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* Copyright (C) 2006-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.CoderResult;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
* An abstract class that provides framework methods of decoding operations for concrete
* subclasses.
* In the future this class will contain API that will implement converter semantics of ICU4C.
* @stable ICU 3.6
public abstract class CharsetEncoderICU extends CharsetEncoder {
/* this is used in fromUnicode DBCS tables as an "unassigned" marker */
static final char MISSING_CHAR_MARKER = '\uFFFF';
byte[] errorBuffer = new byte[30];
int errorBufferLength = 0;
/** these are for encodeLoopICU */
int fromUnicodeStatus;
int fromUChar32;
boolean useSubChar1;
boolean useFallback;
/* maximum number of indexed UChars */
static final int EXT_MAX_UCHARS = 19;
/* store previous UChars/chars to continue partial matches */
int preFromUFirstCP; /* >=0: partial match */
char[] preFromUArray = new char[EXT_MAX_UCHARS];
int preFromUBegin;
int preFromULength; /* negative: replay */
char[] invalidUCharBuffer = new char[2];
int invalidUCharLength;
Object fromUContext;
private CharsetCallback.Encoder onUnmappableInput = CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP;
private CharsetCallback.Encoder onMalformedInput = CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP;
CharsetCallback.Encoder fromCharErrorBehaviour = new CharsetCallback.Encoder() {
public CoderResult call(CharsetEncoderICU encoder, Object context,
CharBuffer source, ByteBuffer target, IntBuffer offsets,
char[] buffer, int length, int cp, CoderResult cr) {
if (cr.isUnmappable()) {
return, context, source, target,
offsets, buffer, length, cp, cr);
} else /* if (cr.isMalformed()) */ {
return, context, source, target,
offsets, buffer, length, cp, cr);
// return, context, source, target, offsets, buffer, length, cp, cr);
* Construcs a new encoder for the given charset
* @param cs
* for which the decoder is created
* @param replacement
* the substitution bytes
CharsetEncoderICU(CharsetICU cs, byte[] replacement) {
super(cs, (cs.minBytesPerChar + cs.maxBytesPerChar) / 2,
cs.maxBytesPerChar, replacement);
* Is this Encoder allowed to use fallbacks? A fallback mapping is a mapping
* that will convert a Unicode codepoint sequence to a byte sequence, but
* the encoded byte sequence will round trip convert to a different
* Unicode codepoint sequence.
* @return true if the converter uses fallback, false otherwise.
* @stable ICU 3.8
public boolean isFallbackUsed() {
return useFallback;
* Sets whether this Encoder can use fallbacks?
* @param usesFallback true if the user wants the converter to take
* advantage of the fallback mapping, false otherwise.
* @stable ICU 3.8
public void setFallbackUsed(boolean usesFallback) {
useFallback = usesFallback;
* Use fallbacks from Unicode to codepage when useFallback or for private-use code points
* @param c A codepoint
final boolean isFromUUseFallback(int c) {
return (useFallback)
|| (UCharacter.getType(c) == UCharacter.PRIVATE_USE);
* Use fallbacks from Unicode to codepage when useFallback or for private-use code points
static final boolean isFromUUseFallback(boolean iUseFallback, int c) {
return (iUseFallback)
|| (UCharacter.getType(c) == UCharacter.PRIVATE_USE);
* Sets the action to be taken if an illegal sequence is encountered
* @param newAction
* action to be taken
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* @stable ICU 3.6
protected void implOnMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction newAction) {
onMalformedInput = getCallback(newAction);
* Sets the action to be taken if an illegal sequence is encountered
* @param newAction
* action to be taken
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* @stable ICU 3.6
protected void implOnUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction newAction) {
onUnmappableInput = getCallback(newAction);
* Sets the callback encoder method and context to be used if an illegal sequence is encountered.
* You would normally call this twice to set both the malform and unmappable error. In this case,
* newContext should remain the same since using a different newContext each time will negate the last
* one used.
* @param err CoderResult
* @param newCallback CharsetCallback.Encoder
* @param newContext Object
* @stable ICU 4.0
public final void setFromUCallback(CoderResult err, CharsetCallback.Encoder newCallback, Object newContext) {
if (err.isMalformed()) {
onMalformedInput = newCallback;
} else if (err.isUnmappable()) {
onUnmappableInput = newCallback;
} else {
/* Error: Only malformed and unmappable are handled. */
if (fromUContext == null || !fromUContext.equals(newContext)) {
* Sets fromUContext used in callbacks.
* @param newContext Object
* @exception IllegalArgumentException The object is an illegal argument for UContext.
* @stable ICU 4.0
public final void setFromUContext(Object newContext) {
fromUContext = newContext;
private static CharsetCallback.Encoder getCallback(CodingErrorAction action) {
if (action == CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) {
return CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE;
} else if (action == CodingErrorAction.IGNORE) {
return CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_SKIP;
} else /* if (action == CodingErrorAction.REPORT) */ {
return CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP;
private static final CharBuffer EMPTY = CharBuffer.allocate(0);
* Flushes any characters saved in the converter's internal buffer and
* resets the converter.
* @param out action to be taken
* @return result of flushing action and completes the decoding all input.
* Returns CoderResult.UNDERFLOW if the action succeeds.
* @stable ICU 3.6
protected CoderResult implFlush(ByteBuffer out) {
return encode(EMPTY, out, null, true);
* Resets the from Unicode mode of converter
* @stable ICU 3.6
protected void implReset() {
errorBufferLength = 0;
fromUnicodeStatus = 0;
fromUChar32 = 0;
private void fromUnicodeReset() {
preFromUBegin = 0;
preFromUFirstCP = UConverterConstants.U_SENTINEL;
preFromULength = 0;
* Encodes one or more chars. The default behaviour of the
* converter is stop and report if an error in input stream is encountered.
* To set different behaviour use @see CharsetEncoder.onMalformedInput()
* @param in buffer to decode
* @param out buffer to populate with decoded result
* @return result of decoding action. Returns CoderResult.UNDERFLOW if the decoding
* action succeeds or more input is needed for completing the decoding action.
* @stable ICU 3.6
protected CoderResult encodeLoop(CharBuffer in, ByteBuffer out) {
if (!in.hasRemaining() && this.errorBufferLength == 0) { // make sure the errorBuffer is empty
// The Java framework should have already substituted what was left.
fromUChar32 = 0;
return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
in.position(in.position() + fromUCountPending());
/* do the conversion */
CoderResult ret = encode(in, out, null, false);
/* No need to reset to keep the proper state of the encoder.
if (ret.isUnderflow() && in.hasRemaining()) {
// The Java framework is going to substitute what is left.
} */
return ret;
* Implements ICU semantics of buffer management
* @param source
* @param target
* @param offsets
* @return A CoderResult object that contains the error result when an error occurs.
abstract CoderResult encodeLoop(CharBuffer source, ByteBuffer target,
IntBuffer offsets, boolean flush);
* Implements ICU semantics for encoding the buffer
* @param source The input character buffer
* @param target The output byte buffer
* @param offsets
* @param flush true if, and only if, the invoker can provide no
* additional input bytes beyond those in the given buffer.
* @return A CoderResult object that contains the error result when an error occurs.
final CoderResult encode(CharBuffer source, ByteBuffer target,
IntBuffer offsets, boolean flush) {
/* check parameters */
if (target == null || source == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Make sure that the buffer sizes do not exceed the number range for
* int32_t because some functions use the size (in units or bytes)
* rather than comparing pointers, and because offsets are int32_t values.
* size_t is guaranteed to be unsigned and large enough for the job.
* Return with an error instead of adjusting the limits because we would
* not be able to maintain the semantics that either the source must be
* consumed or the target filled (unless an error occurs).
* An adjustment would be targetLimit=t+0x7fffffff; for example.
/* flush the target overflow buffer */
if (errorBufferLength > 0) {
byte[] overflowArray;
int i, length;
overflowArray = errorBuffer;
length = errorBufferLength;
i = 0;
do {
if (target.remaining() == 0) {
/* the overflow buffer contains too much, keep the rest */
int j = 0;
do {
overflowArray[j++] = overflowArray[i++];
} while (i < length);
errorBufferLength = (byte) j;
return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
/* copy the overflow contents to the target */
if (offsets != null) {
offsets.put(-1); /* no source index available for old output */
} while (i < length);
/* the overflow buffer is completely copied to the target */
errorBufferLength = 0;
if (!flush && source.remaining() == 0 && preFromULength >= 0) {
/* the overflow buffer is emptied and there is no new input: we are done */
return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
* Do not simply return with a buffer overflow error if
* !flush && t==targetLimit
* because it is possible that the source will not generate any output.
* For example, the skip callback may be called;
* it does not output anything.
return fromUnicodeWithCallback(source, target, offsets, flush);
* Implementation note for m:n conversions
* While collecting source units to find the longest match for m:n conversion,
* some source units may need to be stored for a partial match.
* When a second buffer does not yield a match on all of the previously stored
* source units, then they must be "replayed", i.e., fed back into the converter.
* The code relies on the fact that replaying will not nest -
* converting a replay buffer will not result in a replay.
* This is because a replay is necessary only after the _continuation_ of a
* partial match failed, but a replay buffer is converted as a whole.
* It may result in some of its units being stored again for a partial match,
* but there will not be a continuation _during_ the replay which could fail.
* It is conceivable that a callback function could call the converter
* recursively in a way that causes another replay to be stored, but that
* would be an error in the callback function.
* Such violations will cause assertion failures in a debug build,
* and wrong output, but they will not cause a crash.
final CoderResult fromUnicodeWithCallback(CharBuffer source,
ByteBuffer target, IntBuffer offsets, boolean flush) {
int sBufferIndex;
int sourceIndex;
int errorInputLength;
boolean converterSawEndOfInput, calledCallback;
/* variables for m:n conversion */
CharBuffer replayArray = CharBuffer.allocate(EXT_MAX_UCHARS);
int replayArrayIndex = 0;
CharBuffer realSource;
boolean realFlush;
CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
/* get the converter implementation function */
sourceIndex = 0;
if (preFromULength >= 0) {
/* normal mode */
realSource = null;
realFlush = false;
} else {
* Previous m:n conversion stored source units from a partial match
* and failed to consume all of them.
* We need to "replay" them from a temporary buffer and convert them first.
realSource = source;
realFlush = flush;
//UConverterUtility.uprv_memcpy(replayArray, replayArrayIndex, preFromUArray, 0, -preFromULength*UMachine.U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
replayArray.put(preFromUArray, 0, -preFromULength);
source = replayArray;
source.limit(replayArrayIndex - preFromULength); //preFromULength is negative, see declaration
flush = false;
preFromULength = 0;
* loop for conversion and error handling
* loop {
* convert
* loop {
* update offsets
* handle end of input
* handle errors/call callback
* }
* }
for (;;) {
/* convert */
cr = encodeLoop(source, target, offsets, flush);
* set a flag for whether the converter
* successfully processed the end of the input
* need not check cnv.preFromULength==0 because a replay (<0) will cause
* s<sourceLimit before converterSawEndOfInput is checked
converterSawEndOfInput = (cr.isUnderflow() && flush
&& source.remaining() == 0 && fromUChar32 == 0);
/* no callback called yet for this iteration */
calledCallback = false;
/* no sourceIndex adjustment for conversion, only for callback output */
errorInputLength = 0;
* loop for offsets and error handling
* iterates at most 3 times:
* 1. to clean up after the conversion function
* 2. after the callback
* 3. after the callback again if there was truncated input
for (;;) {
/* update offsets if we write any */
/* Currently offsets are not being used in ICU4J */
/* if (offsets != null) {
int length = target.remaining();
if (length > 0) {
* if a converter handles offsets and updates the offsets
* pointer at the end, then offset should not change
* here;
* however, some converters do not handle offsets at all
* (sourceIndex<0) or may not update the offsets pointer
/* offsets.position(offsets.position() + length);
if (sourceIndex >= 0) {
sourceIndex += (int) (source.position());
} */
if (preFromULength < 0) {
* switch the source to new replay units (cannot occur while replaying)
* after offset handling and before end-of-input and callback handling
if (realSource == null) {
realSource = source;
realFlush = flush;
//UConverterUtility.uprv_memcpy(replayArray, replayArrayIndex, preFromUArray, 0, -preFromULength*UMachine.U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
replayArray.put(preFromUArray, 0, -preFromULength);
source = replayArray;
source.limit(replayArrayIndex - preFromULength);
flush = false;
if ((sourceIndex += preFromULength) < 0) {
sourceIndex = -1;
preFromULength = 0;
} else {
/* see implementation note before _fromUnicodeWithCallback() */
//agljport:todo U_ASSERT(realSource==NULL);
Assert.assrt(realSource == null);
/* update pointers */
sBufferIndex = source.position();
if (cr.isUnderflow()) {
if (sBufferIndex < source.limit()) {
* continue with the conversion loop while there is still input left
* (continue converting by breaking out of only the inner loop)
} else if (realSource != null) {
/* switch back from replaying to the real source and continue */
source = realSource;
flush = realFlush;
sourceIndex = source.position();
realSource = null;
} else if (flush && fromUChar32 != 0) {
* the entire input stream is consumed
* and there is a partial, truncated input sequence left
/* inject an error and continue with callback handling */
cr = CoderResult.malformedForLength(1);
calledCallback = false; /* new error condition */
} else {
/* input consumed */
if (flush) {
* return to the conversion loop once more if the flush
* flag is set and the conversion function has not
* successfully processed the end of the input yet
* (continue converting by breaking out of only the inner loop)
if (!converterSawEndOfInput) {
/* reset the converter without calling the callback function */
/* done successfully */
return cr;
/*U_FAILURE(*err) */
if (calledCallback || cr.isOverflow()
|| (!cr.isMalformed() && !cr.isUnmappable())) {
* the callback did not or cannot resolve the error:
* set output pointers and return
* the check for buffer overflow is redundant but it is
* a high-runner case and hopefully documents the intent
* well
* if we were replaying, then the replay buffer must be
* copied back into the UConverter
* and the real arguments must be restored
if (realSource != null) {
int length;
//agljport:todo U_ASSERT(cnv.preFromULength==0);
length = source.remaining();
if (length > 0) {
//UConverterUtility.uprv_memcpy(preFromUArray, 0, sourceArray, pArgs.sourceBegin, length*UMachine.U_SIZEOF_UCHAR);
source.get(preFromUArray, 0, length);
preFromULength = (byte) -length;
return cr;
/* callback handling */
int codePoint;
/* get and write the code point */
codePoint = fromUChar32;
errorInputLength = UTF16.append(invalidUCharBuffer, 0,
invalidUCharLength = errorInputLength;
/* set the converter state to deal with the next character */
fromUChar32 = 0;
/* call the callback function */
cr =, fromUContext,
source, target, offsets, invalidUCharBuffer,
invalidUCharLength, codePoint, cr);
* loop back to the offset handling
* this flag will indicate after offset handling
* that a callback was called;
* if the callback did not resolve the error, then we return
calledCallback = true;
* Ascertains if a given Unicode code point (32bit value for handling surrogates)
* can be converted to the target encoding. If the caller wants to test if a
* surrogate pair can be converted to target encoding then the
* responsibility of assembling the int value lies with the caller.
* For assembling a code point the caller can use UTF16 class of ICU4J and do something like:
* <pre>
* while(i<mySource.length){
* if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(mySource[i])&& i+1< mySource.length){
* if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(mySource[i+1])){
* int temp = UTF16.charAt(mySource,i,i+1,0);
* if(!((CharsetEncoderICU) myConv).canEncode(temp)){
* passed=false;
* }
* i++;
* i++;
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* or
* <pre>
* String src = new String(mySource);
* int i,codepoint;
* boolean passed = false;
* while(i<src.length()){
* codepoint = UTF16.charAt(src,i);
* i+= (codepoint>0xfff)? 2:1;
* if(!(CharsetEncoderICU) myConv).canEncode(codepoint)){
* passed = false;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @param codepoint Unicode code point as int value
* @return true if a character can be converted
/* TODO This is different from Java's canEncode(char) API.
* ICU's API should implement getUnicodeSet,
* and override canEncode(char) which queries getUnicodeSet.
* The getUnicodeSet should return a frozen UnicodeSet or use a fillin parameter, like ICU4C.
/*public boolean canEncode(int codepoint) {
return true;
* Overrides super class method
* @stable ICU 3.6
public boolean isLegalReplacement(byte[] repl) {
return true;
* Writes out the specified output bytes to the target byte buffer or to converter internal buffers.
* @param cnv
* @param bytesArray
* @param bytesBegin
* @param bytesLength
* @param out
* @param offsets
* @param sourceIndex
* @return A CoderResult object that contains the error result when an error occurs.
static final CoderResult fromUWriteBytes(CharsetEncoderICU cnv,
byte[] bytesArray, int bytesBegin, int bytesLength, ByteBuffer out,
IntBuffer offsets, int sourceIndex) {
//write bytes
int obl = bytesLength;
CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
int bytesLimit = bytesBegin + bytesLength;
try {
for (; bytesBegin < bytesLimit;) {
// success
bytesLength = 0;
} catch (BufferOverflowException ex) {
cr = CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
if (offsets != null) {
while (obl > bytesLength) {
//write overflow
cnv.errorBufferLength = bytesLimit - bytesBegin;
if (cnv.errorBufferLength > 0) {
int index = 0;
while (bytesBegin < bytesLimit) {
cnv.errorBuffer[index++] = bytesArray[bytesBegin++];
cr = CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
return cr;
* Returns the number of chars held in the converter's internal state
* because more input is needed for completing the conversion. This function is
* useful for mapping semantics of ICU's converter interface to those of iconv,
* and this information is not needed for normal conversion.
* @return The number of chars in the state. -1 if an error is encountered.
/*public*/int fromUCountPending() {
if (preFromULength > 0) {
return UTF16.getCharCount(preFromUFirstCP) + preFromULength;
} else if (preFromULength < 0) {
return -preFromULength;
} else if (fromUChar32 > 0) {
return 1;
} else if (preFromUFirstCP > 0) {
return UTF16.getCharCount(preFromUFirstCP);
return 0;
* @param source
private final void setSourcePosition(CharBuffer source) {
// ok was there input held in the previous invocation of encodeLoop
// that resulted in output in this invocation?
source.position(source.position() - fromUCountPending());
* Write the codepage substitution character.
* Subclasses to override this method.
* For stateful converters, it is typically necessary to handle this
* specificially for the converter in order to properly maintain the state.
* @param source The input character buffer
* @param target The output byte buffer
* @param offsets
* @return A CoderResult object that contains the error result when an error occurs.
CoderResult cbFromUWriteSub(CharsetEncoderICU encoder, CharBuffer source,
ByteBuffer target, IntBuffer offsets) {
CharsetICU cs = (CharsetICU) encoder.charset();
byte[] sub = encoder.replacement();
if (cs.subChar1 != 0 && encoder.invalidUCharBuffer[0] <= 0xff) {
return CharsetEncoderICU.fromUWriteBytes(encoder,
new byte[] { cs.subChar1 }, 0, 1, target, offsets, source
} else {
return CharsetEncoderICU.fromUWriteBytes(encoder, sub, 0,
sub.length, target, offsets, source.position());
* Write the characters to target.
* @param source The input character buffer
* @param target The output byte buffer
* @param offsets
* @return A CoderResult object that contains the error result when an error occurs.
CoderResult cbFromUWriteUChars(CharsetEncoderICU encoder,
CharBuffer source, ByteBuffer target, IntBuffer offsets) {
CoderResult cr = CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
/* This is a fun one. Recursion can occur - we're basically going to
* just retry shoving data through the same converter. Note, if you got
* here through some kind of invalid sequence, you maybe should emit a
* reset sequence of some kind. Since this IS an actual conversion,
* take care that you've changed the callback or the data, or you'll
* get an infinite loop.
int oldTargetPosition = target.position();
int offsetIndex = source.position();
cr = encoder.encode(source, target, null, false); /* no offsets and no flush */
if (offsets != null) {
while (target.position() != oldTargetPosition) {
/* Note, if you did something like used a stop subcallback, things would get interesting.
* In fact, here's where we want to return the partially consumed in-source!
if (cr.isOverflow()) {
/* Overflowed target. Now, we'll write into the charErrorBuffer.
* It's a fixed size. If we overflow it...Hm
/* start the new target at the first free slot in the error buffer */
int errBuffLen = encoder.errorBufferLength;
ByteBuffer newTarget = ByteBuffer.wrap(encoder.errorBuffer);
newTarget.position(errBuffLen); /* set the position at the end of the error buffer */
encoder.errorBufferLength = 0;
encoder.encode(source, newTarget, null, false);
encoder.errorBuffer = newTarget.array();
encoder.errorBufferLength = newTarget.position();
return cr;
* <p>
* Handles a common situation where a character has been read and it may be
* a lead surrogate followed by a trail surrogate. This method can change
* the source position and will modify fromUChar32.
* </p>
* <p>
* If <code>null</code> is returned, then there was success in reading a
* surrogate pair, the codepoint is stored in <code>fromUChar32</code> and
* <code>fromUChar32</code> should be reset (to 0) after being read.
* </p>
* @param source
* The encoding source.
* @param lead
* A character that may be the first in a surrogate pair.
* @return <code>CoderResult.malformedForLength(1)</code> or
* <code>CoderResult.UNDERFLOW</code> if there is a problem, or
* <code>null</code> if there isn't.
* @see #handleSurrogates(CharBuffer, char)
* @see #handleSurrogates(CharBuffer, int, char)
* @see #handleSurrogates(char[], int, int, char)
final CoderResult handleSurrogates(CharBuffer source, char lead) {
if (!UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(lead)) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1);
if (!source.hasRemaining()) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
char trail = source.get();
if (!UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(trail)) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
source.position(source.position() - 1);
return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1);
fromUChar32 = UCharacter.getCodePoint(lead, trail);
return null;
* <p>
* Same as <code>handleSurrogates(CharBuffer, char)</code>, but with arrays. As an added
* requirement, the calling method must also increment the index if this method returns
* <code>null</code>.
* </p>
* @param source
* The encoding source.
* @param lead
* A character that may be the first in a surrogate pair.
* @return <code>CoderResult.malformedForLength(1)</code> or
* <code>CoderResult.UNDERFLOW</code> if there is a problem, or <code>null</code> if
* there isn't.
* @see #handleSurrogates(CharBuffer, char)
* @see #handleSurrogates(CharBuffer, int, char)
* @see #handleSurrogates(char[], int, int, char)
final CoderResult handleSurrogates(char[] sourceArray, int sourceIndex,
int sourceLimit, char lead) {
if (!UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(lead)) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1);
if (sourceIndex >= sourceLimit) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
char trail = sourceArray[sourceIndex];
if (!UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(trail)) {
fromUChar32 = lead;
return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1);
fromUChar32 = UCharacter.getCodePoint(lead, trail);
return null;
* Returns the maxCharsPerByte value for the Charset that created this encoder.
* @return maxCharsPerByte
* @draft ICU 4.8
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public final float maxCharsPerByte() {
return ((CharsetICU)(this.charset())).maxCharsPerByte;
* Calculates the size of a buffer for conversion from Unicode to a charset.
* The calculated size is guaranteed to be sufficient for this conversion.
* It takes into account initial and final non-character bytes that are output
* by some converters.
* It does not take into account callbacks which output more than one charset
* character sequence per call, like escape callbacks.
* The default (substitution) callback only outputs one charset character sequence.
* @param length Number of chars to be converted.
* @param maxCharSize Return value from maxBytesPerChar for the converter
* that will be used.
* @return Size of a buffer that will be large enough to hold the output of bytes
* @draft ICU 49
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
public static int getMaxBytesForString(int length, int maxCharSize) {
return ((length + 10) * maxCharSize);