blob: 4effb30a08c18ebf4c6b159a38f17c7476857d31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public final class LocaleExtensions {
public static final LocaleExtensions EMPTY_EXTENSIONS = new LocaleExtensions("");
private String _extensions;
// private TreeMap<Character, String> _extMap;
private TreeMap _extMap;
// private TreeMap<String, String> _kwdMap;
private TreeMap _kwdMap;
private static final String LOCALEEXTSEP = "-";
private static final String LDMLSINGLETON = "u";
private static final String PRIVUSE = "x";
private static final int MINLEN = 3; // minimum length of string representation "x-?"
private LocaleExtensions(String extensions) {
_extensions = extensions == null ? "" : extensions;
public static LocaleExtensions getInstance(String extensions) {
if (extensions == null || extensions.length() == 0) {
// extensions = AsciiUtil.toLowerString(extensions).replaceAll("_", LOCALEEXTSEP);
extensions = Utility.replaceAll(AsciiUtil.toLowerString(extensions), "_", LOCALEEXTSEP);
if (extensions.length() < MINLEN) {
// malformed extensions - too short
return new LocaleExtensions(extensions);
// TreeMap<Character, String> extMap = null;
TreeMap extMap = null;
// TreeMap<String, String> kwdMap = null;
TreeMap kwdMap = null;
boolean bParseFailure = false;
// parse the extension subtags
// String[] subtags = extensions.split(LOCALEEXTSEP);
String[] subtags = Utility.split(extensions, '-');
String letter = null;
// extMap = new TreeMap<Character, String>();
extMap = new TreeMap();
// StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
boolean inLocaleKeywords = false;
boolean inPrivateUse = false;
String kwkey = null;
for (int i = 0; i < subtags.length; i++) {
if (subtags[i].length() == 0) {
// empty subtag
bParseFailure = true;
if (subtags[i].length() == 1 && !inPrivateUse) {
if (letter != null) {
// next extension singleton
if (extMap.containsKey(subtags[i])) {
// duplicated singleton extension letter
bParseFailure = true;
// write out the previous extension
if (inLocaleKeywords) {
if (kwkey != null) {
// no locale keyword key
bParseFailure = true;
// creating a single string including locale keyword key/type pairs
keywordsToString(kwdMap, buf);
inLocaleKeywords = false;
if (buf.length() == 0) {
// empty subtag
bParseFailure = true;
// extMap.put(Character.valueOf(letter.charAt(0)), buf.toString().intern());
extMap.put(new Character(letter.charAt(0)), buf.toString().intern());
// preparation for next extension
if (subtags[i].equals(LDMLSINGLETON)) {
// kwdMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
kwdMap = new TreeMap();
inLocaleKeywords = true;
} else if (subtags[i].equals(PRIVUSE)) {
inPrivateUse = true;
letter = subtags[i];
if (inLocaleKeywords) {
if (kwkey == null) {
kwkey = subtags[i];
} else {
kwdMap.put(kwkey.intern(), subtags[i].intern());
kwkey = null;
} else {
// append an extension/prvate use subtag
if (buf.length() > 0) {
if (!bParseFailure) {
// process the last extension
if (inLocaleKeywords) {
if (kwkey != null) {
bParseFailure = true;
} else {
// creating a single string including locale keyword key/type pairs
keywordsToString(kwdMap, buf);
if (buf.length() == 0) {
// empty subtag at the end
bParseFailure = true;
} else {
// extMap.put(Character.valueOf(letter.charAt(0)), buf.toString().intern());
extMap.put(new Character(letter.charAt(0)), buf.toString().intern());
if (bParseFailure) {
// parsing the extension string failed.
// do not set any partial results in the result.
return new LocaleExtensions(extensions);
String canonical = extensionsToCanonicalString(extMap);
LocaleExtensions le = new LocaleExtensions(canonical);
le._extMap = extMap;
le._kwdMap = kwdMap;
return le;
// This method assumes extension map and locale keyword map
// are all in canonicalized format. This method is only used by
// InternalLocaleBuilder.
// static LocaleExtensions getInstance(TreeMap<Character, String> extMap, TreeMap<String ,String> kwdMap) {
public static LocaleExtensions getInstance(TreeMap extMap, TreeMap kwdMap) {
if (extMap == null) {
String canonical = extensionsToCanonicalString(extMap);
LocaleExtensions le = new LocaleExtensions(canonical);
le._extMap = extMap;
le._kwdMap = kwdMap;
return le;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return (this == obj) ||
((obj instanceof LocaleExtensions) && _extensions == (((LocaleExtensions)obj)._extensions));
public int hashCode() {
return _extensions.hashCode();
// public Set<Character> getExtensionKeys() {
public Set getExtensionKeys() {
if (_extMap != null) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_extMap.keySet());
return null;
public String getExtensionValue(char key) {
if (_extMap != null) {
// return _extMap.get(Character.valueOf(key));
return (String)_extMap.get(new Character(key));
return null;
// public Set<String> getLDMLKeywordKeys() {
public Set getLDMLKeywordKeys() {
if (_kwdMap != null) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_kwdMap.keySet());
return null;
public String getLDMLKeywordType(String key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("LDML key must not be null");
if (_kwdMap != null) {
// return _kwdMap.get(key);
return (String)_kwdMap.get(key);
return null;
public String getCanonicalString() {
return _extensions;
public String toString() {
return _extensions;
// private static String extensionsToCanonicalString(TreeMap<Character, String> extMap) {
private static String extensionsToCanonicalString(TreeMap extMap) {
if (extMap == null || extMap.size() == 0) {
return "";
// StringBuilder canonicalbuf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuffer canonicalbuf = new StringBuffer();
String privUseStr = null;
if (extMap != null) {
// Set<Map.Entry<Character, String>> entries = extMap.entrySet();
// for (Map.Entry<Character, String> entry : entries) {
// Character key = entry.getKey();
// String value = entry.getValue();
Set entries = extMap.entrySet();
Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Character key = (Character)entry.getKey();
String value = (String)entry.getValue();
if (key.charValue() == PRIVUSE.charAt(0)) {
privUseStr = value;
if (canonicalbuf.length() > 0) {
if (privUseStr != null) {
if (canonicalbuf.length() > 0) {
return canonicalbuf.toString().intern();
// static void keywordsToString(TreeMap<String, String> map, StringBuilder buf) {
public static void keywordsToString(TreeMap map, StringBuffer buf) {
// Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = map.entrySet();
// for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
Set entries = map.entrySet();
Iterator itr = entries.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
if (buf.length() > 0) {
public static boolean isValidExtensionKey(char key) {
return AsciiUtil.isAlphaNumeric(key);
public static boolean isValidLDMLKey(String key) {
return (key.length() == 2) && AsciiUtil.isAlphaNumericString(key);
public static boolean isValidLDMLType(String type) {
return (type.length() >= 3) && (type.length() <= 8) && AsciiUtil.isAlphaNumericString(type);