blob: fa4bd7a8dc3b24d93f9b5379009c6a44e54a3e3e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 06/08/01 aliu Creation.
import java.util.*;
* @author Alan Liu
* @version $RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2001/10/17 17:43:03 $
public class NormalizationTransliterator extends Transliterator {
* The normalization mode of this transliterator.
private Normalizer.Mode mode;
* Normalization options for this transliterator.
private int options;
* System registration hook.
static void register() {
Transliterator.registerFactory("Any-NFC", new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return NormalizationTransliterator.
Transliterator.registerFactory("Any-NFD", new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return NormalizationTransliterator.
Transliterator.registerFactory("Any-NFKC", new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return NormalizationTransliterator.
Transliterator.registerFactory("Any-NFKD", new Transliterator.Factory() {
public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
return NormalizationTransliterator.
* Factory method.
public static NormalizationTransliterator getInstance(Normalizer.Mode m,
int opt) {
StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer("NF");
if (m.compat()) {
id.append(m.compose() ? 'C' : 'D');
return new NormalizationTransliterator(id.toString(), m, opt);
* Factory method.
public static NormalizationTransliterator getInstance(Normalizer.Mode m) {
return getInstance(m, 0);
* Constructs a transliterator.
private NormalizationTransliterator(String id, Normalizer.Mode m,
int opt) {
super(id, null);
mode = m;
options = opt;
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
Position offsets, boolean isIncremental) {
int start = offsets.start;
int limit = offsets.limit;
// For the non-incremental case normalize right up to
// offsets.limit. In the incremental case, find the last base
// character b, and pass everything from the start up to the
// character before b to normalizer.
if (isIncremental) {
// Wrinkle: Jamo has a combining class of zero, but we
// don't want to normalize individual Jamo one at a time
// if we're composing incrementally. If we are composing
// in incremental mode then we collect up trailing jamo
// and save them for next time.
boolean doStandardBackup = true;
if (mode.compose()) {
// As a minor optimization, if there are three or more
// trailing jamo, we let the first three through --
// these should be handled correctly.
char c;
while (limit > offsets.start &&
(c=text.charAt(limit-1)) >= 0x1100 &&
c < 0x1200) {
// Characters in [limit, offsets.limit) are jamo.
// If we have at least 3 jamo, then allow them
// to be transliterated. If we have zero jamo,
// then proceed as usual.
if (limit < offsets.limit) {
if ((offsets.limit - limit) >= 3) {
limit += 3;
doStandardBackup = false;
if (doStandardBackup) {
while (limit > start &&
UCharacter.getCombiningClass(text.charAt(limit)) != 0) {
if (limit > start) {
char chars[] = new char[limit - start];
text.getChars(start, limit, chars, 0);
String input = new String(chars);
String output = Normalizer.normalize(input, mode, options);
text.replace(start, limit, output);
int delta = output.length() - input.length();
offsets.contextLimit += delta;
offsets.limit += delta;
offsets.start = limit + delta;