal to
public void TestCompare() {
logln("The compare tests begin : ");
Collator col = null;
try {
col = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Default collation creation failed.");
String test1 = "Abcda";
String test2 = "abcda";
logln("Use tertiary comparison level testing ....");
doAssert((!col.equals(test1, test2) ), "Result should be \"Abcda\" != \"abcda\"");
doAssert((, test2) > 0 ), "Result should be \"Abcda\" >>> \"abcda\"");
logln("Use secondary comparison level testing ....");
doAssert((col.equals(test1, test2) ), "Result should be \"Abcda\" == \"abcda\"");
doAssert((, test2) == 0), "Result should be \"Abcda\" == \"abcda\"");
logln("Use primary comparison level testing ....");
doAssert((col.equals(test1, test2) ), "Result should be \"Abcda\" == \"abcda\"");
doAssert((, test2) == 0 ), "Result should be \"Abcda\" == \"abcda\"");
logln("The compare tests end.");
* Tests decomposition setting
public void TestDecomposition() {
Collator en_US = null, el_GR = null, vi_VN = null;
try {
en_US = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("en", "US"));
el_GR = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("el", "GR"));
vi_VN = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("vi", "VN"));
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("ERROR: collation creation failed.\n");
// there is no reason to have canonical decomposition in en_US OR default locale */
if (vi_VN.getDecomposition() != Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION)
errln("ERROR: vi_VN collation did not have cannonical decomposition for normalization!\n");
if (el_GR.getDecomposition() != Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION)
errln("ERROR: el_GR collation did not have cannonical decomposition for normalization!\n");
if (en_US.getDecomposition() != Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION)
errln("ERROR: en_US collation had cannonical decomposition for normalization!\n");
* This tests the duplication of a collator object.
public void TestDuplicate() {
//Clone does not be implemented
Collator col1 = null;
try {
col1 = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Failure creating english collator");
// Collator col2 = (Collator)col1.clone();
// doAssert(col1.equals(col2), "Cloned object is not equal to the orginal");
String ruleset = "< a, A < b, B < c, C < d, D, e, E";
RuleBasedCollator col3 = null;
try {
col3 = new RuleBasedCollator(ruleset);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Failure creating RuleBasedCollator with rule:" + ruleset);
doAssert(!col1.equals(col3), "Cloned object is equal to some dummy");
col3 = (RuleBasedCollator)col1;
doAssert(col1.equals(col3), "Copied object is not equal to the orginal");
* This tests the CollationElementIterator related APIs.
* - creation of a CollationElementIterator object
* - == and != operators
* - iterating forward
* - reseting the iterator index
* - requesting the order properties(primary, secondary or tertiary)
public void TestElemIter() {
// logln("testing sortkey begins...");
Collator col = null;
try {
col = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Default collation creation failed.");
String testString1 = "XFILE What subset of all possible test cases has the highest probability of detecting the most errors?";
String testString2 = "Xf_ile What subset of all possible test cases has the lowest probability of detecting the least errors?";
// logln("Constructors and comparison testing....");
CollationElementIterator iterator1 = ((RuleBasedCollator)col).getCollationElementIterator(testString1);
CharacterIterator chariter=new StringCharacterIterator(testString1);
// copy ctor
CollationElementIterator iterator2 = ((RuleBasedCollator)col).getCollationElementIterator(chariter);
CollationElementIterator iterator3 = ((RuleBasedCollator)col).getCollationElementIterator(testString2);
int offset = 0;
offset = iterator1.getOffset();
if (offset != 0) {
errln("Error in getOffset for collation element iterator\n");
int order1, order2, order3;
order1 =;
doAssert(!(iterator1.equals(iterator2)), "The first iterator advance failed");
order2 =;
doAssert((iterator1.equals(iterator2)), "The second iterator advance failed");
doAssert((order1 == order2), "The order result should be the same");
order3 =;
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order3)), "The primary orders should be the same");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order3)), "The secondary orders should be the same");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order3)), "The tertiary orders should be the same");
order1 =;
order3 =;
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order3)), "The primary orders should be identical");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order1) !=
CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order3)), "The tertiary orders should be different");
order1 =;
order3 =;
// invalid test wrong in UCA
// doAssert((CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order1) !=
// CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order3)), "The secondary orders should not be the same");
doAssert((order1 != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER), "Unexpected end of iterator reached");
order1 =;
doAssert(!(iterator1.equals(iterator2)), "The first iterator advance failed");
order2 =;
doAssert((iterator1.equals(iterator2)), "The second iterator advance failed");
doAssert((order1 == order2), "The order result should be the same");
order3 =;
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order3)), "The primary orders should be the same");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order3)), "The secondary orders should be the same");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order3)), "The tertiary orders should be the same");
order1 =;
order2 =;
order3 =;
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order1) ==
CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(order3)), "The primary orders should be identical");
doAssert((CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order1) !=
CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(order3)), "The tertiary orders should be different");
order1 =;
order3 =;
// obsolete invalid test, removed
// doAssert((CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order1) !=
// CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(order3)), "The secondary orders should not be the same");
doAssert((order1 != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER), "Unexpected end of iterator reached");
doAssert(!(iterator2.equals(iterator3)), "The iterators should be different");
logln("testing CollationElementIterator ends...");
* This tests the hashCode method of a collator object.
public void TestHashCode() {
logln("hashCode tests begin.");
Collator col1 = null;
try {
col1 = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Default collation creation failed.");
Collator col2 = null;
Locale dk = new Locale("da", "DK", "");
try {
col2 = Collator.getInstance(dk);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Danish collation creation failed.");
Collator col3 = null;
try {
col3 = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("2nd default collation creation failed.");
logln("Collator.hashCode() testing ...");
doAssert(col1.hashCode() != col2.hashCode(), "Hash test1 result incorrect" );
doAssert(!(col1.hashCode() == col2.hashCode()), "Hash test2 result incorrect" );
doAssert(col1.hashCode() == col3.hashCode(), "Hash result not equal" );
logln("hashCode tests end.");
String test1 = "Abcda";
String test2 = "abcda";
CollationKey sortk1, sortk2, sortk3;
sortk1 = col3.getCollationKey(test1);
sortk2 = col3.getCollationKey(test2);
sortk3 = col3.getCollationKey(test2);
doAssert(sortk1.hashCode() != sortk2.hashCode(), "Hash test1 result incorrect");
doAssert(sortk2.hashCode() == sortk3.hashCode(), "Hash result not equal" );
* This tests the properties of a collator object.
* - constructor
* - factory method getInstance
* - compare and getCollationKey
* - get/set decomposition mode and comparison level
public void TestProperty() {
Collator col = null;
All the collations have the same version in an ICU
ICU 2.0 currVersionArray = {0x18, 0xC0, 0x02, 0x02};
ICU 2.1 currVersionArray = {0x19, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03};
logln("The property tests begin : ");
logln("Test ctors : ");
try {
col = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Default Collator creation failed.");
doAssert(("ab", "abc") < 0), "ab < abc comparison failed");
doAssert(("ab", "AB") < 0), "ab < AB comparison failed");
doAssert(("blackbird", "black-bird") > 0), "black-bird > blackbird comparison failed");
doAssert(("black bird", "black-bird") < 0), "black bird > black-bird comparison failed");
doAssert(("Hello", "hello") > 0), "Hello > hello comparison failed");
logln("Test ctors ends.");
logln("testing Collator.getStrength() method ...");
doAssert((col.getStrength() == Collator.TERTIARY), "collation object has the wrong strength");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.PRIMARY), "collation object's strength is primary difference");
logln("testing Collator.setStrength() method ...");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.TERTIARY), "collation object's strength is secondary difference");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.PRIMARY), "collation object's strength is primary difference");
doAssert((col.getStrength() == Collator.SECONDARY), "collation object has the wrong strength");
logln("testing Collator.setDecomposition() method ...");
doAssert((col.getDecomposition() != Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION), "Decomposition mode != Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION");
doAssert((col.getDecomposition() == Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION), "Decomposition mode = Collator.NO_DECOMPOSITION");
RuleBasedCollator rcol = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(new Locale("da", "DK"));
doAssert(rcol.getRules().length() != 0, "da_DK rules does not have length 0");
try {
col = Collator.getInstance(Locale.FRENCH);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Creating French collation failed.");
logln("testing Collator.getStrength() method again ...");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.TERTIARY), "collation object has the wrong strength");
doAssert((col.getStrength() == Collator.PRIMARY), "collation object's strength is not primary difference");
logln("testing French Collator.setStrength() method ...");
doAssert((col.getStrength() == Collator.TERTIARY), "collation object's strength is not tertiary difference");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.PRIMARY), "collation object's strength is primary difference");
doAssert((col.getStrength() != Collator.SECONDARY), "collation object's strength is secondary difference");
logln("Create junk collation: ");
Locale abcd = new Locale("ab", "CD", "");
Collator junk = null;
try {
junk = Collator.getInstance(abcd);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Junk collation creation failed, should at least return default.");
try {
col = Collator.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Creating default collator failed.");
String colrules = ((RuleBasedCollator)col).getRules();
String junkrules = ((RuleBasedCollator)junk).getRules();
doAssert(colrules == junkrules || colrules.equals(junkrules),
"The default collation should be returned.");
Collator frCol = null;
try {
frCol = Collator.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Creating French collator failed.");
doAssert(!(frCol.equals(junk)), "The junk is the same as the French collator.");
logln("Collator property test ended.");
* This tests the RuleBasedCollator
* - constructor/destructor
* - getRules
public void TestRuleBasedColl() {
RuleBasedCollator col1 = null, col2 = null, col3 = null, col4 = null;
String ruleset1 = "&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C; ch, cH, Ch, CH < d, D, e, E";
String ruleset2 = "&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C < d, D, e, E";
try {
col1 = new RuleBasedCollator(ruleset1);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed.\n");
try {
col2 = new RuleBasedCollator(ruleset2);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed.\n");
Locale locale = new Locale("aa", "AA");
try {
col3 = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(locale);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Fallback Collator creation failed.: %s\n");
try {
col3 = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("Default Collator creation failed.: %s\n");
String rule1 = col1.getRules();
String rule2 = col2.getRules();
String rule3 = col3.getRules();
doAssert(!rule1.equals(rule2), "Default collator getRules failed");
doAssert(!rule2.equals(rule3), "Default collator getRules failed");
doAssert(!rule1.equals(rule3), "Default collator getRules failed");
try {
col4 = new RuleBasedCollator(rule2);
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed.\n");
String rule4 = col4.getRules();
doAssert(rule2.equals(rule4), "Default collator getRules failed");
// tests that modifier ! is always ignored
String exclamationrules = "!&a<b";
// java does not allow ! to be the start of the rule
String thaistr = "\u0e40\u0e01\u0e2d";
try {
RuleBasedCollator col5 = new RuleBasedCollator(exclamationrules);
RuleBasedCollator encol = (RuleBasedCollator)
CollationElementIterator col5iter
= col5.getCollationElementIterator(thaistr);
CollationElementIterator encoliter
= encol.getCollationElementIterator(
while (true) {
// testing with en since thai has its own tailoring
int ce =;
int ce2 =;
if (ce2 != ce) {
errln("! modifier test failed");
if (ce == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) {
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed for ! modifier.\n");
// test that we can start a rule without a & or <
String nonresetrule = "z < a";
try {
RuleBasedCollator col6 = new RuleBasedCollator(nonresetrule);
if ("z", "a") != -1) {
errln("Rule \"z < a\" fails");
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed for non-&.\n");
* This tests the RuleBasedCollator
* - getRules
public void TestRules() {
RuleBasedCollator coll;
try {
coll = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
// logln("PASS: RuleBased Collator creation passed\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("English Collator creation failed.\n");
String rules = coll.getRules();
if (rules != null && rules.length() != 0) {
errln("English tailored rules failed");