blob: 3f88ec6ff94562e8dc0d7672880f879793dfd777 [file] [log] [blame]
* @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2000/04/24 20:52:58 $
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999. All Rights Reserved.
* The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
* implied, including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied
* warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
* IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
* of using the Program. In no event will IBM be liable for any
* special, indirect or consequential damages or lost profits even if
* IBM has been advised of the possibility of their occurrence. IBM
* will not be liable for any third party claims against you.
import java.util.Enumeration;
// Java2 imports
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class TestAttributeMap extends TestFmwk {
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-1999 - All Rights Reserved";
// There are JDK 1.1 versions of AttributeMap and AttributeSet.
// Some of the tests in this class require Java 2 API's. I have
// tried to isolate these tests by conditionalizing them on
// this static variable. If you are back-porting to 1.1, remove
// the Java 2 tests ONLY.
private static final boolean gJDK11 = false;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TestAttributeMap().run(args);
private AttributeSet maps; // A Set of AttributeMaps
private AttributeSet sets; // A Set of Sets
private static final class TestAttribute extends TextAttribute {
TestAttribute(String name) {
private static final TestAttribute[] attributes = {
new TestAttribute("0"), new TestAttribute("1"), new TestAttribute("2")
private static final Object[] values = {
"Hello world", new Float(-42), new Object(), new AttributeMap(new TestAttribute("3"), "HH")
* Returns lhs.equals(rhs) - but also checks for symmetry, and
* consistency with hashCode().
private boolean equalMaps(AttributeMap lhs, Object rhs) {
boolean equal = lhs.equals(rhs);
if (equal != (rhs.equals(lhs))) {
errln("AttributeMap.equals is not symetric");
if (equal) {
if (lhs.hashCode() != rhs.hashCode()) {
errln("AttributeMaps are equal but hashCodes differ");
return equal;
public TestAttributeMap() {
maps = AttributeSet.EMPTY_SET;
maps = maps.addElement(AttributeMap.EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAP);
maps.addElement(new AttributeMap(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUB));
maps.addElement(new AttributeMap(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER));
for (int i=0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < values.length; j++) {
maps = maps.addElement(new AttributeMap(attributes[i], values[j]));
AttributeMap bigMap = new AttributeMap(new TestAttribute("4"), "value");
for (int i=0; i < Math.min(attributes.length, values.length); i++) {
bigMap = bigMap.addAttribute(attributes[i], values[values.length-i-1]);
maps = maps.addElement(bigMap);
sets = AttributeSet.EMPTY_SET;
sets = new AttributeSet(AttributeSet.EMPTY_SET);
for (int i=0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
AttributeSet newSet = new AttributeSet(attributes[i]);
sets = sets.addElement(newSet);
AttributeSet allAttrs = AttributeSet.EMPTY_SET;
for (int i=0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
allAttrs = allAttrs.addElement(attributes[i]);
sets = sets.addElement(allAttrs);
* Run tests on AttributeMap. If a test fails an exception will propogate out
* of this method.
public void test() {
Enumeration mapIter = maps.elements();
while (mapIter.hasMoreElements()) {
AttributeMap testMap = (AttributeMap) mapIter.nextElement();
Enumeration unionIter = maps.elements();
while (unionIter.hasMoreElements()) {
_testUnionWith(testMap, (AttributeMap) unionIter.nextElement());
Enumeration setIter = sets.elements();
while (setIter.hasMoreElements()) {
AttributeSet testSet = (AttributeSet) setIter.nextElement();
_testIntersectWith(testMap, testSet);
_testRemoveAttributes(testMap, testSet);
* Invoke modifiers on map. All should throw
* UnsupportedOperationException, and leave map unmodified.
void _testModifiers(AttributeMap map) {
if (gJDK11) {
AttributeMap originalMap = new AttributeMap(map);
try {
map.put(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD);
errln("Put should throw UnsupportedOperationException.");
catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) {
try {
Object key = TextAttribute.WEIGHT;
Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
key =;
errln("Set should throw UnsupportedOperationException.");
catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) {
try {
errln("putAll should throw UnsupportedOperationException.");
catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) {
try {
errln("clear should throw UnsupportedOperationException.");
catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) {
if (!originalMap.equals(map)) {
errln("Modifiers changed map.");
* Ensure that map.addAttributes(addMap) is equivalent to calling
* map.add on all of addMap's entries.
void _testUnionWith(AttributeMap map, AttributeMap addMap) {
AttributeMap lhs = map.addAttributes(addMap);
AttributeMap rhs = map;
Enumeration iter = addMap.getKeySet().elements();
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
Object attr = iter.nextElement();
Object value = addMap.get(attr);
rhs = rhs.addAttribute(attr, value);
if (!equalMaps(lhs, rhs)) {
errln("Maps are not equal.");
* Ensure that map.removeAttributes(remove) is equivalent to calling
* map.removeAttribute on remove's elements.
void _testRemoveAttributes(AttributeMap map, AttributeSet remove) {
AttributeMap lhs = map.removeAttributes(remove);
AttributeMap rhs = map;
Enumeration iter = remove.elements();
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
Object attr = iter.nextElement();
rhs = rhs.removeAttribute(attr);
if (!equalMaps(lhs, rhs)) {
errln("Maps are not equal.");
* Ensure that map.intersectWith(intersect) is equivalent to
* map.removeAttributes(map.keySet() - intersect);
void _testIntersectWith(AttributeMap map, AttributeSet intersect) {
AttributeMap lhs = map.intersectWith(intersect);
AttributeSet keySet = map.getKeySet();
AttributeSet removeSet = keySet.subtract(intersect);
AttributeMap rhs = map.removeAttributes(removeSet);
if (!equalMaps(lhs, rhs)) {
logln("intersect: " + intersect);
logln("keySet: " + keySet);
logln("removeSet: " + removeSet);
logln("map: " + map);
logln("lhs: " + lhs);
logln("rhs: " + rhs);
errln("Maps are not equal.");
* Ensure that:
* map, map.keySet(), and map.entrySet() are the same size;
* map.containsKey() is true for every key in keySet();
* map.containsValue() is true for every value in values;
* every entry key is in keySet, every entry value is in map.values();
* map.get() is consistent with entry's key, value;
* sum of hashcodes of entries equals map.hashCode().
void _testViews(AttributeMap map) {
AttributeSet keySet = map.getKeySet();
Enumeration keyIter = keySet.elements();
while (keyIter.hasMoreElements()) {
if (!map.containsKey(keyIter.nextElement())) {
errln("keySet contains key not in map");
if (gJDK11) {
Collection values = map.values();
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
if (keySet.size() != map.size() || entrySet.size() != map.size()) {
errln("Set sizes are inconsistent with map size.");
int hashCode = 0;
Iterator valueIter = values.iterator();
while (valueIter.hasNext()) {
if (!map.containsValue( {
errln("value set contains value not in map");
Iterator entryIter = entrySet.iterator();
while (entryIter.hasNext()) {
Entry entry = (Entry);
Object key = entry.getKey();
if (!keySet.contains(key)) {
errln("Entry key is not in key set.");
Object value = map.get(entry.getKey());
if (!values.contains(value)) {
errln("Entry value is not in value set.");
if (map.get(key) != value) {
errln("map.get did not return entry value.");
hashCode += entry.hashCode();
if (hashCode != map.hashCode()) {
errln("map hashcode is not sum of entry hashcodes.");
* Look for correct behavior in obvious cases.
void easyTests() {
AttributeMap map = new AttributeMap();
if (!map.equals(AttributeMap.EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAP)) {
errln("Default-constructed map is not equal to empty map.");
map = map.addAttribute(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE);
Object otherMap = new AttributeMap(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE);
if (!map.equals(otherMap)) {
errln("Maps are inconsistent after map.add");
otherMap = map.addAttributes(map);
if (!equalMaps(map,otherMap)) {
errln("Maps are inconsistent after addAttributes");
map = map.addAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON);
if (map.size() != 2) {
errln("Map size is wrong. map="+map);
if (equalMaps(map,otherMap)) {
errln("Maps should not be equal");
Object posture = new Float(0);
map = map.addAttribute(TextAttribute.POSTURE, posture);
if (map.size() != 2) {
errln("Map size is wrong");
if (!map.get(TextAttribute.POSTURE).equals(posture)) {
errln("Map element is wrong");
map = map.removeAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE);
if (map.size() != 1) {
errln("Map size is wrong");
if (map.get(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE) != null) {
errln("Map should not have element");
// map has POSTURE_REGULAR. If we addAttributes a map with
// POSTURE_ITALIC the new map should have POSTURE_ITALIC
map = map.addAttributes(new AttributeMap(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE));
if (map.get(TextAttribute.POSTURE) != TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE) {
errln("Map element is wrong");
Enumeration mapIter = maps.elements();
while (mapIter.hasMoreElements()) {
AttributeMap testMap = (AttributeMap) mapIter.nextElement();
Object newValue = new Object();
AttributeMap newMap = testMap.addAttribute(attributes[0], newValue);
if (newMap.get(attributes[0]) != newValue) {
errln("Did not get expected value back. map=" + map);